SEAL no. 1514

  • Scheil 1938, 22Scheil 1938, 22
  • Scheil 1938, 23Scheil 1938, 23
  • Vogelzang 1988, 94-95Vogelzang 1988, 94-95
Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
Sb 14683
Louvre, Paris
Genre / Classification


1       [i-mu-ur-šu-ma] An-zu-um i-ru-ba-aš-šu

2       [ik-ṣú-uṣ ki-ma] ⌈UD⌉-mi-im me-lem-ma-šu šadî(KURḫi.a) uš-ta-[al-wi]

3       [ut-ta-ʾa-ar] ki-ma la-bi-im le-qí uz-z[i?]

4       [i-na ug-ga-at l]i-ib-bi-šu iš-si-a-am a-na qurādim(UR.SA[G])

6       [(ša) a-na ta-ḫa-z]i-iata-al-li-kam ṭe4-e-em-ka [id-nam]

7       [a-na i-pi-iš(?)] pi-šu An-za-am i-pu-lam qú-ra-du d[Nin-gír-s]u

8       [... Dur-a]n-ki mu-ki-in Dur-an-ki mu-ši-im ši-ma-tim

9       [(...) a-na ta-ḫa-zi-ka] al-li-kam da-iš-ka

10     [x x x x a-š]am-šu-tu ap-lu-uḫ-tam

11     [i-na še-mi-i]-šu qer-bi-it ḫuršānim(ḪUR.SAG) ik-ki-la-šu šam!?-ra!?-t[am?-m]a?-gu-um

12     [šam-ra-at ap-lu-uḫ-tum] da-mi i-ra-mu-uk

13     [...] i-ra-am-mu-um qá-ab-lum

14     [bu-kur dM]a-am-mi tu-uk-la-at Anim(AN) ù dDa-gan [n]a-ram ni-ši-ki

15     [qanâm(GI) ú-bi-i]l5-šum-ma la iṭ-ḫi-a-am a-na An-za⌉-a[m?]

16     [iš-sa-a e-lu-u]š-šu qanûm(GI) ša ta-al-li-kam t[u-ur/ra a-pu-uk-ka]

17     [x x x x x] ki qanûm(GI) ša ta-al-li-kam t[u-ur/ra ...]

19     [x x x x] ar-ḫi-i[š? ...]



1'       [...] IM [...]

2'       [... z]i-kir pi-i-[šu ...]

3'       [... e] ta-ap-la-aḫ-šu [...]

4'       [... ur-ḫ]a-am

5'       [... ] ab-ru-š[u](?) ni xx x lu

7'       [ša An-zi-im e t]e-ši-it na-ap-ša-as-sú

8'       [...] a-na É-kur a-na a-bi wa-li-di-ka li-tu-ru pa-ar-ṣ[ú]

9'       [li-ib-ba-n]u-ú pa-ra-ak-[ku-k]a

10'     [ki-ib-ra-tim er-bé-e]t-tam ši-ta-ka-an ma-ḫa-zi-i-ka

11'     [iš-me-e-ma qú-ra-du] ši-pí-ir-ti a-bi-šu

12'     [qí-it-ru-ud ta-ḫa-z]i-im ig-da-pu-uš i-tu-ur a-na [ša-di-i?]

13'     [x x x x i-na qá-b]al qá-ab-lim er-bé-tam ša-ri ul-li-ki⌉-[am]

15'     [id-ʾi-im ša-a]m-šu ú-te-ek-ki-lu ša-mu-ú id-da-[al-ḫa i-na-šu]

16'     [x x x x An-z]u-um i-na mi-it-ḫu-ur me-ḫi-im a-bar-[šu id-di]



17'     [...] 77 MU.BI.IM

(ras. between MU and ⌈GÍD⌉?)

18'     ⌈IM.GÍD⌉[.DA]



1   [An]zu [saw him] as he advanced towards him,

2       [He gnashed his teeth like] a demon of storms, enshrouded the mountains with his aura.

3   [He kept roaring] like a lion, was carried away with anger. 

4       [In the fury of] his heart he called out to the hero:

5   [“I carried off] each and every one of the rites.

6       [You (who)] have come [to join battl]e with me, [give] an account of yourself!”

7   The hero Ningirsu gave Anzu reply [to his utterance:]

8   [“... Dura]nki, who makes firm the Duranki, determines destinies,

9       [(...) to join battle with you] have I come, treading down upon you.”

10  [...] dust-storm ... armor.

11     [On hearing him,] in the midst of the mountain he roared his furious(?)roar.

12  [Fierce was the armor,] bathing in blood,

13     [(and) ...] the battle was roaring.

14  [The first-born of M]ammi, in whom Anum and Dagan trust, beloved of Niššīku,

15     [let loose the reed-(arrow)] at him, but it did not come near at all to Anzu.

16  [He called out aga]inst it: “O reed(-arrow) which has come to me, ret[urn to your cane-brake],

17     [...] reed(-arrow) which has come to me, [return to your ...!]

18  [...] both [of them(?).]

19     [...] swiftly? [...]



1'    [...] ... [...]

2'        [... the w]ord from [his] mouth [...] 

3'    [... do not] fear him [...]

4'        [... the p]ath

5'    [...] his wings? ...

6'        Destroy and disturb [the midst of the mountains!]

7'    Do not spare the life [of Anzu!]

8'        [...] may the rites return to the Ekur, to the father who begot you,

9'    [...] may your sanctuaries be built,

10'    Establish your cult centers throughout the four [quarters!]”

11'   [(When) the hero heard] his father's instruction,

12'    [He, valiant in battle,] swelled up, returned to the [mountains(?).]

13'     [...] in the midst of battle the four winds there.

14'   [...] the earth quaked, filled [...]

15'    The su[n grew dim,] the sky became dark, [his eyes beca]me blurred.

16'   [... Anz]u in the clash of the storm [shed his] wing.



17'   [...] 77 are its lines

18'   [Lo]ng tab[let].

Word Translation Semantic Line
abrum II wing 5', 16'
abum father Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions 8', 11'
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere 14
Anzû DN 1, 7, 15, 16'
apluḫtum armour 10
ašamšūtum dust storm 10
Dagan DN 14
dāmum blood Body/Body parts 12
Duranki TN 8
Ekur TN GN,Locations/Buildings 8'
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld Nature/Cosmological phenomena 14'
ḫuršānum (ḪUR.SAG) mountain(s) 11
lābum lion Fauna (wild) 3
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body Body/Body parts 4
māḫāzum shrine, cultic centre 10'
Mami DN 14
meḫûm storm Nature/Cosmological phenomena 16'
melemmum (ME.LÁM) fearsome radiance 2
napištum (ZI) throat, life Abstract concepts 7'
Ningirsu DN 7
niššīkum, naššīkum a title of Ea, prince 14
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings 9'
parṣum office, (cultic) ordinance, divine powers, rites Deities/Divine sphere,Locations/Buildings,Rituals/Religious practices 5, 8'
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening Body/Body parts 7, 2'
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) battle, fight 13, 13'
qanûm (GI) reed, cane Flora 16, 17
qarrādum (UR.SAG) warlike; hero, warrior Social status/Groups/Professions 4, 7
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country Nature/Cosmological phenomena 2
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Nature/Cosmological phenomena 15'
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven Nature/Cosmological phenomena 15'
šārum (IM) wind, breath Nature/Cosmological phenomena 13'
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) battle, combat 6, 12'
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena,Time concepts 2
urḫum way, path Locations/Buildings 4'
Signs in text
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Revision History
Streck, Michael P.
Final transliteration and translation
Hess, Christian W.
Basic transliteration and translation
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.