SEAL no. 1815
BM 29624 Obv.
BM 109164 Obv.
BM 29624 Rev.
// BM 109164
A1 [aš?-ta?-al?-ki lu-mu-ra-a]m š[a-a-ti bi-tam]
A2 [bi-tam] sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re-ka ma-ši-a]
A3 [É-maḫ] sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re]-ka m[a-ši-a]
B1' [É-maḫ sú]-⸢pu-ḫa⸣-am p[e-re-ka ma-ši-ia]
A4 [É-gal-kè]š⸢ki⸣ sú-pu-ḫa-am p[e-re]-ka ma-[ši-a]
B2' [É-gal-kèški s]ú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-⸢e⸣-[ek-ka-am
A5 [ta-ar-ba-ṣ]a° ⸢sú⸣-pu-ḫa-am sú-pu-ra-am m[a-ši-a]
B3' [ta-ar-ba]-ṣa-am sú-up-<pu>-ḫa-am pe-re-[e-ka ma-ši-a]
A6 [Kèški? / Ke?-eš? š]i-[r]i-ik-tu a-bi-ša A-ni!(IR°)-[i]m
B4' [Kèški? / Ke?-eš? ši]-ri-ik-ti a-bi-ša [A-ni-im]
A7 ⸢É°⸣-k[i-tuš-g]è[š]tu° ši-ri-ik-tu [a]-bi-ša A-[n]i-im
B5' [Iri-saĝ-r]ig7? ši-ri-ik-ti a-bi-ša A-n[im]
A8 [i-nu]-⸢ma⸣ id-di-nu [a]l-[š]a dMa-ma
B6' [i-nu-m]a i-id-di-nu-ú a-al-ša dMa-ma
A9 [INIM? ba?-l]a-⸢ṭi⸣ iṭ-ru-da-a[m ba-a]b-⸢ša⸣ dMa-am-ma {MA}
B7' [INIM? b]a-la-ṭi iṭ-ru-da-am ba-ab-š[a dMa-ma]
A10 [uš-ta-ma-(al)-la IN]IM-tim ba-ab-ša i-di-[i]l
B8' [uš-t]a-ma-⸢al-la⸣ INIM-tim ba-ab-ša i-di-[il]
A11 [i-pu-uš-ma] it-ta-⸢di⸣-in a-al-ša dMa-ma
B9' ⸢e°⸣-pu-uš-ma it-ta-di-in a-al-ša [dMa-ma]
A12 [ki-ma sú-um-mi]-⸢im°⸣ it-ta-ṣi a-pa-nu
B10' [k]i-ma sú-um-mi it-ta-ṣí a-pa-nu-u[m]
A13 [x x x x x x x x] [i]t-ta-ṣi ni-gi5-ṣa-ti-im-ma
B11' [ki]-ma ⸢a⸣-⸢múr⸣-ša-ni-im it-ta-ṣí ni-gi5-ṣa-nu-um
A14 [il-tum] ⸢i-na bi⸣-ti a-wi-li-im le-em-nim
B12' [i]l-tum i-na pa-ni a-wi-lim le-e-em-ni
A15 [i-zi-i]b bi-ta-am i-ta-ṣi a-yi-ša
B13' ⸢i⸣-zi-ib bi-tam it-ta-ṣí a-yi-ša-am
A16 [i-na A ap-pa-r]i-im ú-⸢lu⸣ A-i i-ša-at-ti
B14' ⸢i⸣-na A ap-pa-ri ù-lu A i-ša-at-ti
A17 [i?-pu?]-⸢uz?°⸣-⸢ru°⸣-⸢ú°⸣ ki-sí-i mu-š[a-a]m-ma it-ti-a-al!(MÙŠ°)
B15' ⸢i⸣-na pu-zu-ú[r] ki-sí-im mu-ša-am it-te-a-al!
