Atraḫasis OB III (Sippar)

SEAL no. 1517

Copy / Photo
after p. 198 (1-10)
CDLI P285811
Tablet Siglum
78942+78971+80385 (+) MAH 16064
Genre / Classification

Ms. C1 (+) C2


The Flood Section only.



col. i

C1 i 1               [mAt-ra-am-ḫa-si-is pí-a-šu i-pu-ša-ma]

C1 i 2               [iz-za-kàr a-na be-lí-šu]         

(lines 3–9 missing)

C2 i 10'            [. . .] x x

C2 i 11'            [mAt-ra-am-ḫa-si-is] ⌈pí-a-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma

C2 i 12'            [iz-za]-⌈kàr a-na be-lí-šu

C2 i 13'            [ša šu-ut-ti w]u-ud-di-a qé-re-eb-ša

C2 i 14'            [re-e-sà l]u-di lu-uš-te-e si-ib-ba-as-sà

C2 i 15'            [dEn-ki p]í-a-šu i-pu-ša-⌈am-ma

C2 i 16'            [iz]-za-kàr a-na ar-di-šu

C2 i 17'            [u]r!-šu-um-ma lu-uš-te-i ta-qá-ab-bi

C2 i 18'            ši-ip-ra ša a-qá-ab-bu-ku

C2 i 19'            šu-uṣ-ṣi-ir at-ta

C2 i 20'            i-ga-ru ši-ta-am-mi-a-an-ni

C2 i 21'            ki-ki-šu šu-uṣ-ṣi-ri ka-la zi-ik-ri!(Text: ZI)-ia

C2 i 22'            ú-pu-ud bi-ta bi-ni e-le-ep-pa

C2 i 23'            ma-ak-ku-ra zé-e-er-ma

C2 i 24'            ⌈na-pí-iš-ta bu-ul-li-iṭ

C2 i 25'            [e]-le-ep-pu ša ta-ba-an-nu-ú⌉-[ši]

C2 i 26'            [. . .] mi-it-ḫ[u-ra-at . . .]

C2 i 27'            [. . .]

C1 i 28'            [. . . k]i!-⌈ip!-pa-ti⌉ [. . .]

C1 i 29'            [k]i-ma Ap-si-i šu-a-ti ṣú-ul-li-il-ši

C1 i 30'            a-ia i-mu-ur dŠamaš(UTU) qé-re-eb-ša

C1 i 31'            lu-ú ṣú-ul-lu-la-at e-li-iš ù ša-ap-li-iš

C1 i 32'            lu-ú du-un-nu-na ú-ni-a-tum

C1 i 33'            ku-up-ru lu-ú da-a-an e-mu-qá šu-ur-ši

C1 i 34'            a-na-ku ul-li-iš ú-ša-az-na-na-ak-ku

C1 i 35'            ḫi-iṣ-bi iṣ-ṣú-ri bu-du-ri nu-ni

C1 i 36'            ip-te ma-al-ta-ak-ta šu-a-ti / ú-ma-al-li

C1 i 37'            ba-a-aʾ a-bu-bi 7 mu-ši-šu iq-bi-šu

C1 i 38'            mAt-ra-am-ḫa-si-is il-qé-a te-er-tam

C1 i 39'            ši-bu-ti ú-pa-aḫ-ḫi-ir a-na ba-bi-šu

C1 i 40'            mAt-ra-am- ḫa-si-is pí-a-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma

C1 i 41'            [i]z-za-kàr a-na ši-bu-[ti(m)]

C1 i 42'            [i]t-ti i-li-ku-nu i-li ú-[ul ma-gi-ir]

C1 i 43'            [i]-te-te-zi-zu dEn-ki ù⌉ [dEn-líl]

C1 i 44'            [iṭ]-ṭa-ar-du-ni-in-ni i-na [āliya/mātiya]

C1 i 45'            []-tu-ma ap-ta-na-a[l-la-ḫu dEn-ki]

C1 i 46'            [a-w]a-tam an-ni-[tam aq!-bi]

C1 i 47'            [ú-ul] ú-uš-ša-ab i-na U[RU-ku-nu-ma]

C1 i 48'            [i-na] er-ṣe-et dEn-líl ú-ul a-[ša-ak-ka-an še-pí-ia]

C1 i 49'            [it]-ti i-li ú-[(ur)-ra-ad a-na Apsî]

C1 i 50'            [an-ni-ta]m iq-bi-a-a[m i-li dEn-ki]

(c. 4–5 lines missing)


 col. ii

(lines 1–8 missing)

C2 ii 9'             i[q-. . .]

C2 ii 10'           ši-bu-[tum . . .]

C2 ii 11'           na-ga-[ru na-ši pa-as-su]

C2 ii 12'           at-ku-up-[pu na-ši a-ba-an-šu]

C2 ii 13'           ku-up-ra [it-ta-ši ša-ru-ú]

C2 ii 14'           la-ap-nu [ḫi-šiḫ-ta ub-la]

C2 ii 15'           ú-x [. . .]

C2 ii 16'           ut-ta-a[k . . .]

C2 ii 17'           bu-[. . .]

C2 ii 18'           mAt-r[a-am-ḫa-si-is . . .]

C2 ii 19'           ú-li-x [. . .]

C2 ii 20'           i-[. . .]

C2 ii 21'           ru-[. . .]

(lines 22–27 missing)

C1 ii 28''          me?-⌈x⌉-[. . .]

C1 ii 29''          ⌈ú⌉-ub-b[a-al . . .]

C1 ii 30''          mi-im-ma i-[šu-ú i-ṣe-en-ši kaspa]

C1 ii 31''          mi-im-ma i-š[u-ú i-ṣe-en-ši ḫurāṣa]

C1 ii 32''          el-lu-ti iṭ-[bu-uḫ al-p]i

C1 ii 33''          ka-ab-ru-ti [iš-gi-iš im-me]-ri

C1 ii 34''          i-bé-er-[ma uš-te-r]i-ib

C1 ii 35''          mu-up-pa-a[r-ša iṣ-ṣú-ur] ša-ma-i

C1 ii 36''          bu-u[l . . . iš-ta]-ka-an

C1 ii 37''          na-[ma-aš-še]-⌈e?⌉ ṣe-ri

C1 ii 38''          mārī(DU[MUmeš) um-ma-ni(?) ]-te-ri-ib

C1 ii 39''          […ú-b]i-il ar-ḫu

C1 ii 40''          […] ni-ši-šu iq-ri

C1 ii 41''          […] ⌈a⌉-na qé-re-ti

C1 ii 42''          […] x ⌈ki-im-ta-šu uš-te-ri-ib

C1 ii 43''          [a-ki-l]u i-ik-ka-al

C1 ii 44''          [ša]-tu-ú i-ša-at-ti

C1 ii 45''          i-ir-ru-ub ù ú-uṣ-ṣí

C1 ii 46''          ú-ul ú-uš-ša-ab ú-ul i-ka-am-mi-is

C1 ii 47''          []e-pí-i-ma li-ib-ba-šu i-ma-aʾ ma-ar-ta-am

C1 ii 48''          u4-mu iš-nu-ú pa-nu-ú-šu

C1 ii 49''          iš-ta-ag-na dAdad(IŠKUR) i-na er-pé-ti

C1 ii 50''          i-la iš-mu-ú ri-gi-im-šu

C1 ii 51''          [k]u-up-ru ba-bi-il i-pé-eḫ-ḫi ba-ab-šu

C1 ii 52''          iš-tu-ma i-di-lu ba-ab-šu

C1 ii 53''          dAdad(IŠKUR) i-ša-ag-gu-um i-na er-pé-ti

C1 ii 54''          ša-ru uz-zu-zu i-na te-bi-šu

C1 ii 55''          ip-ru-uʾ ma-ar-ka-sa e-le-ep-pa / ip-ṭú-ur


Lo. Edge          55


col. iii

(lines 1–2 missing)

C1 iii 3'            [. . .] x x x [. . .]

