SEAL no. 1597
TMH 12 Pl. 1 copy1.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 2 copy2.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 3 (HS 1885).jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 4 (HS 1885).jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 5 (N 4026)a.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 5 (N 4026)b.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 6 (N 1338)a.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 6 (N 1338)b.jpg
Middle Babylonian copy
(missing circa 2 lines)
1' [............................................. ] ⌈tar? zi⌉
2' [............................................. ] ⌈x ú⌉ ki
3' [x x x x (x)] ⌈ti?⌉ ú-šat-li-ma dIN.NIN.NA
4' [x x x ] ⌈a⌉-a-ba a-šar qab-li
5' [x x x x] i-tap-pu-lam a-šar a-na-an-ti
6' [a]-⌈ša-as⌉-si-ma ki-i diškur ú-pa-a a-ša-kan
7' a-na um-ma-an Sa-am-su-di-ta-na ⌈uṭ⌉-ṭa-a UD-ma
8' a-ma-aḫ-ḫa-aṣ gi-ip-ši-šu-nu ⌈ú⌉-šam-qat
9' ú-pa-ar-ra-ar ki-iṣ-ri-šu-nu ⌈ú⌉-šam-la EDIN
10'. a-qá-at-tap eṭ-lu-ú-ti pe-e-la-a a-pa-ʾ-ʾa4(ḪA)-aṣ
11' at-mi-šu-um-ma a-la-aq-qá-ta bur-ma-mi
12' ul-te-mé-ed ma-ra-šu-nu a-bu-ba
13' ša-ga-an-tu-ú-a ú-tar-ra-ka as-li-šu
14' [a-š]a-[a]m-ma-aṭ ki-i qa-a-qú-li a-tab-ba-[ak]
15' [(x) x x na]-⌈ak⌉-ri-ia a-ba-⌈ar x x ki-i dur⌉ [x (x)]
16' [................. ] ⌈x⌉ ri ti [.................................... ]
17' [................. ] ⌈x⌉ da [...................................... ]
18' [................... ] ⌈x⌉ [........................................ ]
19'... [................... ] ⌈x⌉ [........................................ ]
20'... [x x (x)] ⌈at-ta-kip?-ma⌉ 2.KAM? [..................... ]
21' ... [ki-i] ⌈d⌉Èr-ra-kal a-ša-⌈ag⌉-[gi-iš.................... ]
22'... [ú?-n]a?-ap-pa-áṣ ki-i a-gi-i ú-[........................ ]
23'. [a-q]a-am-mi ki-i dBIL.GI ka-a-ra ⌈x x⌉ [x x (x)]
24' [qu]m-mu-ú-a ú-ḫa-am-ma-ṭú-šu-nu-⌈ti⌉
25' [ku]l-la-at za-i-ri ú-ša-aš-qa im-tam
26' [ki]b-rat er-bet-tam šu-mi a-ša-kan
27' ⌈ù⌉ ma-at ⌈kiš-ša⌉-tim il-tam-ma-ru ⌈qur⌉-di-ia
28' qar-ra-du-ú-šu [(x)] iš-mu-ú mi-⌈x⌉-[x]-šu
29' ša la-ab-bu gaṣ-ṣú it-pe-š[u (x x) t]u?-qum-⌈tam⌉
30' mu-ú-ta la i[d-d]a-ru at-mu-ú-š[u-nu x x (x)] MÈ
31'... it-bi-ma ⌈x⌉-[(x)]-šu dan-nu ša [...................... i]t?-bu-ú-šu
32'... ki-i ne-e-[ši? x]-⌈ne?⌉-e i-tal-li[-il?......................... -a]n-du
33'... ek-du ša ⌈x⌉ [x x (x)]-li-lum mu-tu-[.............. ] ⌈x⌉ nu [(x)]
34' qar-ra-du-[(x)]-⌈ú⌉ i-ta-mu [x x (x)] ⌈nu?⌉ [(x)]
35'... i-ba-aš-š[i x x (x) m/b]a ši ⌈x⌉ [................................. ]
36'... ša ub-lam [............... ] ⌈x id⌉ [.................................. ]
37'... i-ta-[––] ⌈ú?⌉ na ⌈x⌉ [––] ⌈a⌉-na [............................... ]
38' a-na ⌈x⌉ [––] ⌈x⌉ ru di ⌈x⌉ [––]
39' ù [––] ⌈x⌉ i-ṣa-bat i-n[a ––]
40' šu [––]-i a-na il-te-e[n ––]
41' [–– il-t]e-en ni si ⌈x⌉ [––]
42' [––] ⌈x⌉-as-su ga [––]
43' [–– t]ar-ru gi ⌈x⌉ [––]
44' [––]-⌈x⌉-ru-uk-ka [––]
1 [––] ⌈x⌉ mu-ú-tim [––]
2 [–– z]i? id-di din [––]
3 [––] ⌈x⌉ ul ta-ma-ḫar l[i? ––]
4 ⌈a⌉ [–– q]a!?-bal ḫur-ri [––]
5 ú-⌈ma?⌉-[––] ar-di-ka [––]
6 i-ru-[ub?––] am ma ak [––]
7 mu-ša-rum ⌈ru⌉ [––] ⌈x⌉ ma [––]
