KAR 158

SEAL no. 1642

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
VAT 10101
c. 18.0x20.0x3.5
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers
Love Literature

Index (below) contains only Akkadian lemmata.

CDLI No. P282615



col. i

(c. 5–7 lines missing)

i 0'             [1 iš-ka-ra-a-tu]

i 1'             [6 za-ma-rumeš il-ta-a]-a[tiškari(ÉŠ.GÀR)

i 2'             […ak-ka-di-taam-nu

i 3'             [dÉ-a ba]-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

i 4'              […]⌈šu°⌉ ○ tu-li-da-an-ni-ma

i 5'             [x] ⌈x⌉-ku-ú ra-a ki-la-ma lu-ur-ta-ma-nu

i 6'             [er-ba-a]m-ma rēʾû(SIPA) ḫar-mi ○ d8-tár-ma

i 7'             [ur?-ša?-a]n°-na rēʾâ(SIPA) ○ az-za-am-mu-ur-ma

i 8'             [(x?)] ○ rēʾâ(lúSIPA) ○ šú-a-ti

i 9'             [2(?) iš]-ka-ra-a-tu 11 za-ma-rumeš

i 10'          [ak-k]a-di-ta            am-nu

i 11'          [dÉ]-a ba-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

i 12'          [be-le-]et ○ ka-lu ○ parakkī(BARAGmeš)

i 13'          [d8-tárdu-un-na-at ilta(DINGIR) la-ab-ba-ta

i 14'          [x x x x x] dI-gi-gi ma-al-ka-ta

i 15'          [d8-tár?] ○ le-a-at ○ a-bi-ša

i 16'          [...]-tu dNam-ṣa-at na-di-na-at lamassāti(dLAMMAmeš)

i 17'          ⌈3⌉ iš-ka-ra-a-tu 16 za-ma-rumeš

i 18'          ak-ka-di-ta ○ ○ am-nu

i 19'          dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

i 20'          bu-kur bi-in dA-nim lu-uz-mur du-un-na-ka

i 21'          lu-uz-mur dÈr-ra du-un-na-šu lu-ul-li

i 22'          be-e-lu lu-uz-mu-ur za-mar i-lu-ti-ka

i 23'          it-ta-ṣi dŠar-ra-bu be-lu a-nu-na-ti

i 24'          ma-ṣa-ra-at ○ dÈr-ra ○ ḫa-i-ṭù

i 25'          4 iš-ka-ra-a-tu ○ 21 za-ma-rumeš

i 26'          ak-ka-di-ta am-nu

i 27'          ○ dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka ○ li-iq-bi

i 28'          ta-ni-it qu-ra-di Adad(dIM) lu-sa-qar

i 29'          i-la ○ ○ mu-ur-ta-aṣ-na

i 30'          [lu]-uz-za-mur at-ḫe-e bi-nu-ut ○ dA-nim

i 31'          [ga-áš]-ra ○ a-li-la ○ bu-kur dA-nim

i 32'          [x-x]-ra-ka ○ šar(XX) ilāni(DINGIRmeš) ○ Adad(dIM)

i 33'          [Adad(dIM)?] bu-kur dA-nim ša e-zi-za ila(DINGIR) ga-áš-ra

i 34'          [5] iš-ka-ra-a-tu 26 za-ma-rumeš

i 35'          ⌈ak-ka-di-ta am-nu

i 36'          [d]É-a ○ ba-al-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

i 37'          [d(?)x-x-(x) t]i°? e-ri-ši im-nu-ši dEn-líl

i 38'          [...] ○ dŠá-maš ○ ki-it-tu

i 39'          [...] gi-it-ma-lu na-ra-am dEn-líl

i 40'          [...]⌈d⌉I-gi-gi man-sa-a ila(DINGIR) qar-da

i 41'          [m]aturra([gi]šMÁ.TUR) lu-uz-mur a-na Sîn(dXXX)

                  [○ ]            ○                ○

i 42'          [6 iš-ka-ra]-⌈a⌉-tu 31 za-ma-rumeš

i 43'          [iškar(ÉŠ.GÀR) ma-ru-ma] ⌈ra⌉-im-ni ak-ka-di-ta

i 44'          [dÉ-a ba-la-a]ṭ-ka li-iq-bi


i 45'          [… me]-ri ù me-er-te

i 46'          […] em-qu merʾukunu(DUMU-ku-nu)

i 47'          […du(?)]-un-na-a-at

i 48'          [...] aqru(KAL°-ru)

i 49'          […]⌈x⌉ x


col. ii

ii 0'            [1 iš-ka-ra-tu]

ii 1'            5 za-ma-r[umeš il-ta-a-at iškari(ÉŠ.GÀR)]

ii 2'            d8-tár-ú-ta [am-nu]

ii 3'            ○ dÉ-a ba-la-aṭ-ka [li-iq-bi]

ii 4'            ḫar-mi it-ta-ka ○ ur-gu-la

ii 5'            an-ni-ri a[l]-ta-mi r[ēʾ]u([SI]PA) e-mu-ú-[…]

ii 6'            za-mar d8-tár šar-ra-[tia-za-am-mu-ur

ii 7'            a-na na-aḫ-ši ○ rēʾi(SIPA) a-ṣa-ia-aḫ

ii 8'            ù re-ʾ-i [a?-n]abīti(É) ru-ʾ-a-am

ii 9'            a-ra-am-[…]-x-ia ○ - ma

ii 10'         2 iš-ka-ra-a-tu [10 za-]ma-rumeš

ii 11'         ○                d8-tár-ú-ta [(vac.)] am-nu

ii 12'         dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-k[a l]i-iq-bi

ii 13'         ši-it-mar-tu na-ba-a-a[ṭ         nu-u]r-ša

ii 14'         ba-ʾ-i        ma-al-da-ḫi [...]⌈lu-ṣi?!(Text: I°)⌉

ii 15'         šar-rat me-le-ṣi        ○ ra-ṣu-um-ta

ii 16'         qa-ri-it-ta mērat(DUMU.MUNUS) Sîn(dXXX) ilta(DINGIR) te-le-ta

ii 17'         ḫa-an-na-ma-tu-um-ma ○ MIN (ḫannamātummadam-qa-a-tu

ii 18'         3 iš-ka-ra-a-tu 15 za-ma-rumeš

ii 19'         d8-tár-ú-ta ○ am-nu

ii 20'         ○ dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

ii 21'         ti-iš-ma-ri ila(DINGIR)-at-ni na-ma-ri-tu

ii 22'         me-er-tu ○ lìb-ba-ša ni-gu-ta

ii 23'         dNa-na-a ○               [a]t!-ti-ma

ii 24'         šul-ma a-na šarri(LUGAL) ki-i ta-ši-mi

ii 25'         tuk-te-en-ni šar-ra-tu ○ dNa-na-a

ii 26'         am-ma-rat kal nišī(UNmeš) ○ ra-ʾ-um-ta

ii 27'         4 iš-ka-ra-a-tu                           20 za-ma-rumeš

ii 28'         d8-tár-ú-ta ○ am-nu

ii 29'         ○ dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka ○ li-iq-bi

ii 30'         d8-tár am-ma-ra-ta lu-ú-še lu-ú[s]-qur-ma

ii 31'         at-mar-ti dI-gi-gi ša-nu-da-a-⌈at i⌉-la-ti

ii 32'         bu-kur-tu dA-nim ○ rabītu(GAL-t[u) x x]

ii 33'         lu-uz-mu-ur ○ ta8(ḪI)-šim-[ti DN (3 signs missing)]

ii 34'         ú-ta-al-li-i○ ra-šu⌉-[ub-tu/ti …]

