AfO 54, 270ff. (BM 29624 // BM 109164) (Mama)

SEAL no. 1815

  • Oshima/Wasserman 2021, 270BM 29624 Obv.
  • Oshima/Wasserman 2021, 271BM 109164 Obv.
  • Oshima/Wasserman 2021, 272BM 29624 Rev.
Tablet Siglum
BM 29624 (A); BM 109164 (B)
12.5 × 6.7 × 2.8 (A)
10.5 × 6.1 × 2.3 (B)
British Museum, London
Genre / Classification

// BM 109164



A1  [aš?-ta?-al?-ki lu-mu-ra-a]m š[a-a-ti bi-tam]

A2  [bi-tam] sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re-ka ma-ši-a]

A3  [É­-maḫ] sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re]-ka m[a-ši-a]

B1' [É­-maḫ sú]-⸢pu-ḫa⸣-am p[e-re-ka ma-ši-ia]

A4 [É­-gal­-kè]⸢ki⸣ sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re]-ka ma-[ši-a]

B2' [É­-gal-­kèški s]ú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e⸣-[ek-ka-am


A5 [ta-ar-ba-ṣ]a° ⸢sú⸣-pu-ḫa-am sú-pu-ra-am m[a-ši-a]

B3' [ta-ar-ba]-ṣa-am sú-up-<pu>-ḫa-am pe-re-[e-ka ma-ši-a]

A6 [Kèški? / Ke?-eš? ]i-[r]i-ik-tu a-bi-ša A-ni!(IR°)-[i]m

B4' [Kèški? / Ke?-eš? ši]-ri-ik-ti a-bi-ša [A-ni-im]

A7 ⸢É°⸣-k[i-tuš-g]è[š]tu° ši-ri-ik-tu [a]-bi-ša A-[n]i-im

B5' [Iri-saĝ-r]ig7? ši-ri-ik-ti a-bi-ša A-n[im]

A8 [i-nu]-⸢maid-di-nu [a]l-[]a dMa-ma

B6' [i-nu-m]a i-id-di-nu-ú a-al-ša dMa-ma

A9 [INIM? ba?-l]a-⸢ṭiiṭ-ru-da-a[m ba-a]b-⸢šadMa-am-ma {MA}

B7' [INIM? b]a-la-ṭi iṭ-ru-da-am ba-ab-š[a dMa-ma]

A10 [uš-ta-ma-(al)-la IN]IM-tim ba-ab-ša i-di-[i]l

B8' [uš-t]a-ma-⸢al-la⸣ INIM-tim ba-ab-ša i-di-[il]

A11 [i-pu-uš-ma] it-ta-di⸣-in a-al-ša dMa-ma

B9' ⸢e°⸣-pu-uš-ma it-ta-di-in a-al-ša [dMa-ma]

A12 [ki-ma sú-um-mi]-⸢im°⸣ it-ta-ṣi a-pa-nu

B10' [k]i-ma sú-um-mi it-ta-ṣí a-pa-nu-u[m]

A13 [x x x x x x x x] [i]t-ta-ṣi ni-gi5-ṣa-ti-im-ma

B11' [ki]-maa⸣-⸢múr⸣-ša-ni-im it-ta-ṣí ni-gi5-ṣa-nu-um

A14 [il-tum] ⸢i-na bi⸣-ti a-wi-li-im le-em-nim

B12' [i]l-tum i-na pa-ni a-wi-lim le-e-em-ni

A15 [i-zi-i]b bi-ta-am i-ta-ṣi a-yi-ša

B13' ⸢i⸣-zi-ib bi-tam it-ta-ṣí a-yi-ša-am

A16 [i-na A ap-pa-r]i-im ú-⸢lu⸣ A-i i-ša-at-ti

B14' ⸢i⸣-na A ap-pa-ri ù-lu A i-ša-at-ti

A17 [i?-pu?]-⸢uz?°⸣-⸢ru°⸣-⸢°⸣ ki-sí-i mu-š[a-a]m-ma it-ti-a-al!(MÙŠ°)

B15' ⸢i⸣-na pu-zu-ú[r] ki-sí-im mu-ša-am it-te-a-al!

