VS 1, 32 (Ipiq-Ištar of Malgium)

SEAL no. 1538

Tablet Siglum
VA 3359
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
  1. di-pí-iq-eš4-tár LUGAL
  2. ši-ki-in dEN.KI ddam-ki-na
  3. LUGAL ma-al-gi-imKI
  4. DUMU a-píl-ì-lí-šu
  5. i-nu AN den-líl DINGIR.MAḪ
  6. ù dé-a šar-ri
  7. mi-li-ik ma-tim im-l[i]-ku
  8. wa-ši-ib LU-im be-el pi-ri-iš-tim
  9. ú-tá-di a-na ḫi-ir-ti-šu
  10. el-le-tim ddam-ki-na
  11. ar-ḫi-iš-mi mu-uḫ-ri ḫi-ṭa
  12. šu-ti-qí ma-ru-uš-ta-am
  13. a-na wa-ar-ki-a-tim
  14. lu ki-na iš-da-šu
  15. ma-al-gu-umKI a-al-ki
  16. šar-ru-tum BALA-um li-<ri>-ik
  17. a ip-pa-ar-ku i-na É.NAM.TI.LA
  18. i-nu-mi-šu ur-dam ma-a-tum
  19. i-na-ap-ḫa-ri ka-lu-šu
  20. iš-ku-un ḫa-ba-ra-tam ra-bi-tam
  21. ù ma-ru-uš-tam i-pu-u[š]
  22. ú-ša-al-pí-it ki-iṣ-ṣa-a[m]
  23. šu-ba-at DINGIR. MAḪ ra-bi-tim
  24. ù mi-lam ra-aš-ba-am GIŠKIRI6-ša i-ki-is
  25. di-pí-iq-eš4-tár LUGAL na-a’-du
  26. bi-ni-it qá-ti-šu
  27. ša dé-a a-na-ku
  28. i-na šu-ur-ri dé-a ddam-ki-na
  29. a-na wa-ar-du-<ti>-šu-nu ir-šu-nin-ni
  30. e-[p]u-uš-ma ab!-ni bi-ta-am
  31. a-na DINGIR.MAḪ um-mi-ia
  32. áz-qú-up-ši-im GIŠKIRI6-a-am el-lam
  33. sí-ma-at i-lu-ti-ša
  34. ú-ša-aš-ki-in SÁ.DU11 in-bi-im
  35. a-na da-a-ar-i-tam! maḫ-ri-ša
  36. ab-bi šum É É.KI.TUŠ.GIŠ.PI
  37. ú-te-er-ši-im pa!-ra-ka-<am> pa-ni-a-am
  38. ù šu-ba-sà ar-mi
  39. ša te-em-me-ni ú-da-ap-pa-ru
  40. DINGIR.MAḪ er-re-tam ra-bi-tam
  41. li-ru-ur-šu
  1. Ipiq-Eštar, king,
  2. created by Enki (and) Damkina,
  3. king of Malgium,
  4. son of Apil-ilišu,
  5. when Anu, Enlil, Belet-ili,
  6. and Ea, my king,
  7. held council for the land
  8. the one that dwells in the Apsû, the lord of secrets,
  9. let his wife know,
  10. the pure Damkina:
  11. "Quickly, take away the sin,
  12. ward off the evil!
  13. In the future,
  14. its foundations shall be firm,
  15. (of) Malgium, your city.
  16. The kingship, the dynasty may last long.
  17. It shall never cease in Enamtila!"
  18. At that time, the land came down
  19. in its whole entirety.
  20. It made a great clamour
  21. and did an evil (deed).
  22. It destroyed the sanctuary,
  23. the dwelling of the great Belet-ili,
  24. and cut the awesome height, her garden.
  25. I am Ipiq-eštar, devout king,
  26. creature of his hand,
  27. of Ea.
  28. As soon as Ea (and) Damkina
  29. received me for their service,
  30. I made, I built the house
  31. for Belet-Ili, my mother,
  32. I planted her a pure garden,
  33. (as a) sign of her divinity,
  34. I established regular fruit offerings
  35. for ever for her.
  36. I called it Ekitušgeštu.
  37. I returned to her her former shrine
  38. and I installed her dwelling.
  39. Who removes my foundation,
  40. may Belet-Ili inflict on him
  41. a great curse.
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Pohl, Antonia
Transliteration, translation