SEAL no. 7190
CBS 332 obv. (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
CBS 332 rev. (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
CBS 332 right edge of rev. (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Lutz 1919, 122 obv.
Lutz 1919, 122 rev.
1 [ḫul-gá]l ⌈igi⌉ [ḫul dumu ḫa-lam-ma-ke4]
li-li-tum ša ⌈i⌉-[in-ša lem-ne-et ...]
2 uš7!-zu uš7!-ri š[u dag-dag-ge nita-líl-lá-àm ì-bu-bu]
ki-iš-pu ru-ḫu-ú it-t[a?-na?-ag?-ga?-šu?...]
3 ki-sikil guruš [šu-dù-a á-ál-e-dè]
eṭ-lam ù wa-ar-da-⌈tam!?⌉ [...]
4 ì-gen im! abzu ḫabrud-da ḫumuze[r(SÍG.ŠAB)-re šu im-ma-ab-ti]
il-li-ik-ma ṭi-ṭa-am i-na ABZU i-na ḫu-u[r-ri-im ...]
5 alam mu-un-dím ḫumuzer šu i[m-ma-an-gur]
(vacat) i-pu-uš-ma mu-ša-ṭe4 [...]
6 munšub-a-ni lú ba-an-g[ir11-gir11(-re)]
i-na ša!-ra-ti-šu (vacat) r[a-ki-is]
7 uš7! i-ni-in-dé ki-a [bí-in-túm]
ru-uḫ-tam id-di-ma i-na er-ṣe-tim i[q-bi-ir]
8 uš7!-du11-du11 níg-gu7-gu7 [gá-gá]
ki-iš-pí i-pu-uš-ma i-na ma-ka-lim ⌈šu!⌉-u[d!?-du]
9 [u]š7 kaš-e dé-a eme-gar ḫul g[i!?-ga]
ru-uḫ-tim ši-ka-rum id-di-ma lem-ni-iš [...]
10 [lú-ul]ù pap-ḫal-la ki! nu-zu-a ⌈ba⌉-[an-gen or: ba-ab-dib]
[a-wi-lam m]u-ut-ta-al-li-kam i-na la i-du-⌈ú⌉ [...]
11 ⌈lú⌉-ulù-bi á-šu-girì-ni ⌈sa-ad-nim⌉ [im-šub]
(vacat) i-na ma-na-ni-šu [ša!]-⌈áš!-ša!-ṭù!⌉ [id-di]
12 zag-še im-gúr-gúr ⌈á!⌉-gig-ga! [...]
a-ḫa-a-šu (vacat) (idāt)-sú uṣ-ṣ[a-...]
13 dAsal-lú-ḫi igi [i]m!-ma-an-[sì]
14 a-a-ni dEn-ki-ra é ba-ši-in-ku4 [gù mu-na-dé-e]
15 a-a-mu ḫul-gál igi ḫul dumu ḫa-⌈lam⌉-m[a-ke4]
16 a-rá-min-kám-ma-aš ù-ub-da a-na ba-ni-ib-g[i4-g]i4
17 dEn-ki-ke4 dumu-ni dAsal-lú-ḫi mu-na-ni-íb-g[i4-g]i4
18 dumu-mu a-na-àm na-e-zu a-na-àm a-ra-ab-daḫ-⌈e⌉
19 dAsal-lú-ḫi a-na-àm na-e-zu a-na-àm a-ra-ab-daḫ-e
20 níg-gá-e ì-zu-a-mu ù za-e in-ga-⌈e⌉-zu
21 ù za-e in-ga-e-zu gá-e ì-zu
22 gen-na dumu-mu dAsal-lú-ḫi
23 a kar sikil-la-ta dugsakar ù-ba-e-ni-si
23a me-e kar-ri el-lim i-na (vacat) mu-ul-li-ma
24 giššinig úin-nu-uš ⌈naga-si⌉ gi-šul-ḫi
25 gišli [gišeren-bab]bar-ra (šà-bé ù-me-ni-gar)
bu-ra-ša [...] (vacat)
26 ⌈na4gi!-rin!-na! na4⌉za-nír [...] na4za-muš-[gír]
[.............................. mušgar?]-ra
27 [nam-šub eriduki-ga ù-me]-⌈sì!⌉
(rest broken)
28 ⌈dBil4⌉-[ga-mes(?) k]a!-⌈kéš!-bi! ḫu-mu-du8⌉
29 uš7!-zu uš7-ri-a-ni amar-di4-di4-lá-gin7
30 LÚ+ LÚ uš7!-ri-a-ni gišsa-šú-uš-gal ḫu-mu-šú
ša-lam-ti ka-aš-ša-ap-ti šu-a-ti (vacat) [l]i-is-ḫu-up
31 an-sù-gin7 šà-bi šu ḫé-en-sur-re-eš
ki!-ma! (vacat) ŠÀ-šu a-ia i-né-eš
32 dumu gír-tab-ba-gin7 uš7-ri-a-ni uš7!-zu!-e-ne ḫé-š[ub-b]u-uš
ki-ma (vacat) ša! (vacat) ka-ša-ap-tam šu-a-ti ki-iš-pu-ša li-ša-am-qí-tu-ši!