A18 [dNin-kar-r]a-ak ú-tu-k[a]-⸢atbi-tim

B16' ⸢dNin-kar-ra-ak ú-tu-uk-ka-tu bi-tim

A19 [dNi]n-[ís]insi°-{BI-TAM}[n]a° -⸢tu⸣-ka-t[u É-tu]š-ši-im

B17' ⸢dNin-ísinsi-na ú-tu-uk-ka-tu É-tuš-ši°-[im]

A20 [aš?-ta?-a]l?-⸢ki⸣-im [l]u-mu-⸢ra⸣-am ša-a-tibi⸣- tam

B18' [aš?-t]a-al-ki lu-mu-ra-am ša-a-ti bi-tam

B19'  [a?-]a?-al-ki lu-mu-ra-am ša-a-ti É-maḫ

A21 [bi-tam] sú-pu-ḫa-[a]m pa-ra-ka ma-ši-a

B20' ⸢bi⸣-[ta]m sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am ma-ši-a-am

A22 [É-maḫ?] sú-pu-ḫa-am pa-ra-ka ma-ši-a

B21' É-maḫ sú-up-pu-ḫa-ampe⸣-re-e-ek-ka-am ma-ši-a-a[m]

A23 [É-gal-kè]⸢ki⸣ sú-pu-ḫa-am pa-ra-ka ma-š[i]-a

B22'  É-gal-kèški sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am m[a-ši-a-am]

B23'  Iri-saĝ-rig7 sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am m[a-ši-a-am]

A24 [ta-ar-ba-ṣa-am s]ú-pu-ḫa-am sú-pu-ra-am ma- ši-a

B24' ta-ar-ba-ṣí-im sú-up-pu⸣-ḫi-im sú-pu-ri-im m[a- ši-i-im]

A25 [i-ru-ub bi?-ti?-(iš?)-]a ú-ši-ib ib-ki-i

B25' i-ru-ub bi-ti!(TA)-ša ù-ši-ib ib-[ki-i]

A26 [ú-ṣi-am] ⸢ki⸣-sà-al-la-šu-um-ma uš-ta-ni-iḫ

B26' ú-ṣi-am ki-sà-al-la-šu uš-ta-n[i-iḫ]

A27 [x x x x x be-el-tum] ša ša-diia-a-ti

B27' [x x x [(x x) be-e]l-tum ša ša-di ia-t[i]

A28 [x x bi?-it? m]a-[k]u-ri e?⸣-ri-a qá-ta-a-a

B28' [... ] x gišmá?⸣-ku-ri i-ri-a qá-ta-a-a

(B ends)

A29  [x x x x x x] x ma-[t]a-tum-ma qá-ab-lumras.

A30  [... ... ...] x x ub-la-ni-i-ma



A31  [...] x x-ti-im

A32  [...]-x šu-ta-am-nu-ú

A33  [...] da-la-a-tum

A34  [x] x x-⸢amul-⸢lu⸣-lu-ú bi-it ma-ak-ku-ri-im

A35  É-­Šu-⸢im⸣-gú-ur is-sú-ḫu si20-ma-at bi-tim

A36  dAd-gi4-gi4 ú-pa-ar-ri-ú [p]i-it-ni-[k]i

A37  al-gar-⸢ra⸣-⸢am!ras. ta-e-ra-am i-nu-ú-ma dMa-mi

A38  [i]š-ti-ta-am i-pu-ḫa-am i-ša-ta-am el-šu

A39  ⸢ù-lubi-ti ù-lu pe-re-ki

A40  [g]e-er-ra-nu-ú ka-ab-ta-ti-im-ma uš-šar li-ib-bi

A41 [s]í-im-mu da-ri ša!(TA) iš!(AŠ)-ku-nu i-na li-ib-bi°

A42  [it]-ti ba-ki-a a-ba-ki-i-ku-um

A43 [i]t-ti da-mi-ma-ti-im ad-da-am-ma-am-ku

A44 []-ul° am-ši-i-ka li-ib-ba-ka a-a il-mi-in!(IM)

A45 [a?/aḫ?-]u-ú-a i-ḫu-zu a-la-i ti-gi-i

A46 [a]-na-ku [(-ma?)] ag-mu-ur-ku-um bi-ki-ta-am ù ge-er-ra-na-am

A47 a-ḫa-a[m] a-ḫa-am lu-ši-ba-šu-um
A48 ki-ma [t]a-qí-tim ḪA.LA-i lu-um-ta-ḫi°-ra-šu

A49 is-s[ú-u]ḫ mé-eš ka-an-ka-na-am ša ba-bi-ša

A50 ša-[a]m-ši na-ma-ri i-li ra-bu-tim
A51 is-sú-uḫ mé-eš ka-an-ka-na-am ša ba-bi-ša

A52 ša-am-ši na-ma-ri i-li ma-tim
A53 a-mi-ra-ku-tum



1-3: [I beseech you (O goddess), may I s]ee [that temple,] the scattered [temple], [the forgotten] divine em[blem]! The scattered [E­-maḫ], the fo[gotten divine e[mbl]em!

