SEAL no. 7026
Kish 1930, 143+175 h (CDLI 285640)
Westenholz A./Westenholz J. G. 1977 , 200
CDLI 285640
1 dEN.KI ir-e-ma-am
2 è-ra-[?]-am
3 ir-e-mu-um meraʾ(DUMU) dIštar(INANNA)
4 in sà-qì-[ša?/šu? u?-ša?-a]b
5 in ru-úḫ-t[i kà-na]-ak-tim
6 ú-tá-ra wa-a[r-d]a-tá
7 da-mì-iq-tá tu-úḫ-tá-na-ma
8 ki-rí-śum tu-ur4-da
9 tu-ur4-da-ma a-na kirîm(gišKIRI6)
10 ru-úḫ-ti kà-na-ak-tim
11 ti-ip-tá-at-qá
12 a-ḫu-uz7(EŠ) pá-ki ša ru-qá-tim
13 a-ḫu-uz7 bu-ra-ma-ti
14 e-né-ki
15 a-ḫu-uz7 ur4-ki
16 ša ši-na-tim
17 a-áš-ḫi-iṭ ki-rí-ís
18 dSîn(EN.ZU)
19 ab-tùq ṣarbatam(gišÁSAL)
20 u-me-ís-sa
21 du-ri-ni i-tá-as-kà-ri-ni
22 ki rāʾium(SIPA) ì-du-ru ṣa-nam
23 enzum(ÙZ) kà-lu-ma-sa laḫrum(U8) puḫāssa(SILA4-[sà])
24 a-tá-núm mu-ra-aś
25 se-er-gu-a i-da-śu
26 šamnum(Ì) ù ti-bu-ut-tum
27 śa-ap-tá-śu
28 a-sà-am šamnim(Ì) in qá-ti-śu
29 a-sà-am i-ri-nim in bu-dì-śu
30 ir-e-mu ú-da-bi-bu-śi-ma
31 ù iš-ku-nu-śi a-na mu-ḫu-tim
32 a-ḫu-uz7 pá-ki ša da-dì
33 dIštar(INANNA) ù dIš-ḫa-ra
34 ù-tám-me-ki
35 a-di4 ṣa-wa-ar-śu
36 ù ṣa-wa-ar-ki
37 la e-tám-da
38 la tá-pá-ša-ḫi-ni
1–2 Enki loves the love-charm,
3–4 The love-charm, Ištar’s son, [sit]ting in [her?/his? l]ap,
5–6 Turning here through the sap of the incense-tree.
6–7 You, Oh two beautiful maidens, are blooming!
8–9 To the garden you come down, indeed come down to the garden!
10–11 You have drunk(?) the sap of the incense-tree.
12 I have seized now your(f.) drooling mouth (lit. “mouth of sap”),
13–14 I have seized your(f.) shining eyes,
15–16 I have seized your(f.) vulva, (the place of) urine.
17–18 I leaped to the garden of Sîn,
19–20 I cut the poplar tree for her day.
21–22 Encircle(f.) me between the boxwood trees, as the shepherd encircles the flock,
23–24 As the goat (encircles) its kid, the sheep its lamb, the mare its foal!
25 His arms are adorned,
26–27 Oil and (the sound of) harp – his lips.
28–29 A cup of oil in his hands, a cup of cedar fragrance on his shoulders.
30–31 The love-charms have persuaded her, driven her to ecstasy –
33–34 I conjure you(f.) by the name of Ištar and Išḫara:
35–38 ‘Until his neck and your(f.) neck are not entwined – you(f.) shall not find peace!’
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
assammum | jug, goblet, drinking vessel | Fabricated objects | 28, 29 |
atānum | she-ass | Fauna (domestic) | 24 |
būdum, pūdum | shoulder | Body/Body parts | 29 |
dādum I | darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 32 |
Enki | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 1 |
enzum, ezzum, inzum (ÙZ) | goat, she-goat; she-goat (the constellation Lyra) | Fauna (domestic) | 23 |
erēnum (gišEREN) | cedar | Flora | 29 |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | Body/Body parts | 25 |
īnum (IGI) | eye | Body/Body parts | 14 |
irimmum | charm, love charm | Abstract concepts | 1, 3, 30 |
Išḫara | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 33 |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 3, 33 |
kalumtum | ewe; female lamb | Fauna (domestic) | 23 |
kanaktum | tree (incense-bearing) | Flora | 5, 10 |
kirûm (GIŠ.KIRI6) | orchard, plantation | Flora | 8, 9, 17 |
laḫrum (U8) | sheep, ewe | Fauna (domestic) | 23 |
maḫḫūtum | prophetess, female ecstatic | Social status/Groups/Professions | 31 |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms | 3 |
mūrum | young bull, foal of donkey or horse | Fauna (domestic) | 24 |
puḫādum (SILA4) | lamb | Fauna (domestic) | 23 |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 12, 32 |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 22 |
ru'tum, rūtum | spittle, saliva, sap | Body/Body parts | 5, 10, 12 |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | Food/Drink,Materials | 26, 28 |
šaptum | lip, rim | Body/Body parts | 27 |
sāqum | thigh | Body/Body parts | 4 |
ṣarbatum (gišÁSAL) | poplar | Flora | 19 |
ṣawārum | neck | Body/Body parts | 35, 36 |
ṣēnum III | flock, sheep (and goats) | Fauna (domestic) | 22 |
Sîn | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 18 |
šīnātum | urine | Body/Body parts | 16 |
taskarinnum | box tree, boxwood | Flora | 21 |
tibbuttum | a musical instrument, phps. drum | Fabricated objects | 26 |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Time concepts | 20 |
ūrum II | pudenda, nakedness | Body/Body parts | 15 |
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) | girl, young woman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 6 |