SEAL no. 7184
Landsberger/Jacobsen 1955 , 15
CDLI No. P355886. The tablet belongs to the lot of tablets from Išchali which is in Baghdad, see Greengus 1979, 2, n. 5 (ref. Ch. Hess).
1 er-ṣé-tum-mi er-ṣé-tum
2 ú-li-id lu-ḫa-ma
3 lu-ḫu-mu-ú
5 i-ši-nu-um ú-li-id
6 šu-bu-ul-tam {TUM}
7 šu-bu-ul-tum
8 ú-li-id me-er-ḫa
9 i-na-mi eqel(A.ŠÀ) dEn-líl
11 70 IKU eqlam(A.ŠÀ)
12 dEN.ZU i-ṣí-di
13 dUTU ú-ša-ap-ḫa-ar
14 a-na-mi īn(IGI) eṭli(GURUŠ)
17 ma-na lu-uš-pu-ur
18 ù lu-wa-ʾì-ir
19 a-na mārat(DUMU.SAL) An 7 7
21 agubbâm (⌈E?⌉.GUB) ⌈ša⌉ sa-am-ti
25 [e]l-lu-tim me-er-ḫa
26 [l]i-še!-li-[a?]
27 [i]-na īn(IGI) eṭlim(GURUŠ)
1–2 Earth - they say - earth bore the dirt,
3–4 the dirt bore the stalk,
5–6 the stalk bore the ear,
7–8 the ear bore the sty.
9 In - they say - the field of Enlil,
10–11 the square, 70 Iku of surface,
12 (when) Sîn was reaping,
13 (and) Šamaš was harvesting,
14 into- they say - the young man's eye
15–16 entered the sty.
17–18 "Whom should I assign and send
19 to the Daughters of An, seven and seven?
20–22 Let them take for me a vessel of carnelian, a pot of alabaster.
23–25 Let them draw for me pure water of the sea.
25–26 Let them ⌈take out⌉ the sty from the young man's eye!"
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
agubbûm | holy water vessel | Fabricated objects | 21 |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | 26 | |
Enlil | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 9 |
eqlum (A.ŠÀ) | field, terrain | Locations/Buildings | 9, 11 |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | 15 | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 1 |
eṣēdum (v.) | G to harvest, reap | 12 | |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 14, 27 |
ḫulālum (na4NÍR) | stone (valuable, a kind of) | Materials | 22 |
īnum (IGI) | eye | Body/Body parts | 14, 27 |
išīnum | stalk, stem | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 4, 5 |
karpatum (DUG) | clay pot | Fabricated objects | 22 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | 20 | |
luḫāmum | mud | Materials | 2, 3 |
mārat Anim | daughter of An | Deities/Divine sphere | 19 |
merḫum II | ergot, sty (in the eye) | Diseases/Demons | 8, 16, 25 |
mitḫārum | symmetrical, proportionate, of the same size | Abstract concepts | 10 |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | Food/Drink | 24 |
paḫārum (v.) | G to gather, assemble; D bring together, assemble; Š to gather, assemble | 13 | |
sâbum (v.) | G to draw water | 23 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Deities/Divine sphere | 13 |
sāmtum (NA4.GUG) | redness, carnelian | Materials | 21 |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | Verbal expressions | 17 |
Sîn | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 12 |
šubultum | ear, spike (of corn) | Body/Body parts | 6, 7 |
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) | sea, lake | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 24 |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | 2, 4, 5, 8 | |
wârum (v.) | G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send | 18 |