ii 35'         5 iš-ka-ra-a-tu                           25 za-ma-rumeš

ii 36'         d8-tár-ú-ta ○ am-nu

ii 37'         ○ dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

ii 38'         ša-du-ú lu-ú e-lu-ú-ma

ii 39'         ḫur-ša-an-nu ap-pu-na-ma lu-ú še-e-ḫu

ii 40'         e-nu-ma tu-ra-aq-qi-du ○ an-ta

ii 41'         ri-i-iš° ○ ma-a-tu

ii 42'         i-la ku-un-na-a i-la ○ ra-a-ma

ii 43'         šar-ri ○ ta-ni-tu-uk-ka

ii 44'         dNa-na-a lìb-ba-ša ○ ḫa-da-a ub-lam-ma

                  ○ ○ ○ ○

ii 45'         ŠU.NÍGIN 6 iš-ka-ra-a-tu 31 za-ma-rumeš

ii 46'         iškar(ÉŠ.GÀR) re-ʾ-i re-ʾ-i d8-tár-ú-ta am-nu

ii 47'         dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka ○ li-iq-bi

ii 48'         ŠU.NIGIN 60!+30+3(Text: 2x60° + 3x10 + 3) za-ma-ru ak-ka-du-ú


ii 49'         ni-gál-le dingir al-la-am-ma a-ma gu-un-na-ki

ii 50'         lá-le lá-le lá-le im-du-ud

ii 51'         ma-a-al-lu ki nam-al-la ma-a-an-gu

ii 52'         ba-lam ba-lá-li ḫi-iz-za-me-e pa-x [(x)]

ii 53'         [i]n-du-ra ku8-ru-um-ma-ta8 id-n[a… ]


col. iii

iii 0'           [za-ma-ru il-ta-a-at iškari(ÉŠ.GÀR)]

iii 1'           [... te-g]i-e š[u-me-ra am-nu]

iii 2'           ○ dÉ-a ba-l[a-a]ṭ-k[a li-iq-bi]

iii 3'           im-me lil-ma du-ur-[r]a!? -š[e? /l[i? ...]

iii 4'           im-me e-si-ge nu-du e-tu-[…]

iii 5'           lu-gal me-le-em-zu ni-x […]

iii 6'           en ni-im-gu-ru an-ki me-g[al? ...]

iii 7'           ur-sag me-ni me-en-ni(-) […]

iii 8'           2 iš-ka-ra-a-tu                           10 [za-ma-rumeš]

iii 9'           te-gi-e                        šu-me-ra [am-nu]

iii 10'        ○ dÉ-a ba-la-aṭ-ka ○ [li-iq-bi]

iii 11'        e-ia lu-gal-gu kìri-za-al [...]

iii 12'        i[b]- ⌈gìr za ḫi?⌉ ○ ku-ub-ba a-ab-[…]

iii 13'        en-na ⌈dEn⌉-líl pa-è nir-gá[l…]

iii 14'        en pìrig? -gal ZU.AB E-ri-du-g[a…]

iii 15'        ur-sag-gu-zal-ma ○ e-a-x […]

iii 16'        3 iš-ka-ra-a-tu 15 za-ma-r[umeš]

iii 17'        te-gi-e šu-me-ra[am-nu]

iii 18'        dÉ-a ba-la-aṭ-ka li-i[q-bi]

iii 19'        en-gal ○ an-ki-a sag-íl-[la]

iii 20'        me a-ia di-im-gi-ir-e-n[e]

iii 21'        en sag-íl maḫ-e lu-nun-gal ○ -e-n[e]

iii 22'        ur-sag ga-ar-ga ○ mud-gal-dinger-e-n[e]

iii 23'        dEn-líl a-lim pirig gi-iš-tug ir-me-[…]

iii 24'        en sa lil-ma-○ su ga- ○ le-eš d[u-ga?...]

iii 25'        ur-sag a-lim pirig zag-dib kin-gál dEn-líl-l[e]

iii 26'        lu-gal nir-gál maḫ-e ○ en an-ki-bi-[da-ke4]

iii 27'        nir-gál du-kù-ga giš-lá-bi ur4-ur4-[ra? ...]

iii 28'        4 iš-ka-ra-a-tu ○ 23 za-ma-rumeš

iii 29'        te-gi-e ○ šu-me-ra am-nu

iii 30'        dÉ-a ba-la-aṭ-ka ○ li-iq-bi

iii 31'        ŠU.NÍGIN 23 te-gu-ú ○ šu-me-ru


iii 32'        a-an-še ○ me-zi-da(-)gu(-)nam-a-ni

iii 33'        en-gal an-ki eš-maḫ sag-ge in-di-ib

iii 34'        en-gal maḫ-dí-ib di-im-gi-ir-e-ne

iii 35'        en-na an su-ul-la ga-li-im si-ga

iii 36'        an-nu ú-ru un-gal di-im-gi-ir-e-ne

iii 37'        5 za-ma-ru ○ il-ta-a-at ○ iškāri(ÉŠ.GÀR)

iii 38'        a-da-pa šu-me-ra am-nu

iii 39'        ○ dÉ-a ○ ba-la-aṭ-ka li-iq-bi

iii 40'        lu-gal an-za-gi-na ○ ta-al-lu-ra-áš-še

iii 41'        en-né ú-šúm-gal di-im-gi-ir-e-ne

iii 42'        nu-un gal-di sag-še ○ lu-ga-la-ak-ki

iii 43'        nin sukkal gal-an-zu an-na me-e-eš-še

iii 44'        pa-qi-id ○ ma-ḫar dA-ni[m]

iii 45'        ilū(DINGIR) dA-nun-na-ki ○ ra-bu-ú-[ti]

iii 46'        [2 iš-ka-ra-a-tu] 10 za-ma-ru[meš]


col. iv

iv 1'           e?-[... ...]

iv 2'           ma-an-s[u?-... ...]

iv 3'           ḫi-ri-it [... ...]

iv 4'           muš-na-me-er [... ...]

iv 5'           gi-šar [… …]

iv 6'           mu-ma-ʾ-e-[ru?... …]

iv 7'           […] (UN°) ○ [… …]

iv 8'           [… …]

iv 9'           [… …]

iv 10'        x [… …]

iv 11'        še? [… …]

iv 12'        x [… …]



col. v

v 1'            ilāni(DINGIRmeš) ○ […]

v 2'            zu-ʾ-ú-[na-at … …]

v 3'            ku-un-na-[at …]

v 4'            bīt/bītum(É) e-ri-mi(-) […]

v 5'            bēl/bēlum(EN) a-ši-bu […]

v 6'            bēl(EN) ḫa-si-si ME […]

v 7'            i-la el-la [……]

v 8'            i-la ○ an-za-a[ ]

v 9'            ma-an-su kibrāti(UBmeš) š[u-…]

v 10'         ma-an-su šu-a-ti ta?-[… …]

v 11'         a-pal ○ bi-in […]

v 12'         ma-li-ka  [… …]

v 13'         i-la-at ta-áš-me-e [… …]

v 14'         be-e-la   […]

v 15'         ma-a-ar [… …]

v 16'         ŠU.NÍGIN 13 ši-iṭ-[ru ša eb-bu-be …]

v 17'         ○ ak-ka-[di-i]


v 18'         bi-in [… …]

v 19'         TA [… …]

v 20'         i-Š[I… …]

v 21'         ⌈x⌉ [… …]

