SEAL no. 7078
NBC 6321 obv. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
NBC 6321 rev. (Yale Babylonian Collection)
van Dijk/Goetze/Hussey 1985, 8
CDLI P289353.
Coll. Farber, YOS 11, p. 61.
1 sí-ka-tum i-ša-tum mi-iq-tum ša-nu-du-ú
2 a-šu-ú-um sa-ma-nu-ú-um
3 e-ep-qé-nu ša-la-at-ti-nu-um
4 ù gi-ir-gi-iš-šu-um
5 iš-tu kakkab(MUL) ša-me-e ur-du-nim
6 an-na-nu-um er-ṣe-tum šu-nu-ti im-ḫu-ur
7 ti-bi gi-ir-gi-iš-šum la ta-ra-ab-⌈bí-iṣ⌉
8 ki-ma qù-ut-ri-i[m ] e-l[i] š[a]-ma-n[i?]
9 ki-ma ib-b[a-ri-im x x x ]
10 tu-uš-ta-aḫ-di-ir bu-[ul ṣe-ri-im]
11 ka-lu-mé-e ṣe-eḫ-ra-am i-na b[u-ud] ta-ri-tim
12 ma-an-na-am lu-uš-pu-ur a-na ma-ar-ti A-[ni]-im
13 li-bé-el-lu-nim
14 sí-ik-ka-tam i-ša-tam mi-iq-tam ša-nu-du
15 a-šu-ú-um sa-ma-nu-ú-um
16 e-ep-qé-nu ša-la-at-ti-nu-um
17 ù gi-ir-gi-iš-šum
18 tu.ú
1 The sikkatum-disease (pox?), fever, falling, the šanudû-disease,
2–4 the ašûm-disease, the samānum-disease, the epqēnum-disease, the šalattinum-disease, and the girgiššum-disease
5–6 have descended from the star of heaven - here the earth has received them.
7 Raise up girgiššum-disease, do not lie down!
8–9 Ascent to heaven like smoke, like a cloud [...].
10–11 You have caused the herds of the field, the lambs, the child on the shoulders of the nurse to be entirely dark.
12–13 'Whom should I send to the Daughters of An so that they will put out
14–17 pox(?), fever, falling, the šanudû-disease, the ašûm-disease, the samānum-disease, the epqēnum-disease, the šalattinum-disease, and the girgiššum-disease?'
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ašûm | disease affecting the head (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 2, 15 |
belûm (v.) | G to be extinguished, come to an end; D to extinguish | 13 | |
būl ṣērim | wild animal | Fauna (wild) | 10 |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | 8 | |
epqēnum, epeqēnum | skin disease (kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 3, 16 |
gergiššum, girgiššum | red skin disease (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 4, 7, 17 |
imbarum, ibbarum | fog, mist | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 9 |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | Diseases/Demons,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 1, 14 |
kakkab šamê | star of heaven | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 5 |
kalūmum | lamb | Fauna (domestic) | 11 |
maḫārum (v.) | G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received | 6 | |
mārat Anim | daughter of An | Deities/Divine sphere | 12 |
miqtum, meqtum | fall, collapse; kind of desease, epilepsy | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 1, 14 |
qutrum | smoke | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 8 |
rabāṣum (v.) | G to sit, be recumbent, lie in wait, lurk; Gtn regularly sit on, settle; Š caus. of G | 7 | |
šalattinum | illness (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 3, 16 |
samānum, šamānum | disease of men and animals (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons,Fauna (wild) | 2, 15 |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | Food/Drink,Materials | 8 |
šan(n)adum, šanudû | illness (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 1, 14 |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | Verbal expressions | 12 |
sikkatum II | serious illness (a kind of), pox? | Diseases/Demons | 1, 14 |
tārītum | nurse, nanny | Social status/Groups/Professions | 11 |
warādum (v.) | G to go down, descend; Gt to go down, descend; Š to send, take, bring down | 5 |