33 sa-UD gazinbu(GIŠ.BU)-gin7 uš7-zu-e-ne ḫé-b[a]l-uš
ši-ir-a-ni-ša ki-ma ga-ši-ši-im ka-ša-ap-tam šu-a-ti [l]i-iḫ-ru-ú
34 uš7-zu! ní-te-na-šè šu ḫa-ba-ab-zi
ki-iš-pu-ša a-na ra-ma-ni-ša li-⌈in⌉-na-ad-ru
35 akan á-kùš-a-na ⌈zú⌉ ḫé-ku5-ku5-e
ṣí-ri-is-sà i-na am-ma-t[i-š]a li-ba-ṣí-ir
36 šu-si-ni ga-àr-gin7 [ḫé-tuk]úr-e
(ubān)?-ša ki-ma ba?-x [ ...]
37 uzua-ú-na [urgú ...] ḫa-ba-laḫ!la!-aḫ
⌈i!-na!⌉ li-iq pí-ša ⌈x!⌉ [... li-bal]
38 [dN]è-iri11-gal en-gal kur-[ra … -b]i? hé-a
39 [dN]in-urta ur-sag ka[la-ga …] hé-a
40 ⌈d!Utu! di!-ku5⌉ gal dingir-re-⌈e!⌉-[ne-ke4 …] ḫé-a
41 ⌈dNin⌉-giš-zi-da gu-[za-lá dingir-re-e-ne-ke4] ḫé-a ZU? KA DI/KI x
42 d⌈Gibil6⌉ KA!? maš-ma[š ...] ḫé-a ZU? K[A]? [ ]
iz?-x [......................]
43 ⌈ur?-sag?⌉ dÍd-lú-r[u-gú …] ḫé-a
44 gi-èn!-bar!-gin7 uš7!? [...] ḫ[é-a]
[k]i!-ma! ⌈ka!?⌉-[...]
45 inim! an-na inim ⌈d!En!-ki-ga⌉-[ke4 ...]
46 lú-ulù dumu dingir-ra-na [ḫé-en-kù-ga ḫé-en-sikil-la ḫé-en-dadag]
47 na4bur-šakan-gin7 [ù-me-ni-ḫu-luḫ-luḫ-ḫe]
48 (na4)bur-ì-nun-na-gin7 [ù-me-ni-su-ub-su-ub-bé]
ki-ma pu-ri [.............]
49 dUTU sag-kal dingir-re-e-ne-⌈ke4⌉ [šu-na ù-me-ni-sì]
50 dUTU sag-kal [dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 silim-ma-na] šu sa6-ga dingir-ra-ni-šè [ḫé-en-ši-in-gi4-gi4]
51 dingir lú-ba-ke4 dEn-ki d[Asal-lú-ḫi …]
i-li LÚ šu-a-ti ù [dÉ-a ù dMarduk .....]
