Gilg. MB Boghazkoy 1

SEAL no. 1567

Tablet Siglum
Bo 83/614, 615, 625, 627 + 658 + 633 + 634
Genre / Classification
Epics, Gilgameš

Fragment (a), obv.

1       [ḫarimtu pîša īpušamma]

2       [izzakkara anadEn-ki-dù

3       dam-qá-ta-ma d⌉[En-ki-dù kīma ili tabašši?]

4       [ammīni i]t-ti nam-ma-aš-temeš ša ṣēr[itattanallak]

5       […]x ib ⌈ša/ta⌉ ki-ma ilim(DINGIR)lim ta-bá-áš-ši

6       [mannumma kīma kâti šaruḫi-n]a zi-ik-kà-ri

7       [ḫarimtu pîša īpušamma]

8       [izzakkara]⌈a-na dEn-ki-dù

9       al-kam dEn-ki-dù [lurdēka]

10     [a-na gupri ša rēʾî] a-šar tarbāṣi(TÙR)

11     1-šu iš-ḫu-uṭ-ma šu-ú it-tal-bá-aš

12     [libša šanâ ramānša labšat?]

13     [qāssu ṣa-ab-t]a-at ki-ma ilim(DINGIR)lim pa-ni-šu[illak?]

14     [ana gupri ša rēʾî a-ša]rtarbāṣi(TÙR)

15     [ina ṣērīšu ipḫurū rēʾû]

16     [ītammu? um-m]a-num a-na ra-ma-an-nu!(DU)-uš

17     [anāmi Gilgāmeš ma-šil pa-da-t]a

18     la-a-na ša-pi-il i-ṣé-em-ta [pukkul]

19     [minde ša iwwaldu i-n]a ša-di-i

20     (GA)ši-iz-ba ša nam-maš-teme[š ītenniq]

21     [akla iškunū maḫaršu]

22     [i]p-pal-li-ís aklam(NINDA)lam ú-tá-ad-dì-ir

23     [kurunna iškunū maḫaršu]

24     [ippallis kurunna] ⌈ú-tá-ad-dirx(TAR)

25     [ḫarimtu pîša īpušamma izzakkara ana Enkidu]

26     ⌈a-ku-ul aklam(NINDA)lam dEn-ki-dù [simat ilūti]

27     [kurunna šiti si-m]a-at šàr-ru-ut-tim

28     [īkul akla Enkidu adi šebêšu]

29     [ku]-ru⌉-n[a iš-t]i-ma ⌈7⌉ [assammī …]


Fragment (b)         

1'      [x x x] x […]

2'      ṣ-ṣa-ab-tù d[…]

3'      i-na ma-le-e-šu⌉ […]

4'      ⌈a-na arki(EGIR)-šu d[…]

5'      [d]GIŠ-gim-maš umm[a(AMA)-ka? ūlidka? …]

6'      [ù] i-na x[…]

7'      [x x] x x […]


Fragment (c)         

1'      […] ⌈ù⌉ x[…]

2'      […]x-mi ša t[a?-…]

3'      […]-⌈a?⌉-ti a-ia i-x[…]

4'      […]-ši i-na ŠÀ-bi x[…]

5'      […]x-ia patrū(GÍR)ḫá li-iḫ-[…]

6'      […] a-na dGIŠ-gim-maš a-n[a-ku? …]

7'      […] ma-na i-na ši-ib-bi-[ka …]

8'      […] aš-ku-un KI-im-mi-x[…]


Fragment (d)         

1'       […] x[…]

2'       [ila ša iqabbû lūmur]

3'       [ša šumšu it-ta-na-a]m-bá-lu qaqqa[ru(KI)]

4'       [lukšussuma ina qišti erēni]

5'       [kīma dannu perʾu ša Uruk l]u-še-eš-mi m[āta(KUR)]

6'       [qātī luškunma luksuma erēna]

7'       [šu-ma š]a dá-re-e a-n[a-ku luštakna]

8'       [šībūtu ša Uruk ...]

9'       ⌈a-na mi-nim ta-a[ḫ-ši-iḫ annâ epēša]

10'     [qabal lā ma-ḫa-a]r! šu-bat dḪu-w[a-wa]

11'     [mannu ša imaḫḫaru kakkīšu?]

