SEAL no. 1616
YBC 4643 obv. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
YBC 4643 rev. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
CDLI No. P305850.
For the suggestion that provenance of the text is "the library of the Enki Temple in Larsa", see Sigrist/Goodnick Westenholz 2008, 672 (following Dyckhoff 1999, 112).
col. i
i 1 [a-na eš-še20-t]im ša-tim a-ri-a-tum it-ba-la ḫi-ib-ši
i 2 [e-re]-⌈ma⌉-am zi-ib-ba-sú il-te-qé mu-di-tum°
i 3 [dUTU ši]-it-mu-rum ḫi-ta-pu-ut e-li-ia
i 4 [ši-mi] me-ḫi-ir! ṣí-ḫa-ti-ia i-na sú-pi-im i-li-a-ni-ma
i 5 ta-ma!?-ṣí ra-mi la ta-qi4-ip-pí-šu
i 6 da-an-ni-iš ta-ma-ḫi la ta-ta-ka-li-šum at-ti
i 7 lu°(ras.)-ma-an iš-ti-ti te-eš15-me-ma ra-i-mi ta-qú-lam
i 8 te-el-qé un-ne!-ni-ia li-ib-ka li-ip-pa-aš-ra-am
i 9 i-na pu-úḫ-ri-im <ša> a-li ù ni-š[i] ba-aš-tim
i 10 šu-mi dam-qá-am ta-az-kur-ma
i 11 qá-qá-di tu-ka-ab-bi-⌈it°⌉(ras.) be-lí
i 12 ki ma-ṣí-ma-an tu-ša-[qí-(a)]-an-ni
i 13 i-na i-in ta-ap-pa-ti-[ia e-li š]a pa-na / e-⌈qì-ir da-an⌉-ni-iš
i 14 an-na ni-sa-nu-um ša ni-nu {NU} ni-ik-ta-na-ra-bu-šum
i 15 a-na a-ma-ri-šu ni-za-me-ru iš-tu ul-lam
i 16 ú-mi ma-du-tim a-na da-ar ba-la-{ṬÙ}-ṭam
i 17 na-ši me-le-eṣ li-ib-bi-im a-na dRi-im-dEN.ZU dUTU-ši-ni
i 18 a-na ša-tim eš-še20-tim ka-ra-nam
i 19 i-qí-a-ši-im-ma ša ta-ṣa-ru-ra im-ni
i 20 al-kam lu-un-ne-ed-ra-am ki-ma li-ib-bi / iq-bi-a-am i ni-pu-uš
i 21 ši-ip-ra-am ša mu-ur-ta-mi ka-al mu-ši-im / e ni-iṣ-la-al
i 22 lu-uḫ-ta-al-ṣa ṣú-ḫi-iš i-na ma-a-a-li-im / ki-la-al-la-ni
i 23 i-ta-ab-la-al e-li in-bi ù da-di / ba-la-ṭam et-pi-ir
i 24 i-na ṣe-ri-ia ṣú-ru-up la-la-ka
i 25 ta-bi-ik-kum ra-mi ta-ap-ṭa-ra-am / li-qí ma-la ḫa-aš-ḫa-ti
i 26 ia-tam ù ša ra-{I}-mi-ia ku-uš-di-im
i 27 ša-li šar-ra-tum dNa-na-a
i 28 ú-ta-ak-{AL}-ki-la-an-ni ú-ul i-li-kam
i 29 ⌈e°-re°⌉-eš-šu
i 30 [ra-i-]mi-i! at°-ta° ra-ma-a ka-ši ni-a-tu
i 31 [x-x-x-x da-di]-i-ka ù i-in-bi-i-ka
i 32 [ba-la-ṭam te]-e-pi-ra-ni šu-la-a-[ku? x (x)]
i 33 [...] x [.] x […]
col. ii
Up. Ed.
ii 1 lu-uš-te-mi-iq-šum-ma-an
ii 2 a-na be-li-ia
ii 3 (ras. over the whole line)
ii 4 da-an-ni-iš kam-šat ù qú-ud-di-x-x / {LI} i-ša-ak-ka-na-an-ni a-ḫi-tam
ii 5 at-ta at-tu-li-im ma-aḫ-ri-am / ta-ṣa-al-ma
ii 6 tu-ša iṣ-ṣé-ri-ia sú-up-pa-am te-li-ia
ii 7 ma wa!-aš-ra ša-ap-ta-ša ub-lam ṭé-e-ma / {Ù-LI} ù le-ʾu5-tam šu-uk-lu-la-at
ii 8 zi-mi-i-ka iṭ-ṭù-ul
ii 9 ir-te-ed!(Text: DA)-du-kum la ta-ka-aš-ši-ṭa-an-ni
ii 10 in-na
(Rest uninscribed)
col. i
i 1 (Chorus:) [For the n]ew year, the pregnant (women) carried the …
i 2 The love-charm – the expert (goddess) took its tail.