52 lú ba-an-⌈dab⌉-[ba? .............]
53 ⌈inim dEn-ki⌉-ga!-ke4! [ḫé-en-kù-ga]
[i-na a-mat dÉ]-⌈a!⌉ l[i!-li-il]
(rest broken)
1 Lilītum whose e[ye is evil, a child-snatcher],
2 Sorceries and spells r[oam about?], [wander about like a lilûm-demon].
3 [In order to bind] a lad or maid [with handcuffs],
4 She went and [took] clay from the apsûm, from a hole, and loose hair.
5 She fashioned a figurine and [rolled it] in the loose hair,
6 (So that) the man is bound in his (own) hair.
7 She spat (on it) and b[uried] it in the earth.
8 She performed sorceries and they were [dropped] in the food,
9 She spat into beer and wickedly […] a spell?.
10 She made the restless [man walk about] disoriented,
11 She [cast] paralysis in that man’s nerves,
12 She twisted his arms, […] his sides.
13 Asalluhi took note,
14 He went unto his father Enki in the temple, [saying]:
15 "My father, the evil one (whose) eye is evil, a child snatcher …"
16 When he spoke a second time: "What can re[lieve] him?"
17 Enki answ[ered] his son Asalluhi:
18 "My son, what do you not already know, what can I add to it?
19 "Asalluhi, what do you not already know, what can I add to it?
20 "Whatever I know you also know,
21 "And I know whatever you know!
22 "Go, my son Asalluhi,
23 "Fill a porous pot with water from a pure quay and
24 "(Place in it) tamarisk, innuš, ‘horned alkali’, šulhi-reed,
25 "Juniper and whi[te cedar],
26 "As well as girinna, zanir, and zamušgir stones,
27 "[And you then] cast [the Eridu incantation],
(break in text)
28 May Gil[gameš(?)] undo his spell!
29 May her spells and sorceries overwhelm
30 The corpse of that witch like young hatchlings with a net!
31 May his heart not weaken like the shining heaven?!
32 May her own sorceries plague that witch like the child of a scorpion!
33 May they dig up the flesh of that witch like a stake!
34 May her own sorceries prey upon herself!
35 May she tear apart her breasts with her own forearms!
36 [May] she [gn]aw at her own fingers like cheese?!
37 May [anger] dry up [the saliva?] in her palate!
38 Whether it be Nergal, the great lord [of] the Netherworld, […],
39 Whether it be Ninurta, mig[hty] hero, […],
40 Whether it be Utu, the great judge [of] the gods, […],
41 Whether it be Ningišzida, thr[one-bearer of the gods (…)],
42 Whether it be Gibil … incantation-[priest]? […],
43 Whether it be the hero? Idlur[ugu …],
44 Whether the spittle? [be …] like a marsh,
45 By the command of An and the command [of] Enki […],
46 [May] the man, son of his god, [become clean, bright, and pure]!
47 [He should be washed] like an oil jar,
48 [He should be scrubbed] like a butter dish!
