To the Dead Grandparents (JA 308, 162–164)

SEAL no. 27633

Tablet Siglum
CUNES 48-10-176
Cornell University Cuneiform Library
Genre / Classification
Literary Letters, to the dead grandparents

1 a-na a-[bi a-b]a?-a-⸢a?⸣

2 ù ba-⸢ba⸣-a-a

3 qí!-(DI)-bí-ma

4 um-ma nu-⸢úr?-ku?⸣-bi [ø]

5 ma-ru a-ba-a-a

6 ma-ar ⸢numun⸣-ku-nu-ú-ma

7 a-na mi-ni-im

8 ki-a-am a-ba-ši

9 ù mu-ur-ṣú-um

10 ṣa-ab-⸢ta-an-ni

11 TU-ra ba-TU

12 a-SAL DIŠ a-zalag AŠ bala

13 tu11-én-ruuru

14 i-na ma-ḫa-ar

15 ša-ma-aš

16 ma-ri-i-ka

17 šu-zi-ba-ma

18 di-na-am šu-ku-um-ma

19 i-na di-ni-ia

20 ši-ta-la-ma-a

21 mi-in-de! (KI) e-li-⸢um?⸣-m[a?]

22 i-lum ṣa-ab-⸢ta⸣-[an-ni]

23 ù ša-ap-[li-um-ma (?)]

24 ⸢e⸣-ṭe4-m[u-um]

25 [ṣa]-⸢ab?⸣-[ta-an-ni]

26 [...]

27 ⸢d⸣utu e-li-a-am

28 [dutu] ša-ap-li-a-am

29 dgilx(.ga)-mes e-li-a-am

30 dgilx(.ga)-mes ša-ap-li-<a-am>



1–3 Say to Abaya and Babaya's father,

4–6 so Nūr- Kūbī?, the son of Abaya, your descendant.

7–9 Why am I like this, and a malady seized me?

11–13 "He turned ill. Pour one.. of fine water, one ... of pure water" Tu'enuru (incantation formula).

14–17 Before Šamaš save your descendants!

18–20 Arrange a trial and ask about me in my trial:

21–25 Perhaps above a deity has seized me, or be[low] a ghost has seized me?

26–30 [Call for?] Šamaš the supernal (and) Šamaš of Below, (for) Gilgameš the supernal (and) Gilgameš of Below.

Word Translation Semantic Line
Abāyya PN 1, 5
abum father 1
ana I to, for 1
ana mīnim (cf. mīnûm) why 7
Babāyya PN 2
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create 8
dīnum (DI.KU5) verdict, case, judgement, legal decision 18, 19
elûm II upper 21, 27, 29
eṭemmum ghost 24
ezēbum (v.) G to leave, leave behind; Š to save 17
Gilgameš PN 29, 30
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 22
ina in, on, by, from 14, 19
kīam so, thus 8
maḫrum II front, presence 14
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant 5, 6, 16
minde perhaps 21
murṣum (TU.RA) illness, sorrow, distress 9
Nūr-Kūbī PN PN
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command 3
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold 10, 22, 25
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established 18
šâlum, ša'ālum (v.) I G to ask; Gt to consult 20
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 15, 27, [28]
šaplûm lower 23, 28, 30
tu6-én-é-nu-ru spell 13
u and, but, also 2, 9, 23
umma saying 4
zērum II (NUMUN) seed(s) 6
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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Cataloguing, edition, translation
Tulaikova, Yulia
Edition, indexing