SEAL no. 1553
U.16890 obv. (British Museum)
U.16890 edge (British Museum)
U.16890 rev. (British Museum)
Gadd/Kramer 1966, 396
Gabbay 2002, 125
Ludwig 2009, 245
CDLI No. P346439.
1 [x x x x x (x)] x-ma an-nu-um a-bi i-li ra-bu-tim
2 [x x x x x (x) i-na] pî(KA) d+En-líl la ú-ṣi-a-am iš-tum da-⌈ar⌉
3 [x] x [x x x (x)] x [x (x)-q]á?-at qú-ra-di-im é-a la iš-ru-uk UD? ši? x tim? / ú-ṣi-a-am i-na pî(KA)-šu
4 x x [x x x x x x (x)]-na-ku a-šar é-a pa-nu-šu su-ḫu-ru ma? x (x) zi? ša?
5 [x x x x x x x x (x) a]r-nam mar-ṣa-am a-na é-a ub-⌈la?⌉ x x
6 [x x x x x x x x (x)] x li-pu-la!? šu-na-a-at-ma a-wa-tum / a-na tāḫāzim(MÈ) la i-⌈lik⌉
7 x (x) [x x x x x x x (x) b]i? lu qá-ti-ša? še ri da pi da? x ([...]?)
8 x [x x x x x x x x (x)](-)ik-šu-ud mar-ṣa-⌈ti⌉-ia li x [...] / x x ri
9 x [x x x x x x (x)] x-bu-šum mar-ṣa-ti [x] x ⌈ú? na?⌉ x x x (x) tim?
10 [x x x x x x x x (x)] bé-el ma-[tim? x x l]u?-uš-ku?-nam? ma!?-aḫ-ri-sa?°
11 x [x x x x x x x (x)] x ⌈a?⌉ am x [ x (x) a?]-qá-bi un-⌈ni⌉-ni-ia
12 [x x x x x x (x)] x mu [q]á-ba-ša? ṣé-ri-⌈iš?!-šu?!⌉ ma-gi-ir-ma / ša-lim!?-tum!? ka ab? ša lum?
13 [x x x x x (x)] x ri iš8-tár ip-pa-al-sí-ha-am ka-qá-ar-šu / di-ma-tu-ša i-la-ka ṣa-ar-p[i-iš]
14 [x x x x x x (x)] x ⌈ti li⌉ ik ka ar x am x [...]
14a x im zu ri ia [...]
15 [x x x x (x)] x [x x x x (x)] x zi zu li nu x [...]
16 [x x x (x)] x ša [x x x x x x (x)] x tum ba-lu-ki ⌈ú?⌉ x [...]
17 [x] x x ⌈a⌉-di ma-ti i-x [x x (x) tu?-uḫ?-t]a-di-ir pa!-ni-ia ù ar x x x
18 [MIN?].KAM? a-di ma-ti é-a i-še-[x x x x] (vacat)
19 ⌈šum⌉-ma-ma-an iš-tum da-ar x [x x (x)] x-ti-ma ma-ru-um a-na a-bi-šu / [(…)? l]u?- ⌈ub?⌉-lam?
20 ki-ma ar?-ni-ia te-te-ep-ta? ia-[ši?-im? i?-ta?]-ar-ku UD-mu en!?-né-ti-ia ik-[ta-ri n]a?-pi-iš-ti
21 iš!-me-ma iš8-tár an-ni-a-am qá-ba-a-am x x x [x x (x)] ti da? x ⌈ir⌉ x x x
22 ú-la il5-ta-ba-aš li-ib-šu pa-ag-ri-ša ⌈ú⌉-l[a?...
23 di-ma-tu-uš! ḫu-ṭù-pa-at i-la-ak a-na a-lim el!-lim a-šar ⌈é?⌉-[a?...
