SEAL no. 1551
MS 2758 (CDLI P251785)
CDLI No. P251785.
1 wa-a-ši-ib ⌈am/ne (-x)-x⌉ ni[m …]
2 [k]a-az-zum bu-ku-ur d⌈En-ki⌉ x […]
3 di-lum ba-a-ri te-né-še20-e-⌈tim⌉
4 mu-⌈ú⌉-de li-ib-bi-im za-wa-nim ù i-ša-ri-im
5 ⌈i-na qé-re⌉-eb ZU.AB na-bi šum-šu
6 ša-ru-ti-iš di-li dEn-ki iš-ši-i-šu
7 ši-i-ib lu-ú šar-ra-a-ti i-na i-li-i-ma
8 be-el di-i-in ma-a-tim e-li-iš ù ša-ap-li-iš
9 iš-tu eṭ-lu-ú-ta-am im-la-a i-da-a-šu
10 is-sà-qar a-na a-bi-i-šu dEn-ki
11 a-bi ma-a-ḫa-a-za-am a-li a-ša-ak-ka-an
11a ka-az-za-⌈am im-me⌉-[er]-⌈tam⌉ a-li uš-ra-ab-ba
12 ṣa-ab-t[u-(ma)] úḫ-⌈ḫu⌉-zu pa-ra-ak-ku
12a [ša wa-aš-b]u dA.NUN.NA i-lu ra-bu-ú-tum
13 [i]s-sà-q[ar-šu]m ma-a-li-ik ì-lí a-bu-ú-⌈šu⌉
14 wa-a-ši-⌈ib⌉ ZU.AB be-el ši-i-ma-a-tim
15 a-na dBa-zi dEn-ki a-bu-šu še-e-ri ta-ak-li-ma-a-tim i-ta-wu-ú-šum
16 ad-[d]i-ik-kum Ša-aš-ša-a-ar ù Ba-ša-a-ar ša-di-a-am-ma
17 a-a-ma-a-an ša ta-ra-a-a-mu-ú-ma šu-ú-ma i-de-e
18 aš-[š]a-aš-ša-a-ar ú-ṣi pa-ra-ak-ku a-na <...? > RÁ.GABAmeš
18a šu-ú-li-i-ma wu-di-ma an šar-ri-im
19 el-le-tim šar-ra-tim ma-a-ar-ti a-nim
20 it-ta-as-ḫa-ar ša-di-a-am ki-i šar-ra-a-tim
21 iṭ-ṭù-ul a-lam la ki-šup-pa-šu
22 a-lum-ma la ru-ú-uq-šum da-an-ni-iš
23 im-ḫa-aṣ ša-di-a-am er-ṣe-ta-am uš-pe-el-ki
24 bi-i-tum [b]a-ni mu-ú ú-ba-ú-nim
25 i-na qé-re-eb me-e-šu ba-ni bi-i-is-sú
26 li-ib-na-a-tum na4ZA.GÌN da-la-a-tum eb-bu-um
27 as-ku-pa!-a-tum ša KÙ.GI ba-aš-mumuš meš šu-ku-ú ša gišIG
28 ḫa-ar ṣi-pa-sú qé-e di-ba-a-⌈šu⌉
29 DINGIR BA!.UG7 ú-ka-al gišSAG.KUL Ì.DUḪmeš mu-ú-tum
29a i-na qé-re-eb bi-ti-i-šu ib-ba-la-ka-tu mu-ú mi-iš-lum ba-la-ṭù mi-iš-lum mu-ú-t<um>
30 bi-i-tum ma-li ta-še-la-a-tim
31 i-na éPA4.PAḪ dUTU i-na É dŠákkan
32 né-e-er-ma dŠákkan ša ru-še-e
33 dUTU ša da-mi d ÍD GAL ša ki-iš-pi {ras.}sà-da-ru
34 el-le-e-tim ni-ši i-bé-e-el
35 ka-az-zum e-te-el-lum ša a-li-i-šu
36 a-ma šar-rum be-el pa-ra-ak-ki
37 e-ed-dam qá-ar-ni-i-in mu-na-ak-ki-ip na-ak-ru-ti-i-šu
38 i-na qar-ni-⌈i⌉-šu ma-al-ki na-a-ki-ri ú-na-ak-ki-ip {ras.}
38a ši-na-ma i-ka-an-nu-ša še-e-pi-šu
39 la ra-bi-a-at ki-it-mu-ra-⌈at šu⌉-pa-as-sú
40 ti-i-ru ti-a-me-tim ti-i-ru-ú-šu
41 ki-bi-ir-šu la ⌈e⌉-li ša-ni-in ša-di-a-am
42 ú-ša-ap-li-iš er-ṣe-tam ù ša-me-e i-mi-id
43 a-mu-ur du-un-[ni]-i-šu e-⌈li⌉-iš-ša-qí-a-⌈am⌉-ma
44 ša la i-du-ú [ú?]-wa-ṣa-ar-ma ur-ra-[a]d
45 ú-ul ša-[p]e-e[l] qé-er-bu ⌈e-mi⌉-id ⌈ki-ib⌉-rum
46 ša li-i-ši-im [i]b-ta-ni x ba ra x-a-šu
47 wa-ar-ka-ta-a-nu x x x ša x x-ad-na?-am-ma
48 i-na me-e x re-e x ab x e ri i-[r]e-e-eq-qá ki-ib-rum
49 di-lum zu-x x x x x x-šum
50 la-ah-mu-um x x uš [ x (x)]-tab-ba-la-a-šu
51 ka-ta-x x x x x x [x]-tim
52 a-na ⌈bu-ur?⌉ x x x x [x x -t]am ú-ba-al
53 ka-rum x x id[x x x x] x-az-za-az
54 di-lum ša x[x x x] a-na tu-ú-šu
55 a-na be-el x x x [ x i-ši-i]m ši-i-im-ta-am
56 ù ši-⌈i-im-ta-am⌉ [x x x] x-šu
57 li-⌈x x x x⌉[x x x x x]-i-šu
58 ⌈ši?⌉-[i?]-⌈ir?⌉ [dBa]- ⌈zi⌉ ša i-nu-ú-ma ÉRINḫá
