SEAL no. 7489
Texts Hierarchy
1923.766 (Weld-Blundell Collection) (CDLI P348900)
Gurney 1989, 1 obv.
Gurney 1989, 1 rev.
Copy / Photo
CDLI P348900 (photo)
1 (copy)
Tablet Siglum
1923.766 (Weld-Blundell Collection)
7.8 x 10.0 x 1.5
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
2 n. 4, 32
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Amurru
1 ra-aš-bu-um bu-uk-ri-ì-lí AN ša AN kab-tu[m š]u-nu-du-um la-bi-iš me-le-em-mi
2 Amurru(AN.AN.MAR.TU) bu-uk-ri-ì-lí AN ša AN kab-tu[m š]u-nu-du-um la-bi-iš me-le-im-mi
3 wa-ši-ib (ḫuršāni)HUR.SAG mé-te-qí de-šu-tim ṣe-ru-tim a[t]-ma-ni ša-di el-lu-ti-im
4 še20-mi te-és-li-tim pa-ṭe-er ar-ni-im pa-⸢ša-er⸣ ni-ki-im-tim ga-am-lu-ni-ik-ka
5 dMAR.TU be-lí da-ad-ni a-bu i-ši-ja-ru lu-še20-e-⌈pi⌉ na-ar-bi-i-ka na-an-za-az-ka?
6 ap-ra-at a-g[e]-e? na-mur-ri-a-tim na-ši-a-at pi-di-a-am i[m?]-tu-uk-ka
7 tu-ka-al ga-am-la-am el-le-tam šu-mé-lu-uk-ka na-di-na-at ba-la-ṭi-im a-na ni-ši ⸢mar?-ta?⸣
8 ṣa-al-ma-at qá-qá-da-at e-⌈GU⌉-x a-na ni-iš ga-am-li-i-ka i-ba-aš-ši uz4-na-ši-in!
9 ma-al-ku wa-ši-ib ku-us4-si20-a-at g[i?]-zi-im da-ad-ni i-⌈bé⌉-lu i-na ga-am-li-i-ka
10 zi-ik-ru-ka-ma ú-wa-e-ru ni-[ši di-i]n i-di-in-nu ga-a[m-l]u-ni-ik-ka
11 ra-bu-tum i-gi-i-gu ma-ru i-⌈lu?⌉ i-na ni-iš ga-am-li-i-ka ⌈ni⌉-id-da-ba-šu-nu? x x x
12 šu-ub-ti-šu-un nu-ḫu-uš as-na-[a]n pi-ri-ik-ki-šu-nu i-di-x x x iš-bu-[ú]
13 dMAR.TU be-lí e-té-el qá-bu-ú-ka l[a] ú?-ta-ak-ka-aš zi-ik-ra-ka ši-[m]a-at-[ka ...]
14 ra-bi-a ṣé-ra-tum ša at ⌈ka la am?⌉ ša <la?> ša-na-ni-im-ma š[a] x […
15 ma-ša-an i-la-an ki-la-al-la-an ra-me-a-at šu-pa-a[s?-su?-un?]
16 be-lí iš-ta?-ka na-zu-u[z4-z]um ḫa-a-a-ṭù e-pe-q[um ...]
17 ⸢ur?:mu?-ta⸣-ap-pi-du ur-ḫa-a-tim ⌈ú⌉ ba-ma-a-tim mu-x-[…]
18 ⌈re⌉-bé-et ka-ar-ša-am ⌈ú⌉ ar-ka-a ḫa-sí-s[à-a-ka?]
19 be-lí li-ib-ba-ka t[a]-ti-i-ri i-ba-ri x […]
20 [Am]urru([AN.A]N.MAR.TU) li-ib-ba-a-[k]a ta-ti-i-ri i?-[ba?-ri?…]
21 iš-ti-i-⌈ka⌉-ma i-b[a-aš-š]i? x […]
22 [x?] ḫi?-ra-at-ka šar-ra-t[u-um …]
23 [r]a?-ba-a-at ru-uṣ4-ṣú-na-a[t …]
24 dAš-ra-tum ru-uṣ4-ṣú-⌈ut?-ti?⌉ x [...]
25 be-le-e[t] ši-ma-tim x x x [...]
26 dAš-ra-t[um ši?]-ma-tim x x x x x x ar ši x [...]
27 ...