A18 [dNin-kar-r]a-ak ú-tu-k[a]-⸢at⸣ bi-tim
B16' ⸢d⸣Nin-kar-ra-ak ú-tu-uk-ka-tu bi-tim
A19 [dNi]n-[ís]insi°-{BI-TAM}[n]a° ú-⸢tu⸣-ka-t[u É-tu]š-ši-im
B17' ⸢d⸣Nin-ísinsi-na ú-tu-uk-ka-tu É-tuš-ši°-[im]
A20 [aš?-ta?-a]l?-⸢ki⸣-im [l]u-mu-⸢ra⸣-am ša-a-ti ⸢bi⸣- tam
B18' [aš?-t]a-al-ki lu-mu-ra-am ša-a-ti bi-tam
B19' [a?-š]a?-al-ki lu-mu-ra-am ša-a-ti É-maḫ
A21 [bi-tam] sú-pu-ḫa-[a]m pa-ra-ka ma-ši-a
B20' ⸢bi⸣-[ta]m sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am ma-ši-a-am
A22 [É-maḫ?] sú-pu-ḫa-am pa-ra-ka ma-ši-a
B21' É-maḫ sú-up-pu-ḫa-am ⸢pe⸣-re-e-ek-ka-am ma-ši-a-a[m]
A23 [É-gal-kè]š⸢ki⸣ sú-pu-ḫa-am pa-ra-ka ma-š[i]-a
B22' É-gal-kèški sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am m[a-ši-a-am]
B23' Iri-saĝ-rig7 sú-up-pu-ḫa-am pe-re-e-ek-ka-am m[a-ši-a-am]
A24 [ta-ar-ba-ṣa-am s]ú-pu-ḫa-am sú-pu-ra-am ma- ši-a
B24' ta-ar-ba-ṣí-im sú-up-⸢pu⸣-ḫi-im sú-pu-ri-im m[a- ši-i-im]
A25 [i-ru-ub bi?-ti?-(iš?)-š]a ú-ši-ib ib-ki-i
B25' i-ru-ub bi-ti!(TA)-ša ù-ši-ib ib-[ki-i]
A26 [ú-ṣi-am] ⸢ki⸣-sà-al-la-šu-um-ma uš-ta-ni-iḫ
B26' ú-ṣi-am ki-sà-al-la-šu uš-ta-n[i-iḫ]
A27 [x x x x x be-el-tum] ša ša-⸢di⸣ ia-a-ti
B27' [x x x [(x x) be-e]l-tum ša ša-di ia-t[i]
A28 [x x bi?-it? m]a-[k]u-ri ⸢e?⸣-ri-a qá-ta-a-a
B28' [... ] x giš⸢má?⸣-ku-ri i-ri-a qá-ta-a-a
(B ends)
A29 [x x x x x x] x ma-[t]a-tum-ma qá-ab-lumras.
A30 [... ... ...] x x ub-la-ni-i-ma
A31 [...] x x-ti-im
A32 [...]-x šu-ta-am-nu-ú
A33 [...] da-la-a-tum
A34 [x] x x-⸢am⸣ ul-⸢lu⸣-lu-ú bi-it ma-ak-ku-ri-im
A35 É-Šu-⸢im⸣-gú-ur is-sú-ḫu si20-ma-at bi-tim
A36 dAd-gi4-gi4 ú-pa-ar-ri-ú [p]i-it-ni-[k]i
A37 al-gar-⸢ra⸣-⸢am!ras.⸣ ta-e-ra-am i-nu-ú-ma dMa-mi
A38 [i]š-ti-ta-am i-pu-ḫa-am i-ša-ta-am el-šu
A39 ⸢ù-lu⸣ bi-ti ù-lu pe-re-ki
A40 [g]e-er-ra-nu-ú ka-ab-ta-ti-im-ma uš-šar li-ib-bi
A41 [s]í-im-mu da-ri ša!(TA) iš!(AŠ)-ku-nu i-na li-ib-bi°
A42 [it]-ti ba-ki-a a-ba-ki-i-ku-um
A43 [i]t-ti da-mi-ma-ti-im ad-da-am-ma-am-ku
A44 [ú]-ul° am-ši-i-ka li-ib-ba-ka a-a il-mi-in!(IM)
A45 [a?/aḫ?-ḫ]u-ú-a i-ḫu-zu a-la-i ti-gi-i
A46 [a]-na-ku [(-ma?)] ag-mu-ur-ku-um bi-ki-ta-am ù ge-er-ra-na-am
A47 a-ḫa-a[m] a-ḫa-am lu-ši-ba-šu-um
A48 ki-ma [t]a-qí-tim ḪA.LA-i lu-um-ta-ḫi°-ra-šu
A49 is-s[ú-u]ḫ mé-eš ka-an-ka-na-am ša ba-bi-ša
A50 ša-[a]m-ši na-ma-ri i-li ra-bu-tim
A51 is-sú-uḫ mé-eš ka-an-ka-na-am ša ba-bi-ša
A52 ša-am-ši na-ma-ri i-li ma-tim
A53 a-mi-ra-ku-tum
1-3: [I beseech you (O goddess), may I s]ee [that temple,] the scattered [temple], [the forgotten] divine em[blem]! The scattered [E-maḫ], the fo[gotten divine e[mbl]em!
4-5: The scattered [Egal-Ke]š, the forg[otten] divine e[mbl]em, the scattered [cattl]e-pen, the forg[otten] sheepfold]!
