SEAL no. 1738
YBC 2394 side a (Yale Babylonian Collection)
YBC 2394 side b ( (Yale Babylonian Collection)
YBC 2394 side d (Yale Babylonian Collection)
YBC 2394 top and base (Yale Babylonian Collection)
Foster/George 2020, 53
Foster/George 2020, 54
Foster/George 2020, 55
Foster/George 2020, 56
Foster/George 2020, 57
Foster/George 2020, 58
Foster/George 2020, 59
BM 79111+79022 obv.
BM 79111+79022 rev
Streck/Wasserman 2014, 41 obv.
Streck/Wasserman 2014, 41 rev.
a: BM 79111+ 80065 (Streck/Wasserman 2014); b: YBC 2394 (Foster/George 2020)
In the edition of Foster/George 2020, the order of the text witnesses (a/b) is reversed
b i 1 [IPu-ut-dINANNA ma-ra-šu i-iš-ša-ar?]
b i 2 [ma-ri lu-šu]-⸢úr!⸣-[ka]
b i 3 [a-ši-ir-ti] ⸢ṣa⸣-bat [0]
b -----
b i 4 [e ta-aq-bi] i-na li-ib-bi a-ši-i[r-tim]
b i 5 [a-na]-ku-mi dam-qá-a-k[u]
b ----
b i 6 vacat
b -----
§ 2
b i 7 ⸢ma⸣-ru-šu i-ip-pa-al-šu
b -----
b i 8 [IP]u-ut-ti NUN.ME-⸢lu-tum!?⸣ ša-lu-tum
b ----
b i 9 ⸢ù⸣ mi-ši-tum ki-ma la-ma-as-sí
b i 10 [ú-u]l šu-qú-ra-at ma-ḫar dNu-dím-mud
b ----
b i 11 [lu d]a-nu na-ru-tum ne-me-qum ḫa-⸢si⸣-súm
b i 12 [L]Ú ša ši-dam i-šu-ú i-pe-eš mi-nam
b ----
b i 13 [e]-li-⸢ka⸣-ma a-wa-tum
b i 14 [tap]-ri-id ma-aš-ri-i u la-ma-sí
b ----
b i 15 [a-n]a ba-ab ša ši-dam i-šu-ú
b i 16 [k]a-mi-is NUN.ME
b ----
b i 17 [i-n]a qí-bi-it den-líl i-⸢na a?⸣-ki-tim
b i 18 [x] ⸢x x⸣ i-ba-ú
b ----
b i 19 [LÚ it-ta-n]a-aq-qí la-li-a-am
b i 20 [ma-gir] DINGIR-šu
b ----
§ 3
b i 21 ⸢a⸣-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b i 22 ša a-na ṣú-uḫ-⸢ri-ku-nu⸣-ú
b i 23 at-ta ù šar-r[a-k]a
b i 24 ta-aš-ku-na pa-⸢na⸣-nu-um
b ----
b i 25 ša i-na ša-bi-ḫi-im ša be-lí-ia
b i 26 ta-al-li-ka ta-ra-nim dam-qí
b ----
b i 27 i-na-an-na uk-ku-uš pi-it-nu
b i 28 du-up-pu-ra-at ni-gu-tum
b ----
b i 29 ú-ul i-ba-aš-ši me-le-ṣum
b i 30 na-wa-rum šu-us-sú
b ----
b i 31 ga-am-ra u4-ma-tum
b i 32 qú-ut-ta-a ša-na-tum
b ----
b i 33 ú-ta-ḫi-iz a-na nam-ra-ṣi-im
b i 34 ki-i-il qá-qá-ad-ka
b ----
b i 35 ù qá-tum na-di-in-tum
b i 36 i-te-ru-ub sú-un-šu
b ----
b i 37 ù lum-nu iḫ-ta-li-iq
b i 38 ḫa-du-ú ud-da-ap-pi-i[r]
b ----
b i 39 i-ga-mar be-el-ka ma-ak-ku-r[a]
b i 40 [š]a i-zi-bu a-bu-šu
b ----
b i 41 ù ša a-na-ku ú-pa-ḫi-ru
b i 42 tu-sà-pa-aḫ at-ta
b ----
§ 4
b i 43 ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
a i 1 [mM]a-⌈an-nu-ú-ta-ar-is-sú⌉ it?-⌈bé⌉-e-ma ⌈x⌉ [x x]
a i 2 [mP]u-ut-ti ki-ma e-pé-er gi-gu-un-ne-em! {IM!} [(x)]
a i 3 a-di ša-ar-⌈ma!?⌉ SÁ.DUG4 šu-ut i-na še20-er-⌈te⌉-e[n?]