C1 iii 4'            [. . .] bu!-ra-i

C1 iii 5'            [u4-ma iš-t]e-en me-ḫu-ú

C1 iii 6 '           [. . . i]ṣ-ṣa-am-du

C1 iii 7 '           [… i-na ṣ]ú-up-ri-šu

C1 iii 8'            [ú-ša-ar-ri-iṭ š]a-ma-i

C1 iii 9 '           [. . . m]a-ta-am

C1 iii 10'          [ki-ma ka-ar-pa-ti r]i-gi-im-ša iḫ-pí

C1 iii 11'          [. . . it-ta-ṣa-a] a-bu-bu

C1 iii 12'          [ki-ma qá-ab-l]i e-li ni-ši i-ba-aʾ ka-šu-šu

C1 iii 13'          [ú-ul] ⌈i-mu-ur a-ḫu a-ḫa-šu

C1 iii 14'          [ú-ul] ⌈ú-te-ed-du-ú i-na ka-ra-ši

C1 iii 15'          [a-bu-b]u ki-ma li-i i-ša-ap-pu

C1 iii 16'          [ki-ma] ⌈e-ri-i na-e-ri

C1 iii 17'          [i-ša-as-sú-n]im ša-ru

C1 iii 18'          [ša-pa-at e]-ṭú-tu dŠamaš(UTU) la-aš-šu

C1 iii 19'          [li-il-li-du i-b]a-šu ki-ma zu!-ub-bi

C1 iii 20'          [i-lu ip-la-ḫu ri-gi]-im a-bu-bi

C1 iii 21'          [i-na ša-ma-i pu-uz-r]a [i]-⌈ḫu-zu

C1 iii 22'          [i-na ka-ma-ti uš]-bu

C1 iii 23'          [ip-la-aḫ-ma A-nu] ri-gi-im a-[bu-bi]

C1 iii 24'          [li-ib]-bi i-li uš-ta-ka-a[d]

C1 iii 25'          [A-nu i]š-ta-ni ṭe4-e-em-šu

C1 iii 26'          [i-lu] ma-ru-šu up-pu-qú

C1 iii 27'          [i-n]a ma-aḫ-ri-šu

C1 iii 28'          [dNi]n-tu be-el-tum ra-bi-tum

C1 iii 29'          [pu]-ul-ḫi-ta ú-ka-la-la ša-ap-ta-ša

C1 iii 30'          [d]A-nun-a i-lu ra-bu-tum

C1 iii 31'          []-b[u] i-na ṣú-mi ù bu-bu-ti

C1 iii 32'          ⌈i-mu-ur-ma il-tum i-ba-ak-k[i]

C1 iii 33'          ta-ab-su-ut i-li e-ri-iš-ta dMa-m[i]

C1 iii 34'          u4-mu-um li-id-da-i⌉-[im]

C1 iii 35'          li-tu-ur li-ki-[il]

C1 iii 36'          a-na-ku i-na pu-úḫ-ri ša i⌉-[li]

C1 iii 37'          ki-i aq-[bi]

C1 iii 38'          it-ti-šu-nu ga-me-er-ta-a[m]

C1 iii 39'          dEn-líl iṭ-pí-ra ú-ša-aq-bi pí-i-[ia]

C1 iii 40'          ki-ma Ti-ru-ru šu-a-t[i]

C1 iii 41'          ú-ša-aḫ!-ḫi pí-i-i[a]

C1 iii 42'          a-na ra-ma-ni-ia ù pa-ag-ri-i[a]

C1 iii 43'          i-na ṣe-ri-ia-ma ri-gi-im-ši-na eš-me

C1 iii 44'          e-le-nu-ia ki-ma zu-ub-bi

C1 iii 45'          i-wu-ú li-il-li-du

C1 iii 46'          ù a-na-ku ki-i a-ša-bi

C1 iii 47'          i-na bi-it di-im-ma-ti ša-ḫu-ur-ru / ri-ig-mi

C1 iii 48'          e-te-el-li-i-ma a-na ša-ma-i

C1 iii 49'          tu-ša wa-aš-ba-a-ku

C1 iii 50'          i-na bi-it na-ak-ma⌉-ti

C1 iii 51'          e-ša-a A-nu il-li-kam be-el ṭe4-mi

C1 iii 52'          i-lu ma-ru-šu iš-mu-ú zi-ki-ir-šu

C1 iii 53'          ša la im-ta-al-ku-ma iš-ku-nu a-[bu-ba]

C1 iii 54'          ni-ši ik-mi-su a-na ka-[ra-ši]

(one line missing)



col. iv

(lines 1–2 missing)

C1 iv 3'            [. . .] ⌈x x⌉ [. . .]

C1 iv 4'            ú-na-ab-ba dNi[n-tu…]

C1 iv 5'            a-bu-ma-an ul-da n[i-ši-ia]

C1 iv 6'            ti-a-am-ta ki-ma ku-li-li

C1 iv 7'            im-la-a-nim na-ra-am

C1 iv 8 '           ki-ma a-mi-im i-mi-da a-na sa-ḫi?⌉

C1 iv 9'            ki-ma a-mi-im i-na ṣe-ri i-mi-da / a-na ki-ib-ri

C1 iv 10'          a-mu-ur-ma e-li-ši-na ab-ki

C1 iv 11'          ú-qá-at-ti di-im-ma-ti / i-na ṣe-ri-ši-in

C1 iv 12'          ib-ki-i-ma li-ib-ba-ša ú-na-ap-pí-iš

C1 iv 13'          ú-na-ab-ba dNin-tu

C1 iv 14'          la-la-ša iṣ-ru-up

C1 iv 15'          i-lu it-ti-ša ib-ku-ú a-na ma-tim

C1 iv 16'          iš-bi ni-is-sà-tam!

C1 iv 17'          ṣa-mi-a-at ši-ik-ri-iš

C1 iv 18'          ši-i a-šar uš-bu i-na bi-ki-ti

C1 iv 19'          uš-bu-ma ki-ma im-me-ri

C1 iv 20'          im-lu-nim ra-ṭa-am

C1 iv 21'          ṣa-mi-a ša-ap-ta-šu-nu pu-ul-ḫi-ta

C1 iv 22'          ⌈i-na bu-bu-ti

C1 iv 23'          i-ta-na-ar-ra-ar-ru

C1 iv 24'          7 u4-mi 7 mu-š[i-a-ti]

C1 iv 25'          il-li-ik ra-du me-ḫu-ú⌉ [a-bu-bu]

C1 iv 26'          a-šar is-r[i-ḫu? …]

C1 iv 27'          sa-ki-i[p . . .]

C1 iv 28'          ṣa-x [. . .]

(C1: ll. 29–38 are broken)

C1 iv 39''         i[b-. . .]

C1 iv 40''         is-⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 iv 41''         bi-[. . .]

C1 iv 42''         u[š . . .]

C1 iv 43''         ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 iv 44''         ú-[. . .]

C1 iv 45''         i-n[a . . .]

C1 iv 46''         it-t[a . . .]

C1 iv 47''         ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

(c. 12 lines missing)


col. v

(lines 1–7 missing)

C1 v 8'             ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 v 9'             ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 v 10'           ú?-[. . .]

C1 v 11'           i-[. . .]

