HS 1919+ HS 1936

SEAL no. 29763

Copy / Photo
Pls. 10–13
Tablet Siglum
HS 1919+ HS 1936
2.4 × 9.4 × 11.1
Hilprecht Sammlung, Jena
Genre / Classification
Wisdom Literature, Monologue



beginning broken

1 [oooooooo]x-⸢aḫ⸣ [o (o)]-⸢ru⸣ x ⸢lum⸣-x

2 [ooooooo] x du-ra-ni qa-at be-lí

3 [o o o o o (o)] a-šib a-na kam-ma-al

4 [i]z-mu-ru m[a-a kalû(lúGALA)] ⸢⸣-ram-me-ku ma-a lúpa-ši-šu

it-ta(-)šá(-)⸢a⸣ [o o o (o)] ka-li-ši-na ma-a iš-pa-ra

us-su ma-a asû(lú⸢A⸣.[ZU]) uš-ši-pu ma-a āšip(KA.PIRIG.GA)

7 ⸢šadi-iš-šá i[l-tu-k]u? ka-li-šú-nu ma-a ṭupšar(DUB.SAR)

8 ⸢ib⸣-ru ma-a bārû(lúḪAL⸢meš⸣) [i-b]ar-ru ma-a ba-a-a-ar

ša ú-ṣu ú-šap-[r]i-šú ka-li-šú-nu ma-a mun-daḫ-ṣu

10 ⸢ip-nu ma-a la-as-s[i-m]u iṣ-ru-ḫu ma-a qar-ra-du

11 ša ga-mi-ru-tu i-[p]u-šú ka-li-šú-nu ma-a it-ba-ra

12 ša pár-sa-ta id-bu-bu ka-li-šú-nu ma-a mun-dal-ku

13a ki-ma e-gi-ta a-bu-uk ter-túṭè-e-mu 

13b šur-ru-ku ilum(DINGIR)-ma qa-a-a-áš

14 muš-tam-gi-ra i-[b]e-el eṭlūti(lúGURUŠmeš)

15a u4-mu la šap-ra nišū(UNmeš) l[i-q]í-pu 

15b ri-gim-šú kīma(GIM) ṣil-le-e ú-saḫ-ḫa-al!(AḪ) ida(Á)

16 šá qātī(ŠUmin) i-⸢ti⸣-qu šá is-ra-mu ú-ṭi

17a bur-ma!(LU)-am šaḫapi(ŠAḪ-GIŠ.GI) qātī(ŠUmin) lu-⸢ḫum-mu-uṭ 

17b–18 ú-la-a-bi | ú-pa-a-di ana a-pi-šu-ma

19a armi(AMAR.MAŠ.DÀ) ṣabīti(MAŠ.DÀ) lu-še-ni-qa-šu [enzātu(Ù]Zmeš) →

19b a-na tulê(UBUR) ummī(AMA)-šú e-ṭa-a īnā(IGImin)-šú

20 būr(AMAR) ayyali(SI.MUL) li-te-ʾ-⸢a⸣ [ḫe-me]-ti (?) ṭa-ab-tú

21 a-na ri-gim [um-mi-š]u (?) ba-šá-a uznā(GEŠTUmin)-šu

22 mi-ra-an nēši(UR.M[AḪ) (o o) li]-kul šīrī(UZU)-ma

23 da-mu li-na-a[ṣ-ṣi-ib o o o eli(UG]U) ṣērī(EDIN)-šú-ma

24 mi-ra-an šēlebi(KA5.⸢A⸣) [līrub (?)] ina ēkalli(É.GAL)

25 ⸢šu⸣-kut-tu luzu-ʾu⸣-[nu lu sa]-aḫ-ru bal-[tú]

26 mi-⸢ra-an⸣ [barbari liššuk (?) d]u-muq šīri(UZ[U) ø]

27 ana na-pa-⸢li⸣ [o o o o (o o o)] x-uz [o]

28 a-tam iṣṣūrī(MUŠEN⸢meš⸣) x [o o o o o o (o o o o)]

29 šá x[oooooooo(oooo)]




beginning broken

30 [o o o o o o o o o (o o o o o)]

31 ⸢e?-ra-a⸣ [o o o o o o o o (o o o)]

32 ḫaṭṭi(gišGIDRU) bīni(⸢ŠINIG⸣) [o o o o o o o (o o o)]

33 bu-ṣa-a ma-a!(MIN)-t[u o o o o o o o (o o o)]

34 la-ab-ba-a ina ma-x [...]

