CUSAS 32, 77

SEAL no. 7528

  • MS 3081 (Schøyen Collection)MS 3081 (Schøyen Collection)
  • George 2016, 77George 2016, 77
Copy / Photo
77 (photo, copy)
Tablet Siglum
MS 3081
Schøyen Collection, Oslo
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers


a?-mu-ur al-ka du-ša? mZA-A a[l-…]

[t]a?-na-da-ti-šu ana? dEN.ZU? x [x (x)]

[ip?-p]é-el-ki! li-ib-ba-[šu?]

[i?-n]a? me-lu-li i-x še20-e-ri x ti? […]

eṭ-lu wa-ar!-da-tum li-iz-mu-ru-šu(-)[(ma?)]

da-ar lu ka-a-a-a[n]




zu-um-ra maḫ-[ra (x)] 30 im!-da-da- Ì.ĜEŠ

e-li-ta-am x x ša-na x-i-ma

10 i-ir-ta-am šu-uq-la

11 lu na-am-ru še-mu-ú mZA-A! li-iṭ-ṭá-aḫ-d[u?]

12 8-tár 8-tár mZA-A lu-ša-ap-tim


13 wa-ar-di im-gu-ur

14 am-mi-ni ir-bi-ma li-ib-ba-šu x x i x x

15 ku-bu-ur-ru-uš pi-šu x [x?] x x-ma

16 mZA-A ⸢li-ḫu-x […]


Rev. breaks



Look! Come! Let flourish! Za(-)[…]

His song of praise for Sîn (and) [Ištar (?)]

[His (?)] heart has become [wide o]pen.

[Whi]le (?) playing … of the morning (?) … […]

Young men and young women shall sing about him.

6 He shall be true forever.


Its antiphone.


Sing befor[e] Sîn(?). They measured for him(?) the oil (?).

9 Above …

10 Make the irtu-song be balanced!

11 They shall be bright, Za's listeners shall be attentive.

12 Ištar! Ištar! Za! Let me make (the...) open for you(f.)!


13 My servant agreed.

14 "Why has his heart grown big … ?

15 His fatness, his mouth […]"

16 Za shall … […]


Rev. breaks

Word Translation Semantic Line
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G 1
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found 1
ammīnim why 14
dārûm everlasting, enduring 6
dešûm (v.) G to sprout; D to let flourish 1
elītum that which is above; upper part 9
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man 5
ina in, on, by, from 4
irtum II kind of song 10
Ištar DN [2?], 12
kayyānum regular, normal, constantly, regularly 6
kuburrûm thickness, fatness 15
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 3, 14
let it be; or; though; indeed 6, 11
madādum (v.) to measure, to pay 8
magārum (v.) G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on 13
maḫrum II front, presence 8
mēlulum (v.) to play 4
na'ādum (v.) to be attentive, concerned, worried 11
namrum bright, splendid 11
nepelkûm (v.) to become wide open 3
petûm II (v.) G to open, expose; Š to cause to open 12
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening 15
rabûm (GAL) II (v.) G to become large, great, grow; Gtn to grow constantly; Š make great 14
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) oil, fat, cream 8
šaqālum (v.) to weigh, pay; balance, suspend, N be weighed, paid out 10
šēmûm hearer, that hears 11
šērum II morning 4
Sîn DN 2
tanattum, pl. tanadātum fame, pl. praise 2
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) girl, young woman 5
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) slave, servant 13
PN 1, 11, 12, 16
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play 5, 8
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Revision History
Streck, Michael P.
Images, catalogue
Pohl, Antonia
Transliteration, translation, bibliography
Pohl, Antonia
Tulaikova, Yulia
Corrections to translation
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections to translation
Tulaikova, Yulia
Additions to Vocabulary