59 [i-na] UD [x (x) x] i-il-lu-<ú> iz-za-am-ma-ru
1 He who dwells in […]
2 ram, son of Enki, […]
3 god who surveys the human race,
4 who knows the wicked and the just mind,
5 in the midst of the subterranean water his name was given,
6 Enki elevated him to the kingship of the gods:
7 “Grow old! You may be king among the gods,
8 lord of the judgement of the land, above and below!”
9 After his arms were filled with manliness,
10 he spoke to his father, Enki:
11 “My father, where shall I set up a cult center?
11a Where shall I rear ram (and) ewe?
12 The cult-daises are occupied and taken,
12a [where resid]e the Anunakū, the great gods.”
13 He spoke to him, the counsellor of the gods, his father,
14 who dwells in the subterranean water, the lord of destinies,
15 To Bazi his father Enki said a song with instructions:
16 “I hereby give you the mountain Šaššār and Bašār.
17 Which one might be the one whom you love? Does he know it himself?
18 At Šaššār a cult-dais rose forth, for [abode(?)].
18a Send messengers up and make it known to the king,
19 (and) the holy queen, the daughter of Anum.”
20 He kept circling the mountain as (if around) babies,
21 he viewed the city, the parts that were not fallow.
22 The city itself, it was not very far away from him.
23 He smote the mountain, opened wide the earth.
24 A house was built. Waters used to flow forth from it.
25 In the midst of its waters was built his house.
26 The bricks were lapis lazuli, the doors of shining materials.
27 The thresholds were of gold, dragons were the door poles.
28 Its (the houses) cone(?) was a palm leaf(?), copper its twin panels,
29 A dead god used to retain the bolt. The door-keepers were death.
29a In the midst of the house waters used to cross,
half were life, half were death.
30 The house was full of joy.
31 In the cella was Šamaš, in the house was Šakkan.
32 Slain is/was Šakkan, the one of witchcraft,
33 (whereas) Šamaš, the one of blood, and great Id, the one of sorcery, stand/stood in a row.
34 He (Bazi) rules the sacred people,
35 the ram, monarch of his city.
36 Behold the king, lord of the throne-dais,
37 sharp of horns, gorer of his enemies!
38 With his horns he gored the enemy princes.
38a They (the people) bow down at his feet.
39 Is his dwelling not large (and) well stocked,
40 are (not) the eunuchs of the sea his eunuchs?
41 Is his brink not high, a rival to the mountain?
42 It pierced the netherworld and abutted the heavens.
43 Observe its fortifications, on high it is exalted(?).
44 The one that knows can ... and go down.
45 Is the interior not deep, the brink abutted?
46 ... he has built his ...
47 To the rear …
48 From the water … the brink recedes.
49 The god … to him.
50 A sea-monster …
51 …
52 To the well-spring of … he brings.
53 The quayside …
54 The god … ninefold(?).
55 For the lord of … [he determined] a destiny,
56 and a destiny … him.