C1 v 12'           ⌈e⌉-[. . .]

C1 v 13'           ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 v 14'           ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

(C1 v 15–27 are broken)

C1 v 28''          ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 v 29''          i-s[i? . . .]

C1 v 30''          a-na ša-a-r[i er-bet]

C1 v 31''          [i]t-ta-qí!(DI) [ni-qá-a]

C1 v 32''          ⌈i-za-an-nu-un⌉ [. . .]

C1 v 33''          [. . .] ⌈x x⌉

C1 v 34''          [i-ṣi-nu i-l]u e-re-ša

C1 v 35''          [ki-ma zu-ub-b]i e-lu ni-qí-i pa-aḫ-ru

C1 v 36''          [iš-tu-m]a i-ku-lu ni-qí-a-am

C1 v 37''          [dNin]-tu it-bé-e-ma

C1 v 38''          ⌈na-ap-ḫa-ar-šu-nu ut-ta-az-za-am

C1 v 39''          e-ša-a A-nu il-li-kam

C1 v 40''          be-el ṭe4-e-mi

C1 v 41''          dEn-líl iṭ-ḫi-a a-na qú-ut-re-ni

C1 v 42''          ša la im-ta-al-ku-ú-ma / iš-ku-nu a-bu-ba

C1 v 43''          ni-ši ik-mi-su a-na ka-ra-ši

C1 v 44''          ub-la pí-i-ku-nu ga-me-er-tam!

C1 v 45''          ⌈el-lu-tum zi!⌉-mu-ši-na iʾ-a-ad-ru

C1 v 46''          ù ši-i iṭ-ḫe-e-ma / a-na zu!-bé-e ra-bu-ti

C1 v 47''          ša A-nu i-lu!(ŠU)-lu!(MA) i-pa-an qá-a[d!-mi!]

C1 v 48''          ia-a-at-tum ni-is-sà-s[ú-nu]

C1 v 49''          lu-ú ši-im-ti-i-ma!

C1 v 50''          li-še-ṣa-an-ni-ma i-na né-el-m[e-ni]

C1 v 51''          pa-ni-ia li-ip-t[e]

C1 v 52''          lu-ú-ṣí ši-a-ru-u[m? x] / mu-⌈x x x⌉ [x x x]


col. vi

C1 vi 1             i-na ma-[a-tim . . .]

C1 vi 2             zu-ub-bu-ú a[n-nu-tum]

C1 vi 3             lu-ú uq-ni ki-ša-di-i[a-a-ma]

C1 vi 4             lu-uḫ-sú-ús-ma! u4-mi [. . .] / zi-[. . .]

C1 vi 5             ma-ku-ra i-ta-ma-ar q[ú-ra-du dEn-líl]

C1 vi 6             li-ib-ba-ti ma-li šadI-gi-[gi]

C1 vi 7             ra-bu-tum dA-nun-na ka-lu-ni

C1 vi 8             ub-la pí-i-ni iš-ti-ni-iš ma-mi-tam

C1 vi 9             a-ia-a-nu ú-ṣi pí-ri!-iš-tum

C1 vi 10           ki-i ib-lu-uṭ a-wi-lu[m] / ⌈i-na ka-ra-ši

C1 vi 11           A-nu pí-a-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma

C1 vi 12           iz-za-kàr a-na qú-ra-didEn-líl

C1 vi 13           ma-an-nu an-ni-tam

C1 vi 14           ⌈ša la dEn-ki i-ip-pu-uš

C1 vi 15           [ki-ki-š]a ú-ša-ap-ta zi-ik-r[a]

C1 vi 16           [dEn-ki] pí-a-šu i-pu-ša-am⌉-[ma]

C1 vi 17           [iz-za-kàr] a-na i-li ra-bu-ti

C1 vi 18           [lu-ú e]-pu-uš i-na pa-ni-ku-n[u]

C1 vi 19           [ú-uš-t]a-ṣi-ra na-pí--[tam . . .]

C1 vi 20           [at-ta apkal(ABGAL)] i-li [qú-r]a-d[u!]

C1 vi 21           [ki-i la ta-am-li-ik-ma a-b]u-ba

C1 vi 22           [(. . .) ta-a]š-ku-un

C1 vi 23           [tu-na-ap-pí-iš l]i-ib-ba-ka

C1 vi 24           [šu-ud-di-id] ù ru-um-mi

C1 vi 25           [be-el ar-n]im šu-ku-un še-re-et-ka

C1 vi 26           [ù] ⌈a⌉-iu-ú ša ú-ša-a[s]-sà-ku / a-wa-at-ka

C1 vi 27           [li-iš-ku]-nu pu-úḫ-ra [. . .]

(lines 28–37 missing)

C1 vi 38'          [. . .] ⌈x⌉ ši-a-ti

C1 vi 39'          [. . .] iš-ku-nu

C1 vi 40'          [ú-na-ap-p]i-iš li-ib-bi

C1 vi 41'          [dEn-líl p]í-a-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma

C1 vi 42'          [iz-za]-kàr a-na dEn-ki ni-iš-ši-ki

C1 vi 43'          [ga-na sa-a]s-sú-ra dNin-tu ši-si-ma

C1 vi 44'          [at-t]a ù ši-i mi-it-li-ka / i-na pu-uḫ-ri

C1 vi 45'          [dEn-ki pí]-a⌉-šu i-pu-ša-am-ma

C1 vi 46'          [iz-za-kàr] a⌉-na dNin-tu sa-as-sú-ri

C1 vi 47'          [at-ti sa-a]s-sú-ru ba-ni-a-at / ši-ma-ti

C1 vi 48'          [šu-uk-ni mu-ta] a-na ni-ši

C1 vi 49'          [a-wi-la (ina qá-ab-ri) šu-uṣ]-⌈li⌉-li

C1 vi 50'          [. . . ša-ni-tum l]i-⌈ib-ši

C1 vi 51'          [. . .] ⌈x⌉

(one line missing)


col. vii

C1 vii 1            [a]p-pu-na ša-lu-uš-tum li-i[b]-ši / i-na ni-ši

C1 vii 2            i-na ni-ši a-li-it-tum-ma la a-li-it-tum

C1 vii 3            li-ib-ši-ma i-na ni-ši Pa-ši-it-tu

C1 vii 4            li-iṣ-ba-at še-er-ra

C1 vii 5            i-na bi-ir-ku a-li-it-ti

C1 vii 6            šu-uk-ni ú-ug-ba-ak-ka-ti e-ne-ti

C1 vii 7            ù e-gi-ṣi-a-ti

C1 vii 8            lu-ú ik-ki-bu ši-na-ma

C1 vii 9            ⌈a-la-da-am pu-ur-si

C1 vii 10          [šu-uk]-ni a[d] ⌈x x x x⌉ [n]a?-di-tam

C1 vii 11          [šu-gi-tam] ù [qá-di?]-iš-tam

C1 vii 12          [. . .] ⌈ra ma?⌉ [x x] ⌈x na?⌉

C1 vii 13          [šu-uz-b]i-li-[0]-ši-in

C1 vii 14          [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x x x]-⌈x⌉-mi-šu

C1 vii 15          [. . .]-tum

C1 vii 16          [. . .] ⌈x⌉

C1 vii 17          eṭ-[. . .]

C1 vii 18          li-[. . .]

C1 vii 19          ⌈x x⌉ [. . .]

C1 vii 20          a-š[i-im . . .]

C1 vii 21          ⌈dEn-líl⌉ [. . .]

C1 vii 22          ⌈x x⌉ [. . .]

C1 vii 23          ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C1 vii 24          ma-si-[. . .]

