Etana OB I-II

SEAL no. 1524

  • Kinnier Wilson 1985, 1Kinnier Wilson 1985, 1
  • Kinnier Wilson 1985, 4Kinnier Wilson 1985, 4
Copy / Photo
pl. 1 and 4 (copy)
2 (copy)
pl. 7 (photo)
Tablet Siglum
MLC 1363 (Morgan tablet)
Morgan Library Collection, (Yale Babylonian Collection) New Haven
1–56, pl. I–XIV
Genre / Classification
Epics, Etana

Morgan tablet col. i

1       ra-bu-tum dA-nun-na ša-i-mu ši-im-tim

2       uš-bu im-li-ku mi-li-ik-ša ma-a-ta-am

3       ba-nu ki-ib-ra-tim ša-ki-nu ši-ki-it-tim

4       ṣi-ru a-na ni-ši i-lu I-gi4-gu

5       i-sí-nam a-na ni-ši i-ši-mu

6       šar-ra-am la iš-ku-nu ka-lu ni-ši e-pí-a-tim

7       i-na ši-à-tim la ka-aṣ-ra-at ku-ub-šum me-a-nu

8       ù ḫa-aṭ-ṭù-um uq-ni-a-am la ṣa-ap-ra-at

9       la ba-nu-ú iš-te9-ni-iš pa-ra-ak-ku

10     se-bé-ta ba-bu ud-du-lu e-lu da-ap-nim

11     ha-aṭ-ṭù-um me-a-nu-um ku-ub-šum ù ši-bi-ir-ru

12     qú-ud-mi-iš A-ni-im i-na ša-ma-i ša-ak-nu

13     ú-ul i-ba-aš-ši mi-it-lu-ku ni-ši-ša

14     [ša]r-[r]u-tum i-na ša-ma-i ur-da-am

15     [... ... ...] x ⌈Ištar?⌉(⌈U.DAR⌉?) ⌈šar⌉-r[a-am] ⌈i⌉-ši-⌈i


Morgan tablet col. ii

1       li-ki-x[...]

2       mar-ḫi-is-[su ...]

3       la-aḫ-b[u- ...]

4       BU ŠU [...]

5       ù a-n[a ...]

6       LU ḪU [...]

7       il-LUM? [ ...]

8       wa-aš-[...]

9       i-na [...]

10     i-na [...]

11     i-[...]

12     il-x [...]

13      ù? [...]

Rest fragmentary


Susa tablet obv.

1'       li-iḫ-li-iq-šuṭu⌉-ú-du a-ia ú-ta ḫarrānam(KASKAL)

2'       li-ik-la-šu ne-re-eb-ta-šu šà-du-ú

3'       ka-ak-ku-um mu-úr-ta-ap-pi-du e-li-šu li-še-er

4'       ma-mi-ta-am ut-ta-ma-am-mu-ú

5'       na-ap-ḫa-ar i-ru-ú na-ap-[ḫa]-ar ul-du

6'       i-na ṣíl-lí ṣé-er-bé-timú⌉-[l]i-id ṣerrum(MUŠ)

7'       e-ru-ú it-ta-la-ad i-na ṣe-ri-šu

8'       ri-ma šà-ap-pa-ra ṣerrum(MUŠ) i-ba-ra-am-ma

9'       e-ru-ú i-ku-ul i-ku-lu ma-ru-šu

10'     ni-im-ra-am mi-in-de-<na>-am ṣerrum(MUŠ) i-ba-ra-am-⌈ma

11'     ⌈e-ru-ú i-ku-ul i-ku-lu ma-ru-šu

12'     [i]š-tu ma-ru-šu ir-bu-ú [i-ši-ḫu]

13'     [g]a-ap-pi ⌈IŠ?⌉ [x x] IR ⌈R[U? ...]

14'     ⌈e⌉-[ru-ú i-n]a li-ib-bi-šu [le-mu-ut-ta-(am) ik-pu-ud]

15'     ma-ru-ú-a-mi [...]

