CUSAS 32, 55

SEAL no. 26866

  • MS 3388 (CDLI P252329)MS 3388 (CDLI P252329)
  • George 2016 Pl. CXXVGeorge 2016 Pl. CXXV
Copy / Photo
Pl. CXXIV (photo); CXXV (copy)
Tablet Siglum
MS 3388
10.0 x 7.2 x 2.3
Schøyen Collection, Oslo


1 [x x x ]-⸢sà-li sà-sà⸣-li sà-al / ù-sà-sà-al

2 [x x x] ⸢ù sà-li-sà-al -li--al / ù-sà-sà-al

3 [ x x x x x ] ⸢x⸣ [e-mu-q]á-⸢ami-⸢šua-ḫa-am / ⸢e⸣-li-a-ku ù gi-it-ma-la-ku

4 [a-wa-t]i da-an-⸢na-atra-bi-a-at / ù mu-uš-ta-la-at

5 [x (x) x] ⸢x⸣ la-⸢alka-al-la mi-ti-na

6 [x (x) x] ši ḫu gud a ⸢x⸣ i-sà-al ù a-sà-al

7 [x x] x e-ez pa-nu-ú-a giškakki(tukul)⸣ dnin-gír-sú a-na-ku

8 [la-a] pa-li-ḫi-ka a-ka-ma-ku-um / a-ka-sà-ku ù e-re-de-a-ku-um



9 [ud-d]u-ul ul-⸢laud-du-ul-la ul-la

10 [x] x la sà-pa la sà-[pa-a]l-sà ù lú-ùlu
11 [qá-ar]-du-um la-sí-⸢mu-um ba⸣-nu-um ù na-ṣi-ru-um

12 [i-n]a da-an-nu-ti-ia i-gi-ti-li-a-am / a-du-uk an-du-ra-ar i-li as-ku-un

13 [x] ḫu-si ḫu-si-si ḫu-si ù ḫu-si

14 [(x)] ḫu-uš-ḫu-ús-si! ḫu-si ù ú-ús-si

15 i-nu-ma i-lu ki-ma a-wi-li a-na-ku da-an-na-ku

16 ša-di-i ⸢ú-ša⸣-pa-ku-ma tu-up-ši-ka-am / ú-ša-ad-di



1 [... sa]sali sasali sal u sasal

2 [...] u salisal salisal u sasal.

3 [...] I have strength, I am high of arm and superb.

4 My [word] is strong, great and judicious.
5 [...] lal kalla mitina

6 [...] ... isal u asal.
7 [...] fierce is my visage, I am the weapon of Ningirsu.

8 I shall subdue those who do [not] fear you, I shall bind them for

you and lead them to you.



9 [udd]ul ulla uddulla ulla

10 [...] la sapa la sa[pa]lsa u human being.

11 Valiant one, runner, fine one, and guardian:

12 in my might I slew the monoculus, I established the gods' freedom.

13 [ • • • ] ḫusi ḫusisi ḫusi u ḫusi

14 ḫusḫussi ḫusi u ussi.

15 When the gods were like man I was strong(est).

16 They were heaping up the mountains but I enabled (them) to throw down the earth-basket.

Word Translation Semantic Line
aḫum II arm, side; bank (of river) 3
anāku I, me 7, 15
andurārum freedom 12
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech 4
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being 10, 15
banûm good, beautiful 11
dâkum (v.) to kill, beat 12
dannum (KAL.GA) powerful, mighty, great, strong 4, 15
dannūtum strength, power 12
elûm tall, high, exalted, proud 3
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force [3]
ezzum furious, angry, fierce 7
gitmālum perfect, ideal, noble 3
igitallûm monoculus 12
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 12, 15
ina in, on, by, from 12
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of 15
išûm (v.) G to have 3
kakkum (//šita) stick, weapon, battle 7
kamûm (v.) to bind, snare 8
kasûm III (v.) G to bind; G~D bind person, animal, limb 8
kīma like, as; when; that 15
not 8
lāsimum runner 11
muštālum judicious, thoughtful, circumspect, deliberate 4
nadûm III (v.) G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G 16
nāṣirum guard 11
Ningirsu DN DN
palḫum fearful 8
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times 7
qardum valiant, heroic 11
rabûm (GAL) I big 4
redûm I (v.) G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead 8
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country 16
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established 12
šapākum (v.) to heap up, pour on 16
tupšikkum, šupšikkum brick-carrying frame, earth basket 16
u and, but, also 3, 4, 8, 11
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Revision History
Zomer, Elyze
Tulaikova, Yulia
Addition of photos