SEAL no. 7137
- BM 79022 obv. (British Museum)
- BM 79022 rev. (British Museum)
- Wasserman 2010a 334
- Wasserman 2010a 335
Compilation of Sumerian incantations and Akkadian rituals.
1 en-nu-a-ri an-ta dab
2 e-e-ta lah5 apin-[lá?]
3 er-igi pa-⌈ha-te⌉ ka-mu
4 igi igi [pa-ha-t]e ka-mu
5 ⌈numun⌉-[kù-g]a pa-ha-am
6 ul ⌈x⌉ igi?-nim-ma a-ga? igi-nim-ma
11 ša-ar?-⌈x⌉ [x x x x x x (x)]
12 sa-a x ⌈x⌉ [x x x x x (x)]
13 ku4-bi?-x⌉-[x x x x x x x (x)]
14 ra?/um? ⌈x x⌉ [x x x x x x (x)]
15 me-me-[a? x x x x x x (x)]
19 ù? te na? [x x x x x (x)]
20 ⌈x⌉ DU ⌈x⌉ [x x x x x x (x)]
21 ⌈x⌉ ⌈ša?⌉ DU? ⌈x⌉ [x x x x (x)]
1 ⌈en⌉ ki-ág-me-en ḫ[é?-me?-en?]
2 en lugal-me-en ḫé-me-[en]
3 nun-bi-me-en hé-me-en
4 en me-bi sìla?-ku5?-bi-me-en
5 buru5mušen zú-zu nu-ge hé-a
6 inim-dInanna-ta buru5-bi hé-nim
7 kikkiṭašu(KÌD.KÌD.BI) ṭi-da ša išid šūšim (SUHUŠ ŠE.DÙ.A) ⌈x⌉
8 i-na ṣīt Šamšim(dUTU.È.A) ereb Šamšim(dUTU{UTU}.ŠÚ.BA)
9 te-le-eq-qé-e-ma (sup. ras.)
10 a-na ku-pa-ti-in-ni 7 ù 7
12 ši-ip-tam a-na 7 ù 7 ta-ma-an-[nu-(ma)]
13 iš-tu ši-ip-tam ta-am-⌈nu⌉-[(ma)]
14 a-na 2-šu ta-ṣa-⌈ap⌉-[pa-(ma)]
15 ši-ip-tam ta-ma-an-nu-⌈ma⌉
16 a-na bi-ri-it tu-li-ša
18 ⌈a?/i?⌉-⌈ša⌉- tum i-la-ka-ak-kum
1 Incantation. Spreading over from heaven:
2 A plough-bringing tiller,
3 O Weeping eye, out of distress! May I grow!
4 Eye, eye, out of [distress]! May I grow!
5 Pure seed - it is (in) distress!
6 A fruit(?)... of the upper (land), a crown(?) of the upper (land).
7 Its ritual: a seal (of) a man...
8 with four seals...
10 The sixth...
12 a cat(?)
13 its entrance...
15 an orde[r(?) ...
16 Its ritual:...
17 The incantation...
18 Hand of...
1 The lord (of) wild animals – I am. – l[et me be!]
2 A lord – let me be! A … [... – let me be!]
3 Its prince I am! – let me be!
4 A lord, its power, its decision – I am!
5 Small birds, do not bring back your teeth – so be it!
6 By the command of Inanna, its (the field's) small birds, may they depart!
7–9 Its ritual: you take clay (Böck: flour) of a licorice's root, in sun-rise (or/and) sun-set,
10–11 you roll pellets, seven and seven,
12 you reci[te] the incantation over the seven and seven (pellets).
13 After you have recit[ed] the incantation,
14 you will dren[ch] them twice (and)
15 you will recite (again) the incantation.
18 and the woman (or: (your) wife) will come to you.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | 18 |
aššatum, aštum | wife | Kinship terms | 18 |
erbum II (in: ereb dŠamšim (dUTU.ŠÚ.BA)) | sunset | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 8 |
išdum (SUḪUŠ) | foundation, base; root | 7 | |
kapātum (v.) | D bring together, collect, roll into ball | 11 | |
kikiṭṭûm (KÌD.KÌD.BI; KI.KI.BI) | ritual procedure | Rituals/Religious practices | 7, 25 |
kupatinnum | globule, pill | Fabricated objects | 10 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | 9 | |
manûm (v.) | G to count, calculate, recite; Gtn iter. of G; D=G | 12, 13, 15 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw down, lay down; N to be rejected; Š caus. of G | 17 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | vii 16' | |
ṣapûm (v.) | G to soak, drench | 14 | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | Rituals/Religious practices | 12, 13, 15 |
ṣīt dŠamšim (dUTU.È.A) | exit, (sun)rise | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 8 |
šūšum (ŠE.DÙ.A) | liquorice | Flora | 7 |
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu | clay, mud | Materials | 7 |
tulûm | breast | Body/Body parts | 16 |