SEAL no. 26866
MS 3388 (CDLI P252329)
George 2016 Pl. CXXV
1 [x x x sà]-⸢sà-li sà-sà⸣-li sà-al / ù-sà-sà-al
2 [x x x] ⸢ù sà⸣-li-sà-al sà-li-sà-al / ù-sà-sà-al
3 [ x x x x x ] ⸢x⸣ [e-mu-q]á-⸢am⸣ i-⸢šu⸣ a-ḫa-am / ⸢e⸣-li-a-ku ù gi-it-ma-la-ku
4 [a-wa-t]i da-an-⸢na-at⸣ ra-bi-a-at / ù mu-uš-ta-la-at
5 [x (x) x] ⸢x⸣ la-⸢al⸣ ka-al-la mi-ti-na
6 [x (x) x] ši ḫu gud a ⸢x⸣ i-sà-al ù a-sà-al
7 [x x] x e-ez pa-nu-ú-⸢a giškakki(tukul)⸣ dnin-gír-sú a-na-ku
8 [la-a] pa-li-ḫi-ka a-ka-ma-ku-um / a-ka-sà-ku ù e-re-de-a-ku-um
9 [ud-d]u-ul ul-⸢la⸣ ud-du-ul-la ul-la
10 [x] x la sà-pa la sà-[pa-a]l-sà ù lú-ùlu
11 [qá-ar]-du-um la-sí-⸢mu-um ba⸣-nu-um ù na-ṣi-ru-um
12 [i-n]a da-an-nu-ti-ia i-gi-ti-li-a-am / a-du-uk an-du-ra-ar i-li as-ku-un
13 [x] ḫu-si ḫu-si-si ḫu-si ù ḫu-si
14 [(x)] ḫu-uš-ḫu-ús-si! ḫu-si ù ú-ús-si
15 i-nu-ma i-lu ki-ma a-wi-li a-na-ku da-an-na-ku
16 ša-di-i ⸢ú-ša⸣-pa-ku-ma tu-up-ši-ka-am / ú-ša-ad-di
1 [... sa]sali sasali sal u sasal
2 [...] u salisal salisal u sasal.
3 [...] I have strength, I am high of arm and superb.
4 My [word] is strong, great and judicious.
5 [...] lal kalla mitina
6 [...] ... isal u asal.
7 [...] fierce is my visage, I am the weapon of Ningirsu.
8 I shall subdue those who do [not] fear you, I shall bind them for
you and lead them to you.
9 [udd]ul ulla uddulla ulla
10 [...] la sapa la sa[pa]lsa u human being.
11 Valiant one, runner, fine one, and guardian:
12 in my might I slew the monoculus, I established the gods' freedom.
13 [ • • • ] ḫusi ḫusisi ḫusi u ḫusi
14 ḫusḫussi ḫusi u ussi.
15 When the gods were like man I was strong(est).
16 They were heaping up the mountains but I enabled (them) to throw down the earth-basket.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫum II | arm, side; bank (of river) | 3 | |
anāku | I, me | 7, 15 | |
andurārum | freedom | 12 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | 4 | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | 10, 15 | |
banûm | good, beautiful | 11 | |
dâkum (v.) | to kill, beat | 12 | |
dannum (KAL.GA) | powerful, mighty, great, strong | 4, 15 | |
dannūtum | strength, power | 12 | |
elûm | tall, high, exalted, proud | 3 | |
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) | strength, force | [3] | |
ezzum | furious, angry, fierce | 7 | |
gitmālum | perfect, ideal, noble | 3 | |
igitallûm | monoculus | 12 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 12, 15 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | 12 | |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | 15 | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | 3 | |
kakkum (//šita) | stick, weapon, battle | 7 | |
kamûm (v.) | to bind, snare | 8 | |
kasûm III (v.) | G to bind; G~D bind person, animal, limb | 8 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | 15 | |
lā | not | 8 | |
lāsimum | runner | 11 | |
muštālum | judicious, thoughtful, circumspect, deliberate | 4 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | 16 | |
nāṣirum | guard | 11 | |
Ningirsu | DN | DN | |
palḫum | fearful | 8 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | 7 | |
qardum | valiant, heroic | 11 | |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | 4 | |
redûm I (v.) | G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead | 8 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | 16 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 12 | |
šapākum (v.) | to heap up, pour on | 16 | |
tupšikkum, šupšikkum | brick-carrying frame, earth basket | 16 | |
u | and, but, also | 3, 4, 8, 11 |