(rest broken)


col. vi

vi 1'           EN ZI K[U? … …]

vi 2'           le-i-tu [… …]

vi 3'           be-le-t[u……]

vi 4'           ŠU.NÍGIN 8 šu-me-ru ak-ka-du-ú

vi 5'           ŠU.NÍGIN-ma 11 šìr-ku-gu-ú


vi 6'           ḫu-di-i  be-le-et-ni ○ šu-li-li

vi 7'           e-muq-ti em-qe!(Text: IQ)-ti  am-ma-rat nišī(UNmeš)

vi 8'           ra-šu-ub-tu  i-na ilāni(DINGIRmeš) ○ a-na-ku

vi 9'           su-ú-qa a-ba-ʾ-ma sekrēti(SAL.UŠmešú-ta

vi 10'        ra-šu-ub-tu  i-na ilāni(DINGIRmeš) ○ a-na-ku

vi 11'        ŠU.NÍGIN 5 ○ ke-er- re-e-tu


vi 12'        da-i-iš kibrāti(UBmeša-šu-ú ka-lu ālāni(URU.URU)

vi 13'        ga-áš-ra ila(DINGIR) šar-ra  lu-uz-za-mu-ur

vi 14'        i-la  da-ap-na

vi 15'        ŠU.NÍGIN 2 ga-an-gi-iṭ-  ṭu


vi 16'        ša-a-ar ○ ṣi-il-li la-a te-zi-ni

vi 17'        ma-an-nu bēl(EN) eleppi(gišMÁ) ma-an-nu bēl(EN) makurri(gišMÁ.GUR)

vi 18'        ŠU.NÍGIN 2 ○  nu-ú-rumeš


vi 19'        ši-it-tu at-la-ki ma-a-ra lu-di-ir

vi 20'        a-šap-pa-ar  a-na mērʾati(DUMU.SAL-tie-me-ia

vi 21'        2 el-le-lu   sad-ru-ú-tu


vi 22'        d8-tár šar-rat nišī(UNmešra-ʾ-um-tu

vi 23'        d8-tár ma-an-nu ba-lu-uk-ki be-le-ti

vi 24'        2 ○   in-ḫumeš


vi 25'        ša-a-ma-ri-tu tu-te-e  tu-te-e-ma

vi 26'        eṭ-lu  iš-tu a-mu-ru-⌈ka ⌉

vi 27'        šur-bu-ta a-na nišī(UNmeš) ○ a-za-am-m[u-ur]

vi 28'        ṣi-il-lu-lu  ša nišī(UNmeš) ○ a-[za-am-mu-ur]

vi 29'        i-na šu-bat bēl(EN) ilāni(DINGIRmeši-za-mu-ra x x (x)]

vi 30'        ŠU.NÍGIN 5 ○  b[u-ru-ú]


vi 31'        dGu-ša-ia [… …]

vi 32'        dGu-ša-ia [… …]

vi 33'        2 [dGu-ša-a-tu … …]


(rest broken)


col. vii

vii 1'          [na?-ap?]-lu-us-ka-ma [...]

vii 2'          up-ḫa ki-i kakkab(MUL) še-[e-ri]

vii 3'          i-na ṣi-iḫ-ti  ša ṣe-e-[ri]

vii 4'          an-nu-u ṣi-bu-tu ša ḫu-du ka-bat-ti

vii 5'          ep-šu pi-i-ka ad mu-ti-ia šúm-me-ḫa-ni-ma

vii 6'          ŠU.NÍGIN 23 i-ra-a-tu ša e-šèr-te


vii 7'          ke-e ṣi-ḫa-a-ku  a-na na-aḫ-ši

vii 8'          u4-um e-en im-ni-ia iš-ḫi-ṭa-an-ni

vii 9'          i-le-qe a-ma-aṣ-ṣi  a-na ma-a-ri

vii 10'       ma-te-ma be-lu te-ru-ba i-na-an-na

vii 11'       ḫi°-i°-pa-a-ku  a-na da-di-ka

vii 12'       it-ti  il-ta-a-at  mu-ši-ti

vii 13'       mu-ú-ša ma-a-ru ú-šàm-ša-a-ku

vii 14'       a-am-mar  ša-ma-an erṣeti(KI-ti)

vii 15'       u4-mu ub-la bu-su-ra-tu-ma ḫu-ud lìb-bi

vii 16'       e-la-ia ma-a-ru lu na-me-er er-ba

vii 17'       la-a me-ḫe-er-ti  iš-nu-na-an-ni

vii 18'       uruNi-ip-pu-ri-ti la-ḫa-na-tu da-šu-up-tu

vii 19'       šu-up-pi  ḫu-ul-li

vii 20'       ša-am-ša áš-ni  be-la-ni

vii 21'       sa-am-mu-ut e-re-ni ra-am-ka be-lu

vii 22'       a-na bāb(KÁ) e-ni  ta-al-li-ka-am-ma

vii 23'       a-na mu-ši-ti an-ni-ti a-na li-la-ti an-na-ti

vii 24'       ŠU.NÍGIN 17 ○ i-ra-a-tu  ša ki-it-me


vii 25'       ke-e na-aḫ-ša-at ke-e nam-ra-at

vii 26'       i-še-ʾi as°-ma kirî(gišKIRI6la-li-ka

vii 27'       u4-ma lìb-bi  me-lu-la ni-gu-ta

vii 28'       a-ri-id kirî(gišKIRI6šarru(LUGAL) ḫa-ṣi-bu e-re-ni

vii 29'       at-ta ma-a-ru ra-i-mu  da-di-ni

vii 30'       e-bir-tu nāri(ÍD) ○ a-lu me-li-li

vii 31'       áš-ru-un-ni ta-gu-ša araḫ(ITU) ṣi-ḫa-ti

vii 32'       ul-la  a-li-ik  ma-a-ru

vii 33'       ki-i sà-ra-at  ša-at ḫa-aṭ-ṭi

vii 34'       iṣ-ṣur-tu ti-it-ku-ur-ri lal-la-ru ri-gim-ki

vii 35'       ša-an-da-na-ak  kirî(gišKIRI6ṣi-ḫa-ti

vii 36'       u4-um-du i-na uruLa-ar-sa-an

vii 37'       ṣi-ḫa-tu   i-zi-qa

vii 38'       ri-ši dNa-na-a i-na kirî(gišKIRI6) É.BABBAR ša ta-ra-mi

vii 39'       me-er-tu ub-la  lìb-ba-ša  šu-a-ra

vii 40'       ka-ia-nam-ma ki-i sak-ta-ku-ma

vii 41'       a-ṣi-iḫ-ku  (-)ma-an mārī(DUMU) mārī(DUMU)

vii 42'       bar-ma-a-tu īnā(IGImeš)-ia im-da-la-a ši-it-ta

vii 43'       ra-am-ka   lu-ú ṣurru(na4ZÚ)

vii 44'       ṣi-ḫa-tu-ka lu-ú ḫurāṣu(KUG.GI)

vii 45'       ra-a-mi ni-i-ru muš-na-me-ru atallî(AN.MI)

vii 46'       mu-u-ša  aḫ-su-us-ka-ma

vii 47'       ep-šu    pi-i-ka

vii 48'       iš-tu ṣa-al-la-ku i-na su-un ma-a-ri

vii 49'       re-bi-<it>-ka  ša uqnî(na4ZA.GÌN) šadî(KUR)

vii 50'       ḫa-di-iš  ak-ša  šar-ru

vii 51'       mi-ig-ru  ḫa-am-ru

vii 52'       i-na la-li-ki  ḫu-un-bi

vii 53'       ú-ka-a-al   ra-am-[ka]

vii 54'       i-na ša-a-ar  mu-ú-[ši]

vii 55'       TI x [... ...]

(rest broken)


col. viii

(at least 2–3 lines are missing)

viii 1'         [… …] re-du-ú


viii 2'         [… …]meš um-ma-ni


viii 3'         [… …] iškar(ÉŠ.GÀR) ma-ru-ma ra-im-ni

viii 4'         [… …] iškar(ÉŠ.GÀR) mur-ta-mi

viii 5'         [… …] iškar(ÉŠ.GÀR) rēʾi(SIPA)-ía MIN(=iškarrēʾî(SIPA)

viii 6'         [… …] ak-ka-du-ú


viii 7'         [… …] │na-am-bal-e du10 šu-me-ru


viii 8'         [… …] │te-gu-ú šu-me-ru


viii 9'         [… …] x │ šu-me-rumeš ○

viii 10'      [… …] x │ ak-ka-du-ú

viii 11'      [… …] x │ za-ma-ru a-da-pumeš


viii 12'      [(vac.?)] │                  │ šìr-gíd-dameš šu-me-ru

viii 13'      [(vac.?)]│○                │ šìr-dingir-gal-la-ku šu-me-ru


viii 14'      [(vac.)] │3 ││ši-iṭ-ru ša eb-bu-be akkadî(URIKI)


viii 15'      2                │││KIMIN(šiṭruša pi-i-te akkadî(URIki)