6-7: [Keš? – the g]ift of her father, of Anum, [E-]k[ituš-g]e[š]tu – the gift of her father, of Anum.
8-11: [Whe]n he (Anum) gave her a city, (to) Mamma, he sent off [a word of l]ife to her gate, (of) Mamma. Providing (it) with words (of life), he locked her gate (against evil). Indeed, [h]e built her city, (of) Mamma, and gave (it to her).
12-15: [Li]ke a dove she went out of the window, [li]ke a wild pigeon she went out of the crack. [The go]ddess [l]eft the temple from the presence of the evil man and went elsewhere.
16-19: [F]rom the water of the marsh – O no! – she drinks water. In the shelter of the outer wall, she is sleeping during the night – Ninkarrak, the good spirit of the temple, Ninisina, the good spirit of Etuššum.
20-22: [I bes]eech you (O goddess), may I see that temple, [the] scattered t[empl]e, the forgotten dais, the scattered E-maḫ, the forgotten dais,
23-24: The scattered Egal-Keš, the forgotten dais, the scattered [cattle-pen], the forgotten sheepfold.
25-26: She (Mamma) entered her temple: she sat and cried. She came out to the forecourt, she was doleful (saying):
27-34: “[... the La]dy of the Mountains, am I! [...] O my treasu[re house!] Empty are my hands! [... ...] ... O the l[a]nds! O the battle!” [... ...] ... they carried me away!” [... ... ...] ... those who were entrusted [... ...] the doors [...] ..., the cleansed-ones of the treasure house.
35-38: O E-Šū-imgur – they removed the symbol of the temple! They severed (the strings of) the Adgigi, your lyre! O Mami, they overturned the merciful Algar-drum! Suddenly, he (the evil man?) blew fire over it.
39: (Mamma:) “O no! My temple! O no! My divine emblem!”
40-41: (The wailer(s):) “Just [a la]mentation of the mind will release the hearts, an everlasting [dis]ease that he! (the evil man) has inflicted upon the hearts.
42-44: (The wailer? Mamma?:) [Wi]th my weeper, I am weeping for you (the temple), [wi]th the wailing women, I was persistently wailing for you. I did [not for]get you! May your (the temple’s?) heart not become enraged!
45-46: My fellow(-wailers) were holding Alu-drums and Tigi-instruments, (while) I have completed the weeping and lamenting for you (the temple).
47-48: May I sit here and there (and wail) over it (the temple)! At the time of [off]ering, let me regularly beg him for my share!
49-50: (The wailer(s):) To where did he remove the stand by her gate? (Mamma:) O my shining disk, the mirror of the great gods!
51-52: (The wailer(s):) To where did he remove the stand by her gate? (Mamma:) O my shining disk, the mirror of the gods of the land!
53 53 (lines of) wailing song.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum | father | A6//B4' | |
Adgigi | name of a lyre or harp | A36 | |
aḫam aḫam | one-by-one | A47 | |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | A45 | |
aḫum I | brother | [A45] | |
ai, ē, â | not | A44 | |
algarum | musical instrument, drum | A37 | |
alûm | Alu-drum | A45 | |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | A8//B6', A11//B9' | |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | [A1], A20//B18', B19' | |
amerakūtum | wailing song | A53 | |
amursānum | wild pigeon | [A13]//B11' | |
anāḫum (v.) | G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed | A26//B26' | |
anāku | I, me | A46 | |
Anum | DN | A6//[B4'], A7//B5' | |
apāni (cf. apāniš) | through the window | A12//B10' | |
appārum | reed-bed, marsh | A16//B14' | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | [A9//B7'], A10//B8' | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | A14//B12' | |
ayyišam | whither? | A15//B13' | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | A9//B7', A10//B8', A49, A51 | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | A9//B7', A10//B8' | |
bakkā'um | wailer, mourner | A42 | |
bakûm (v.) | G to weep, cry | A25//B25' | |
bakûm (v.) | G to weep, cry | A42 | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | A9//B7' | |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | A27//B27' | |
bikītum | crying, weeping | A46 | |
bītum (É) | house | [A1,2], A14, A15//B13', A18//B16', A20//B18', [A21]//B20', [A25]//B25', [A27], A34, A35, A39 | |
daltum (GIŠ.IG) | door | A33 | |
damāmum (v.) | G to wail, moan | A43 | |
dāmimum | who wails | A43 | |
dārûm | everlasting, enduring | A41 | |
É-tuššum | TN | A19//B17' | |
edēlum (v.) | to shut, bolt | A10//B8' | |
Egalkeš | TN | [A4]//[B2'], [A23]//B22', A23//B22' | |
Ekitušgeštu | TN | A7 | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | A38 | |
Emaḫ | TN | [A3]//[B1'], [A22]//B21', B19', A22//B21' | |