57 Let(?) …
58 The [song(?) of] Bazi, which is sung when the people
59 go up [on] the day of […]
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum | father | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 10,11,13,15 |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 21,22, 35 |
Anum | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 19 |
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū | DN | 12a | |
Apsûm (ZU.AB) | underground water (cosmic) | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 5,14 |
arum, erum, ḫarum | branch, frond (of date palm) | 28 | |
askuppum, askuppatum (I.LU.KUN4) | (threshold) slab | 27 | |
atûm (Ì.DUḪ) | gatekeeper, porter | 29 | |
ayyum, ayyûm | which? | 17 | |
Bašār | GN, mountain | 16 | |
Bazi | DN | 15 | |
bēl dīnim | opposing party (in court), “prosecutor” | 8 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | Social status/Groups/Professions | 36, 55 |
bītum (É) | house | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 24, 25, 29a, 30, 31 |
bukrum | son, child, first born | Kinship terms | 2 |
būrum I | cistern, pool | 52 | |
daltum (GIŠ.IG) | door | Fabricated objects | 26, 27 |
dāmum | blood | Body/Body parts | 33 |
dippum | twin panels (kind of wooden door) | 28 | |
dunnum | strength, force | 43 | |
Enki | DN | 2,6,10,15 | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 23, 42 |
etellum (NIR) | lord, prince, pre-eminent | Social status/Groups/Professions | 35 |
eṭlūtum | manliness | Human activities/actions | 9 |
ḫurāṣum (KÙ.SIG17; KÙ.GÌ) | gold | Materials | 27 |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | Body/Body parts | 9 |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 3,6,7,12a,13, 29, 49, 54 |
immertum | ewe | 11a | |
išarum I | straight, correct, normal | 4 | |
kārum I (KAR) | quay, port | 53 | |
gazzum, kazzum | shorn | 2,11a, 35 | |
kibrum (UB) | bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 41, 45, 48 |
kišpum | sorcery, evil spell | Rituals/Religious practices | 33 |
laḫmum | guardians of sea, sky, earth, apsû; hairy, mythical beings | Diseases/Demons | 50 |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 4 |
libittum (SIG4) | brick, mudbrick | Fabricated objects | 26 |
māḫāzum | shrine, cultic centre | 11 | |
mālikum | advicer, counsellor | Social status/Groups/Professions | 13 |
malkum I | prince, king | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 38 |
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) | daughter, girl | Kinship terms | 19 |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 8 |
mišlum | half, middle, centre | 29a | |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | Food/Drink,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 24, 25, 29a, 48 |
munakkipum | butting, goring | Qualities/Attributes | 37 |
nakrum | strange, foreign, enemy | Social status/Groups/Professions | 37 |
Nārum (dÍD) | DN, GN, Divine River | 33 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | 34 | |
papāḫum (éPA.PAḪ) | cella, shrine | 31 | |
parakkum (BÁRA) | cult dais, sanctuary, chapel | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 12, 18, 36 |
qarnum (SI) | horn | Body/Body parts | 37, 38 |
qerbum | centre, interior | Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings | 5,25, 29a, 45 |
qûm II (SÌLA) | measuring-vessel | Fabricated objects | 28 |
rakbum (RÁ.GABA) | mounted messenger | 18 | |
rusûm, rušûm | sorcery, witchcraft | 32 | |
ṣābum (ÉRIN, ÉRIN.ḪÁ) | people, troops | 58 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 16, 20,23, 41 |
Šakkan (dŠakkan, dŠákkan) | DN | 31, 32 | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | Deities/Divine sphere | 31, 33 |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 42 |
šāninum | rival, of equal birth | Social status/Groups/Professions | 41 |
šarratum | queen | Social status/Groups/Professions | 19 |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 18, 36 |
šarrūtum | kingship, reign | Kinship terms | 6 |
Šaššār | GN, mountain | 16, 18 | |
šēpum | foot, leg | Body/Body parts | 38a |
šerrum | young child, baby | 20 | |
šērum III | song, chant | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 15 |
sikkūrum, šikkūrum (GIŠ.SAG.KUL) | bar, bolt (as locking device) | 29 | |
šīmtum (NAM) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | 55, 56 | |
šina I | they | Abstract concepts | 38a |
ṣippatum III | (pine-)cone | 28 | |
šubtum, šuptum | seat, dwelling, abode, place | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 18,39 |
šukûm | doorpost | 27 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 5 |
taklimtum | revelation, instruction; display | 15 | |
tašīltum | celebration | Human activities/actions | 30 |
tenēštum, tanišētum | people, humankind | 3 | |
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) | sea, lake | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 40 |
tīrum | courtier | 40 | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 59 |
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) | lapis lazuli, turquoise | Materials | 26 |
warkatum | rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after | Locations/Buildings | 47 |
zāwiānum | enemy | Social status/Groups/Professions | 4 |