35 abārâ(A.GAR5-a) tu-pa-aṣ-ṣ[a? o o (o o o)]-⸢zu-uš⸣ [o o (o o)]

36 a-na na-pa-aṣ ka-x [o o (o o o)-r]a?-na-⸢tu⸣ [o o o (o o)]

37 []u-še-e parzillî(AN.BAR-i) [o o o o o (o)-t]a ḫu-x [o o]

38 ⸢iš-še⸣-gu ri-i-[mu o o o (o o)] ta-ri-x [(o)]

39 ri-⸢tuk⸣ ⸢la⸣-a la ⸢lú⸣ [o o o (o)] x-a a-za-mil-lu4 x [(o)]

40a ardu(ÌR) ek-ṣi be-la-⸢šu⸣ x [oo] →

40b [man-nu ina (?)] ki-na-at-te-e-šu šá-ni-in ina ni-i-ri

41 a-na ardi(ÌR) meš-ru-ú [(o o) o] x-⸢suú-pe-ṣi

42 la še-mu-ú li-i[r-re-d]i (?) i-na ap-pa-ti e-ra

43a šá ardi(ÌR) ek-ṣi a-aid⸣-[gu-l]u (?) pa-ni-šu 

43b áš-liš liš-pil-ma la-[a]n-⸢šulid-gul

44 ug-gu-uk pu-ut alpi(GU4) a-[rik] ⸢nar-ba⸣-ṣi ku-ra-tu4 ár-kát-su

45 ḫi-ṣe-en ki-šad mu-u[r a-g]a-⸢lia-na pa-te-e pak-kar-ta

46 ta-ta-ra-an-⸢ni⸣ [ø] kab-ta-ti tu-lam-mìn

47 ar-ki-tuk lu-⸢⸣ [lal-l]a-⸢raú-na-aṣ-ṣab man-⸢nu

48 pa-na-ma šap-t[i-i]a te-te-qímar⸣-t[i] (?)

49 ⸢ár⸣-ka-ti b[u-un]-na-ka ú-dáš-šap [lal-la-riš (?)]

50 i-na pa-ni-i[a lìb-b]a? ta-aṣ-ṣa-ra-aḫ x [o o]

51 tu-ut-tir-ra-[(ma) t]e-bir-an-ni-ma ṣi-bu-tú u[l tak-šu-ud (?)]

52 ⸢ta-at⸣-x [o (o)]-⸢ma túb-te-el-lii⸣-[šá-tíš (?)]

53 [o o o (o o)] ⸢i⸣-šá-tam-maat-ta⸣-kip [o o o]

54 [o o o o o]-⸢ra⸣-a-t[uoo] x [o o (o o)]

55 [o o o o o o] x ⸢šá⸣ [o o o o  o o o]





beginning broken

1 [...] ... [...] ...
2 [...] ... walls, the hand of the lord,

3 [...] sitting against the adversary:

4 [(He who) s]ings, [“lamentation priest”; (he who)] bathes, “purification priest.”

5 (Who) moves [the shuttle here and there], everyone (calls him) “weaver”;

6 (He who) heals, “h[ealer”; (he who)] exorcises, “exorcist.”
7 (He) who ch[ec]ks the wedge, everyone (calls him) “scribe”;

8 (He who) divines, “diviner”; [(he who) h]unts, “huntsman”;

9 (He) who shoots an arrow, everyone (calls him) “archer.”

10 (He who) outstrips, “run[ne]r”; (he who) [ru]shes, “warrior.”

11 (He) who has power, everyone (calls him) “friend”;
12 (He) who says things clearly, everyone (calls him) “wise.”

13a By negligence I broke the order and the command,
13b (But) “A god alone can grant prolongation (of life)” (= Theodicy 196),

14 (And) “he who makes amends is a ruler of men” (= Quotation?).

15a Let people [tru]st an unchained lion:
15b His roar shall needle the arm like a thorn,
16 (A thorn) which cut the hands, which sliced the forearm.

17a Let a wild boar piglet be swift-footed -
17b–18 He will take (nothing but) a soiled rag captive to his canebrake.

19a Let [nanny go]ats suckle the fawn of agazelle—
19b His eyes (will look) impatiently for his mother’s breast.

20 Let the calf of a deer lick fine [but]ter
21 His ears (will) bend towards the voice of h[is mother].

22 [Le]t the lio[n] cub [(...)] eat flesh —
23 Let him suc[k] the blood [... o]ver him.

24 [Let] the fox cub [enter] the palace,
25 Let [(the palace)] be adorned with the ornament, [let it be wra]pped in dign[ity],

26 [Let] the cub of [the wolf bite the cho]icest me[at],

27 To forage for [...] ... [...]

28 [Let] the hatchling of the bird [...]

