BM 120015 (Personal complaint)

SEAL no. 1670

  • BM 120015 ObvBM 120015 Obv
  • BM 120015 Rev.BM 120015 Rev.
  • BM 120015 Lower Ed.BM 120015 Lower Ed.
Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
BM 120015
13.8 x 79.5 x 3.5
British Museum, London
Genre / Classification

 Measurements courtesy J. Fincke.


1    1    ⸢gi-zi⸣-la ĝu10-ru ku-⸢ur⸣ s[u?-(ud?)-ra? ú]?-⸢ru⸣ ⸢ba⸣-ad-ḫi ku-tuš? du?-um? [d]i-wi-ir ša-ab-bi ḫu-lu-di-⸢ma⸣

      2    ⸢i-li a-na-ša-madi-pa-ra a!?-naša-di ru-qú-tim a-la-ni né-sú-tim a-šu-ub-tim ša ṣa-tim a-na i-li-ia ze-ni


2    3    ‎⸢gi-bil?⸣ ur-sa ka ku-⸢ur⸣ da ⸢ka!?⸣-al ki-in-ga-a-aš ki-gi ku-ku-ut-te za-la mu-ĝá-ĝá

      4    [x x] a-ša-pa-ra ba?-bi?-⸣ ⸢qar-ra-da mu-pa-ṣé-e ša-di-i ra-bu-tim ša-ki-in ek-le-tim a-na nu-ri

3    5    [a-n]u-na di-ir ga-⸢al!⸣-ga-le-né ku-ur-ku-ur gi-zi-la ĝu10-ru (vacat)

      6    [i]?-li?i-na e-nu-na-ki i-li ra-bu-timna-ši di-pa-ra a-na ma-tim

4    7    d?utu?⸣ na-de el-le-el-la ù-sa-bi mu-lí ur i-ni-im ĝá-ĝá ⸢šà?⸣ x-qa? mu-ir?

      8    ⸢d?UTU?ú-we-e-ra-ma ša-am-ša-am il-li-li-im ka-ka-bi im-mu-ši-tim ba-bi-il! a-wa-at ka-ba-at-<tim> mu-pa-še-eḫ li-ib-bi

5    9    [x] (x) ⸢lu⸣-ga-al(-)bi-ir-bi-re-e sa-ke mu di-im-ga-⸢ra-na!?⸣-ke ni-im-ĝu10-da li-bi-in-pa-da

      10   ⸢ki?⸣-[ma]? x (x) ⸢ša?⸣ ⸢be-el⸣-šu i-zi-ru-maṭa?-ba?-am šu-mi i-li-šu!(“KI”) la-a ìz-ku-ru i!-na ma-ka-lim

6    11   [                           la?-ra?]-⸢aḫ?⸣ gi-ga(-)a-⸢a?⸣ a-še-ra ba-⸢da?⸣-x

      lo.ed. [                             ] x x ⸢ep-ša-aib-ki šu-um-ru-iṣ wa-ši-ib⸣ / i-na ta-né-e-ḫ[i]

7    r.1  x i? a ⸢si?-ig?⸣ ⸢ga?-la?⸣ i-ra-ni? a-še-re ba-tu?-e? (vacat)

      r.2  eṭ-lu-um x-ba?-ru?i?-na?lu-mu-en li-ib-bi-šu i-na bi-ki-tim ù ta-ni-ḫi it-ta-ša-ab?

8    r.3 a-wi-il5-lu gi-ga šà-si-ig ⸢ḫu-lu⸣-da? i-ra-an-ni ḫu-lu a-ni-ra (vacat)  

      r.4  eṭ-lu-um ú-da-ba-ba ma-ar-ṣí-iš i-ba-ki ṣa-ar-pí-iš le-em-ni-iš it-ta-na-aḫ-ma

9    r.5  tu-um-gi la-ra-aḫ ĝá du? za-an-ni še-e-nu-na-⸢še⸣ (vacat)


      r.6  eṭ-lu-um pa-aš-qí-iš i-da-am-mu-um ki-ma sú-um-ma-tim mu-ša-am ù ur-ri

10  r.7  di-wi-ir-bi-re ša-né-ša ki-ri šu ⸢i?⸣-mi-im-ga-al / ir-re ba-in-si-si ĝá-ĝá (7 fingernail marks)


      r.8  eṭ-lu-um a-na i-li-šu ú-te--ne-en a-pa-šu i-la-bi-in4 i-ba-ki / ú-ta-ra-ak

11  r.9  a-ga-ĝu10 ga-ra!?-tu a-ĝá-qa-ĝu10 nu-ub-tu i-ni-im(-)MU(-)ra-ab-te (vacat) / ri?(-)nu-MU(-)en-da-te-e

      r.10 a-wi-lu?-⸢um?e-pé-èš-tilu-uq-bi ša ep-šu!? ú-ul ša qa-bi a-wa-ti-ia lu-ša-an-ni / ri?-ip!? ú!?-ul ša(-)an-ni x


1     Sum. Carrying a torch to the [faraway] mountain, to the distant city, the dwelling of ancient times, (for) my god whose heart is plotting evil!   

       Akk. My god! I am carrying a torch to the faraway mountains, the distant cities, to the dwelling of ancient times, for my angry god!

2     Sum. I am sending [Gibil](?), the hero, (to) the gate of the great … mountain, as a messenger, (so that) he establishes darkness for light.

       Akk. I am sending [Gibil](?) to the gate, the hero, who always makes white the great mountains, who establishes darkness for light.

3     Sum. (To) the Anuna, the great gods, to the mountains, carrying a torch (to the faraway mountain etc.).

       Akk. [My god](?) among the Anunakku, the great gods, (you are)(?) the carrier of the torch to the land.