12'     [a-na šūši?] bé-ru⌉ n[u-ma-at qištu …]


Fragment (e)         

1'       [...]x

2'       [...]-ia

3'       [... t]u-ul-li-kam te-[x (…)]

4'       [...]x-ma

5'       [...]x i-na āli(URU)k[i (...)]

6'       [...]x-IG-ma x[(...)]

7'       [...]-šu

8'       [...] i-šu-ú [(...)]

9'       [...]x i-x[x (...)]


Fragment (a), rev. 

1'       [... tu-ša-ak-ši]-dá-aš-šu a-na maḫ-ri-ia

2'       […]x-ti e-ta-lu-ti

3'       [… e ta-ḫu-u]z aš-ša-ta ù la-le-e-ša

4'       [e tešbe? …]x usukki?([T]E.MURUB4.ḪÉ) ra-bi-i-ti

5'       [… ir-t]a-ap-pu-dá i-na ṣe-er mu-ḫi-šu

6'       [Enkidu pîšu īpušamma izzakkara ana Gilgameš ši]-ma-an-ni ib-ri

7'       [... tu-u]r a-ra-aḫ né-er-šu-ma

8'       [...]x a-na še-er-ri-im

9'       [...]⌈e-ri


Fragment (f)         

1'       [...]x x[...]x x[...]

2'       [...] a-di i-ta-a-mu-ma i-te-x[...]

3'       [...]x x-ṣí im-ta-aq-qú-ut-ma ú-ul x[...]

4'       [...]-šu {ma-an-ni} x[...]

5'       [... ki-m]a dḪu-wa-wa i-n[é?-ru? ...]

6'       [...] x x[ x ]x ga ⌈di-n[i?...]

7'       [...] ⌈a-na-dá-a-ma a-na ḫa?⌉-[...]

8'       [...]x ⌈KI TI⌉ ù eṭlu(GURUŠ) la i-le-ʾ-[u...]

9'       [...] ù di-in dEn-ki-dù i-p[á-ar-ra-su? …]

10'     [...] ⌈d⌉giš-gim-maš a-ši-ib i-na bīti(É)-š[u ...]

11'     [...]-⌈ṣa lu-la-a-šu dEn-ki-dù x[...]

12'     [...] ⌈i?-mu-ra ša ki-ma i⌉-[...]

13'     [...]x na-ki-im-me-e a-ia⌉[...]

14'     [... -r]a-a-tù ⌈li-ib-kà-a x[...]

15'     [... En-ki]-dù a-na šu-wa-a-tù iz-[za-kà-ra ana Gilgameš ...]

16'     [...]-te-li-a la x[...]

17'     [...]x x[...]


Fragment (a), obv.

1       [The harlot opened her mouth]        

2       [and said to] Enkidu:

3       “You are handsome, [Enkidu, you are just like a god,]

4       [why do you range] with the beasts in the wild?

5       [...] ... you are like a god,       

6       [who] among men [is as splendid as you?]”

7       [The harlot opened her mouth]        

8       [and said] to Enkidu:

9       “Come, Enkidu, [let me lead you]   

10     to the shepherds’ camp, the site of the sheep-pen.”

11     One (garment) she stripped and he dressed himself,      

12     [the other garment she put on herself.]

13     She took him by the hand, walking before him like a god,    

14     [to the shepherds’ camp, the site] of the sheep-pen.

15     [The shepherds gathered about him,]         

16     [the] crowd [talked] among themselves:

17     “[In build he is the equal of Gilgameš,]     

18     (but) shorter in stature and [sturdier] of bone,

19     [For sure it is he who was born] in the uplands,  

20     the milk of beasts [he used to suck.]”

21     [They put bread before him,]  

22     he peered at the bread, he was perturbed.

23     [They put beer before him,]    

24     [he peered at the beer,] he was perturbed.

25     [The harlot opened her mouth]        

26     [and said to Enkidu:]

27     “Eat the bread, Enkidu, [fit for a god,]      

28     [drink the beer,] fit for a king!”

29     [Enkidu ate the bread until he was sated,]  

30     [he] drank [the] beer, seven [jugs (full) ...]


Fragment (b)

1'       [...] ... [...],

2'       They took each other (by the hand) [...]    

3'       in his matted hair [...]    

4'       to his rear   

5'       [... Enkidu opened his mouth and said to Gilgameš: “As one unique,]     

5'       Gilgameš, [your] mother [bore you ...]      

6'       [and] in [...]”       


Fragment (c)

1'       [...] and [...]