i 3 (She:) The vigor[ous sun] keeps overcoming me.
i 4 [Hear] the resound of my laughs of delight! They rise to you in supplication.
i 5 (She:) Are you able, my love? (Chorus:) do not trust(f.) him!
i 6 (She:) You are so ecstatic! (Chorus:) do not put(f.) your confidence in him!
i 6–7 (He:) Would you only be my one and only! (She:) You have heard, Oh my beloved(m.), you have listened to me.
i 8 (She:) You have accepted my prayer, may your(m.) heart be satisfied.
i 9–11 In the assembly (of) the city, and among the people of consequence you(m.) have mentioned my good name and honored me, my lord.
i 12 How much more could you have exalted me?
i 13 I have gained so much value in my girlfriends’ eye!
i 14–15 (Chorus:) Indeed, it is (in) the month of Nisan that we regularly give blessings to him, praising his appearance (since) ancient times in order to see him:
i 16–17 ‘Numerous days, life for ever (it = the month of Nisan) carries joy of heart to Rīm-Sîn, our sun!’
i 18–19 (Chorus:) For the New Year, he poured wine for her, (with his) right (hand) which oozes.
i 20 (She:) Come to me! I want to be embraced as my heart told me.
i 20–21 Let us practice the work of lovers all the night, let us not sleep!
i 22 Let the two of us clinch(?) passionately together in bed!
i 23 Be mingled over fruits and desires! Provide (me?) with vitality!
i 24 Burn your craving upon me!
i 25 My love is poured on you(m.) entirely. Take(m.!) as much as you desire!
i 26 (He:) Reach ‘mine’ and ‘that of my love’!
i 27 (Chorus:) Rejoice, Oh queen Nanāya!
i 28 (She:) He has encouraged me (but) did not come
i 29 to his awakening.
i 30 … … … ours.
i 31 […] your [des]ires and your fruits.
i 32 [Pro]vide me [with vitality], [I am(?)] happy.
i 33 …
col. ii
ii 1–2 (She:) If I could only pray to him, to my master!
ii 3 …
ii 4 (He?:) She kneels and prostrates(?) a lot. She will put me aside.
ii 5 (She:) You fought against an opponent for ….
ii 6 assuming (wrongly) that you could pray in my presence.
ii 7 (Chorus:) Indeed, her lips are relaxed; she carries (good) news. She is perfect in her competence!
ii 8 She looked on your(m.) features.
ii 9 (She:) They(m.) have escorted (me) to you(m.). Do not cut me off!
ii 10 …
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫītum | side | Abstract concepts | ii4 |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | i9 |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | i15 | |
apārum, epēru (v.) | G to cover the head, Gt stat. is decked with | i23, i32 | |
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) | pregnant woman | Human activities/actions | i1 |
balālum (v.) | G to mix up; D coat, smear | i23, [i31] | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | Abstract concepts | i16,i23,i32 |
bāštum | dignity, pride | Abstract concepts | i9 |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | i11 | |
dādum I | darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | i23,i31 |
damqum | good | i10 | |
danniš | very | Abstract concepts | i6, i13, ii4 |
dārum | era, eternity | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | i16 |
edērum (v.) | G to embrace; N embrace one another | i20 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | i4 | |
emēqum (v.) | to be wise; Št pray devoutly | ii1 | |
enēnum (v.) I | G to grant a privilege, do a favor, to grant favour, be favourable | ii10 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | i20 | |
êrum (v.) | to be(come) awake | i25 | |
eššum | new, fresh | [i1] | |
ḫalāṣum (v.) | "abundant storm of heaven", a heavenly beast | i22 | |
ḫapātum (v.) | to triumph, prevail | i3 | |
ḫašāḫum (v.) | to need, desire | i25 | |
ḫūdum | happiness, pleasure, joy | Emotions/Feelings | ii7 |
imnum | right hand, right side | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | i19 |
inbum | fruit, flower, sexual appeal | Flora | i23,i31 |
irimmum | charm, love charm | Abstract concepts | i2 |
ištēn (DIŠ) | one, single, the first one, first | Abstract concepts | i7 |
kabātum (v.) | G to be(come) heavy, D make heavy, aggravate, treat honorably | i11 | |
kamāsum II (v.) | G to kneel, squat down | ii4 | |
karābum (v.) | G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G | i14 | |
karānum (GEŠTIN) | vine, wine | Food/Drink | i18 |
kašādum (v.) | G to reach, arrive; D drive off, chase away; Š caus. of G | i26 | |