C1 vii 25          me-ḫu-x⌉(-)[. . .]

C1 vii 26          ma-ta-[. . .]

C1 vii 27          ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

(lines 28–35 missing)

C2 vii 36'         ⌈x⌉ [. . .]

C2 vii 37'         ḫu-[. . .]

C2 vii 38'         ba-[. . .]

C2 vii 39'         i-[. . .]

C2 vii 40'         ib-[. . .]

C2 vii 41'         ⌈ša⌉ [. . .]

(c. 16–22 lines missing)


col. viii

(lines 1–2 missing)

C1 viii 3'          [. . .] ⌈x⌉

C1 viii 4'          [. . .] ⌈x⌉

C1 viii 5'          [. . .] ⌈x⌉

C1 viii 6'          [x] ⌈x x⌉ [. . .] da

C1 viii 7'          [x] ⌈ma ši x⌉ [. . . tu]m

C1 viii 8'          [i]b-ba-š[u?-ú? . . .] ⌈ni?⌉

C1 viii 9'          ki-ma ni-iš-ku-[nu a-bu-b]a

C1 viii 10'        a-wi-lum ib-lu-[ṭu i-na ka-ra-ši]

C1 viii 11'        at-ta ma-li-ik i-[li(-ma)]

C1 viii 12'        te-ri-ti-iš-[ka]

C1 viii 13'        ú-ša-ab-ši qá-a[b-la]

C1 viii 14'        ša-ni-it-ti-iš-[ka]

C1 viii 15'        an-ni-a-am za-ma-r[a]

C1 viii 16'        li-iš-mu-ma dI-gi-g[u]

C1 viii 17'        li-iṣ-ṣí-ru na-ar-bi-ka

C1 viii 18'        a-bu-ba a-na ku-ul-la-at ni-ši

C1 viii 19'        ú-za-am-me-er ši-me-a


C1 viii 20'        al-til 19

C1 viii 21'        dub-3-kám-ma

C1 viii 22'        i-nu-ma i-lu a-wi-luma-wi-lu?⌉

C2 viii 23'        ⌈mu-šid-bi 390⌉

C2 viii 24'        šu-nigin 1245

C2 viii 25'        ša 3 up-pa-t[i]

C2 viii 26'        šu sig-dA-a dub-sar tur

C2 viii 27'        itu gu4-si-sá ⌈u4?⌉ [x-kám]

C2 viii 28'        mu am-mi-ṣa-d[u-qá lugal-e]

C2 viii 29'        alan-a-[ni máš gaba tab-ba šu an-du8-a]

C2 viii 30'        ⌈ù⌉ [alan-a-ni šu silim-ma ab-bé-e-a]

C2 viii 31'        [é-tùr-kalam-ma-šè in-ne-en-ku4-ra]


col. i

C1 i 1–2           [Atra-ḫasīs opened his mouth and addressed his lord,]

(C1 i 3–9 missing)

C2 i 10'             [. . .] . . .

C2 i 11' –12'     Atra-ḫasīs opened his mouth and addressed his lord:

C2 i 13'–14'     “Teach me the meaning [of the dream], so that I may kn[ow its reason] and look for its purpose”.

C2 i 15'16'     [Enki] opened his mouth and addressed his servant:

C2 i 17'             “Should you say: ‘How am I to search (for it) in (my) bedroom?’

C2 i 18'–19'      Observe well, you, the task that I will tell you:

C2 i 20' –21'     ‘Wall, listen to me carefully! Reed wall, reed wall, observe all my words!

C2 i 22' –24'     Depart from (your) house, build a boat! Spurn property and save life!

C2 i 25'–26'      The boat which you will build [. . .should] be equal [(. . .)]

C2 i 27'             [. . .]

C1 i 28'            [. . .] . a circle . . . [. . .]

C1 i 29'–30'     Roof her over like the Apsû, so that the sun shall not see inside her.

C1 i 31'­–32'     Let her be roofed over above and below, let (her) frame be very strong.

C1 i 33'            Let the bitumen be tough, thus strengthen (the boat).

C1 i 34'–35'     Later I will rain down upon you an abundance of birds, baskets of fishes’”.

C1 i 36'–37'     He opened the water-clock, filled it; He told him of the coming of the Flood, its seven nights.

C1 i 38'–39'     Atra-ḫasīs received the instruction. He assembled the elders to his gate.

C1 i 40'­–41'     Atra-ḫasīs opened his mouth and addressed the elders:

C1 i 42'            “My god [came to a] dis[agreement] with your god,

C1 i 43'–44'     hence Enki and [Enlil] became steadily angry (with one another), (and) expelled me from [my city/land].

C1 i 45'–46'     Since I lastingly revere [Enki], [he told (me)] of th[is m]atter.

C1 i 47'–48'     I will [not] dwell in [your cit]y, I cannot [set my feet on] the earth of Enlil.

C1 i 49'            With my god I shall [go down to the Apsû]”.

C1 i 50'            [This] is what [my god Enki] told me.

(c. 4–5 lines missing)


col. ii

(lines 1–8 missing)

C2 ii 9'             . [. . .]

C2 ii 10'           The elders [. . .]

C2 ii 11'–12'     The carpenter [carried his axe], the reed-worker [carried his stone].

C2 ii 13'–14'     [The rich man carried] the bitumen, the poor man [brought the necessary                           (things)].

C2 ii 15'           . [. . .]

C2 ii 16'           He/They . . . [. . .]

C2 ii 17'           . [. . .]

C2 ii 18'           Atra-ḫasīs [. . .]

C2 ii 19'           . . . [. . .]

C2 ii 20'           . [. . .]

C2 ii 21'           . [. . .]

(C2 ii 22–27 missing)

C1 ii 28''           . [. . .]

C1 ii 29''           Bringing [. . .]

C1 ii 30''–31''   Whatever [silver] he h[ad] [he loaded on her]; whatever [gold] he h[ad], [he loaded on her].

C1 ii 32''–33''   Pure [sheep] he bu[tchered], fat [bulls he slaughtered].

C1 ii 34''–35''   He chose [and put on boa]rd winged [birds of] the heavens.

C1 ii 36''–37''   The herds [of Sumuqan(?) he p]ut in, (and) wi[ld animals of] the steppe.
C1 ii 38''           cra[ftsmen(?)] he made enter aboard.

C1 ii 39''           [. . .] the month rea[ched its end].

C1 ii 40''–41''   [. . .] he invited his people [. . .] to a banquet,

C1 ii 42''           [. . .] . then he sent his family into (the boat),

C1 ii 43''–44''   While the one (who wanted) to eat was eating, (and) the one (who wanted) to drink was drinking,

C1 ii 45''–47''   he kept going in and out. He could not sit, could not squat, for his heart was                       broken and he was vomiting gall.

C1 ii 48''–49''   The day changed its appearance, then Adad thundered from the clouds.

C1 ii 50''           They (Atra-ḫasīs’ family) heard the god, his uproar.

C1 ii 51''           Bitumen was brought for him to close his door.

C1 ii 52''–53''   Just as he had locked his door, Adad thundered from the clouds.

C1 ii 54''–55''   An infuriated wind, as it rose, cut off the cable and set the boat adrift.


col. iii

(lines 1–2 missing)

C1 iii 3' [. . .] . . . [. . .]

C1 iii 4' [. . .] the reed mats.

C1 iii 5'            [for one day] the storm…,

C1 iii 6' [. . .] were yoked.

C1 iii 7'–8'       [Anzu(?) with] his talons [ripped apart] the heavens.