4-5: The scattered [EgalKe], the forg[otten] divine e[mbl]em, the scattered [cattl]e-pen, the forg[otten] sheepfold]!

6-7: [Keš? – the g]ift of her father, of Anum, [E-]k[ituš-g]e[š]tu – the gift of her father, of Anum.

8-11: [Whe]n he (Anum) gave her a city, (to) Mamma, he sent off [a word of l]ife to her gate, (of) Mamma. Providing (it) with words (of life), he locked her gate (against evil). Indeed, [h]e built her city, (of) Mamma, and gave (it to her).

12-15: [Li]ke a dove she went out of the window, [li]ke a wild pigeon she went out of the crack. [The go]ddess [l]eft the temple from the presence of the evil man and went elsewhere.

16-19: [F]rom the water of the marsh – O no! – she drinks water. In the shelter of the outer wall, she is sleeping during the night – Ninkarrak, the good spirit of the temple, Ninisina, the good spirit of Etuššum.

20-22: [I bes]eech you (O goddess), may I see that temple, [the] scattered t[empl]e, the forgotten dais, the scattered E-maḫ, the forgotten dais,

23-24: The scattered Egal-Keš, the forgotten dais, the scattered [cattle-pen], the forgotten sheepfold.

25-26: She (Mamma) entered her temple: she sat and cried. She came out to the forecourt, she was doleful (saying):

27-34: “[... the La]dy of the Mountains, am I! [...] O my treasu[re house!] Empty are my hands! [... ...] ... O the l[a]nds! O the battle!” [... ...] ... they carried me away!” [... ... ...] ... those who were entrusted [... ...] the doors [...] ..., the cleansed-ones of the treasure house.

35-38: O E-Šū-imgur – they removed the symbol of the temple! They severed (the strings of) the Adgigi, your lyre! O Mami, they overturned the merciful Algar-drum! Suddenly, he (the evil man?) blew fire over it.

39: (Mamma:) “O no! My temple! O no! My divine emblem!”

40-41: (The wailer(s):) “Just [a la]mentation of the mind will release the hearts, an everlasting [dis]ease that he! (the evil man) has inflicted upon the hearts.

42-44: (The wailer? Mamma?:) [Wi]th my weeper, I am weeping for you (the temple), [wi]th the wailing women, I was persistently wailing for you. I did [not for]get you! May your (the temple’s?) heart not become enraged!

45-46: My fellow(-wailers) were holding Alu-drums and Tigi-instruments, (while) I have completed the weeping and lamenting for you (the temple).

47-48: May I sit here and there (and wail) over it (the temple)! At the time of [off]ering, let me regularly beg him for my share!

49-50: (The wailer(s):) To where did he remove the stand by her gate? (Mamma:) O my shining disk, the mirror of the great gods!

51-52: (The wailer(s):) To where did he remove the stand by her gate? (Mamma:) O my shining disk, the mirror of the gods of the land!

53       53 (lines of) wailing song.

