MC 7, 16B (The Great Revolt against Narām-Sîn B)

SEAL no. 1542

  • MAH 10829 (CDLI P423835)MAH 10829 (CDLI P423835)
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Tablet Siglum
MAH 10829
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva

CDLI No. P270855



1       [dE]N.LÍL Á-sú Ìl-a-ba4 e-ṭel D[INGIRmeš]

2       [N]a-ra-am-dEN.ZU LUGAL da-an-nu-um //LUGAL A-kà-dèki

3       LUGAL ki-ib-ra-a-at ar-ba-i

4       mu-ta-wi Iš8-tár ù An-nu-ni-tim

5       pa-ši-iš A-nim GÌR.NÍTA dEN.LÍL

6      ÉNSI Ìl-a-ba4

7      ra-bi-iṣ bu-ra-a-at ídIr-ni-na //ídIDIGNA ù ídUD.KIB.NUN.NA

8       mu-še-ṣi du-un-ni-is-

9       a-na ka-la šar-ri

10     i-nu-ma ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba-i

11     iš-ti-ni-iš ib-ba-al-ki-tu-ni-in-ni

12     Kiški GÚ.DU8.Aki Ti-waki Ú-ru-muki

13     Ka-zal-luki Gíri-tabki A-pi-a-akki

14     Ib-ra-atki Dil-batki UNUki ù UD.KIB.NUNki

15     iš-ti-ni-iš ib-ba-al-ki-tu-ni-in-ni

16     i-nu-mi-šu-ma LUGAL-ki-in a-bi

17     UNUki i-né-er-ma


Lo. Ed.

18     an-du-ra-ar ERÍN Kiški // iš-ku-un



19     ap-pa-ti-šu-nu ú-ga-al-li-i[b]

20     ku-ur-ṣe-šu-nu ú-ḫe-ep-pi

21     8-tár Ìl-a-bad.šuPA ù dLUGAL

22     dUTU ù U4-mu-um-šu-ú

23     Kiški la na-ka-ar a-ḫu-tum a-ia-[ši]

24     bi-ri-i-it Ti-waki Ú-ru-mu-umki

25     i-na A.GÀR-dEN.ZU bi-ri-i-it // É-sa-badki É dGu-la

26     Kiški ip-ḫu-ur-ma

27     mIp-ḫu-ur-kiški LÚ Kiški // DUMU Ṣú-m[i-r]a-a-at-iš8-tár ṣa-ar-ri-iḫ-tim

28     a-na ša[r]-ru-tim iš-šu-ma

29     mPu-ut-ti-ma-da-al // LUGAL Ši-mu-ur-ri-im

30     mIn-gi LUGAL ma-at Na-ma-arki

31     mRi-iš-dIŠKUR LUGAL A-pí-šalki

32     mMi-gir-dda-gan LUGAL Má-ríki

33     mḪu-up-šum-ki-pí LUGAL Mar-ḫa-šiki

34     mDu-uḫ-su-su LUGAL Mar-da-ma-anki

35     mMa-nu-um LUGAL Má-gan-naki


Up. Ed.

36     mLugal-an-na LUGAL UNU[ki]

37     mÌr-den-líl-lá LUGAL GIŠ.ÙḪ[ki]

38     mAmar-den-líl-lá LUGAL EN.NIB[RUki]



1       (For) Enlil – his strength, (and) Ilaba – the young man of the gods,

2       (I,) Narām-Sîn, the strong king, the king of Akkade,

3       the king of the four quarters of the world,

4       who talks to Ištar and Annunītum,

5       the anointed (priest) of Anum, the commander of Enlil,

6       the governor of Ilaba,

7       guardian of the sources of the Irnina, the Tigris, and the Euphrates,

8       who dispatches his strength

9       against all the kings –

10     When the four quarters of the world

11     unitedly rose up against me,

12     (also) Kiš, Kutḫa, Tiwa, Urumu,

13     Kazallu, Giritab, Apiʾak,

14     Ibrat, Dilbat, Uruk, and Sippar

15     unitedly rose up against me,

16     at that time, my (fore)father Sargon

17     conquered Uruk,


18     and established freedom for the population of Kiš:


19     he shaved off their slave marks,

20     (and) broke their shackles.