viii 16'      5│             │○│pa-a-ru ak-ka-du-ú


viii 17'      ○ │ │ 1     │ šu-me -ru

viii 18'      │ │10       │ ak-ka-du-ú


viii 19'      │ŠU.NÍGIN │11 │za-mar še-e-ri


viii 20'      │11│        │za-mar a-la-li akkadî(URIki)


viii 21'      │○             │9 ○ │ šu-me-rumeš

viii 22'      │                │1 │ak-ka-du-úmeš

viii 23'      │ŠU.NÍGIN │10 │ za-mar dNin-giš-zi-da


viii 24'      │12│        │za-mar šarru(LUGAL) ak-ka-du-ú


viii 25'      │○ │8 │šu-me-rumeš

viii 26'      ││3 │ak-ka-du-úmeš

viii 27'      │ŠU.NÍGIN │11 │ šìr-ku-gu-úmeš


viii 28'      │5 ○          │○│kér-re-tu ak-ka-du-ú


viii 29'      │2°            │ │ga-an-gíṭ-ṭumeš KIMIN(akkadû)


viii 30'      │2             │ │nu-ú-ru ○ KIMIN(akkadû)


viii 31'      │2 ○          │ │e-le-lu sad-ru-tu KIMIN(akkadû)


viii 32'      │2             │ │in-ḫu ○KIMIN(akkadû)

viii 33'      │5             │○ │bu-ú-ru KIMIN(akkadû)


viii 34'      ○ │2          │ │dGu-ša-a-tu KIMIN(akkadû)


viii 35'      │1             │a-ra-aḫ-ḫu šu-me-ru


viii 36'      │1             │ │šu-ta-ni-du-ú KIMIN(šumerû)


viii 37'      │2             │ │ši-qa-tu šu-me-ru


viii 38'      │2             │○│pi-ša-a-tu ○ ⌈KI?⌉.MIN?


viii 39'      │2             │ │ri-ip-qu KIMIN(šumerû?)


viii 40'      │ ○            │2│šu-me-rumeš

viii 41'      │                │3 │ak-ka-du-ú

viii 42'      │ŠU.NÍGIN 5 │ │qu-ur-du


viii 43'      │1 │ │kar-su-ú akaddû(URIki)


viii 44'      │4 ○ │ │me-e-ru šu-me-ru


viii 45'      │                │23 │irātu(GABAmešša e-šèr-te akaddê(URIki)

viii 46'      │                │17 │irātu(GABAmešša ki-it-me

viii 47'      │                │24 │irātu(GABAmešša e-bu-be

viii 48'      [(vac.)] │ │4 │irātu(GABAmešša pi-it-te

viii 49'      [(vac.?) ││ ] x │irātu(GABAmešša ni-id qabli(MÚRU)

viii 50'      [(vac.?) │                   │] │irātu(GABAmeš)] ša ni-ištuḫ-ri

viii 51'      [(vac.?) │                   │  │irātu(GABAmešš]a qabli(MÚRU)-te

viii 52'      [(vac.?) │                   │ │ ] KIMIN(??)

(rest broken)


col. i

i 0'                [1st section:]

i 1'–2'           [6 hymns of the fir]st series [in Akkadian-style] I listed.

i 3'                – May [Ea] command your [he]alth!

i 4'                “[…] … you bore me”

i 5'                “[…].. Oh shepherd! Hang on and let’s, the two of us, make love!”

i 6'                “[Ent]er, shepherd – Ištar’s lover”

i 7'                “[The warri]or, the shepherd, I repeatedly praised”

i 8'                “[…] that shepherd!”

i 9'–10'         [2nd of the se]ctions: 11 hymns in Akkadian-style I listed.

i 11'              – May Ea command your health!

i 12'              “[Mist]ress of all daises”

i 13'              “[Ištar] is powerful, the lioness-deity”

i 14'              “[…] of the Igigi, the queen”

i 15'              “[Ištar(?)], the competent of her father”

i 16'              “Namṣat [the…] who provides protective spirits”

i 17'–18'       3rd of the sections: 16 hymns in Akkadian-style I listed.

i 19'              – May Ea command your health!

i 20'              “Oh first born, the son of An, let me praise your power!”

i 21'              “Let me praise Erra! His power let me extol!”

i 22'              “Lord, let me sing the praise of your divinity!”

i 23'              “He went out, Šarrabu, the lord of battles”

i 24'              “The guard of Erra, who observes (all)”

i 25'–26'       4th of the sections: 21 hymns in Akkadian-style I listed.

i 27'              – May Ea command your health!

i 28'–29'       “Let me proclaim the praise of Adad the hero, the thunderous god!”

i 30'              “Let [me] praise repeatedly the companions, An’s creation!”

i 31'              “The mighty, the powerful, the first born of An”

i 32'              “[I will …] you, the king of the gods, Adad!”

i 33'              “[Adad(?)], the first born of An who rages, the mighty god”

i 34'–35'       [5th] of the sections: 26 hymns in Akkadian-style I listed.

i 36'              – May Ea command your health!

i 37'              “[DN(?)] has conceived her, Enlil grew fond of her”

i 38'              “[…] Šamaš, justice”

i 39'              “[… …] the perfect one, beloved of Enlil”

i 40'              “[Let me praise DN, the …] of the Igigi, the leader, a heroic god!”

i 41'              “[… The small (processional) b]oat let me praise, to Sîn!”

i 42'              [6th of the section]s: 31 hymns

i 43'              [of the series “Young man loving me”] in Akkadian-style.

i 44'              [– May Ea] command your [hea]lth!


i 45'              “[… …] my son and my daughter”

i 46'              “[… …] the wise, your(pl. m.) son”

i 47'              “[… … she(?) is s]trong(?)”

i 48'              “[… …] precious”

i 49'              “[… …] ...”



i 0'                [1st of the sections:]

ii 1'–2'          5 hym[ns of a first(?) series] in the ištar????tu-style [I listed].

ii 3'               – May Ea command your health!

ii 4'               “My consort, your sign is the Urgulû-instrument”

ii 5'               “To the tavern’s lightOh shepherd, I have(?)…[…]”

ii 6'               “I will sing the praise of Ištar, the queen”

ii 7'               “To the lusty shepherd I will smile”

ii 8'–9'          “Verily my shepherd, lead me to the house. I love… my only…”

ii 10'–11'      2nd of the sections: [10 hy]mns in the ištar????tu-style I listed.

ii 12'             – May Ea command your health!

ii 13'             “Impetuous, the shining of her [… li]ght”

ii 14'             “Go(f.) along the processional road of […], let me come out!”

ii 15'             “(Praise) the queen of joy, the powerful one!”

ii 16'             “(Praise) the valiant one, the daughter of Sîn, the competent deity!”

ii 17'             “So luxuriant are they, so luxuriant are they – the beautiful (women)”

ii 18'–19'      3rd of the sections: 15 hymns in the ištarūtu-style I listed.

ii 20'             – May Ea command your health!

ii 21'             “Hail(f.) our goddess, Oh the dawn-watch!”

ii 22'             “The girl – her heart, a joyful song”

ii 23'–24'      “Oh Nanāya, it is you (who has) thus decreed the well-being for the king!”

ii 25'             “You will be treated with honor, Oh queen Nanāya!”

ii 26'             “The overseer(f.) of all the people, the beloved one”

ii 27'–28'      4th of the sections: 20 hymns in the ištar????tu-style I listed.

ii 29'             – May Ea command your health!

ii 30'             “Ištar, the overseer(f.), let me…, let me proclaim!”

ii 31'             “All-seeing among the Igigi, most famous among the goddesses”

ii 32'             “First born(f.) of An, the great one(f.)”

ii 33'             “Let me praise the sagacity of [DN!]”

ii 34'             “Be repeatedly extolled, the te[rrifying…!]”

ii 35'–36'      5th of the sections: 25 hymns in the ištarūtu-style I listed.

ii 37'             – May Ea command your health!

ii 38'–39'      “The mountain(s) – it is (/they are) so high! Moreover, the summit(s) – it is (/they are) so immense!”

ii 40'             “When you made the battles dance”

ii 41'             “Jubilate, land!”

