CT 44, 49

SEAL no. 7527

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
BM 78245 (Bu 88-5-12, 100)
British Museum, London
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, miscellaneous


1' [ta?-n]i?-it?-ti?⸣ […]

2' [x]-x-šu-nu a-na? []

3' [d]a-ad-mi-šu-un šu-te-šu-ra-am?!

4' [ge]-eš-ḫu-ri-šu-nu ma-šu-tim

5' [tu-u]r-ra aš-ri-šu-nu ka-a-šum iz-za-ak-ru

6' [na?]-di-in-kum iš-ti-šu-nu ma-as-sú

7' [ṣi]-rum dUTU i-lum til-la-at-ka

8' [] x-tu-um-ma re-ṣú-ka šu-ú i-na pu-úḫ-ri-im

9' [d]a-ri-iš it-ta-al-la-ku i-na im-ni-ka

10' […m]u? ša-al-la-as-sú ep-ra-am la tu-ba-al-li-il?!

11' [] tu-ta DUMU? ša ki ka-la it-tu-šu

12' [mu]-ša-ḫi-iz pa-ar-ṣí a-ša-re-di-šu

13' [ta?]-aš-ta-ak-ka-an mu-ti-šu i-na re-ši-tim

14' […a]-na a-pi ú-ma-šil? a-na-ku


15' [x x] x-x-iš ḫu-um-ma-a-ku

16' []-ta?-šu ku-ul-la-a-ku


17' [] dé-a-i-bi-šu NAR DUMU dèr-ra-ga-mil

18' [a-ki]-il ik-ki-bi-im ša i-lim mu-ub-bi-ir! zi-ik-ri

19' []-i-ma i-na ma-aḫ-ra-ka li-di-nam

20' [] ù i-li a-na ù šu-a-ti

21' [] x-ša-an-ni an-zi-il-la-ka li-mu-úr

22' [] x a-na-ku e-še-ṭú šu-ú iš-te-e-ṭá

23' [] ib-ni iš-ti-ni-iš ru-ú-tam

24' [… -i]š at?!-ḫu-tim ma-aḫ-ra-ka la ni-is-ḫu-ur

25' [] x-še?-eb ma-mi-it-ka ra-bi-tam

26' [… i]z-ku-ra-am ni-iš-ka kab-ta-am

27' [] x-ḫa be-lu-ti-ka

28' [] x x […] x-šu-ur

29' [] x

rest broken



1' […so]ng of praise (?) […]

2' to […] their […]

3' to keep their [dw]ellings in order,

4' their forgotten [de]signs,

5' they command you to restore them.

6' A leader (?) was [gi]ven to you by them.

7' the [su]blime Šamaš, the god, your help,

8' … and he is your helper. In the assembly

9' they were at your right for ever.

10' … his loot, the dust you didn't mix?.

11' […] You find a son, whose sign fulfills everything (?).

12' Who lets his firstborns seize the cultic orders,

13' You put your men at the front.

14' […] I made (it) equal reeds.


15' […] I am paralyzed,

16' […] I am held back.


17' […] Ea-ibbīšu, the musician, son of Erra-gāmil,

18' [who trans]gresses the taboo of the god, who accuses men,

19' […] … and he shall judge before you.

20' […] and my god, me and him,

21' […he shall (?)] me […], he shall see your punishment (?).

22' […] I sin (and) he (too) has sinned.

23' […] he created friendship together,

24' before you, we didn't look for [the …] of brotherhood (?).

25' […] your great oath

26' […] he said, your important oath,

27' […] of your lordship

28' …

29' …

rest broken

Word Translation Semantic Line
ākilum devourer, that eats 18
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G 9
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found 21
ana I to, for [2], 14
ana II I 20
anāku I, me 14, 22
anzillum taboo 21
apum (gišGI) reed-bed, reed 14
ašarēdum (SAG.KAL) first and foremost, pre-eminent, leader 12
ašrum (KI) place, site 5
atḫûtum brotherhood 24
balālum (v.) G to mix up; D coat, smear 10
banûm (v.) G to build, create; N be created, made 23
bēlūtum leadership, rule, domination 27
dadmū the inhabited world; villages, settlements 3
dāriš forever 9
diānum, dânum (v.) to judge 19
Ea-ibbīšu PN 17
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) earth, soil, dust 10
Erra-gāmil PN 17
ešērum (v.) G be straight, direct towards; be or become all right, be fair; Š put in good condition, make straight; Št1 pass. of Š; Št2 put, keep in order 3
gešḫurum drawing, design 4
ḫummûm paralyzed 15
ikkibum taboo 18
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 7, 18, 20
imnum right hand, right side 9
ina in, on, by, from 8, 9, 13, 19
ištēniš together, as one 23
ištum, ultu from, out of, since, after 6
ittum sign, mark 11
kabtum heavy, substantial, honoured, distinguished 26
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything 11
kâšim to you 5
like, how?, if, that 11
kullûm held back, withdrawn 16
not 10, 24
maḫrum II front, presence 19, 24
māmītum oath, curse 25
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant 11, 17
mašālum (v.) G to equal; D to make equal, proportionate 14
massûm leader, expert 6
mašûm I, f. mašītum (//u18-lu) forgotten (things) 4
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 6
mubbirum who accuses 18
mušāḫizum who lets seize 12
mutum husband; man, warrior 13
nadnum given 6
nārum II (NAR) musician, singer 17
nīšum II (oath of the) life 26
parṣum office, (cultic) ordinance, divine powers, rites 12
puḫrum assembly 8
rabûm (GAL) I big 25
rēštum beginning, point, prime 13
rēṣum helper, supporter, ally 8
rū'ūtum friendship 23
ša who(m), which, of 11, 18
saḫārum (v.) G go around, turn, search; N to turn back, come back 24
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established 13
šallatum booty 10
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 7
šêṭum (v.) to miss, to bypass, to disdain 22
ṣīrum exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding 7
šū he, that 8, 22
šuāti, šâti him, her, it 20
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise 1
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back 5
tillatum (ILLAT) help; reinforcement 7
u and, but, also 20
watûm (v.) to find, discover 11
zakārum, saqārum (v.) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear 5, 26
zikarum, zikrum (NITA) male, virile; man 18
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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Photography, web-imaging
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia
Bibliography, transliteration, vocabulary
Pohl, Antonia
Pohl, Antonia
Tulaikova, Yulia
Additions to the index