C1 iii 9'–10'     [He . . . . . . .] the land and shattered its noise [like a pot].

C1 iii 11'–12'   [. . .] the Flood came forth, annihilation came upon the people [like a battle array].

C1 iii 13'–14'   A brother did [not] see his brother, they were [not] recognizable in the destruction.

C1 iii 15'–17'   [The Flood] bellowed like a bull, [like] a screeching eagle the winds [howled].

C1 iii 18'          The darkness [was dense], there was no sun.

C1 iii 19'          [The offspring (of humankind)] were (scattered) like flies.

C1 iii 20'–22'   [The gods feared the noi]se of the Flood, they took [refuge in heaven], they crouched [outside].

C1 iii 23'–24'   [Anum became afraid of] the noise of the Flood. The gods’ [heart] was                              seized by fear.

C1 iii 25'–27'   [Anum] was beside himself, [while the gods], his sons, were huddled together before him.

C1 iii 28'–29'   Nintu, the great lady, her lips were covered with distress.

C1 iii 30'–31'   The Anunna, the great gods, were sitting in thirst and hunger.

C1 iii 32'–33'   The goddess saw it and wept, the midwife of the gods, the wise Mami (said:)

C1 iii 34'–35'   “Let the day become dark, let it turn and be gloomy!

C1 iii 36'–38'   In the assembly of the gods, how did I, with them, render the annihilation?

C1 iii 39'–41'   Enlil pressed and made me utter it: like that Tiruru, he confused my words.

C1 iii 42'­–43'   Contrary to my own nature, against my very self, I have listened to (Enlil’s command regarding) their (the people’s) noise.

C1 iii 44'–45'   It is my blame that my offspring have become like flies!

C1 iii 46'–47'   And I, how like in a house of lamentation, where noises are silenced, is my                        dwelling?

C1 iii 48'–50'   It is as if I were dwelling in a treasure house: I shall go up to heaven!

C1 iii 51'–52'   Where has Anu gone, who calls the shots? (whose) sons, the gods, obeyed his command,

C1 iii 53'–54'   who did not deliberate, and thus brought about the Flood, delivering the people to destru[ction]?”

(one line missing)


col. iv

(lines 1–2 missing)

C1 iv 3'            [. . .] . . . [. . .]

C1 iv 4'–5'       Nintu [. . .] was wailing: “Had only father give birth [to my people] (and not me)!

C1 iv 6'–7'       (They have filled) the sea like dragonflies fill a river,

C1 iv 8 '–9'       like a raft they leaned against a drenched land, like a raft they leaned against a       steppe on a river bank.

C1 iv 10'–11'   I have seen and I wept over them, I have ended my lamentation for them”.

C1 iv 12'–14'   She wept and eased (the burden) of her heart. By wailing, Nintu brought her                      feelings to exhaustion.

C1 iv 15'          The gods wept with her over the land.

C1 iv 16'–17'   She was replete with grief and thirsted for beer.

C1 iv 18'–19'   Just where she sat weeping, they too sat:

C1 iv 19'–20'   like sheep, they filled the trough.

C1 iv 21'–23'   Their lips were dry with distress, they were unceasingly convulsed from


C1 iv 24'–25'   For seven days and seven nights came the downpour, the storm, [the Flood].

C1 iv 26'          Where it des[troyed(?). . .]

C1 iv 27'          [. . .] was thrown down.

(c. 30 lines missing or too broken for translation)


col. v

(lines 1–29 missing or too broken for translation)

C1 v 30''–31''   To the [four] winds he offered [sacrifice],

C1 v 32''          Providing food [. . .]

C1 v 33''          [. . .] . . .

C1 v 34''–35''   [The gods sniffed] the scent,   they grouped [like flies] over the offering.

C1 v 36''–38''   [After] they had eaten the offering, Nintu arose to complain against all of them:

C1 v 39''–40''   “Where has Anu gone, who calls the shots?

C1 v 41''–43''   Has Enlil come to the incense, he who did not take counsel, brought about the                   Flood, and consigned the people to destruction?

C1 v 44''–45''   Your mouth issued a final verdict, (now) their bright faces are dark (forever)”.

C1 v 46''–47''   Then she approached the big flies which Anu hung up in front of the g[ods]:

C1 v 48''–49''   “The wailing over them is mine, it is my destiny.

C1 v 50''–51''   May he (Anu) get me out of this agony and give me comfort.

C1 v 52''          May I go out in the morni[ng’s rise . . . . . .]


col. vi

C1 vi 1             In the la[nd . . .]

C1 vi 2–4        Let [these] flies be the lapis lazuli around my neck, that I may remember the days [. . .]”.

C1 vi 5–6         [The warrior Enlil] saw the boat and was filled with rage at the Igigi:

C1 vi 7–8         “All we great Anunnaki decided together on oath!

C1 vi 9–10       Whence did the secret escape? How did man survive the destruction?”

C1 vi 11–12     Anu opened his mouth and addressed the warrior Enlil:

C1 vi 13–15     “Who but Enki could do this? He had the word revealed [to a reed wall]”.

C1 vi 16–17     [Enki] opened his mouth [and addressed] the great gods:

C1 vi 18–19     “I did it [indeed] in front of you! [I have] protected life [.] . . . [. . .]

C1 vi 20–22    [You, the sage(?) of] the gods, [the hero,] [how did you bring] the Flood [without deliberation?]

C1 vi 23–24     (As the saying goes:) [relax] your heart, [pull tight,] then slack.

C1 vi 25–26    Impose your penalty [on the criminal,] [and] (on) whoever disregards your command!

C1 vi 27           [Let them call] the assembly [. . .]

(vi 28–37 missing)

C1 vi 38'          [. . .] her/it

C1 vi 39'          [. . .] he/she/they put.

C1 vi 40'          [I have ea]sed (the burden of) my heart”.

C1 vi 41'–42'   [Enlil] opened his mouth and addressed Enki the prince:

C1 vi 43'–44'   “[Come], call for Nintu, the Womb, [you] and she, parley in the assembly”.

C1 vi 45'–46'   [Enki] opened his mouth and [addressed] Nintu, the Womb:

C1 vi 47'–49'   “[You, the W]omb, creatress of destinies, [assign Death] to the people, [put a man] to sleep [(in the grave)].

C1 vi 50'          [Second,] let there be [. . .]

C1 vi 51'          [. . .] .

(one line missing)


col. vii

C1 vii 1–2       Moreover, let there be a third class among the people. Among the people – (let there be) women who bear and women who cannot bear.

C1 vii 3–5       Let there be among the people the Pāšittu (demoness) to seize the baby from the lap of the woman who gives birth.

C1 vii 6–8       Create the ugbabtu-priestesses, entu-priestesses and igiṣītu-priestesses and let them be off-limits.

C1 vii 9            Cut out childbirth!

C1 vii 10–11    [Create] . . . nadītu-women [šugītum-women] and qadištu-women

C1 vii 12          [. . .] . . .

C1 vii 13          [Let] them carry [. . .]

(the rest of the column is too broken for translation)


col. viii           

(lines 1–7 missing or too broken for translation)

C1 viii 8'          [. . .] will come into being [. . .]

C1 viii 9'–10'   That we brought about [the Flood], but man survived [the destruction].

C1 viii 11'–13' You, the counselor of the go[ds,] at [your] order I gave rise to battle.

C1 viii 14'–17' For your praise, let the Igigi hear this song and exalt your glory.