ii 42'             “Honor(pl.) the god! Love(pl.) the god!”

ii 43'             “Oh my king, in your praise”

ii 44'             “Nanāya had a joyous thought”

ii 45'–46'      Altogether 6 sections: 31 hymns of the series “My shepherd, my shepherd” in the ištarūtu-style I listed.

ii 47'             – May Ea command your health!

ii 48'             Altogether 93 Akkadian hymns.


ii 49'             “Awe-inspiring, important god, mother(?) of the limits of heaven and earth”

ii 50'             “Love-charms, love-charms, love-charms he 

ii 51'             …

ii 52'             “He has sprouted, he has burgeoned, he is well-watered lettuce”

ii 53'             “Water skin (and) food ration give [me…]”;


col. iii

iii 0'–1'         [1st section: 5] Su[merian teg]û [hymns of the first series I listed].

iii 2'              – May Ea [command y]our health!

iii 3'              “Wind, a phantom(?), sitting(?)… …”

iii 4'              “Wind which does not … a silent house …”

iii 5'              “King, your shining aura…”

iii 6'              “Lord, lightning (or: herald of) heaven and earth …”

iii 7'              “A Hero, his warfare, his warfare…”

iii 8'–9'         2nd section: 10 Sumerian tegû [hymns] [I listed].

iii 10'            – May Ea [command] your health!

iii 11'            “eya! My king, joy […]”

iii 12'            “… … standing… [           ]”

iii 13'            “Lord Enlil, appearing prince […]”

iii 14'            “Lord, great leopard, the Apsû of Eridu”

iii 15'            “My hero, passing, coming out ….”

iii 16'–17'     3rd section: 15 Sum. tegû hym[ns] [I listed].

iii 18'            – May Ea com[mand] your health!

iii 19'–20'     “Great lord, most high in heaven and earth you are! Father of the gods”

iii 21'            “Lord most high, noble, the one of the princely gods”

iii 22'            “Hero, strong one, creator of the gods”

iii 23'            “Enlil, the honored one, leopard, … wisdom…”

iii 24'            “Lord… leader, greatly….”

iii 25'            “Hero, the honored one, leopard, surpassing, overseer, Enlil”

iii 26'            “King, noble prince, lord of both heaven and earth”

iii 27'            “Prince, in the holy mound, its silence is overwhelming

iii 28'–29'     4th section: 23 hymns of the Sumerian tegû I listed.

iii 30'            – May Ea command your health!

iii 31'            Altogether 23 Sumerian tegû.


iii 32'            “To heaven, the just rite, his….”

iii 33'            “Great lord (of) heaven and earth, going in front the noble temple”

iii 34'            “Great lord, the exalted among the gods”

iii 35'            “Lord of vigor, complete with skill”

iii 36'            “An, the exalted one, the great among the gods”

iii 37'–38'     5 adab Sumerian hymns of the first series I listed.

iii 39'            – May Ea command your health!

iii 40'            “Lord of the lapis-lazuli skies, hovering over the earth”

iii 41'            “Lord, dragon among the gods”

iii 42'            “Exalted prince (going) upwards, king of heaven and earth”

iii 43'            “Lady, the wise vizier, in heaven you are (or: she is)”

iii 44'–45'     “The provider in front of Anu (and) the great Anunnaki gods”

iii 46'            [2nd series(?)] 10 hymn[s I listed]


col. iv

iv 1'              … [... ...]

iv 2'              “lead[er?]”

iv 3'              The wife of [... ...]”

iv 4'              The illuminator of [... ...]”

iv 5'–6'         … [… …] commande[r(?)]”

iv 7'–12'       (broken)


col. v

v 1'               Gods [... ...] “

v 2'–3'          “She is adorn[ed], she is hon[ored]”

v 4'               “The house of love-charms(?) [... ...]”

v 5'               “The lord, sitting… [... ...]”

v 6'               “Lord of wisdom … [...]”

v 7'               “(Praise) the pure god [... ...]”

v 8'               “(Praise) the god Anzû(?) [... ...]”

v 9'               “Leader of the entire world [...]”

v 10'             “Oh leader, him you will… [...]”

v 11'–12'      “First born, offspring of [...] advisor(?) [...]”

v 13'             “The goddess of listening [of prayers]”

v 14'             “The lord … [...]”

v 15'             “The son of [...]”

v 16'– 17'     Altogether 13 so[ngs of the modus(?) of the Akkadian flute]


v 18'             “Offspring of [... ...]”

v 19'–21'      (broken)


col. vi

vi 1'              “Lord(?) … [...]”

vi 2'              The able one(f.) [...]”

vi 3'              “Lady[...]”

vi 4'              Altogether 8 Sum. (hymns) 3 Akkadian (hymns).

vi 5'              Altogether 11 šerkugû-hymns.


vi 6'              “Rejoice, our lady, celebrate!”

vi 7'              “The cleverest(f.) of the clever, the overseer(f.) of the people”

vi 8'              “The terrifying among the gods, I am”

vi 9'              “Passing in the street, I found two sekr????tum-women”

vi 10'            “The terrifying among the gods, I am”

vi 11'            Altogether 5 marching(?)-hymns.


vi 12'            “Thresher of the entire world, who throws all cities into confusion”

vi 13'–14'     “Let me constantly praise the strong god, the king, the aggressive god”

vi 15'            Altogether 2 gangiṭṭu-hymns.


vi 16'            “The spirit of (my) protection – do not be angry (with me)!”

vi 17'            “Who is the owner of the ship? Who is the owner of the processional boat?”

vi 18'            Altogether 2 nūru-hymns.


vi 19'            “Go away sleep, let me embrace my darling!”

vi 20'            “I will send a message to (my) sister-in-law”

vi 21'            2 elēlu-hymns in sections.


vi 22'            “Ištar the queen of people, the beloved”

vi 23'            “Ištar, who (is) besides you? you are a lady!”

vi 24'            2 inu-hymns


vi 25'            “She has found, the extolled one (or: the impetuous), indeed she has found”

vi 26'            “Lad, since I have seen [you]”

vi 27'            “I will sing the praise of the great one (f.) to the people”

vi 28'            “The protection of the people – I [will praise (it)]”

vi 29'            “In the abode of the lord of the gods they (pl. f.) will praise […]”

vi 30'            Altogether 5 b[ūrū(?)]-hymns.


vi 31'            “Gušaya [... ...]”

vi 32'            “Gušaya [... ...]”

vi 33'            2 hymns [of whirling dances(?)].


(rest broken)


col. vii

vii 1'             “[Lo]oking [at you]”

vii 2'             “Shine to me like the star of da[wn]”

vii 3'             “In the flirtations of the field”

vii 4'             “This is the desire of the joy of the heart”

vii 5'             “Make me blossom with your speech, until I die!”

vii 6'             Altogether 23 irtu-hymns of the temple.


vii 7'             “Oh, how did I smile to the lusty one!”

vii 8'             “The day, when my right eye twinkled”

vii 9'             “He will take (me) – I am suitable for the darling!”

vii 10'           “Whenever you enter – Oh lord – it is now!”

vii 11'           “I am cleaning myself for your(m.) love”

vii 12'           “With this single night”

vii 13'           “Tonight, Oh darling, I will make you pass the night (with me)”

vii 14'           “I will see the snake(?) of the earth”

vii 15'           “(What) the day brought is truly good news: happiness of the heart”

vii 16'           “Hooray! (My) darling is shining – come in!”

vii 17'           “One who is not of my status pretended to be my equal”

vii 18'           “My Nippur-girl, a sweet courtesan”

vii 19'           “Come silently(f.), advance(f.)!”

vii 20'           “I have competed with the sun, Oh our lord!”

vii 21'           “Your love, Oh lord, – fragrance of the cedar tree!”

vii 22'           “To the spring gate you(m.) came to me”

vii 23'           “To this night, to this evening”

vii 24'           Altogether 17 irtu-songs of the lyre.


vii 25'           “How sumptuous is she! How shining is she!”