8 ul i-na bur-ki-[šu?-(nu) ––] ⌈x x⌉ [––]
9....... ú-ša-kil-⌈šu⌉-[nu-ti........................................................ ]
10..... ni-it-ta-⌈lak⌉ [.... ] ⌈x x⌉ [............................................... ]
11..... am ḫa id [... ] ⌈x⌉ na e [.................................................. ]
12..... i-te-eš-ra ⌈x⌉ [.... ] ši-pi-ir [........................................... ]
13..... mi-im-ma [........ ] i-li-ik b[u?......................................... ]
14..... ul-ta-ḫa-zu-⌈ú⌉ [........ ] ša-aṭ-ra a-[............................... ]
15..... šu-me-lu ⌈x⌉ [....... ] ša eṭ-lu-ú-[ti]
16..... ⌈ša⌉-ap-ta-i[a....... ]-ra ta-da-ga-l[a]-⌈an⌉-ni
17..... [x š]i? pi ra [....... kī] ⌈bar⌉-ba-ri a-kul ki-i [z]i-i-bi
18..... [x (x)] ⌈ep⌉-pu-uš [.... kī] dAšnan!(TIR) i-di pa-ag-ra
19 [i-n]a ⌈é [n]a?-re-e ṣa-lam-ka lu-uš-zi-iz
20..... [....... ] ⌈x⌉ a [ša? a]r-ki ga-mi-il a-a-bi te-bu-ú ⌈ar-di?⌉
21..... [....... ] ⌈ú⌉ ru iz-za-qá-ra a-na Gul-⌈ki⌉-šár šu-túr eṭ-⌈lu⌉-[ú-ti]
22..... [....... ] be-lum ki-i ti-du-ú i-ni-pu-uš
23..... [....... b]u? it-ta-ša ka-la-ma am-mar
24..... [....... ḫ]u? a-na ka-a-ša i-ma-aḫ-ḫa-ru-ka
25..... [....... ] ⌈x⌉-li-it-ta mu-a-bi-ta-at ša-di-i dan-n[a-tum]
26..... [....... ] ⌈ú?⌉-na-[š]i?⌉-ka
27..... [....... ] il-da-šu-nu ul ⌈x⌉ [(x x)] ⌈x x⌉ ⌈na?⌉ [(x x)]
28..... [....... ] ⌈x?⌉ ⌈da/ša?⌉-la-ti lu ⌈x⌉ [.................................... ]
29..... [.......... ]-⌈a?-ti!?⌉ i-na ⌈x⌉ [............................................. ]
30..... [............................... ] ⌈x⌉ [.......................................... ]
31..... [................................................................................... ]
32..... [.......................... ] ⌈x⌉ [............................................... ]
33..... [........................................ ] ⌈x⌉ ik ta [.......................... ]
34..... [........................................ ] ⌈x⌉ i da pi ⌈x⌉ [.................. ]
35..... [........................................ ] ga ⌈li/tu⌉ [......................... ]
36..... [........................ ] ⌈x⌉ [n]a?/⌈ud?⌉ le-mut-ta-⌈šu x⌉ [(x)]
37..... [.................................... ] ⌈x ú⌉-še-ṣú-ú ra-man-šu
38..... [.................................... ] ⌈da/ša?⌉ ša-me-e
39..... [.................................... ]-⌈ma?⌉ li-i-tam
40..... [.................................... n]a-mu-ur-ra-at-ka
41..... [.................................... tu-k]a?-aš-ša-da na-aṣ-mad-ka
42..... [................................. ] ⌈i⌉-⌈qab⌉-bi
43..... [............................. ] ⌈x x⌉ na-ra-am-ti A.AB.BA
44..... [............................. ] ⌈x⌉-ša tu-ut-ta-i-da ia-ši
45..... [............................... ] ⌈ú?-še?-bil⌉ a-na na-ak-ri-ka
46..... [.................................... ] ⌈x-x⌉-lu-ni-ik-ku
47..... [.................................... ]-šu ta-ḫa-za-am
48..... [.................................... ]-⌈nu⌉-ka
49..... [...................................... š]ap?-li-ia
50..... [.................................... pu?]-⌈luḫ⌉-tam
51..... [..................... ] ⌈ik?⌉ dIN.NIN.NA
(missing circa 2 lines)
1' ...