2'       “[...] ... which you [... ]

3'       [...] ... may he not ... [...]        

4'       [...] ... in the middle of ... [...] 

5'       [...] my [...] may the dirks ... [...]”    

6'       [Enkidu opened his mouth and said] to Gilgameš: “I [...]      

7'       ... x] minas in [your] belt [...] 

8'       [...] I set ... [...]”   


Fragment (d)

1'       [...]   

2'       [I will see the god, of whom they speak,]  

3'       [whose name] the earth [does constantly repeat]. 

4'       [I will conquer him in the Forest of Cedar,]        

5'       [that Uruk’s offshoot is mighty I] will have the [land] learn.  

6'       [Let me start work and chop down the cedar,]    

7'       [a name] of eternity I [will establish forever!]”    

6'       [The elders of Uruk gave an answer to Gilgameš:]     

7'       “Why do you desire [to do this thing?]     

8'       [An unwinnable battle] is the ambush of Ḫuwawa.      

9'       [Who is there that can withstand his weapons?   

10'     For sixty] leagues [the forest] is a [wilderness ...]”


Fragment (e)

1'       “[...]

2'       [...] my [...]”

3'       “[...] may I come (back)! You [...]   

4'       [...] and      

5'       [...] in the city      

6'       [...] and      

7'       [...] him.”   

8'       [...] has      

9'       [ ...] ... [...] 


Fragment (a), rev.

1'      “[... you] brought into my presence

2'      [...] ... of princeliness

3'      [... may you not marry] a wife, of] her charms

4'      [may you not have your fill] [...] great cheekbone(?) ...

5'      [...] run here and there, on top of his skull.

6'      [Enkidu opened his mouth and said to Gilgameš: “Listen] to me, my friend”,

7'      [...] once again hurry, smite him!

8'      [...] for a baby

9'      [...] ... [...]”



Fragment (f)

1'       [...] ... [...] ... [...] 

2'       [...] while they spoke ... [...]   

3'       [...] ... he kept falling and did not [...]       

4'       [...] for him

5'       [... that] they [slew] Ḫuwawa [...]     

6'       [...] ... verdict [...]          

7'       [...] I will cast down and to ... [...]    

8'       [...] ... the powerless man [...]

9'       [...] and they [were judging] the case of Enkidu [...]     

10'     [...] Gilgameš was sitting in his house [...] 

11'     [...] ... Enkidu [...]        

12'     [...] he saw, one (who) like [...]        

13'     “[...] may he not [acquire] descendants [...]         

14'     [...] let the [...] mourn ... [...]” 

15'     Enkidu said to him, [to Gilgameš: “[...]     

16'     [...] ... not [...]”  

Word Translation Semantic Line
ak(a)lum (NINDA) bread, loaf, food a 22, 26
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city e 5’
aššatum, aštum wife a rev. 3’
bērum III (DANNA) double hour, league d 12’
bītum (É) house f 10’
dīnum (DI.KU5) verdict, case, judgement, legal decision f 9’
Enkidu PN a 1, 5, 14, f 9’, 11’, 15’
eṣemtum (uzuGÌR.PAD.DU) bone a 10
etellūtum, etallūtum supremacy a rev. 2’
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man f 8’
Gilgameš PN b 5’, f 10’
Ḫuwawa PN d 6’, f 5’
ibrum, ebrum friend, colleague a rev. 6’
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity a 2, 7
kurunnum kind of beer or wine a 16
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion a rev. 3’
lānum body, figure; stature, form a 10
malûm II matted, dirty (body) hair b 3’
manûm mina c 7’
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country d 3’
muḫḫum skull, top, head a rev. 5’
nammaštûm, nammaššûm moving things, animals a 2, 11
padattum form, frame a 10
patrum sword, dagger c 5'
qaqqarum (KI) earth, ground d 2’
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country a 11
šarrūtum kingship, reign a 15
šerrum young child, baby a rev. 8’
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards a 2
simtum appropriate symbol, characteristic a 26
šibbum I, šippum belt c 7’
šizbum (GA) milk a 11
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place d 6’
tarbaṣum (TÙR) animal stall, courtyard a 6, 8
ummānum army, troops a 9
ummum mother b 5’
usukkum temple, upper cheek a rev. 4’
zikarum, zikrum (NITA) male, virile; man a 4
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Khait, Ilya
Transliteration, translation, commentary, index
Streck, Michael P.
Streck, Michael P.