enûm (v.) | to change, overturn | A37 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | [A11]//B9' | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | [A25]//B25' | |
erûm III | destitute, naked | A28//B28' | |
ezēbum (v.) | G to leave, leave behind; Š to save | A15//B13' | |
É-Šū-imgur | TN(?) | A35 | |
gamārum (v.) (TIL) | to bring to conclusion, complete | A46 | |
gerrānum | wailing, lamentation | A40, A46 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | A50, A52 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | A14//B12', A16//B14', A17//B15', A41 | |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | A8//B6' | |
Irisagrig | GN | B [5'], B23' | |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | A38 | |
ištītam | suddenly, at once | A38 | |
itti | with | A42, A43 | |
kabattum, kabtatum | liver, mood, mind, intention | A40 | |
kankannum | (wooden) pot stand | A49, A51 | |
Keš | GN | [A6]//[B4'] | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | [A12]//B10', A13//[B11], A48 | |
kisallum | forecourt | A26//B26' | |
kisûm | footing, plinth | A17//B15' | |
lemēnum (v.) | G to be(come) bad; D do evil, treat badly | A44 | |
lemnum (ḪUL) | evil, bad; evil person, enemy | A14//B12' | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | A40, A41, A44 | |
maḫārum (v.) | G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received | A48 | |
makkūrum | property, possession(s) | A28//B28', A34 | |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | [A10]//B8' | |
Mama | DN | A8//B6', A9//[B7]', A11//[B9'], A37 | |
manûm (v.) | G to count, calculate, recite; Gtn iter. of G; D=G | A32 | |
mašûm I, f. mašītum (//u18-lu) | forgotten (things) | [A2], [A3]//[B1'], A4//[B2], [A5]//[B3'], A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//[B22'], [B23'], A24//[B24'] | |
mašûm II (v.) | to forget | A44 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | A29, A52 | |
mêš | where (to) | A49, A51 | |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | A16//B14' | |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | A17//B15' | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | A8//B6', A11//B9' | |
nâlum (v.) | G to lie down; Š lay s.o. down | A17//B15' | |
nāmarum | mirror | A50, A52 | |
napāḫum (v.) | G to blow, light up, rise | A38 | |
nasāḫum (v.) | G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out | A49, A51 | |
nasāḫum (v.) | G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out | A35 | |
nigiṣṣum | crack, crevice | A13//B11' | |
Ninisina | DN | A19//B17' | |
Ninkarrak | DN | [A18]//B16' | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | B12' | |
parā'um (v.) | to cut off; D~G | A36 | |
pirikkum | divine symbol | [A2], A3//[B1'], A4//B2', B3', A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//B22', B23', A39 | |
pitnum | box; a musical instrument | A36 | |
puzrum | concealment, hiding-place | A17//B15' | |
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) | battle, fight | A29 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | A28//B28' | |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | A50 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | A27//B27', A41, A49, A51 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | A27//B27' | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | A41 | |
šâlum, ša'ālum (v.) I | G to ask; Gt to consult | [A1], A20//B18', B19' | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | A50, A52 | |
šatûm II (v.) | G to drink | A16//B14' | |
šeriktum, širiktum | present, grant, offering, dowry | A6//B4' | |
simmum | wound, lesion | A41 | |
simtum | appropriate symbol, characteristic | A35 | |
šuāti, šâti | him, her, it | [A1], A20//B18', B19' | |
summum | dove | [A12]//B10' | |
suppuḫum | scattered | A2//B1', A3//B2', A4//B3', A5//B4', A21//B20', A22//B21', A23//B22', B23', A24//B24' | |
supūrum | sheepfold | A5, A24//B24' | |
taqqītum | offering, libation | A48 | |
ṭarādum (v.) | G to send off, despatch, send away | A9//B7' | |
tarbaṣum (TÙR) | animal stall, courtyard | [A5]//[B3'], [A24]//B24' | |
tayyārum | returning, merciful | A37 | |
tigûm | drum | A45 | |
ul | not | A44 | |
ullulum I | cleansed | A34 | |
ullum | negative answer, refusal | A16//B14', A39 | |
utukkum (UDUG) | evil demon (a kind of) | A18//B16', A19//B17' | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | A30 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | A25//B25', A47 | |
wašārum (v.) | G to sink down; D to release, set free | A40 | |
waṣûm (v.) | G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G | [A12]//B10', A13//B11, A15//B13', [A26]//B26' | |
yâti | me | A27//B27' | |
zittum (ḪA.LA) | share | A48 |