C1 viii 18'–19' I have sung of the Flood to all the people. Hear it!


viii 20'             19 (lines). Complete.              

viii 21'–22'      Tablet 3 of “When gods like man”.

viii 23'             Number of lines: 390

viii 24'–25'      Total: 1245 for 3 tablets

viii 26'             Written by Ipiq-Aya, the junior scribe.

viii 27'             Month Ayyāru, day [x],

viii 28'–31'      year: “[King] Ammī-ṣadūqa [brought into the Eturkalamma (temple)] a statue                   of himself [in which he held a lamb clasping <his> breast] and [a statue of                       himself uttering a greeting]” (Ammī-ṣadūqa year 12).

Word Translation Semantic Line
-man suffix indicating unreality C1 iv 5'
abnum (NA4) stone, rock C2 ii 12'
abūbum flood, deluge C1 i 37', iii 11', [15'], iii 20', [iii 23'], 53', iv 25', v 42", vi 21, viii [9'], 18'
abum father C1 iv 5'
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN C1 ii 49", 53"
adārum I (v.) G to be dark, gloomy; D to darken, look gloomy C1 v 45"
aḫāzum (v.) G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn C1 iii 21'
aḫum I brother C1 iii 13' (x2)
ai, ē, â not C1 i 30'
akālum (v.) G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G C1 ii 43", v 36"
ākilum devourer, that eats C1 ii 43"
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G C1 iii 51', iv 25', v 39"
alālum (v.) II G to hang up, suspend; N to be hung up; Ntn C1 v 47''
alpum (GU4) bull, ox C1 ii 32''
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city C1 i 44', 47'
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found C1 i 30', iii 13', 32', iv 10', vi 5
Ammī-Ṣadūqa RN C2 viii 28'
Ammiṣaduqa RN C2 viii 28
amum raft C1 iv 8', 9'
ana I to, for [C1 i 2], C2 i 12', 16, C1 39', 41', [49'], ii 41", iii 42', 48', 54', iv 8', 9', 15', v 30", 41", 43", 46", vi 12, 17, 42', 46', 48', viii 18'
anāku I, me C1 i 34', iii 36', 46'
annûm this, those C1 i 46', [50'], [vi 2], 13, viii 15
Anum DN C1 [iii 23'], [25'], 51', v 39", 47", vi 11
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū DN C1 iii 30, vi 7
apkallum (ABGAL; NUN.ME) wise man, expert [C1 vi 20]
appūna moreover C1 vii 1
Apsûm (ZU.AB) underground water (cosmic) C1 i 29', [49']
arārum III (v.) to be convulsed C1 iv 23'
arnum sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty C1 vi 25
ašrum (KI) place, site C1 iv 18', 26'
atkuppum craftsman making objects of reed C2 ii 12'
Atra-ḫasīs PN [C1 i 1], [C2 i 11'], C1 i 38', 40', [C2 ii 18']
attā you (m. sg.) C2 i 19', C1 vi [20], [44'], viii 11'
attī you (f. sg.) [C1 vi 47']
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech C1 i 46', vi 26
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being C1 vi 10, [49'], viii 10', 22'
ayyānum where? C1 vi 9
Ayyārum (ITI.GU4.SI.SÁ) 2nd Bab. month C2 viii 27'
ayyum, ayyûm which? C1 vi 26
bâ'um (v.) G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along C1 i 37', iii 12'
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance C1 i 39', ii 51", 52"
bakûm (v.) G to weep, cry C1 iii 32', iv 10', 12', 15'
balāṭum (v.) G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for C2 i 24', C1 vi 10, viii 10'
banûm (v.) G to build, create; N be created, made C2 i 22', 25'
bānûm, f. bānîtum creator, begetter C1 vi 47'
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create C1 iii 19',[ vi 50'], vii 1, 3, viii [8'], 13'
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress C1 iii 28'
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner [C1 i 2], C2 i 12', iii 51', v 40", [vi 25]
bêrum (v.) to choose, select; examine, check C1 ii 34"
bikītum crying, weeping C1 iv 18'
birkum knee C1 vii 5
bītum (É) house C2 i 22', C1 iii 47', 50'
bubūtum hunger, starvation C1 iii 31', iv 22'
buddurum reed (basket), profusion C1 i 35'
būlum (MÁŠ.ANŠE) animals, livestock C1 ii 36"
burûm reed mat C1 iii 4'
da'āmum (v.) I to become dark C1 iii 34'
danānum (v.) G to be(come) strong, powerful C1 i 31', 32'
dimmatum moaning C1 iii 47', iv 11'
edēlum (v.) to shut, bolt C1 ii 52"
edûm (v.) G to know; D to cause to know C2 i 13', 14'; C1 iii 14'
ekēlum (v.) to become dark C1 iii 35'
elēnum above, over C1 iii 44'
eleppum ((giš)MÁ) ship, boat C2 i 22', 25', C1 ii 55"
eli, elu on, above, over C1 iii 12', iv 10', v 35"
eliš above C1 i 31'
ellum (KÙ.GA) pure, clear, sacred C1 ii 32", v 45"
elûm (v.) G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high C1 iii 48'
emēdum (v.) to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) C1 iv 8', 9'
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force C1 i 33'
Enki DN C2 i 15', 43', 45', [50'], vi 14, [16], 42', [45']
Enlil DN C1 i 43', 48', iii 39', v 41", vi [5], 12, [41'], [vii 21]
entum, enetum high priestess C1 vii 6
epēqum (v.) G to embrace, grow over, round; D to embrace, huddle together C1 iii 26'
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G [C1 i 1], C2 i 11', 15', C1 i 40', C1 vi 11, 14, 16, 18, 41', 45'
erbe four C1 v 30"
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate [C2 viii 31']
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate C1 ii 34", 38", 42", 45"
erīšum scent, fragrance C1 v 34"
erpetum cloud C1 ii 49", 53"
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld C1 i 48'
eršum I wise C1 iii 33'
erûm I eagle C1 iii 16'
êšam whither? C1 iii 51', v 39"
eṣēnum (v.) to smell [C1 v 34"]
Eturkalamma TN [C2 viii 31']
eṭûtum darkness C1 iii 18'
ewûm I (v.) G to become, turn into; Š make s.o./ like C1 iii 45'
ezēzum (v.) G to be(come) angry, rage C1 i 43', ii 54''
gamārum (v.) (TIL) to bring to conclusion, complete C1 viii 20'
gamertum total annihilation C1 iii 38', v 44"
gana come on, yallah! [C1 vi 43]
ḫasāsum (v.) G to remember, to be conscious C1 vi 4
ḫepûm broken C1 ii 47"
ḫepûm (v.) G to break, ruin, destroy; N to be broken C1 iii 10'
ḫiṣbum (abundant) yield, produce C1 i 35'
ḫišiḫtum requirement, things needed [C2 ii 14']
ḫurāṣum (KÙ.SIG17; KÙ.GÌ) gold [C1 ii 31"]
igārum wall C2 i 20'
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods C1 vi 6, viii 16'
igiṣītum (a priestess) C1 vii 7
ikkibum taboo C1 vii 8
iltum (DINGIR) goddess C1 iii 32'
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity C1 i 42', 49', [50'], ii 50", [iii 20'], 24', 26', 30', 33', 36', 52', iv 15', v [34"], vi 17, 20, 26; [viii 11'], 22'
immerum (UDU) sheep C1 ii 33", iv 19'