4     Sum. Utu(?), at the instruction …, the evening star, placing an (ominous) word (in) the liver, … 

       Akk. … (Having) commanded the sun at evening, the stars at nighttime – (Šamaš) is the bringer of the (ominous) word of the liver, pacifier of the heart.

5     Sum. … hating (his) lord, did not invoke favorably the name of his god at a meal.

       Akk. Like a [man](?) who hates his lord and does not invoke favorably the name of his god at a meal.

6     Sum. [             ] sick, he sits in sighs.

       Akk. [    ] (that) were done(?), he cried, he is sick, he sits in sighs.

7     Sum. … he sits in crying … in sighs.

       Akk. The young man sat down … in grief, in crying and sighs.

8     Sum. In bitter wails and agony, badly (is) his crying, badly in sighs.

       Akk. The young man complains bitterly, cries grievously, sighs badly.

9     Sum. Like a dove in straits, he moans all night and day.

       Akk. The young man moans as in straits like a dove, night and day.

10   Sum. He prostrates before his god in supplication, he cries and …      

       Akk. The young man prostrates before his god in supplication, he cries and is gloomy.

11. Sum. I will say my deed! My deed is something not to be said! I will say my word to you! My(?) … is not to be …!   

       Akk. The man(?) – I will say my deed! What was done is not to be said! I will repeat my words! They are … not to be repeated!

Word Translation Semantic Line
ālum (//ú-ru) villiage, town, city 1
ana I to, for 1, 2, 3, 10
anāḫum (v.) G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed 8
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū (//a-nu-na) DN 3
appum (//ki-ri) nose 10
awātum (//i-ni-im) word, matter, legal case, lawsuit 4, 11
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being 11
bābiš (//ka) to the gate 2
bakûm (v.) (//ir) G to weep, cry 8
bakûm (v.) (//ir-re ~si-si) G to weep, cry 10
bakûm (v.) (//la-ra-aḫ) G to weep, cry 6
bēlum (//lu-ga-al) lord, master, proprietor, owner 5
bikītum (//i(r)) crying, weeping 7
dabābum II (v.) G to speak, talk; Gt speak to each other 8
damāmum (v.) (//še ~še) G to wail, moan 9
dipārum (//gi-zi-la) torch 1, 3
ekletum (//ku-ku-ut-te) darkness 2
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G 6
epēšum (v.) (//a-gá-qa) G to do, make 11
epištum (//a-ga) deed, action, work 11
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man 7, 8, 9, 10
Gibil DN 2
ilum (//di-ir) god, deity 3
ilum (//di-im-ga(r)) god, deity 5
ilum (//di-wi-ir) god, deity 1, 10
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 1, 3
ina in, on, by, from 3, 5, 6, 7
kabattum (//ur) liver 4
kakkabum (//mu-lí) star 4
kīma like, as; when; that 5
kīma (//-gi) like, as; when; that 9
not 5
labānum (v.) (ki-ri šu ~ga-al) G to spread, stroke; "stroke" (nose) = gesture of submission D~G 10
lemniš (//ḫu-lu) badly 8
libbum (ŠÀ) (//šà) heart, mind; inner body 4
līlum (//ù-sa) evening 4
lumun libbim sorrow, misery 7
mākālum (//ni-im-gu10) meal, food 5
marāṣum (v.) (//gi-ga-a-a) G to be(come) ill, arduous, difficult; Š to cause trouble, to bring illness 6
marṣiš (//gi-ga) bitterly 8
mātum (//ku-ur-ku-ur) land, country 3
mupaššiḫum who calms, soothes, heals 4
mupaṣṣûm who brightens 2
mušītum night(-time) 4
mūšum (//gá) night 9
nāšûm (//gu10-ru) bearing; bearer 3
našûm (//gu10-ru) (v.) G to lift, carry 1
nesûm I (//ba-ad-ḫi) far, distant 1
nūrum (//za-la) light 2
pašqiš (//la-ra-aḫ) with difficulty 9
qabûm (v.) (//tu) G to say, speak, command 11
qarrādum (//ur-sa) hero 2
rabûm (//ga-al) big 3
rabûm (//ka-al) big 2
rūqum (//su-ud) distant 1
ša who(m), which, of 1, 5, 11
šadûm I (//ku-ur) mountain 1, 2
šakānum (v.) (//gar) to put, place, lay down 2
Šamaš (//dUtu) DN 4
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 4
šanûm III (v.) (//te) G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat 11
šapārum (v.) (//ki-gi) to send 2
ṣarpiš (//šà-si-ig) loud and bitterly 8
ṣiātum (//du-um) distant time 1
šubtum (//ku-tuš) dwelling 1
summum (//tu-um) dove 9
šumum (MU) (//mu) name; son; line of text 5
ṭābum (//sa-ke) good, sweet 5
tānēḫum (//a-še-ra) moaning, distress 6, 7
tarākum (v.) (//gá-gá) G to beat, thump, be dark; D~G 10
ul not 11
urrum (//du za-an-ni) daytime, morning, daybreak 9
utnēnum (v.) (//ša-né-ša) G to pray; Gtn~G 10
wābilum (//gá-gá) carrier 4
wârum (v.) (//na-de5) to instruct 4
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell 6
wašābum (v.) (//tu) to sit, dwell 7
zakārum (v.) (//pa(d)) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear 5
zenûm (//ša-ab-bi ḫu-lu-di-ma) angry, offended 1
zêrum (v.) (//bi-re) G to dislike, hate, reject 5
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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Photography, web-imaging
Wasserman, Nathan
Wasserman, Nathan
Bibliographical updating
Tulaikova, Yulia