21     By Ištar, Ilaba, Šullat, and Ḫaniš

22     Šamaš and Ūmumšû!

23     Kiš was not an enemy – (but) fraternally united with me.

24     Between Tiwa and Urumu,

25     at Ugār-Sîn in the lateral of Esabad, the temple of Gula,

26     did (the citizens of) Kiš(i) assemble

27     (and) Ipḫur-Kiši, the man of Kiš(i), son of Ṣummirat-Ištar, the lamentation priestess,

28     they elected to kingship.

29     Puttimadal king of Simurrum,

30     Ingi king of the land of Namar,

31     Rīš-Adad king of Apišal,

32     Migir-Dagan king of Mari,

33     Ḫupšumkipi king of Marḫaši,

34     Duḫsusu king of Mardaman,

35     Manum king of Makkan,


36     Lugal-Anna king of Uruk

37     Ir-Enlila king of Umma

38     Amar-Enlila king of Nippur.

Word Translation Semantic Line
abbuttum, apputtum slave mark Fabricated objects 19
abum father Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions 16
aḫḫūtum brotherhood 23
Akkade GN 2
Amar-Enlilla PN 38
andurārum freedom 18
Annunītum DN Deities/Divine sphere 3
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere 5
Apiak GN 13
Apišal GN 31
arba'um four 3, 10
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being Social status/Groups/Professions 27
birīt between, among 24, 25
bītum (É) house Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings 25
būrum I cistern, pool 7
dannum (KAL.GA) powerful, mighty, great, strong Qualities/Attributes 2
Dilbat GN 14
Duḫsusu PN 34
dunnišum strength 8
Enlil DN 1, 5
Esabad GN 25
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions 1
Giritab GN 13
Gula DN Deities/Divine sphere 25
Ḫaniš DN 21
Ḫupšum-Kipi PN 33
Ibrat GN 14
Idiglat GN, Tigris GN 7
idum (Á) arm; side; strength; wage Body/Body parts 1
Ilaba DN 1, 6, 21
Ingi PN 30
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of Time concepts 10
inūmīšuma at that time, at his days 16
Ipḫur-Kiši PN 27
Ir-Enlilla PN 37
Irnina (ÍD.IR.NI.NA) River Name 7
iššiakkum (ÉNSI) territorial ruler, governour 6
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere 4, 21
ištēniš together, as one 11, 15
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything Abstract concepts 9
Kazallu GN 13
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 3, 10
Kiš GN 12, 18, 23, 26, 27
kurṣûm shackle 20
Kutḫa (uruGÚ.DU8.Aki) GN 12
Lugal-Anna PN 36
Magan GN 35
Manum PN 35
Mardaman GN 34
Marḫaši GN 33
Mari (MÁ/MA.RI.KI) GN GN 32
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions 27
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 31
Migir-Dagan PN 32
nakrum strange, foreign, enemy Social status/Groups/Professions 23
Namar GN 30
Narām-Sîn PN, RN 2
Nippur GN 38
pašīšum anointed (a priest) 5
Purattum Euphrates 7
Puttimadal PN 29
Rīš-Adad PN 31
ṣābum (ÉRIN, ÉRIN.ḪÁ) people, troops Social status/Groups/Professions 18
šakkanakkum governor 5
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 22
Šarrum-Kīn PN, RN 16
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions 2, 3, 9, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
šarrūtum kingship, reign Kinship terms 28
Šimurrum GN 29
Sippar (UD.KIB.NUNki) GN 14
Šullat DN 21
Ṣumirāt-Ištar PN 27
Tiwa GN 12, 24
Ugār-Sîn GN 25
Umma GN 37
Ūmumšu DN 22
Uruk GN 14, 17, 36
Urumu GN 12, 24
yâšim, ayyâšim to, for me 23
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia
Transliteration, translation, vocabulary
Streck, Michael P.
Corrections, commentary
Tulaikova, Yulia
Additions to Notes
Streck, Michael P.
Wasserman, Nathan
Vocabulary, corrections