vii 26'           “She seeks your ripe garden of pleasures”

vii 27'           “Today, my heart, (let us have) dancing (and) singing!”

vii 28'           “The one who goes down to the garden, Oh king, the cutter of cedar (branches)”

vii 29'           “You, darling, who loves our lovemaking”

vii 30'           “On the other side of the river – the city of dancing”

vii 31'           “To our place you(m.) sped, Oh month of delights”

vii 32'           “No! Darling, go!”

vii 33'           “How deceiving is she, that of the scepter”

vii 34'           “Oh bird, my mourning dove, your(f.) voice is (like that of) a wailer”

vii 35'           “Oh chief gardener of the date-palm orchard of delights”

vii 36'–37'    “On the day, in Larsa, impishness wafted at me”

vii 38'           “Rejoice Nanāya in the orchard of Ebabbar which you love”

vii 39'           “The girl, her heart desires dancing”

vii 40'           “How am I to remain silent constantly?”

vii 41'           “Had I only shown my charms to you, Oh my darling, darling”

vii 42'           “My flickering eyes are filled with sleep”

vii 43'–44'    “Your love is an obsidian-blade, your lovemaking is golden”

vii 45'           “My love is the light that illuminates the eclipse”

vii 46'           “I was thinking about you at night”

vii 47'           “At your command”

vii 48'           “Since I was sleeping in (my) darling’s lap”

vii 49'           “Your genitals are lapis-lazuli of the mountain”

vii 50'           “Come here joyfully, Oh king!”

vii 51'           “Favorable one, chosen one(?)”

vii 52'           “Start blooming in your desire!”

vii 53'           “I remember [your] love”

vii 54'           “In the breeze of the night”

vii 55'           traces

(rest broken)


col. viii

vii 1'             “[… …] soldier


viii 2'            “[… …] (of) the army


viii 3'            “[… …] the series “Young man loving me”

viii 4'            “[… …] the series “The lovers”

viii 5'            “[… …] the series “My shepherd, my shepherd”

viii 6'            [… …] (in) Akkadian.


viii 7'            “[… …] Sumerian na-am-bal-e-du-hymns.


viii 8'            [… …] Sumerian tegû-hymns.


viii 9'            [… …] (in) Sumerian.

viii 10'          [… …] (in) Akkadian:

viii 11'          [Altogether…] adab hymns.


viii 12'          [… …] Sumerian šir-gid-da-hymns.

viii 13'          [… …] Sumerian šir-dingir-gal-la-ku-hymns.


viii 14'          3 (songs of) the modus(?) of the Akkadian flute.


viii 15'          2 (songs) in the modus of the Akkadian harp(?).


viii 16'          5 Akkadian p????ru-hymns.


viii 17'          1 (in) Sumerian

viii 18'          10 (in) Akkadian:


viii 19'          Altogether 11 hymns of the š????ru-string.


viii 20'          11 Akkadian hymns of ululation.


viii 21'          9 (in) Sumerian

viii 22'          1 (in) Akkadian:

viii 23'          Altogether 10 Ningišzida hymns.


viii 24'          12 hymns (for?/of?) the king, Akkadian.


viii 25'          8 (in) Sumerian

viii 26'          3 (in) Akkadian:

viii 27'          Altogether 11 šir-ku-gu-hymns.


viii 28'          5 Akkadian marching(?) songs.


viii 29'          2! Akkadian gangiṭṭu-song.


viii 30'          2 Akkadian nūru-songs.


viii 31'          2 Akkadian cheerful songs arranged in sections.


viii 32'          2 Akkadian inu-hymns.

viii 33'          5 Akkadian būru-hymns.


viii 34' 2 Akkadian whirling dances(?).


viii 35'          1 Sumerian araḫḫu-hymn.


viii 36'          1 Sumerian hymn with antiphons.


viii 37'          2 Sumerian irrigation(?)-songs.


viii 38'          2 Sumerian ‘rude’-songs.


viii 39'          2 Sumerian hoeing-songs.


viii 40'          2 Sumerian

viii 41'          3 Akkadian:

viii 42'          Altogether 5 heroic-songs.


viii 43'          1 Akkadian karsû-song.


viii 44'          4 Sumerian merru-songs.


viii 45'          23 (hymns in) the Akkadian ešertu tone-scale.

viii 46'          17 (hymns in) the lyre tone-scale.

viii 47'          24 (hymns in) the flute tone-scale.

viii 48'          4 (hymns in) the harp tone-scale.

viii 49'          […] (hymns in) the “descending” tone-scale.

viii 50'          […] (hymns in) the “ascending” tone-scale.

viii 51'          […] (hymns in) the “middle” tone-scale.

viii 52'          […] ditto.

(rest broken)