ina in, on, by, from C1 i 44', 47', 48', ii 49", 53", 54", [iii 7'], 14', [21'], [22'], 27', 31', 36', 43', 47', 50', iv 9', 11', 18', 22', v 47", 50", vi 1, 10, 18, 44', 49', vii 1, 2, 3, 5, [viii 10]
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of C1 viii 22'
Ipiq-Aya (SIG.dA.A)) PN C2 viii 26'
irtum I (GABA) breast, chest [C2 viii 29']
iṣṣūrum bird C1 i 35', ii 35''
ištēn (DIŠ) one, single, the first one, first [C1 iii 5']
ištēniš together, as one C1 vi 8
ištum, ultu from, out of, since, after C1 i 45', ii 52", [v 36"]
išûm (v.) G to have [C1 ii 30", 31"]
itti with C1 i 42', 49', iii 38', iv 15'
kabrum thick, solid C1 ii 33''
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything C2 i 21', vi 7
kamāsum I (v.) to gather in C1 iii 54', v 43"
kamāsum II (v.) G to kneel, squat down C1 ii 46"
kamītum (pl. kamâtum) outside [C1 iii 22']
karašum leek C1 iii 14', 54', v 43", vi 10, [viii 10']
karpatum (DUG) clay pot [C1 iii 10']
kaspum (KÙ.BABBAR) silver, money; price [C1 ii 30"]
kašūšum annihilation, crushing defeat C1 iii 12'
like, how?, if, that C1 iii 37', 46', vi 10, [21]
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world C1 iv 9'
kikkišum reed fence, wall C2 i 21', [C1 vi 15]
kīma like, as; when; that C1 i 29', iii [10'], [12'], 15', [16'], 19', 40', 44', iv 6', 8', 9', 19', [v 35"], viii 9';
kimtum family, clan C1 ii 42''
kippatum circle, ring C1 i 28'
kišādum (GÚ) neck, bank C1 vi 3
kulīlum dragonfly C1 iv 6'
kullatum totality, all of ... C1 viii 18'
kullulum II (v.) D to veil, cover C1 iii 29'
kuprum bitumen, pitch; shepherd’s hut C1 i 33', C2 ii 13', ii 51''
not C1 iii 53', v 42", vi 14, [21], vii 2
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion C1 iv 14'
lapnum poor C2 ii 14'
laššu (there) is not C1 iii 18'
leqûm (v.) G to take, take over; Š caus. of G C1 i 38'
lī'um bull C1 iii 15'
libbātum rage, fury C1 vi 6
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body C1 ii 47", [iii 24'], iv 12', vi 23, 40'
lillidum offspring C1 [iii 19'], 45'
let it be; or; though; indeed C1 i 31', 32', 33', v 49", vi 3, [18], vii 8
mâ'um (v.) to vomit (bile) C1 ii 47"
magārum (v.) G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on C1 i 42'
maḫrum II front, presence C1 iii 27'
makkūrum property, possession(s) C2 i 23'
makūrum (gišMÁ.GUR ) processional boat C1 vi 5
malākum (v.) G to give advice; Gt to discuss, confer, consider, ponder C1 iii 53', v 42", vi [21], 44'
mālikum advicer, counsellor C1 viii 11'
maltaktum test, check; sand-clock C1 i 36'
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide C1 i 36', iv 7', iv 20', vi 6
Mama DN C1 iii 33'
māmītum oath, curse C1 vi 8
mannum who?, who C1 vi 13
markasum bond, tie, rope C1 ii 55"
martum bile C1 ii 47"
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant C1 ii 38", iii 26', 52'
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country C1 i 44', iii 9', iv 15', [vi 1]
meḫûm storm C1 iii 5', iv 25'
mimma anything, something; everything, all C1 ii 30", 31"
minûtum (ŠID) form, physique, recitation; counting number C2 viii 23'
mupparšum flying, winged C1 ii 35"
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) C1 i 37', iv 24'
mūtum death [C1 vi 48']
nabûm (v.) G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail C1 iv 4', 13'
nadītum "fallow" (i.e. childless) woman, celibate (priestess) C1 vii 10
nagārum carpenter C2 ii 11'
nakādum (v.) G to be frightened, anxious; Š make the heart throb, worry C1 III 24'
nakmum heaped up, treasure C1 iii 50'
nammaštûm, nammaššûm moving things, animals C1 ii 37"
napādum II (v.) to separate, cut off C2 i 22'
napāšum (v.) to breathe, become wide C1 iv 12', vi [23], [40']
napḫarum (ŠU.NIGIN; PAP) total, sum, (the) whole, entirety C1 v 38"
napḫarum (ŠU.NIGIN; PAP) total, sum, (the) whole, entirety C2 viii 24'
napištum (ZI) throat, life C2 i 24', C1 vi 19
naqûm (v.) to pour (a libation), sacrifice C1 v 31"
narbûm greatness, pl. deeds C1 viii 17'
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal C1 iv 7'
nasākum (v.) G to throw down, disregard C1 vi 26
naṣārum (v.) G to guard, protect; Š caus. to G, keep in mind, heed, obey, respect, safeguard; Gt be careful, on o.’s guard C2 i 19', 21, C1 vi 19
našûm (v.) G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. [C2 ii 11', 12', 13']
nazāmum (v.) to moan, complain, (Dt) groan, growl, make complaints against C1 v 38"
nelmenum misfortune C1 v 50"
nêrum (v.) G to strike, kill; D strike, smite, slay C1 iii 16'
Nintu DN C1 iii 28', iv 4', 13', [v 37"], vi 43', 46'
nīqum (UDU.SÍSKUR) offering, sacrifice C1 v 31", 35", v 36"
nissatum wailing, lamentation C1 iv 16', v 48"
niššīkum, naššīkum a title of Ea, prince C1 vi 42'
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population C1 ii 40", iii 12', 54', iv [5'], v 43", vi 48', vii 1, 2, 3, viii 18'
nūnum (KU6) fish C1 i 35'
pagrum body, corpse C1 iii 42'
paḫārum (v.) G to gather, assemble; D bring together, assemble; Š to gather, assemble C1 i 39', v 35"
palāḫum (v.) G to fear, revere C1 i 45', [iii 20'], [23']
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times C1 ii 48", v 47", 51", vi 18
parā'um (v.) to cut off; D~G C1 ii 55"
parāsum (v.) G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block C1 vii 9
pāšittum obliterator C1 vii 3
pāšum axe, adze [C2 ii 11']
paṭārum (v.) G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened C1 ii 55"
peḫûm (v.) to close up, seal C1 ii 51"
petûm II (v.) G to open, expose; Š to cause to open C1 i 36', v 51", vi 15
pirištum secret C1 vi 9
puḫrum assembly C1 iii 36', vi 27, 44'
pulḫītum distress, constemation ? C1 iii 29', iv 21'
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening [C1 i 1], C2 i 11', C2 i 15', C1 i 40', iii 39', 41', v 44", vi 8, 11, 16, 41', 45'
puzrum concealment, hiding-place [C1 iii 21']
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) battle, fight C1 [iii 12'], viii 13'
qabrum grave, tomb [C1 vi 49']
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command C2 i 17', 18', 37', 46', [50'], iii 37', 39'
qadištum, qašdatum priestess (kind of) C1 vii 11
qadmum former time, pre-eminent C1 v 47"
qātum (ŠU) hand C2 viii 26'
qatûm (v.) G to come to an end, finish; Š complete; Št be completed; complete ? C1 iv 11'
qerbum centre, interior C2 i 13', 30
qerbum centre, interior C1 i 30'
qerītum banquet, feast C1 ii 41''
qerûm (v.) to call, invite C1 ii 40"
qurādum hero, warrior C1 vi [5], 12, 20
qutrēnum incense (offering) C1 v 41"