kašāṭum (v.) | to cut off | ii9 | |
kilallān | both | Abstract concepts | i22 |
lalûm | plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion | Abstract concepts | i24 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | i2, i8, i25 | |
le'ûm (v.) | to be able, powerful | ii6 | |
lē'ûtum | competence, skill, power | Abstract concepts | ii7 |
maḫûm (v.) | to rave | i6 | |
maṣûm (v.) | to suffice, to correspond | i5, i9, i12 | |
mayyālum | bed, resting place | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | i22 |
meḫrum, miḫrum | refrain, answer, person of an equal status, colleague; copy, equivalent | Social status/Groups/Professions,Written texts/Literary terms | i4 |
mēleṣum | excitement, exhilaration | Abstract concepts | i17 |
mūdûm | knowing, wise | Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions | i2 |
murtâmum, pl. murtâmū | lover, friend | Social status/Groups/Professions | i21 |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | i21 |
Nanāya | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | i27 |
naqûm (v.) | to pour (a libation), sacrifice | i19 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | ii8 | |
Nisa(n)num | 1st month of the Babylonian year | i14 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | Social status/Groups/Professions | i9 |
pašārum (v.) | G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive | i8 | |
puḫrum | assembly | Social status/Groups/Professions | i9 |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | i20 | |
qâlum (v.) | to pay attention, be silent | i7 | |
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) | head, beginning, capital | Body/Body parts | i11 |
qiāpum (v.) | to (en)trust; believe | i5 | |
râmum | love, love-making | Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions | i5,i25 |
ra'īmum | loved, beloved | Social status/Groups/Professions | i7,i26,i30 |
redûm I (v.) | G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead | ii9 | |
Rīm-Sîn | RN | PN | i17 |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | ii4 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | Human activities/actions | i21 |
ṣâlum (v.) | to fight, quarrel | ii5 | |
šâlum (v.) II | to rejoice | i27 | |
šamārum II (v.) | Gt to praise | i3 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Deities/Divine sphere | i3,i17 |
šaptum | lip, rim | Body/Body parts | ii7 |
šaqûm II (v.) | G to be(come) high, elevated; D raise up | [i12] | |
ṣarāpum I (v.) | to burn, fire; dye red | i24 | |
ṣarārum (v.) | to flash, drip | i19 | |
šarratum | queen | Social status/Groups/Professions | i27 |
šattum (MU) | year | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | i1,i18 |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | [i4], i7 | |
ṣīḫtum | laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights | Human activities/actions | i4 |
šiprum | sending, mission, work, messenger | Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions | i21 |
šuklulum (v.) | Š to complete, make/do completely | ii7 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | i10 | |
supûm, suppûm | prayer | Verbal expressions | i4,ii6 |
tabākum (v.) | G to pour (out), lay flat; Ntn repeatedly swoop on | i25 | |
takālum (v.) | to trust, to encourage | i6 | |
takālum (v.) | to trust, to encourage | i28 | |
tappātum | female companion, partner, secondary wife | Social status/Groups/Professions | i13 |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | i1 | |
ṭēmum | thought, plan, instruction, information | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | ii7 |
tulûm | breast | Body/Body parts | ii5 |
tuša | it could have been that (modal particle) | ii6 | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts | i16 |
unnīnum, unnēnum | supplication, petition | Verbal expressions | i8 |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | ii7 | |
waqārum (v.) | G to be(come) rare, precious; Š make rare, scarce; esteem, respect, honor | i13 | |
wašārum (v.) | G to sink down; D to release, set free | ii7 | |
zakārum, saqārum (v.) | to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear | i10 | |
zamārum (v.) | to sing, to play | Verbal expressions | i15 |
zibbatum | tail | Body/Body parts | i2 |
zīmum | face, appearance, figure | Body/Body parts | ii8 |