49 [He should be assigned] to Utu, foremost of the gods,
50 So that Utu, foremost [of the gods can return him in safety] to the benevolent hand of his god!
51 The god of this man and Enki and [Asalluhi?…].
52 He who was seized […],
53 By the command of Enki may [he be purified]!
(rest broken)
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
aḫum II (//zag-še) | arm, side | Body/Body parts | 12 |
alākum (v.) (//gen) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk | Written texts/Literary terms | 4 |
ammatum I (//á-kùš) | forearm, cubit | Body/Body parts | 35 |
Apsûm (//zu-ab) | underground water (cosmic) | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 4 |
awīlum (//lú) | man, free man, human being | Social status/Groups/Professions | 51 |
awīlum (//lú-ulù) | man, free man, human being | Social status/Groups/Professions | 10 |
baṣārum (v.) (//ku5) | G to tear off; D tear apart | 35 | |
burāšum (//giš-li) | juniper | Flora | 25 |
Ea (//dEn-ki) | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 51, 53 |
edûm (v.) (//zu) | G to know | 10 | |
elēlum II (v.) (//kug) | G to become pure, free; D purify | 53 | |
ellum (//sikil) | pure, clear, sacred | 23 | |
enēšum (v.) (//šu-sur) | G to be(come) weak; Gt be short (of food) | 31 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 8 | |
epēšum (v.) (//dím) | G to do | 5 | |
erṣetum (//ki) | earth, land, underworld | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 7 |
eṭlum (//guruš) | manly, young man | Social status/Groups/Professions | 3 |
gašīšum (//gazinbu) | stake, pole | Fabricated objects | 33 |
ḫerûm (v.) (//bal) | G to dig, excavate | 33 | |
ḫurrum (//ḫabrud) | hole | Locations/Buildings | 4 |
ilum (DINGIR) (//dingir) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 51 |
īnum (//igi) | eye | Body/Body parts | 1 |
kārum I (//kar) | quay, port | Locations/Buildings | 23 |
kaššaptum (//uš7) | sorceress, witch | Diseases/Demons | 30, 32 |
kaššaptum (//uš7-zu) | sorceress, witch | Deities/Divine sphere | 33 |
kišpum (//uš) | sorcery, evil spell | Rituals/Religious practices | 8 |
kišpum (//uš7.zu) | sorcery, evil spell | Rituals/Religious practices | 2, 32, 34 |
kiṣrum (//ka-kéš) | knot, concentration, group, lump | Fabricated objects | 28 |
lemēnum (v.) (//ḫul) | G to be(come) bad | [1] | |
libbum (ŠÀ) (//šà) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 31 |
Lilītum (//ḫul-gál) | DN (a demon) | Diseases/Demons | 1 |
līqum (//[urgú]) | palate | Body/Body parts | 37 |
mākālum (//níg-gu7-gu7) | meal, food | Food/Drink | 8 |
malûm IV (v.) (//si) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up) | 23 | |
manānum (//á-šu-girì) | nerves(?) | Body/Body parts | 11. |
maqātum (v.) (//šub) | G to fall, drop; Š caus. of G | 32 | |
Marduk (//dAsar-lú-ḫi) | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | [51] |
mû I (//a) | water | Food/Drink | 23 |
mušāṭum (//ḫumuzer) | combed-out hair | Materials | 5 |
nadûm III (v.) (//dé) | G to throw down, lay down | 7, 9 | |
nadûm III (v.) (//gar) | G to throw down, lay down | 8 | |
nadûm III (v.) (//šub) | G to throw down, lay down | [11] | |
nagāšum (v.) (//šu ~dag) | G to go to(wards); Gtn wander, travel about | [2] | |
paṭārum (v.) (//du8) | G to loosen, release; G~D; to loosen, release, D ~ G | 28 | |
pūrum (//na4.bur) | (stone) bowl | Fabricated objects | 48 |
qebērum (v.) (//túm) | G to bury | 7 | |
rakāsum (v.) (//keš) | G to bind | 6 | |
ru'tum (//uš7) | spittle, saliva, sap | Body/Body parts | 7, 9 |
ruḫûm (//uš7-ri) | sorcery, philtre | Rituals/Religious practices | 2, 29 |
saḫāpum (v.) (//šú) | G to envelop, overwhelm | 30 | |
šalamtum (//lú+lú?) | corpse | Body/Body parts | 30 |
šārtum (//munšub) | hair, (animal’s) pelt | Body/Body parts | 6 |
šaššaṭum (//sa-ad-nim) | disease of the joints (a kind of) | Diseases/Demons | 11 |
ṣertum (//akan) | nipple, teat, udder | Body/Body parts | 35 |
šer'ānum, šir'ānum (//sa-UD) | vein, artery, ligament, tendon, nerve, sinew | Body/Body parts | 33 |
šikarum (//kaš) | beer, ale | Food/Drink | 9 |
ṭīdum (//im) | clay, mud | Materials | 4 |
wardatum (//ki-sikil) | girl, young woman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 3 |
watmum (//amar) | hatchling | Fauna (domestic) | 29 |