a i 4 ḫu-ṣú-ub uz-nam ša la la-ma-as-s[í-im]
a i 5 ḫu-ṣú-ub mu-du-ta-a-am ša la i-na-aṭ-ṭa-lu ṣ[é-r]u!?-šu
b i 44 IPu-ut-ti ú-ul ta-mu-ur
a i 6 ta-mur IPu-ut-ti →
b i 45 i-na na-ri-im mi-lam a-la-kam
a i 6 i-na íd mi-lam a-la-⸢ak-šu⸣
b i 46 6-šu iš-ši-a-am-ma 7-šu it-tur
a i 7 6-šu í[s*-š]i*-a*-am-ma 7-šu ut-te-e-e[r]
b ----
b i 47 sú-un-qum ḫu-ša-ḫu ni-ib-ri-tum
a i 8 sú-un?-[qu]m ḫu-ša-⸢aḫ⸣-ḫu ne-eb-ri-tu →
b i 48 ù [mi]-ṭi-tum
a i 8 ù mi-⸢ṭi⸣-[tu]
b i 49 ba-li-il-ma it-ti ni-ši
a i 9 ba-li-il ⸢it⸣-ti ni*-⸢ši*-ma⸣ →
b i 50 la-bi-ri-iš ba-ši
a i 9 la-bi-ri-⸢iš⸣ ba-ši
b ----
b i 51 qá-nu-ú i-na a-pi-im
a i 10 qá-nu ⸢i-na⸣ a-pí →
b i 52 lu-bu-rum i-ma-aq-qú-ut
a i 10 lu-ub-⸢bu⸣-r[u]-⸢um⸣ ⸢i⸣-[m]a-⸢aq⸣-qú-ut
b ----
b i 53 ki-ma GI.ÈN.BAR ṣe-eḫ-ri
a i 11 ki-ma GI.⸢ÈN⸣*.BAR* ⸢ṣe⸣-eḫ-ru-u[m] →
b i 54 i-il-la-kam a-di u4-mi-šu
a i 11 [(i-)il-la-kam] ⸢a-di⸣ u4-mi-šu
b ----
b i 55 IPu-ut-ti ki-i i-na pa-ni-ni
a i 12 IPu-ut-t[i . . .]
b i 56 ku-ul-lu-m[a n]i-šu ú-ṣur-tam
b -----
b i 57 am-ra-ti-ma ki-ki-ṭa ša DINGIR
a i 13 am*-ra*-a*-[ti . . .]