2' ...
3'.... [....... ] Ištar bestowed generously.
4'.... [....... ] the enemy (at) the place of battle.
5'.... [....... ] he/she repeatedly answered (at) the place of conflict.
6' “I roar and like Adad I will make clouds!
7' I will darken the day for the troops of Samsu-ditāna!
8' I will defeat their massed (body); I will smite (them)!
9' I will scatter their group; I will fill the battlefield (with their corpses)!
10' I will pluck out the young men; I will crush the egg(s)!
11' I will destroy their hatchlings and the piglets!
12' I will make their son(s) clash with a flood!
13' In my roaring, I will beat his young sheep!
14' [I will] tear (them) loose! Like qaqullu-plants I will throw them [down]!
15'.. [....... of] my [en]emy I will catch! [I will... ] like a knot/rope [...]!
16' ...
17' ...
18' ...
19' ...
20'.. [....... ] I will continuously charge and a second (time) [...... ]!
21'.. [Like] Errakal, I will slaugh[ter.......................................... ]
22'.. [I] will demolish like the flood; I [...................................... ]!
23'.. [I] will burn like Girra! The mooring-place [....................... ]!
24' In my burning power, I will burn them (all)!
25' I will let [a]ll of (my) enemies be drenched in venom!
26' I will make my name known in the [f]our world quarters!
27' And the land(s) of the entire world will praise my heroic deeds!”
28'.. His warriors listened (to) his [............................................ ]
29' “–The one who is a murderous lion, skilled in battle,
30'.. (who) does not fear death, whose hatchlings [ ] combat.”
31' He set out … the strong one who […]reared up against him
32'.. like a … lion he boast[ed .................................................. ]
33'.. The furious one who [........ ] ....... [....... ] …
34'.. (His) warriors [.... ] … are speaking [......... ] …
35'.. “There is [....... ] … [.................................. ]
36'.. which he brought [........ ] … [................... ]
37' … [––] to [––]
38' To [––] … [––]
39' And [––] he will seize i[n ––]
40' [––] to/for the first [––]
41' [–– fi]rst … [––]
42' [––] … [––]
43' [––] … [––]
44' [––] … [––]
1 [––] (of) death [––]
2 [––] he casted down … [––]
3 [––] you don't confront [––]
4 … [––] in a hole [––]
5 … [––] (of) your servant [––]
6 He enter[ed––] … [––]
7 The inscription [––] … [––]
8 not on [his/their?] knees [––] … [––]
9....... He fed t[hem (i.e. his troops)......................................... ]
10..... “We will depart [.......................................................... ]
11..... … […] … [................................................................... ”]
12..... He went straight ahead [..... ] the plan (of) [................... ]
13..... Whatever [...... ] he went [............................................ ]
14..... They have instructed [... ] (what is) written [................. ]
15..... Left [..... ] of the young men [....................................... ]
16..... “My lips [are.................................... ] you look at me
17..... [....... (”)] … [“… like] a wolf! Devour like a vulture!
18..... [....... ] I will do […] Smite down corpse(s) [like] grain!”
19. [“I]n the house of steles, may I erect your statue!”
20..... [....... who] follow(s) the one who spares the enemy, my servant
21..... [....... ] … speaks to Gulkišar, the greatest among men:
22..... [“...... ] lord, as you know, it will happen!
23..... [....... ] her sign, I see it all!
24..... [....... ] against you, they will oppose you!
25..... [....... ] … the-strong-one-who-destroys-the-mountains (f.)
26..... [....... ] tore (him) apart.
27..... [....... ] their offspring not [........................................... ]
28..... [....... ] … [................................................................... ]
29..... [....... ] in? [.................................................................. ]
30 …
31 …
32 …
33..... [................. ] … [......................................................... ]
34..... [................. ] … [......................................................... ]
35..... [................. ] … [......................................................... ]
36..... [........................................ ] his wickedness [............... ]
37..... [............................................. that] he will save himself.
38..... [.................................................................. ] heaven.
39..... [................................................................ ] victory.
40..... [........................ ] your awe-inspiring radiance.
41..... [..................... you] will drive your team (of horses).”
42..... [........................................... ] says.
43..... [.......................... ] the beloved (f.) of the Sea(land):
44..... [“....................................... ] you praised repeatedly!
45..... [.................................... ] I sent to your enemy
46..... [............................................. ] …
47..... [............................................. ] battle.
48..... [............................................. ] your […]
49..... [............................................. ] below me.
50..... [.................................................. f]ear.
51[ ”] Ištar.