SEAL no. 1669
BM 108868 obv. (British Museum)
BM 108868 rev. (British Museum)
Streck/Wasserman 2019, 243
WGL Folio 9924.
1 ṭú-pu-ul-šu ú-ul i-ni Á-⌈sú⌉ ⌈ù⌉ SAG
2 a-nu-um-ma ra-i-du-um a-wi-lum
3 ú-ul i-šu wu-tu-ur-ra-a-am ṣ[i-ib-]tam
4 šum-ma ni-is-sà-tum [l]i-sà-ap-p[í-iḫ]
5 šum-ma ku6-ru-ú-um ZÁLAG li-ka-al-⌈li⌉-ma-ni
6 ⌈ḫa⌉-ab-bu-ra-am ul!-la i-šar-ta[m]
7 še-er-ḫu-um a-ia ú-wa-al-li-id NUMUN ⌈a⌉-i[a] i[b-n]i
8 en6(IN)-ne-et pa-ṭa-ri-im na-aḫ ri-iš-tim
9 di-in NAM la ta-bi-a-am TI
10 ma-mi-tum-mi iz-za-az bi-la-at ar-n[im]
11 mu-ṭa-ap-pí-il ni-iš i-li-im
a-ši-ib <i>-na IGI BÁRA
12 ú-ul aš-ḫa-an i+na ḫal-pi-ma ad-di i-ṣi-k[a]
13 i+na ra-ap-ši-im li-ib-bi-(erasure)-ka
14 úr!-ri qá-li-iš ú-ul a-ti-lam
15 i+na a-⌈lu⌉ ša ta-ap-ḫa-ri iš-⌈ta⌉-pí-lu
§ 1
1 His insulting did not change his wage and capital.
2 Now, the trembling man
3 has no profit (and) interest(?).
§ 2
4 If there is sorrow, let it be dispersed!
5 If there is depression, let (god) show me the light!
§ 3
6 May the furrow not give birth to a bent shoot,
7 may it not create a seed.
§ 4
8 A sin to be absolved is the best of lard.
§ 5
9 Call (your) fate to judgement! Did you not summon (your own) life?
§ 6
10 The curse, they say, is standing ready as the burden of wrongdoing.
§ 7
11 He who insults the oath of god sits before(!) the throne.
§ 8
12 I did not get warm in the cold, so I threw you[r] wood (into the fire)
13 by your magnanimity.
§ 9
14 (Throughout) the days, I cannot rest quietly
15 in a city in which my collected possessions are constantly reduced.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ai, ē, â | not | 7 | |
anumma | now | 2 | |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | 10 | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | 2 | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | 9 | |
banûm (v.) | G to build, create; N be created, made | 7 | |
biltum | load, talent, yield, rent, tribute | 10 | |
diānum, dânum (v.) | to judge | 9 | |
ennettum | sin | 8 | |
enûm (v.) | to change, overturn | 1 | |
ḫalpûm | frost, ice | 12 | |
ḫabbūrum | sprout, shoot | 6 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | 1 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 11 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | 11, 12, 13, 15 | |
išarum I | straight, correct, normal | 6 | |
iṣum (GIŠ) | tree, wood | 12 | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | 3 | |
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) | G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint | 10 | |
kullumum (v.) | D to show, display | 5 | |
kūrum I | depression, torpor | 5 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 13 | |
māmītum | oath, curse | 10 | |
muṭappilum | slanderer | 11 | |
nabûm (v.) | G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail | 9 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | 12 | |
nāḫum | pig's fat, lard | 8 | |
nâlum (v.) | G to lie down; Š lay s.o. down | 14 | |
nissatum | wailing, lamentation | 4 | |
nīšum II | (oath of the) life | 11 | |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | 5 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | 11 | |
parakkum (BÁRA) | cult dais, sanctuary, chapel | 11 | |
paṭārum (v.) | G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened | 8 | |
qâliš | silently | 14 | |
rā'idum | trembling | 2 | |
rapšum | wide, extended | 13 | |
rēštum | beginning, point, prime | 8 | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | 1 | |
šaḫānum (v.) | to be, become hot | 12 | |
šapālum (v.) | G to be, become low; D to lower, dig deep | 15 | |
šer'um (AB.SÍN) | furrow | 7 | |
ṣibtum II | interest | 2 | |
šīmtum (NAM) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | 9 | |
šumma | if | 4, 5 | |
ṭapālum (v.) | G to slander, insult; D to slander, insult | 1 | |
tapḫarum | private collected possessions | 15 | |
urrum | daytime, morning, daybreak | 14 | |
uturrā'ū, wuturrûm | excess | 3 | |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | 7 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | 11 | |
zērum II (NUMUN) | seed(s) | 7 |