28 be-lí i-na ⌈x⌉-ra-…
29 [Am]urru(AN.AN.MAR.T[U…])
30 be-lí …
31 Amurru(AN.AN.MAR.T[U…])
32 be-lí …
33 ...
34 …
35 ga-am-l[um …] ⌈ma-la-at pa ka uš-ni-il5⌉ [x] x x x x
36 ... ⌈da-ad-ni⌉ x x x x ta-am-mi x x x x-
37 ⌈ga-am-lum ga- x x⌉ gi [x] tu? [x x] a-a … tu-na- x x
38 ⌈it?-tir? ša⌉ x [x]-lí? šar-ra-tu?-x x x x li x x [x x] ga-am-li-[i-k]a
39 e-te10-el ⌈pí-i?-ka ra? gišTUKUL? tu ni⌉ …
40 i-na n[i-iš g]a-am-li-ka pi-ti-…
41 x [… x [. .] x x x x ḫa-mi-iš ... [i]-na ni-iš ga-am-li-i-ka šu-mé-l[u?-uk?-ka?]
41a [. ..] ...-tim in-na- x x x
42 šar-r[u-um bi-r]a-am i-ba-⌈ar⌉-ri in-na-a[d-d]i-iš-šum ba-la-ṭù-um a-na da-ri-a-tim
43 dRi-[im-dEN.]ZU pa?-li-ḫ[u?] x i-ša-aq-q[í] iš-šar-ra-ak-šum ba-la-ṭù-um a-na da-ri-a-tim
44 ta-ak-lim-tu-uk-ka i-ka-nu-šu mi-im-ma? p[u]?-[ḫ]u?-[u]r? na-ak-ri-š[u] ú-na-aš-ša-qú še20-pi-i-šu-⌈ma⌉
45 Amurru(AN.AN.MAR.TU) tu-ša-ak-na-ša-aš-šum ku-ul-la-at na-ak-ri-i-š[u] i-ka-am-mi-su maḫ-r[i]-š[u]
46 [T]I? DI? ÀM i-na ga-ma-al ⌈šu-ba⌉-tim i-na šu-mi-im ša re-i bu-la-at dEN.ZU!
1 The awe-inspiring offspring of the god An of heaven, the honored one, the illustrious one, is clad in splendour.
2 Amurru, offspring of the god An of heaven, the honored one, the illustrious one, is clad in splendour.
3 Who dwells in the mountains, abundant passages(?), lofty shrines, the pure steppelands,
4 who hears the prayer, absolves the sin, removes the property – they please you.
5 Amurru, lord of the inhabited world, just father, I will extol your greatness (and) your(?) position.
6 You are crowned with a cr[ow]n(?) of brilliance, you bear relief in your right hand(?).
7 You bear the holy crook in your left hand, that gives life to the people of …
8 The black-headed people … They pay attention to the lifting of your crook.
9 The kings sitting on thrones of gizi-cane(?) ruled the inhabited world with your crook.
10 The words that they (i.e. the kings) speak in command to the people, [the verd]ict that they give, ⌈please⌉ you.
11 The great Igigu, the divine(?) sons, at the lifting of your crook … thei[r] offerings.
12 They(?) … into their dwelling abundance of corn, into their shrine (and?) were sated.
13 Amurru, my lord, your command is princely, your word cannot be driven away, your ⌈dest[iny …].
14 Great are the two lead-ropes that you hold (?), that are <un>paralleled and [...]
15 Both the twin gods – you have taken the[ir?] residence.
16 My lord, it is with you to stand, to inspect and to be merci[ful …].
17 Who walks around in roads and hills, who .[..].
18 You are great(?) with respect to mind and long are [your] ear[s].
19 My lord, your heart …
20 Amurru, your heart …
21 With you ...
22 Your spouse, the queen ...
23 She is great, she is preeminent [...]
24 Ašratum is the preeminent .[..]
25 Mistress of fates ...
26 Ašratu[ of fa]tes
27 ...
28 My lord, ...
29 Amurru ...
30 My lord ...
31 Amurru ...
32 My lord ...
33 ...
34 ...
35 The crook ... you are filled (?) [with ...]. Your command puts down [...]
36 ... the inhabited world ...
37 ... The crook
38 exceptional(?) was ... the queen ... of [you]r crook.
39 ⌈Your word(?)⌉ is princely(?) ... weapon ...
40 When you l[ift] your [cr]ook ...
41 ... When you lift your crook in [your] le[ft hand,]
41a ...