Word Translation Semantic Line
abum father A6//B4'
Adgigi name of a lyre or harp A36
aḫam aḫam one-by-one A47
aḫāzum (v.) G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn A45
aḫum I brother [A45]
ai, ē, â not A44
algarum musical instrument, drum A37
alûm Alu-drum A45
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city A8//B6', A11//B9'
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found [A1], A20//B18', B19'
amerakūtum wailing song A53
amursānum wild pigeon [A13]//B11'
anāḫum (v.) G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed A26//B26'
anāku I, me A46
Anum DN A6//[B4'], A7//B5'
apāni (cf. apāniš) through the window A12//B10'
appārum reed-bed, marsh A16//B14'
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech [A9//B7'], A10//B8'
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being A14//B12'
ayyišam whither? A15//B13'
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance A9//B7', A10//B8', A49, A51
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance A9//B7', A10//B8'
bakkā'um wailer, mourner A42
bakûm (v.) G to weep, cry A25//B25'
bakûm (v.) G to weep, cry A42
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health A9//B7'
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress A27//B27'
bikītum crying, weeping A46
bītum (É) house [A1,2], A14, A15//B13', A18//B16', A20//B18', [A21]//B20', [A25]//B25', [A27], A34, A35, A39
daltum (GIŠ.IG) door A33
damāmum (v.) G to wail, moan A43
dāmimum who wails A43
dārûm everlasting, enduring A41
É-tuššum TN A19//B17'
edēlum (v.) to shut, bolt A10//B8'
Egalkeš TN [A4]//[B2'], [A23]//B22', A23//B22'
Ekitušgeštu TN A7
eli, elu on, above, over A38
Emaḫ TN [A3]//[B1'], [A22]//B21', B19', A22//B21'
enûm (v.) to change, overturn A37
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G [A11]//B9'
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate [A25]//B25'
erûm III destitute, naked A28//B28'
ezēbum (v.) G to leave, leave behind; Š to save A15//B13'
É-Šū-imgur TN(?) A35
gamārum (v.) (TIL) to bring to conclusion, complete A46
gerrānum wailing, lamentation A40, A46
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity A50, A52
ina in, on, by, from A14//B12', A16//B14', A17//B15', A41
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of A8//B6'
Irisagrig GN B [5'], B23'
išātum fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever A38
ištītam suddenly, at once A38
itti with A42, A43
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention A40
kankannum (wooden) pot stand A49, A51
Keš GN [A6]//[B4']
kīma like, as; when; that [A12]//B10', A13//[B11], A48
kisallum forecourt A26//B26'
kisûm footing, plinth A17//B15'
lemēnum (v.) G to be(come) bad; D do evil, treat badly A44
lemnum (ḪUL) evil, bad; evil person, enemy A14//B12'
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body A40, A41, A44
maḫārum (v.) G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received A48
makkūrum property, possession(s) A28//B28', A34
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide [A10]//B8'
Mama DN A8//B6', A9//[B7]', A11//[B9'], A37
manûm (v.) G to count, calculate, recite; Gtn iter. of G; D=G A32
mašûm I, f. mašītum (//u18-lu) forgotten (things) [A2], [A3]//[B1'], A4//[B2], [A5]//[B3'], A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//[B22'], [B23'], A24//[B24']
mašûm II (v.) to forget A44
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country A29, A52
mêš where (to) A49, A51
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) water A16//B14'
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) A17//B15'
nadānum (v.) (SUM) G to give, bestow A8//B6', A11//B9'
nâlum (v.) G to lie down; Š lay s.o. down A17//B15'
nāmarum mirror A50, A52
napāḫum (v.) G to blow, light up, rise A38
nasāḫum (v.) G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out A49, A51
nasāḫum (v.) G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out A35
nigiṣṣum crack, crevice A13//B11'
Ninisina DN A19//B17'
Ninkarrak DN [A18]//B16'
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times B12'
parā'um (v.) to cut off; D~G A36
pirikkum divine symbol [A2], A3//[B1'], A4//B2', B3', A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//B22', B23', A39
pitnum box; a musical instrument A36
puzrum concealment, hiding-place A17//B15'
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) battle, fight A29
qātum (ŠU) hand A28//B28'
rabûm (GAL) I big A50
ša who(m), which, of A27//B27', A41, A49, A51
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country A27//B27'
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established A41
šâlum, ša'ālum (v.) I G to ask; Gt to consult [A1], A20//B18', B19'
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun A50, A52
šatûm II (v.) G to drink A16//B14'
šeriktum, širiktum present, grant, offering, dowry A6//B4'
simmum wound, lesion A41
simtum appropriate symbol, characteristic A35
šuāti, šâti him, her, it [A1], A20//B18', B19'
summum dove [A12]//B10'
suppuḫum scattered A2//B1', A3//B2', A4//B3', A5//B4', A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//B22', B23', A24//B24'
supūrum sheepfold A5, A24//B24'
taqqītum offering, libation A48
ṭarādum (v.) G to send off, despatch, send away A9//B7'
tarbaṣum (TÙR) animal stall, courtyard [A5]//[B3'], [A24]//B24'
tayyārum returning, merciful A37
tigûm drum A45
ul not A44
ullulum I cleansed A34
ullum negative answer, refusal A16//B14', A39
utukkum (UDUG) evil demon (a kind of) A18//B16', A19//B17'
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š A30
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell A25//B25', A47
wašārum (v.) G to sink down; D to release, set free A40
waṣûm (v.) G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G [A12]//B10', A13//B11, A15//B13', [A26]//B26'
yâti me A27//B27'
zittum (ḪA.LA) share A48
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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Photography, web-imaging
Wasserman, Nathan
Tulaikova, Yulia