rabûm (GAL) I big C1 iii 28', 30', v 46", vi 7, 17;
rādum rainstorm, cloudburst C1 iv 25'
ramānum self C1 iii 42'
ramûm III (v.) G to slacken, become loose; D release, let go C1 vi 24
rašûm (v.) G to acquire, get; Š caus. of G C1 i 33'
rāṭum water-channel, pipe C1 iv 20'
rēšum (SAG) head; beginning; slave [C2 i 14']
rigmum voice, cry, noise C1 ii 50", iii 10', 20', 23', 43', 47'
ša who(m), which, of C1(+)C2 i [13], 18', 25', iii 36', 53', v 42", 47", vi 6, [14], 26, viii 25'
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold C1 vii 4
šabsūtum, tabsūtum midwife C1 iii 33'
šadādum (v.) to drag, pull, draw C1 [vi 24]
šagāmum (v.) G to roar, shout; Š caus. of G C1 ii 49", 53"
šagāšum (v.) to slaughter, to murder C1 ii 33"
saḫḫum meadow, waterlogged land C1 iv 8'
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established C1 [i 48'], ii 36", iii 53', v 42", vi 22, 25, 27, 39', [48'], vii 6, [10], viii 9'
sakāpum (v.) I to push down, off, away C1 iv 26'
ṣalālum (v.) G to lie down, sleep [C1 vi 49']
ṣalmum II (ALAN) figure, image, statue C2 viii 29', [30']
šalšum third C1 vii 1
ṣamādum (v.) G to tie up, hitch up, bind up C1 iii 6'
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun C1 i 30', iii 18'
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven C1 ii 35", iii 8', [21'], 48'
ṣamûm (v.) to be(come) thirsty, thirst for; D make thirsty C1 iv 17', 21'
šanûm I second, next [C1 vi 50]
šanûm IV (v.) G to be changed, become different; D change (trans.) C1 ii 48", iii 25'
šapliš below C1 i 31'
šaptum lip, rim C1 iii 29', iv 21'
šapûm II (v.) to be dense, thick; to (be)come loud C1 iii 15', [18']
sarāḫum (v.) to destroy, ruin C1 iv 26'
ṣarāpum II (v.) G to be loud, resound; Š make lamentation resound C1 iv 14'
šarāṭum (v.) G to tear, shred [C1 iii 8']
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord [C2 viii 28']
šarûm rich [C2 ii 13']
šārum (IM) wind, breath C1 ii 54", iii 17', v 30"
šassūrum, sassūrum womb C1 vi 43', 46', 47'
šasûm (v.) G to shout, call (out), read (out); Gtn iter. of G C1 [iii 17'], vi 43'
šattum (MU) year C2 viii 28'
šātûm drinker C1 ii 43", v 36"
šatûm II (v.) G to drink C1 ii 44"
še'ûm (v.) G to seek, call on C2 i 14', 17'
sebe seven C1 i 37'
šebûm I (v.) to be satiated, satisfied; to be full C1 iv 16'
ṣeḫrum I ((LÚ).TUR) little, young, junior-; small, child, servant, baby C2 viii 26'
seḫûm, šeḫûm (v.) to rise up, revolt; D confuse C1 iii 41'
šemûm (v.) G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again C2 i 20', C1 ii 50'', iii 43', iii 52', viii 16', 19'
ṣênum (v.) to load (up) [C1 ii 30", 31"]
šēpum foot, leg [C1 i 48']
šerrum young child, baby C1 vii 4
šērtum I, pl. šērētum penalty, punishment, misdeed, offence C1 vi 25
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards C1 ii 37", iii 43', iv 9', 11'
šī she C1 iv 18', v 46", vi 44'
ši(')ārum morning (Ass.) C1 v 52"
šiāti, šât (of) her, that, this same C1 vi 38'
šībum elder, old (person) C1 i 39', 41', C2 ii 10'
šikarum (KAŠ; KEŠ) beer, ale C1 iv 17'
šīmtum (NAM) fate, what is fixed, destiny C1 v 49", vi 47'
šina I they C1 vii 8
šiprum sending, mission, work, messenger C2 i 18'
šuāti, šâti him, her, it C1 i 36'
šuāti, šâti him, her, it C1 i 29', 36', iii 40'
šugītum (a class of women) able to marry [C1 vii 11]
šuḫarrurum (v.) to be deathly still C1 iii 47'
ṣullulum (v.) D to roof over, cover C1 i 29', 31'
ṣūmum thirst C1 iii 31'
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text C2 viii 23'
ṣuprum finger, toe-nail, claw, hoof C1 iii 7'
šuttum dream [C2 i 13' ]
ṭabāḫum (v.) G to slaughter C1 ii 32"
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise C1 viii 14'
ṭapārum (v.) to press towards C1 iii 39"
ṭarādum (v.) G to send off, despatch, send away C1 i 44'
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back C1 iii 35'
tebûm (v.) G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove C1 ii 54", v 37"
ṭeḫûm (v.) G to approach, be(come) near to; D bring close to, affect C1 v 41", 46"
ṭēmum thought, plan, instruction, information C1 iii 25', 51', v 40"
têrtum instruction C1 i 38', viii 12'
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) sea, lake C1 iv 6'
Tiruru DN C1 iii 40'
ṭuppum, tuppum (DUB) clay tablet, document, letter C2 viii 21', 25'
ṭupšarrum, tupšarrum (DUB.SAR) scribe C2 viii 26'
tuša it could have been that (modal particle) C1 iii 49'
u and, but, also C1 i 31', 43', ii 45", iii 31', 42', 46', v 46", vi 24, [26], 44', vii 7, 11, viii 30'
ugbabtum (kind of) priestess C1 vii 6
ul not C1 i 42', 47', 48', ii 46", [iii 13', 14']
ullîš later, thereafter; before C1 i 34'
ummiānum craftsman; creditor C1 ii 38"
ūmum I (UD) day, daily C1 ii 48", [iii 5'], 34', iv 24', vi 4, viii 27'
unūtum tools, equipment C1 i 31'
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) lapis lazuli, turquoise C1 vi 3
urīṣum (MÁŠ) male goat [C2 viii 29']
uršum I bedroom C2 i 17'
uṣṣurum (v.) to listen attentively C1 viii 17'
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š C2 [ii 14'], C1 ii 29", 39", ii 51", v 44", vi 8
walādum (v.) G to give birth C1 iv 5', vii 9
wālittum one who gives/has given/is about to give birth C1 vii 2 (x2), 5
warādum (v.) G to go down, descend; Gt to go down, descend; Š to send, take, bring down [C1 i 48']
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) slave, servant C2 i 16'
warḫum (ITI) the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month C1 ii 39"
wašābum (v.) to sit, dwell C1 i 47', ii 46", iii 22', 31', 46', 49', iv 18', 19'
waṣûm (v.) G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G C1 ii 45", [iii 11'], v 50", 52", vi 9
yā'um my, mine C1 v 48"
zabālum (v.) to carry, deliver [C1 vii 13]
zakārum, saqārum (v.) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear [C1 i 2], C2 i 12', 16', C1 i 41', vi 12, [17], 42', [46']
zamārum (ŠÌR) song C1 viii 15'
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play C1 viii 19'
zanānum (v.) I G to rain C1 i 34'
zanānum (v.) II to provision, provide C1 v 32"
zêrum (v.) G to dislike, hate, reject C2 i 23'
zibbatum tail C2 i 14'
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation C2 i 21', C1 iii 52', vi 15
zīmum face, appearance, figure C1 v 45"
zubbum fly C1 iii 19', 44', v [35"], 46", vi 2
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Wasserman, Nathan
Edition, Catalogue Corrections
Tulaikova, Yulia
Indexing, commentary