16'     it-ta-al-ku i-še-ú [...]

17'     i-še-ú-ni šà-am-ma [...]

18'     ⌈ùma-ru ṣerrim(MUŠ) lu-ku-[ul a-na-ku]

19'     e-te-el-li-ma i-n[a šà-ma-i?...]

20'     uš-šà-am-ma [...]

21'     ma-an-nu-um šà [...]

22'     at-mu-um [...]

23'     a-na e-[ri-i a-bi-šu ...]

24'     [l]a t[a-ka-al a-bi ...]

ca. 4 lines missing?


Susa tablet rev.

1'       [m]a-ru ṣe[rrim(MUŠ)...]

2'       li-la-tu [...]

3'       ṣerrum(MUŠ) i-ku-šà x [...]

4'       ši-i-ra š[à ...]

5'       ṣerrum(MUŠ) it-ta-di ma-ḫa-ar [...]

6'       ip-pa-li-is-ma la-aš-šu-ú [...]

7'       ṣú-up-ra-nu-uš-šu qa-qa-ra-a[m ...]

8'       ⌈x x x x⌉ šà-ma-a-a [...]

9'       [...]⌈x⌉ -ru-uš i-ba-a[k-ki ...]

10'     [... i]l-la-ka di-[ma-a]-šu

11'     at-ka-la-ak-ku-um-ma dŠamaš(UTU) qú-ra-du

12'     a-na e-ri-i ra°⌉-ma-ni a-na-ku aš-ru-⌈uk?⌉

13'     a-du-ur-mare⌉-15-ka ú-ka-ab-bi-it

14'     le-mu-ut-ta ú-ul ú-ki-il a-na ib-ri-ia

15'     šu-ú qí-in-na-šu šà-li-im-ma sà-pi-iḫ qí-in-ni?

16'     qí-in-ni ṣerrim(MUŠ) da-ma-mi-iš i-we

17'     šà-al-mu at-mu-šu la-aš-šu-ú ma-ru-ú-a

18'     úr-da-am-ma i-ta-ka-al li-da-ni-ia

19'     lum-na il-li-ka dŠamaš(UTU) lu ti-de

20'     še-et-ka qé-er-bé-tu ra-pa-[aš-tu]

21'     gi-iš-pi-ir-ra-ka [šà-ma-ú ru-qú-]tu

22'     i-na še-ti-ka a-a [ú-ṣi] e-ru-ú

23'     e-pi-iš le-mu-[ut-ti ù a]n-zi-il-li

24'     mu-ki-il l[e-mu-ut-t]i a-na ib-ri-šu


Morgan tablet col. v

1'       x?[...]

2'       lu-ta-[...]

3'       da-ap-[...]

4'       ṣe-ru p[a-a-šu ...]

5'       ma-a ú-wa-[aš-ša-ar-ka-ma ...]

6'       še20-re-et-k[a ...]

7'       ut-ta-ṣi(-)[...]

8'       ib-qú-un-šu-m[a id-di-šu ...]

9'       a-ša-ar mu-ú [...]

10'     pa-ʾa4-ṣí-iš e-r[i-i ...]

11'     iš-pi-il ŠI I[D? ...]

12'     U4-mi-ša-am-ma [...]

13'     Ša-am-šu qá-ti ṣa-b[a-at]

14'     ia-ti-i[-ma e-ra-am bu-ul-li-iṭ]

15'     dŠamaš(UTU) pi-šu i-p[u-ša-am-ma ...]

16'     le-em-né-ti-i[a ...]

17'     an-zi-lam ša i-[li ...]


Morgan tablet col. vi

1'       [q]á-as-sú iṣ-ba-ta-am se-bé-e-et⌉ I[TI?meš?]