29 ... [...]




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30 [...]

31 Copper [...]

32 A stick of tamarisk [...]

33 (Does) the land [...] to a hyena?

34 (Does) [...] in the ... to a lion?

35 Will you sinter lead [...] ... [...]?
36 In order to crush ... [...] ... [...]

37 Scraps of iron ... [...] ... [...]

38 A bu[ll] becomes infuriated, [...] ... [(...)]
39 The bull in your hand ... [...] ... a sack ...

40a [Let] the insolent slave [disrespect] his master—
40b [Who among] his peers will rival him at the yoke?

41 To a slave, riches crushed his ... [...],
42 Let the disobedient be le[d aw]ay with a ox-goad of hard wood!

43a Of the insolent slave, let his face not be s[ee]n!
43b Let (only) he who goes down sixty meters see his figure!

44 Your rage is an ox’s forehead (i.e., a trapezoid): the base is wide, (but) its length is short;

45 Hug the neck of a [do]nkey foa[l] to open ...

46 You have insulted me, hurting my feelings,
47 After you(r actions), even if (I) were [hon]ey, who would suck (me)?

48 In the past you have daubed my li[ps] with ga[ll].
49 In the future I will sweeten your f[a]ce [like honey].

50 Before m(y actions), you were burning (with rage in your) [hear]t ... [...];

51 You have, again, cross-examined me, [without achieving] the purpose.

52 You have ... [...], you kept extinguishing [like] f[ire].

53 [...] the fire, I have gored [...]

54-55 [...] ... [...]