42 The king observes [the ome]n: Life will be given to him for eternity.
43 Rī[m-S]în the reverent (?) libates: Life will be granted to him for eternity.
44 On your instruction ⌈all(?)⌉ the enemies kneel (and) kiss his feet.
45 Amurru, you cause all his enemies to kneel before him (and) they bow before him.
46 ... when he spares the habitations, in the name of the shepherd of the subjects of Sîn.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum | father | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 5 |
agûm I | tiara, crown | 6 | |
Amurrum (dMAR.TU) | DN | 2, 20, 29, 45 | |
Anum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 1, 2 |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | 4 | |
ašnan (ŠE.TIR) | grain, cereal | Food/Drink | 12 |
Ašratum | DN | 26 | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | Abstract concepts | 7, 42, 43 |
bamātum | open country, plain | 17 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | Social status/Groups/Professions | 5, 13, 16, 19, 28, 32 |
bukrum | son, child, first born | Kinship terms | 1, 2 |
dadmū | the inhabited world; villages, settlements | Abstract concepts | 5, 9, 36 |
dārītum | perpetuity, eternity | 42, 43 | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | 10 | |
ellum (KÙ.GA) | pure, clear, sacred | Qualities/Attributes | 3, 7 |
etellum (NIR) | lord, prince, pre-eminent | Social status/Groups/Professions | 13, 39 |
gamlum | bent stick, crook | 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41 | |
ḫasīsum | ear, wisdom | Body/Body parts | 18 |
ḫīrtum | wife | 22 | |
ḫuršānum (ḪUR.SAG) | mountain(s) | 3 | |
Igigû | DN, the (ten) great gods | 11 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 43 |
išarum I | straight, correct, normal | 5 | |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | Fabricated objects | 39 |
karšum | stomach, interior, womb; mind, understanding | Body/Body parts | 18 |
kilallān | both | Abstract concepts | 15 |
kullatum | totality, all of ... | Abstract concepts | 44 |
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) | chair, stool, throne | 9 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | Abstract concepts | 45 |
malkum I | prince, king | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 9 |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 11 |
māšum | twin (brother/sister) | Kinship terms | 15 |
melemmum (ME.LÁM) | fearsome radiance | 1, 2 | |
nakrum | strange, foreign, enemy | Social status/Groups/Professions | 44, 45 |
namurratum | awe-inspiring radiance | Deities/Divine sphere | 6 |
nanzāzum, nazzāzum | position | 5 | |
narbûm | greatness, pl. deeds | Abstract concepts | 5 |
nindabûm, niddabûm | offering of food | 11 | |
nīšum I | lifting, raising | Abstract concepts | 8, 11, 40, 41 |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | Social status/Groups/Professions | 7, 10 |
nuḫšum | abundance, plenty, fertility | Abstract concepts | 12 |
pirikkum | divine symbol | 12 | |
puḫrum | assembly | Social status/Groups/Professions | 44 |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 39 |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | Qualities/Attributes | 11, 14 |
rašbum | terrifying | 1 | |
ruṣṣunum | loud-voiced | 24 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 3 |
ṣalmāt qaqqadim (SAG.GI6) | black-headed ones, mankind | 8 | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | 1, 2 | |
šanūdum | illustrious, heroic | 1, 2 | |
šarratum | queen | Social status/Groups/Professions | 22 |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 42 |
šēpum | foot, leg | Body/Body parts | 44 |
šīmtum (NAM) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | Abstract concepts,Rituals/Religious practices | 13, 26 |
ṣīrum | exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding | 3 | |
šubtum, šuptum | seat, dwelling, abode, place | Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 12, 15, 46 |
šumēlum | left side, left hand | 7, 41 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 46 |
taklimtum | revelation, instruction; display | 44 | |
teslītum | appeal, prayer | 4 | |
urḫum | way, path | Locations/Buildings | 17 |
uznum | ear, wisdom, understanding | Body/Body parts | 8 |
watmanum, atmanum | cella, inner sanctum | 3 | |
zikrum, siqrum | utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation | Verbal expressions | 10, 13 |
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Revision History
Zomer, Elyze
Basic transliteration, indices
de Ridder, Jascha
Basic transliteration, indices
Streck, Michael P.
Final transliteration, translation, commentary
Streck, Michael P.
Streck, Michael P.
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Pohl, Antonia
Additions, corrections, bibliography
Pohl, Antonia
Corrections, additions