Word Translation Semantic Line
abum father Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions i15’
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN Deities/Divine sphere i28’, i32’
adapum hymn, kind of (Sum.) Written texts/Literary terms iii38’, viii11
akāšum (v.) G to walk, go; D drive away, put aside vii50
Akkadûm Akkadian Written texts/Literary terms i2’, i10’, i18’, i 26’, i 35’, ii 48’
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G Written texts/Literary terms vi19’, vii9, vii32, vii36`
alālum I song, work song Verbal expressions viii20
alīlum powerful Qualities/Attributes i31’
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city Locations/Buildings vi12’
amārum (v.) G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found ii26’, vi26’
ammartum overseer Social status/Groups/Professions vi7’, ii30’
annûm this, those Personal prons. vii4
Anum DN Deities/Divine sphere i20’, i30’, i31’, i33’, ii32’
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū DN Deities/Divine sphere iii45’
anuntum fight, combat Human activities/actions ii40’
Anzû DN Deities/Divine sphere v8’, iii43’
aplum (TUR.UŠ) heir, son Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions v11’
appūna moreover Abstract concepts ii39’
araḫḫum song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms viii35
arûm (v.) G to be(come) pregnant, conceive; Š to impregnate i37’
arûm (v.) G to be(come) pregnant, conceive; Š to impregnate i37’
ašrum (KI) place, site Locations/Buildings vii31
aštammum tavern Locations/Buildings ii5’
atḫû companions, partners, brothers Social status/Groups/Professions i30’
atmartum all seeing (title of a goddess) Deities/Divine sphere ii31’
attā you (m. sg.) PN ii23’
attalûm (AN.MI) eclipse Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii45
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings vii22
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health Abstract concepts vii55,i3’,i11’, i19’, i27’, i36’, i44’, ii3’, ii12’, ii20’, ii29’, ii37’, ii47’, iii2’, iii10’, iii18’, iii30’, iii39’
balum without vi23’
barmātum multicolored Qualities/Attributes vii42
bâ'um (v.) G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along ii14’
bēltum (NIN) lady, mistress, proprietress Social status/Groups/Professions vi3’, i12’
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner Social status/Groups/Professions i22', iii6’, iii13’, iii14’,, iii19’, iii21’, iii24’, iii26’, iii33’, iii34’, iii41’, v5
bīnum I son Kinship terms v11’, i20’
binûtum creation Abstract concepts i30’
bītum (É) house Locations/Buildings v4’, ii8’
bukrum son, child, first born Kinship terms i20’, i31’, i33’, ii32’
būrum V kind of song vi30’, viii33’
bussurtum message, report Verbal expressions vii15
dādum I darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions vii11
damqum good Qualities/Attributes ii17’
danānum (v.) G to be(come) strong, powerful i13’, i20’, i21’, i47’
dapnum aggressive Qualities/Attributes vi14’
diāšum (v.) G to tread down, thresh, to trample vi12’
duššupum sweetened Qualities/Attributes vii18'
Ea DN Deities/Divine sphere i3’, i11’, i19’, i27’, i36’, i44’, ii3’, ii12’, ii20’, ii29’, ii37’, ii47’, iii2’, iii10’, iii18’, iii30’, iii39'
ebbūbum flute, pipe Fabricated objects viii14', viii47'
ebertum bank Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii30'
edērum (v.) G to embrace; N embrace one another vi19’
elēlum I cheerful song Written texts/Literary terms vi21', viii31'
eleppum ((giš)MÁ) ship, boat Fabricated objects vi17’
elûm (v.) G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high i21’, ii34’, ii38’
emqum wise, clever Qualities/Attributes i46’
emum father in law Kinship terms vi20’
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force Human activities/actions vi7’
Enlil DN Deities/Divine sphere i37’, i39’, i41’, iii25’
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G vii4'
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate [i6'], vii10, vii16'
erēnum (gišEREN) cedar Flora vii28
Erra DN, DN ( = Mars?) Deities/Divine sphere i21’
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii14
ešertum chapel, sanctuary, shrine Locations/Buildings vii6, viii45
ezēzum (v.) G to be(come) angry, rage i33’
gangiṭṭum song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms vi15’, viii29
gašārum (v.) to become strong, powerful iv5’
gašrum strong, powerful vi13’, i31’, i33’
gâšum (v.) to run, hasten vii31'
gerrum way, caravan, (military) campaign; marching song? Written texts/Literary terms vi11’, viii28'
gitmālum perfect, ideal, noble Qualities/Attributes i39’
Gušaya DN Deities/Divine sphere vi31’
gūštum whirling dance (connected to dGušaya?) Deities/Divine sphere viii34' (cf. vi31')
ḫadîš joyfully Abstract concepts vii50'
ḫadûm III (v.) G to be joyful, rejoice ii44’, i37’
ḫalālum III (v.) to creep, slink vii19'
ḫamrum chosen one Social status/Groups/Professions vii51'
ḫanābum (v.) to sprout, flourish vii52'
ḫannāmum very luxuriant, blooming Qualities/Attributes ii17’
ḫarmum lover, consort Social status/Groups/Professions i6’, ii4’
ḫaṣābum (v.) to break off vii28'
ḫasāsum (v.) G to remember, to be conscious vii46'
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) stick, sceptre Fabricated objects vii33'
ḫā'iṭum watcher, night-watchman Social status/Groups/Professions i24’
ḫīapum (v.) to purify, to cleanse vii11'
ḫirītum ditch, channel Locations/Buildings iv3’
ḫūdum happiness, pleasure, joy Emotions/Feelings vii4'
ḫurāṣum (KÙ.SIG17; KÙ.GÌ) gold Materials vii44'
ḫuršānum (ḪUR.SAG) mountain(s) Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii39’
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods Deities/Divine sphere i14’, i40’, ii31’
iltum (DINGIR) goddess Deities/Divine sphere i1’, ii1’,ii21’ ,ii31’, iii0’, iii37’, v13’
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere iii20’, iii22’, iii34’, iii36’, iii41’
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere i13’, i29’, i32’, i40’, i41’, ii49’, iii45’, v1’
ilūtum divinity, godhead Deities/Divine sphere i22’
imnum right hand, right side Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts vii8'
indūrum a water skin Fabricated objects ii53’
inḫum II song Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms vi24’, viii 32
īnum (IGI) eye Body/Body parts vii42', vii8'
ipšum deed, action Verbal expressions vii46'
irimmum charm, love charm Abstract concepts v4’
irtum II kind of song Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms vii6', vii24', viii45'-51'
iškārum (ÉŠ.GÀR) text series Written texts/Literary terms i1’, i9’, i17’, i25’, i34’, i43’, ii0’, ii10’ , ii 18’, ii27’, ii35’, ii45’, ii46’, iii0’, iii8’, iii16’,iii28’, iii37’, iii46’, viii3',
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere i6’, i13’, ii6’, ii30’, vi22’, vi23’
ištarūta (a musical term) Written texts/Literary terms ii2’, ii11’, ii19’, ii28’, ii36’, ii46’
ištēn (DIŠ) one, single, the first one, first Abstract concepts vii12'
ittum sign, mark Abstract concepts ii4’
kabattum, kabtatum liver, mood, mind, intention Body/Body parts vii4'
kakkabum (MUL) star, meteor Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii2'
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything Abstract concepts i12’, ii26’
kanûm (v.) D treat kindly, to care, praise, honor ii25’, 42'
karsûm song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms viii43'
kayyānum regular, normal, constantly, regularly Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes vii40'
kerrētum (see gerrum) song, type of (marching song?) Written texts/Literary terms vi11’, viii28'
like, how?, if, that Abstract concepts vii40'
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world Nature/Cosmological phenomena vi12’, v9’
kīnum permanent, true, reliable Qualities/Attributes ii51’
kirûm (GIŠ.KIRI6) orchard, plantation Flora vii26', vii28', vii35', vii38'
kitmum musical interval Written texts/Literary terms vii24', viii46'
kittum I steadiness, reliability, truth, justice, loyality Abstract concepts i38’
kullum III (v.) to hold, hold back, cover vii53', i5’
kûm your, yours, belonging to you Personal prons. i5’
kurummatum food allocation, ration Food/Drink ii53’
lābatum lioness Fauna (wild) i13’
laḫantum designation of women Social status/Groups/Professions vii18'
lallarum mourner Social status/Groups/Professions vii34'
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion Abstract concepts ii50’, vii52'
Lamassum (dLAMMA) (female) tutelary deity Deities/Divine sphere i16’
Larsa (UD.UNUGki) GN GN vii36'
lawûm, lamû (v.) G to surround, besiege, encircle, wrap up; Š encircle, walk around ii5’
lē'ûm powerful, competent Abstract concepts i15’, vi2’
līlum evening, night Abstract concepts vii23'
madādum (v.) to measure, to pay ii50’
maḫrum II front, presence Abstract concepts iii44’
makūrum (gišMÁ.GUR ) processional boat Fabricated objects vi17’
mālikum advicer, counsellor Social status/Groups/Professions v12’
malkatum ruler (f.), queen Social status/Groups/Professions i14’
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide vii42
manûm (v.) G to count, calculate, recite; Gtn iter. of G; D=G i2’, i10’, i19’, i26’, i35’, ii2’, ii11’, ii19’, ii28’, ii36’, ii46’, iii38’, iv2
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) daughter, girl Kinship terms vi20’, i45’, ii16’, ii22’
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) daughter, girl Kinship terms vii39'
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant Kinship terms v15, ’vi19’, i45’, i46’
mašdaḫum procession, processional road ii14’
maṣṣartum observation, guard Social status/Groups/Professions i24’