Word Translation Semantic Line
-mā interrog. ptcl. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
abākum II (v.) to overturn, upset 13a
abārum (A.GAR5) lead (metal) 35
agālum I donkey 45
ai, ē, â not 43a
akālum (v.) G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G 22
alā'um (v.) to lick 20
alpum (GU4) bull, ox 44
ana I to, for 3, 18, 19b, 21, 27, 36, 41, 45
appatum rein, bridle 42
apum (gišGI) reed-bed, reed 18
arākum (v.) (GÍD.DA) G to be long; D make long, lengthen; Š to lengthen, prolong 13b
arārum II (v.) to curse, insult 46?
ariktum kind of spear, lance; length 44
armum mountain goat 19a
ašlum rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres 43b
asûm physician 6
ayyalum stag, deer 20
azamillum sack 39
bā'erum (ŠU.ḪA) hunter, fisherman 8
barbarum (UR.BAR.RA) wolf [26]
bārûm diviner 8
barûm (v.) to see, to look 8
bârum (v.) G to catch, trap 8
bāštum dignity, pride 25
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create 21
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner 2, 40a
bêlum (v.) to reign 14
belûm (v.) G to be extinguished, come to an end; D to extinguish 52
bêrum (v.) to choose, select; examine, check 51
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) tamarisk 32
būnum features, face, goodness, pl. face 49
būrum II calf, (bull) calf 20
būṣum hyaena 33
dabābum II (v.) G to speak, talk; Gt speak to each other 12
dagālum (v.) to see, look 43a, 43b
dāmum blood 23
dašāpum (v.) G be sweet; D make sweet 49
diššum name of sign DIŠ, here: "wedge" 7
dumqum goodness, good (thing), welfare 26
dūrum (city) wall, rampart 2
egītum negligence, omission 13a
ēkallum (É.GAL) palace 24
ekṣum brazen, dangerous; insolent 40a, 43a
eli, elu on, above, over 23
enēqum (v.) G to suck; Š to suckle, give suck to 19a
enzum, ezzum, inzum (ÙZ) goat, she-goat; she-goat (the constellation Lyra) 19a
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G 11
eqûm (v.) to anoint, smear on 48
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate 24
ērum (MA.NU) tree (a kind of) 42
ešûm (v.) to confuse 5?
etēqum II (v.) to bend, cut, break 16
eṭlūtum manliness 14
eṭûm dark; anxious, impatient 19b
gāmirūtum strength, efficacy 11
ḫaṣānum, ḫasānum (v.) to hug, take under one's protection 45
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) stick, sceptre 32
ḫimētum, ḫemētum butter, ghee 20
ḫušûm (metal) scrap 37
idum (Á) arm; side; strength; wage 15b
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 13b
ina in, on, by, from 24, 34, 40b, 42, 50
īnum (IGI) eye 19b
išātiš on fire, ablaze [52]
išātum fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever 53
išparum weaver 5
iṣṣūrum bird 28
itbārum friend, colleague 11
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention 46
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
kalûm III (UŠ.KU) lamentation-priest 4?
kammālum adversary 3
kašādum (v.) G to reach, arrive; D drive off, chase away; Š caus. of G [51]
kīma like, as; when; that 13a, 15b
kinattum employee, menial; peer 40b
kišādum (GÚ) neck, bank 45
kurûm short 44
not 42
lābum lion 34
lallāriš like honey 49?
lallārum white honey 47
lānum body, figure; stature, form 43b
lāsimum runner 10
latākum (v.) to check 7
latākum (v.) to check 39?
lemēnum (v.) G to be(come) bad; D do evil, treat badly 46
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 50
let it be; or; though; indeed 25, 47
mannum who?, who [40b], 47
martum bile 48
mašrûm riches, wealth 41
massûtum reading out, lecture 12?
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 33?
mīrānum, mērānum puppy, young dog 22, 24, 26
mumtalkum, mundalkum counsellor, sage 12
mundaḫṣum fighter 9
mūrum young bull, foal of donkey or horse 45
muštamgirum who brings into harmony 14
nakāpum (v.) G to butt, gore; pierce, stab 53
napālum (v.) I to dig out, hack down, demolish 27
napāṣum (v.) Dt (?); G to kick, strike, crush 36
naprušum (v.) G to fly; Š let fly 9
narbāṣum lair (of an animal) 44
nārum II (NAR) musician, singer 4?
naṣābum (v.) I to suck 47
naṣābum (v.) I to suck 23
našākum (v.) G to bite, gnaw [26]
našûm (v.) G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. 5?
nēšum, nīšum (UR.MAH) lion 22
nīrum yoke, crossbeam; "yoke-star" 40b
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population 15a
pa'āṣum (v.) to break up, crush 41?
pâdum (v.) to confine, imprison 18
pāna before 48
panûm (v.) to face, be ahead 10
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times 43a, 50
parsum clear reports, orders 12?
parzillum (AN.BAR) iron 37
pašīšum anointed (a priest) 4
peṣûm (v.) II G to be white; D make white 35, 41?
petûm II (v.) G to open, expose; Š to cause to open 45
pūtum forehead, brow 44
qarrādum (UR.SAG) warlike; hero, warrior 10
qātum (ŠU) hand 2, 16
qayyāšum generous 13b
qiāpum (v.) to (en)trust; believe 15a
ramākum (v.) G to bath, wash; D to bath, wash (trans.); Š cause to be drenched 4
redûm I (v.) G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead 42
rigmum voice, cry, noise 15b, 21
rīmum (AM) wild bull 38
rittum hand 39?
ša who(m), which, of 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 43a
ṣabītum gazelle 19a
saḫālum (v.) G~D to prick, pierce 15b
saḫrum wrapped, surrounded 25
šannum rivaling 40b
šapālum (v.) G to be, become low; D to lower, dig deep 43b
šapārum (v.) G to send, write, govern, administer 15a
šaptum lip, rim 48
ṣarāḫum II (v.) to light up, flare up 50
ṣarāḫum IV (v.) G to send; D to dispatch quickly, to hurry 10
sarāmum (v.) to cut open 16
šegûm (v.) II to be wild, rave 38
šēlebum fox 24
šēmûm hearer, that hears 42
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards 23
ṣibȗtum desire, need 51
ṣillûm (DÁLA) thorn, needle, pin 15b
šīrum (UZU) flesh, body; entrails; kinsman, blood relative, meat; ominous sign 22, 26
šukuttum adornment, jewellery 25
ṭābum (DU10) good, sweet 20
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back 51
ṭēmum thought, plan, instruction, information 13a
têrtum instruction 13a
tulûm breast 19b
ṭupšarrum, tupšarrum (DUB.SAR) scribe 7
uggum wrath 44
ul not 51
ulāpum rag 17b
ummum mother 19b, 21
ūmum II stormwind, weather-beast, mythical lion 15a
ussûm (v.) to heal 6
ūṣum arrow(head) 9
ūṭum span, half-cubit; forearm 16
uznum ear, wisdom, understanding 21
waqrum rare, valuable, precious 45
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) slave, servant 40a, 41, 43a
warkatum rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after 49
warkītum posterity, descendants; future; haunches 47
warûm (v.) G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer 46?
wašāpum (v.) G to exorcise; D "cure" by exorcism 6
wāšibum sitting, dwelling, present; inhabitant 3?
wāšipum exorcist, sorcerer, magician 3?, 6
watmum hatchling 28
werûm copper 31?
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play 4
decorated 25
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Tulaikova, Yulia
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