2'       [s]a-am-na-am wa-ar-ḫa-am ú-še20

3'       e-ru-ú ma-ḫi-ir ú-ku-ul-ta-am ki-ma né-ši-im na-e-ri

4'       e-mu-qá-am i-šu

5'       e-ru-umpa-a⌉-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma a-na E-ta-na-ma is-sà-qá-ar-šu

6'       ib-ri lu-ú it-ba-ra-nu a-na ù at-ta

7'       qí-bi-a-am-ma ša te-e-er-re-ša-an-ni lu-ud-di-ik-ku

8'       E-ta-napa-a⌉-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma a-na e-ri-im-ma is-sà-qá-ar-šu

9'       i-ni-maṣillum⌉(⌈GIŠ⌉.GI6) p[i-t]é ka-ti-im-ti



Morgan tablet col. i

1       The great Anunna, who determine destiny,

2       sat pondering about its (the destiny’s) decision concerning the land.

3       The creators of the (world’s) boundaries, who set fast the ordinance,

4       the Igigu gods, exalted for the people,

5       ordained a feast for the people.

6       They had not instituted a king among the teeming people,

7       here had been bound neither turban nor tiara,

8       The scepter had not yet been set with lapis.

9       Not yet had the daises been built completely,

10     the seven gates were still barred against the mighty.

11     Scepter, turban, tiara and shepherd's crook

12     were placed before Anum in the heavens.

13     No common counsel existed for its (the land’s) people.

14     Kingship(?) descended from the heavens.

15     [...] Ištar(?) sought a king(?).


Morgan tablet col. ii



Susa tablet obv.

1'       “May the path be lost to him, may he not find the way,

2'       may the mountains deny his entrance,

3'       may the errant weapon make straight for him.”

4'       They mutually swore (this) oath.

5'       Together they were pregnant, together they gave birth,

6'       in the shade of the poplar did the serpent give birth,

7'       while the eagle gave birth above him.

8'       The serpent would hunt down a wild bull (or) ram,

9'       (and) the eagle would eat, his young would eat.

10'     The serpent would hunt down a panther, a cheetah,

11'     (and) the eagle would eat, his young would eat.                    

12'     After his young had grown up [and flourished?],

13'     wings ... [...].

14'     But the eagle [plotted wickedness] in his heart:

15'     “My young”, he said, “... [...]

16'     have gone out to seek [...],”

17'     to seek the/a plant [...].

18'     However, I myself would eat the serpent’s young,

19'     I will climb up and [in heaven ...].

20'     I will sit [...]

21'     Who ... [...]”

22'     A fledgling [...]

23'     To the e[agle, his father ...]

24'     “Don’t e[at, my father, ...]


Susa tablet rev.

1'       [The ser]pent’s you[ng ...].

2'       At night [...]

3'       the serpent approached [...].

4'       The meat o[f ...].

5'       The serpent cast (it) down before [...].

6'       He looked but there was nothing [...].

7'       With his claw on the ground [...]

8'       ... the heavens [...].

9'       [The serpent] we[pt... ] ...,

10'     [before Šamaš] his te[ars] flew down:

11'     “I trusted you, o hero Šamaš!

12'     I presented myself to the eagle:

13'     I was worried and respected the oath sworn by you,

14'     I harbored no wickedness for my friend.

15'     But he, his nest is sound, (though) mine is scattered.

16'     The serpent’s nest has turned to wailing.

17'     His fledglings are healthy, while my young are no more.

18'     He descended and ate my brood.

19'     You, Šamaš, well know that he has acted wickedly.

20'     Your net is the wi[de] meadow,

21'     your snare is the di[stant heaven].

22'     From your net may the eagle not escape,

23'     who has committed wickedness [and a]trocity,

24'     harboring wickedness for his friend.”


Morgan tablet col. v

1'–3' (fragmentary)        

4'       The serpent [opened his mou]th [and spoke to the eagle:]

5'       “What! Were I to set [you fr]ee [...],

6'       your punishment [...].”

7'       He spread(?) [...].

8'       He plucked him, [cast him down ...].

9'       Where ... [...]

10'     To rend the ea[gle] asunder(?) [...].

11'     He sunk low ... [...].

