SEAL no. 26519
IM 160096 Obv.
IM 160096 Rev.
IM 160096 Obv.
IM 160096 Rev.
1 at-ta-ma ta-ta-ma-ar
2 ša-ru-ur ša-am-ši
3 a-mi-ni ⌈i+na°⌉ li-bi ⌈ú°⌉-mi-ka
4 ki-a-am la te-p[u]-⌈uš⌉
5 ar-ri-⌈ig-mi⌉-ka
6 ú-la i-ṣa-⌈la-al i⌉-li
7 bi-ti-i[m] ⌈ú⌉-la i-ṣa-⌈làl?⌉
8 i-ta-ar bi!-ti-im
9 ù-li-ḫa-zí ši-tu
10 ma-an-na-am-mi lu-uš-
11 pu-ur ⌈ù? lu-wa-i-ir°⌉
12 re?-i im-{I}-⌈mi⌉-r[i]
13 ar-ḫa-ti ú ka-⌈lu-ma⌉-ti-im
14 li-il5-qù-ni-mi
15 ši-ta ša ar-ḫa-ti-⌈im?⌉
16 ù ka-lu-ma-ti
17 [ši]-ip-tum ú-la ⌈ia⌉-[ti?]
18 [ši-pa-a]t Ni-gi4-r[i-ma]
19 ⌈ù⌉ Ni-ka-ra-a[k]
1–2 You have already seen the beams of the Sun:
3–4 Why have you not done so in your mother's womb?
5–7 Through your crying the god of the house cannot sleep!
8–9 Slumber does not catch the goddess of the house!
10–11 - Whom should I send to summon
12–13 the shepherds of sheep, cows, and lambs
14–16 so that they grab for me the slumber of cows and lambs?
17–19 The incantation is not mine: it is the incantation of Nigirim and Ninkarrak.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | 9 | |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | 1 | |
ammīnim | why | 3 | |
arḫum II (gu4.ÁB) | cow | 13, 15 | |
attā | you (m. sg.) | 1 | |
bītum (É) | house | 7 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 4 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 6 | |
immerum (UDU) | sheep | 12 | |
kalumtum | ewe; female lamb | 13, 17 | |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | 14 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 3 | |
mannum | who?, who | 10 | |
Ningirim | DN | 18 | |
Ninkarrak | DN | 19 | |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | 12 | |
rigmum | voice, cry, noise | 5 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | 6, 7 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | 2 | |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | 10-11 | |
šarūrum | brilliance, ray | 2 | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | 17, 18 | |
šittum | sleep | 9, 15 | |
ula | not | 6, 7 | |
ummum | mother | 3 | |
wârum (v.) | G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send | 11 | |
yā'um | my, mine | 17 |