b i 58 [p]i-ri-iš-tam te-eš-me
b ----
b i 59 qá-bi-mi i-na pi-i dEn-lil
b i 60 ⸢a⸣-bu ma-ra-am li-ra-am
b ----
b i 61 [a]m-mi-ni ma-rum a-ba-am li-ra-am
b i 62 [l]a iq-qá-bi i-na ši-ma-tum
b ----
b ii 1 ⌈ù⌉ šum-ma i-na dam-q[á-ti-im]
b ii 2 a-bu la iḫ-si-nam ma-r[a-šu]
b ii 3 ma-ti ma-rum i-na nam-ra-ṣ[i-im]
b ii 4 a-ba-šu li-iḫ-si-⸢in⸣
b ----
§ 5
b ii 5 a-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 6 IMa-⸢an-nu⸣-um-ú-tar-is-sú
b ii 7 a-na-ku i-na-an-na mi-nam e-ri-iš-ka
b ii 8 ip-ra-a-am pi-iš-ša-tam ù lu-bu-ša
b ----
b ii 9 ki-ša!(Text: MA)-ma ⸢iš⸣-tu ṣú-uḫ-ri-ka-ma
b ii 10 ṭa-ar-da-at uk-ku-ša-at
b ii 11 ma-ši-a-at i-na li-ib-bi-<ia>
b ----
§ 6
b ii 12 ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 13 IPu-ut-ti ša it-ti a-wi-lu-tim / mi-tu
b ii 14 it-ti DINGIR ba-li-iṭ da-ri-ša-am
b ----
b ii 15 ù ma-ra-am ša i-na É A.BA
b ii 16 ḫu-um-mu-ú i-šar LUGAL
b ----
§ 7
b ii 17 a-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 18 IMa-an-nu-ú-tar-is-sú
b ii 19 i-de ša DUMU.MEŠ i-na pa-ni-ka
b ii 20 ù ši-ip-ra ša ṭa-bu ù ni-pi-sà
b ii 21 a-na-ku [ḫ]a-as-sà-a-ku
b ----
b ii 22 i-lum iš-[ku-u]n i-na ú-ṣur-tim
b ii 23 ap-lam a-na la NUMUN ḫa-la-qí-im
b ----
b ii 24 ti-de-ma at-ta ma-rum
b ii 25 ma-la ši-ir-ri ù DAM
b ii 26 a-ba-šu iṭ-ṭù-ul
b ----
b ii 27 i-na DUMU.MEŠ 5 6 7 8
b ii 28 ma-an-nu še-er-ra-am ša ṭa-bu
b ii 29 a-na a-wi-lim li-iš-ru-uk
b ----
§ 8
b ii 30 ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 31 IPu-ut-ti mi-nu MÁ 70 GUR
b ii 32 ša la sí-ik-ka-nim
b ii 33 i-na nam-ra-ṣi-im a-la-ak-ša
b ----
b ii 34 a-nu-um-ma LÚ ša DUMU la i-⸢šu⸣-ú
b ii 35 na-a-aṣ it-ti a-ḫi-šu
b ----
§ 9
b ii 36 a-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 37 IMa-an-nu-ú-tar
b ii 38 IE-ta-na a-na šar-ri a-ḫi-šu
b ii 39 im-ṭi-a-am la ma-aṣ-am
b ----
b ii 40 L[UGAL?*-k]a ḫa-⸢aṣ-bu ša⸣ i-na SILA DILI*
b ii 41 il-qú-ú i-la-a-am [ú-u]l ir-ši
b ----
§ 10
b ii 42 ma-ru-šu i-pa-a[l-šu]
b ----
b ii 43 IPu-ut-ti at-ta ti-de
b ii 44 IE-ta-na a-na še-er-ri-im
b ii 45 it-t[a-g]i-ša-am ša-di-a-am
b ----
b ii 46 i-ṣ[ú-ri-iš] a-na UKIN ša DINGIR.MEŠ
b ii 47 [ša-me-š]a-am i-li
b ----
b ii 48 [a-na SIP]A*-tim iš-ku-nu-ni-iš-[šu]
b ii 49 š[a-šu]m DINGIR.MEŠ la i-ku-šu-šu-ma
b ii 50 še-er-ra-am la iš-ru-ku-šum
b ii 51 i-na ši-ma-tim
b ----
§ 11
b ii 52 a-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 53 IMa-an-nu-ú-tar
b ii 54 ⸢tu⸣-dam-ma-aq a-na pa-ag-ri-ka
b ii 55 ⸢ša⸣ la ṭù-ḫa-a a-na ia-ši-im
b ----
b ii 56 ù ša i-na ši-bu-ti-ia
b ii 57 la tap-pa-la!-sà ta-da-bu-ub at-ta
b ----
§ 12
b ii 58 ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b ii 59 am-mi-ni IPu-ut-ti
b ii 60 at-ta-ma ta-aq-bi-a-am
b ----
b ii 61 iš-tu ṣú-uḫ-ri-ia-ma it-ti-/-k[a]
b ii 62 ú-ul ma-rum a-na-ku-[ma]
b iii (2–3 lines broken)
§ 13
b iii 0' [a-bu-šu i-pa-al-šu]
b iii 1' I[Ma-an-nu-ú-tar]
b iii 2' am-m[i-ni x x x x]
b iii 3' a-n[a x x x x x x]
b iii 4' ù ⸢na-ṭú ka⸣-x[ x x x]
b iii 5' i-in-ka [ta-na-ši?]