12'     Daily [...]:

13'     “O Šamaš, gra[sp] my hand! [...]

14'     Let me, the eagle, live [...].”

15'     Šamaš op[ened] his mouth [and spoke:]

16'     “Wickedness against m[e ...],

17'     an atrocity of the gods [...].”


Morgan tablet col. vi

1'       He grasped his [ha]nd for seven mo[nths? ...].    

2'       In the eighth month he let him pass from his pit.

3'       As the eagle took food like a ravenous lion,

4'       he gained strength.

5'       The eagle opened his mouth and spoke to Etana:

6'       “My friend! Let us become friends, you and I,

7'       say what you want from me and I’ll give it to you.”

8'       Etana opened his mouth and spoke to the eagle:

9'       “My sight is shadow, open up what is hidden from me!”


Word Translation Semantic Line
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere Morgan obv. i 12
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū DN Morgan obv. i 1
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings Morgan obv. 10
erûm I eagle Susa obv. 7', 9', 11', 14', 23', [Susa rev. 8'], Susa rev. 12', 22', Morgan rev. v 9', Morgan rev. vi 3', 5', 8'
Etana PN, RN Morgan rev. vi 5', 8'
gappum wing Susa obv. 13'
gišparrum, gišperrum trap, snare Susa rev. 21'
ḫarrānum (KASKAL) way, road, journey Susa obv. 1'
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) stick, sceptre Fabricated objects Morgan obv. i 8, 11
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods Deities/Divine sphere Morgan obv. i 4
īnum (IGI) eye Body/Body parts Morgan rev. vi 9'
isinnum festival Morgan obv. i 5
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere [Morgan obv. i 15]
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle Fabricated objects Susa obv. 3'
kubšum head cloth, turban Morgan obv. i 7, 11
līdānum chick, young bird Susa rev. 18'
līliātum evening Susa rev. 2'
marḫītum mate, wife, spouse Morgan obv. ii 2
meānum tiara Morgan obv. i 7, 11
mindinum cheetah Susa obv. 10'
nērebtum entrance, entry Susa obv. 2'
nēšum, nīšum (UR.MAH) lion Fauna (wild) Morgan rev. vi 3'
nimrum leopard Susa obv. 10'
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings Morgan obv. i 9
qātum (ŠU) hand Body/Body parts Morgan rev. v 12', Morgan rev. vi 1'
qerbetum environs (of a settlement), meadowland Susa rev. 20'
qinnum nest; family Fabricated objects [Susa rev. 5'], Susa rev. 15', 16'
ramānum self Susa rev. 11'
rīmum (AM) wild bull Fauna (wild) Susa obv. i 8'
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country Nature/Cosmological phenomena Susa obv. 2'
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Deities/Divine sphere Susa rev. 11', 19', Morgan rev. v 12', 14'
šammum (Ú) grass, herb, plant Flora Susa obv. 17'
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven Nature/Cosmological phenomena Morgan obv. i 12, 14, [Susa obv. 19'], Susa rev. 8'
šappārum wild ram Susa obv. 8'
ṣarbatum (gišÁSAL) poplar Susa obv. 6'
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions Morgan obv. i 6, 15
ṣerrum I (MUŠ) snake Susa obv. 6', 8', 10', 18', Susa rev. 1', 3', 5', 9', 16'
šētum net Susa rev. 20', 22'
šibirrum shepherd´s staff, sceptre Social status/Groups/Professions Morgan obv. i 11
ṣuprum finger, toe-nail, claw, hoof Body/Body parts Susa rev. 7'
šuttatum pitfall Morgan rev. vi 2'
ṭūdum way, path Locations/Buildings Susa obv. 1'
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) lapis lazuli, turquoise Materials Morgan obv. 8
Signs in text
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Catalogue, basic transliteration,
Streck, Michael P.
Final transliteration, translation and
Streck, Michael P.
Wasserman, Nathan
Correction, bibliography
Streck, Michael P.
Images, Bibliography