massûm leader, expert Social status/Groups/Professions v9’, i40’
maṣûm (v.) to suffice, to correspond vii9'
mašûm II (v.) to forget vii13
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings ii41’
maturrum (gišMÁ.TUR) (small) boat Fabricated objects i41’
mayyālum bed, resting place Fabricated objects ii51’
meḫertum (woman) of equal rank Social status/Groups/Professions vii17'
mēleṣum excitement, exhilaration Emotions/Feelings ii15’
mēlulum (v.) to play vii 27
menûm (v.) to love i 37’
merrum song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms viii44'
migrum consent, approval, agreement Abstract concepts vii51'
murtâmum, pl. murtâmū lover, friend Social status/Groups/Professions viii4'
murtaṣnum roaring, strong Qualities/Attributes i29’
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) Abstract concepts,Time concepts vii12', vii54'
mūtum death Abstract concepts,Diseases/Demons,Human activities/actions vii5'
nabalkutum (v.) N to cross over Š caus. send, bring across viii7'
nabāṭum (v.) to be(come) bright, shine ii13’
nadānum (v.) (SUM) G to give, bestow i16’, ii53’
naḫāšum (v.) G prosper, thrive, be healthy; D grant prosperity, health vii25'
naḫšum lusty, healthy, thriving Social status/Groups/Professions vii7', ii7’
namārītum dawn, third watch of the night Abstract concepts ii21’
Namṣat DN Deities/Divine sphere i16’
Nanāya DN Deities/Divine sphere ii23’, ii25’, ii44’, vii38
napāḫum (v.) G to blow, light up, rise vii2'
napḫarum (ŠU.NIGIN; PAP) total, sum, (the) whole, entirety Abstract concepts v16’, viii19', ii45’, ii48’, iii31’
narāmum loved one, love Social status/Groups/Professions i39’
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii30'
nawārum, namāru (v.) G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen iv4’, vii16', vii45'
nīd qablim musical interval, descending tune Abstract concepts viii49'
nigûtum joyful song, musical celebration Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms vii27', ii22’
Ningišzida DN Deities/Divine sphere viii23'
nippurītum girl from Nippur, GN Social status/Groups/Professions vii18'
nīrum yoke, crossbeam; "yoke-star" Fabricated objects,Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii5’, vii45'
niš tuḫri musical interval Abstract concepts viii50'
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions vi7’
nūrum II song, kind of vi18’
paqdum entrusted, appointed official Social status/Groups/Professions iii44’
parakkum (BÁRA) cult dais, sanctuary, chapel Fabricated objects i12’
pārum I hymn Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms viii16'
pištum abuse, scandal, abusive song Written texts/Literary terms viii38'
pītum opening, aperture; (tuning of the harp) Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts viii15, viii48'
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening Body/Body parts vii47'
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command i3’, i11’, i18’, i27’, i36’, i44’, ii3’, ii12’, ii20’, ii29’, ii37’, ii47’, iii2’, iii10’, iii18’, iii30’, iii39’
qardum valiant, heroic Qualities/Attributes i40’, ii16’
qurādum hero, warrior Social status/Groups/Professions i28’
qurdum warriorhood, heroism Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes viii42'
rabûm (GAL) I big Qualities/Attributes ii32’, iii14’, iii19’, iii22’, iii35’, iii42’, iii43’, iii45’
râmum love, love-making Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions vii43
râmum (v.) G to love; Štn to cause to constantly have love vii29', i5’, ii9’, ii41’
raqādum (v.) to dance, skip ii40’
raṣmum powerful, loud-voiced Qualities/Attributes ii15’
rašubbum terrifying Qualities/Attributes vi 8', 10’
ra'ūmtum, ru'ūmtum beloved Social status/Groups/Professions vi22’
rē'ûm (SIPA) shepherd, herdsman i5’, i6’, i7’, ii5’, ii7’, ii8’, ii46’, viii 5'
rebītum square, open place; abdomen Body/Body parts vii49'
redûm I (v.) G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead viii1'
riāšum (v.) to rejoice ii8’, ii41’, vii 38
ripqum song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms viii39'
ru'āmum love-making; sexual charm of a woman Abstract concepts ii8’
rū'um, rūḫum friend, companion i5'
sadrum in order, regular, in a row Qualities/Attributes vi21’, viii31’
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 38’, vii 49'
šaḫāṭum (v.) (GUD.DA) G to jump on, attack, escape; D attack; Gtn jump about, jump in succession vii8'
sakātum (v.) to be silent vii40'
ṣalālum (v.) G to lie down, sleep Human activities/actions vii48'
šamāḫum (v.) to grow, flourish; be magnificent, D make flourish, to grow, flourish vii5'
šamārum II (v.) Gt to praise ii21’
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Deities/Divine sphere i38’
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) oil, fat, cream Food/Drink vii14'
šiāmum (v.) to fix, decree ii24’
šanānum (v.) to rival, to equal vii17'
šandanakkum (saddanakkum) administrator of date orchards Social status/Groups/Professions vii35'
šanūdum illustrious, heroic Qualities/Attributes ii31’
šapāpum (v.) to move along vii19
šapārum (v.) G to send, write, govern, administer Verbal expressions vi20’
šarārum (v.) to go ahead vii33'
Šarrabu (dŠarrabu) DN Deities/Divine sphere i23’
šarratum queen Social status/Groups/Professions ii6’, ii15’, ii25’, vi22’
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions i32’, ii24’, iii5’, iii40’, iii42’, vi13’, ii43’
šārum (IM) wind, breath Nature/Cosmological phenomena vii54'
sekretum (MUNUS.UŠ) a (possibly cloistered) woman of high rank Social status/Groups/Professions vi9’
šerdingirgallakku (ŠER.DINGIR.GAL.LA.KU) song, sumerian song (the song of the great god) Written texts/Literary terms viii13'
šergiddûm (ŠER.GÍD.DA) song, sumerian song (the long songs) Written texts/Literary terms viii12'
šerkugȗm (ŠÉR.KÙ.GA) song, sumerian song Written texts/Literary terms vi5’, viii27'
šērum II morning vii2'
šērum III song, chant Abstract concepts,Time concepts viii19'
še'ûm (v.) G to seek, call on ii30’
ṣiāḫum (v.) to laugh; cry ii7’, vii7', vii41'
ṣibȗtum desire, need vii4'
ṣīḫtum laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights Abstract concepts vii3', vii35', vii37', vii44'
šīḫum lofty, tall, high Qualities/Attributes ii39’
ṣillūlum protection Abstract concepts vi28’
ṣillum (GISSU) protection; shade, shadow Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena vi16’
Sîn DN Deities/Divine sphere ii16’
šiqātum song, kind of Written texts/Literary terms viii37'
šitmārum very wild Qualities/Attributes ii13’
šittum sleep Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions vi 19’, vii42'
šuārum dance Human activities/actions vii39'
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place Abstract concepts,Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings vi29’
šulmum well-being, completeness, health; peace Abstract concepts ii24’
Šumerum GN, Sumerian Written texts/Literary terms iii1’, iii17’, iii29’, iii31’, iii38’
sūnum loin, lap Body/Body parts vii48'
sūqum (SILA) street Locations/Buildings vi9’
šurbûtum, šurbītum greatness Abstract concepts vi27’
ṣurrum I obsidian, flint Materials vii43'
šutanīdum antiphonal hymn Written texts/Literary terms viii36'
ṭābum (DU10) good, sweet Qualities/Attributes viii7'
tanīdum (hymn of) praise Written texts/Literary terms i28’
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise Written texts/Literary terms ii43’
tarāmum beloved one Social status/Groups/Professions vii38'
tele'ûm very competent Qualities/Attributes ii16’
tigûm drum Fabricated objects iii1’, iii17’,iii29’, iii31’, viii8'
titkurrum kind of bird Fauna (wild) vii34'
ummānum army, troops Social status/Groups/Professions viii2'
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts vii27' ,vii7'
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) lapis lazuli, turquoise Materials vii49'
urgulûm lion-skin, figurine, illness Deities/Divine sphere ii4’
uršānum warrior, hero Social status/Groups/Professions i7'
ušumgallum (GAL.BÚR/UŠUM; ú.šúm.gal) dragon Deities/Divine sphere iii41’
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š ii44’, vii15', vii39'
walādum (v.) G to give birth i4’
warādum (v.) G to go down, descend; Gt to go down, descend; Š to send, take, bring down vii28'
warḫum (ITI) the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month Abstract concepts vii31'
waṣûm (v.) G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G i23’
watûm (v.) to find, discover vi25’
zakārum, saqārum (v.) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear i28’, ii30’
zakārum, saqārum (v.) to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear i28’
zamārum (ŠÌR) song Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms i1’, i9’, i17’, i22’, i25’, i34’, i43’, ii1’, ii6’, ii10’, ii18’, ii27’, ii35’, ii45’, ii48’, [iii0]’, iii8’, iii16’, iii28’, iii37’, iii46’, viii11'
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play Verbal expressions i7’, i20’, i21’, i22’, i30’, i41’, ii6’, ii33’, vi13’, vi28’
zenûm (v.) to be angry vi16’
zīaqum (v.) G to blow, waft, gust vii37'
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Revision History
Zilberg, Peter
Hess, Christian W.
Gabbay, Uri
Hess, Christian W.
Zilberg, Peter
Indexing (stage 1)
Wasserman, Nathan
Indexing (stage 1), corrections
Wasserman, Nathan
Hess, Christian W.
Corrections (transliteration)
Wasserman, Nathan
Zilberg, Peter
Indexing (stage 2)
Wasserman, Nathan
Indexing (stage 2), corrections
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (transliteration)
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (post collations)
Bloch, Yigal
Online formatting and revision
Tulaikova, Yulia
Additions to Notes