24 iṭ-ḫe-e-ma ip-pa-al-sí-ḫa-am ma-ḫa-ar-šu un!?-ni-nam i-ta-š[i? x (x)] x
25 ú-la a-bi-i ú-la ta-mu-ra-am ša-a-ti!? ša-qú-mi-iš wa-aš!-ba!- ⌈at-ma⌉ / i-da!-mu-ma-am ki-ma su-mi-[i]m
26 [ú]-la é-a ú-la ta-mu-ra-am an na na a na ki (vacat)
27 [x] x ma la i-ṭe4-ḫe-a-am ka-ti e-li i-na pî(KA)-ka ú-ṣi-a-am a? šu? ti di/ki?
28 [x x x] ša-ḫi-iṭ pa-ga-ar-ša li-ib-šu-ša la zu-ku-ma ša-a-šum pa-al-ḫa-at
29 [x x x x x (x)] x e-né-en-ša li-tu-ur-ši-im li? ba? ud? ta? li-ṣi-ši-im nu-ur-šu
30 [x x x x x x x (x)] x na du? x ú ḫi-me-e-ta-am ḫa am li x x
31 [x x x x x x x (x)] x šu ru? wa? bu? pa-nu-ka at-ta
1 [......] Anum, (or: who is) father of the great gods.
2 [.....] it was never uttered [by] Enlil.
3 [......].. of the warrior, Ea did not present..., it was uttered by him.
4 [.....] I(?), where Ea’s face is turned away...
5 [.......] com[mited] a grave [s]in against Ea.
6 [.....] … he shall reply; The word was repeated and he/she did not go out to war.
7 [......].. her hands?....
8 [......] arrived; my misfortunes..[…] … […]
9 [......] misfortunes...
10 [....] lord of the l[and?.. may] I put(?) before her(??).
11 [.....]....[..I] will say my pleas.
12 [.....]... her(?) speech was accepted by him(?).. well-being(??)...
13 [.....].. Ištar prostrated herself to the ground, her tears flowing bitterl[y].
14 .... […]
15 .... […]
16 .... without you.. […]
17 [...] how long... [... you have made(?)] me [s]orrow(?) and I(?)...[…]
18 [Seco]ndly(??), how long, Ea..[…]
19 If only from time immemorial..[...]... son to his father [...]...
20 When you have revealed my sin, [for] me, the days of my punishment have [been l]ong(?); my [d]eath is n[ear](?).
21 Ištar heard this speech .....
22 She did not wear her body’s garment; di[d not(?)...
23 Her tear being wiped, she went to the holy city where E[a(?)...
24 She approached, prostrated herself before him, and pleaded...
25 “No, my father, haven’t you seen her?”, silently she was sitting, moaning like a dove;
26 “No, Ea, haven’t you seen?...”
27 ... did not approach; as to you(?), except for what came out from your mouth (to me?)...
28 [...]..her body stripped (from clothes); her garments not washed for him; she is scary.
29 [.....].. her favor; may... return to her; may his light come out to her.
30 [.....]... butter(?) ...
31 [...].... your face, you.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 23 |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | 5, 20 | |
ašrum (KI) | place, site | Locations/Buildings | 4, 23 |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 6 |
dimtum II | tear | Body/Body parts | 13, 23 |
Ea | DN | 3, 4, 5, 18, 23, 26 | |
Enlil | DN | 2 | |
ennettum | sin | 20 | |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 13, 21 |
libšum | clothing; garment | Fabricated objects | 22, 28 |
maḫrum II | front, presence | Abstract concepts | 10, 24 |
marṣum | sick, troublesome | Human activities/actions | 5 |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 19 |
maruṣtum, maruštum | evil, distress | 8, 9 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 10 |
napištum (ZI) | throat, life | Abstract concepts | 20 |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | 29 | |
pagrum | body, corpse | Body/Body parts | 22, 28 |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | Body/Body parts | 4, 17, 31 |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | 2, 3, 27 | |
qabûm | speech, command | 12, 21 | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 13 |
qurādum | hero, warrior | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 3 |
šalimtum | well-being | 12 | |
summum | dove | 25 | |
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) | battle, combat | 6 | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | 20 | |
unnīnum, unnēnum | supplication, petition | Verbal expressions | 11 |