b ----
b iii 6' ú-ul uk-ta-zi-ib [x (x) x] / x [x x x]
b iii 7' LUGAL na-e-ri-im ra-bi-[x x x]
b ----
b iii 8' ma-ḫar be-lí-ia a-wa-ta[m šu-ku-un?]
b iii 9' i-na šu-šu-ri-im ⸢ú⸣-[x x x]
b ----
§ 14
b iii 10' ma-ru-šu ⸢i⸣-[pa-al-šu]
b ----
b iii 11' IPu-ut-ti i-na ki-it-[tim]
b iii 12' i-ṣa-am uš-mi-du ù x [x] / i-d[e]
b ----
b iii 13' iq-li-il-ma ša r[e-su ka-ab-tu?]
b iii 14' i-ka-bi-it qá-al-[lum]
b ----
§ 15
b iii 15' a-bu-šu i-pa-al-⸢šu⸣
b ----
b iii 16' IMa-an-nu-ú-tar
b iii 17' i-na pa-ni-ka LUGAL iz-kur
b iii 18' ù DINGIR ú-ka-bi-i[t]
b ----
b iii 19' ma-an-nu ki-ma ka-a-ti
b iii 20' a-ba ba-ni-šu i-ṭap-pa-lam ma-gal u[štam]-/-ṭ[i-šu?]
b ----
§ 16
b iii 21' ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-⸢šu⸣
b ----
b iii 22' IPu-ut-ti sú-ku-uk ša [ši-di-im]
b iii 23' ḫu-pu-da-at la-m[a-sú-(um)]
b iii 24' ù ša LUGAL uš-ta-qí-ru-[šu]
b iii 25' a-ba-am ú-u[l i*-de*]
b ----
§ 17
b iii 26' a-⸢bu⸣-šu i-pa-al-šu
b iii 27' I⸢Ma⸣-an-nu-ú-tar
b iii 28' am-mi-⸢nim⸣-ma ra-ši a-ka-[li]m!
b iii 29' di-ma-tam i-sà-ḫu-ur
b ----
b iii 30' ù ⸢ša⸣ DINGIR-⸢šu⸣ iz-zu?-ru-šu
b iii 31' ú-ra-am i!?-mur!
b ----
§ 18
b iii 32' ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b iii 33' IPu-ut-ti ma-an-nu ša a-na me-er-si
b iii 34' is-sú-ku li-⸢bi⸣-tam
b iii 35' ù ša a-na du-um-qá id-⸢di⸣-nu
b iii 36' i-ri-bu lum-nam
b ----
b iii 37' IPu-ut-ti ti-de-e ša a-na-ku
b iii 38' la ap-pa-la-sà-kum qí-bi-it DINGIR-ma
b ----
b iii 39' i-na zu-um-ri-ka i-na le-[ú]-ti-ka!(Text: KU)
b iii 40' ša dUTU ú-ši-ṣ[í] pa-ag-ri
b ----
§ 19
b iii 41' a-bu-šu ⸢i-pa⸣-al-šu
b ----
b iii 42' [I]Ma-an-nu-ú-tar
b iii 43' ⸢ma⸣ at-ta ú-ul LUGAL tap-la-aḫ
b iii 44' ú-ul DINGIR tu-ka-bi-it
b iii 45' ú-ul un-ne-nu-ú-a im-qú-tu
b iii 46' a-na li-i[b]-bi-ka
b ----
§ 20
b iii 47' ma-ru-šu i-pa-a[l]-šu
b ----
b iii 48' [IP]u-ut-ti-ma bi-lam
b iii 49' [i ni]-iš-ku-un ṭe4-em-ni
b iii 50' i-na ma-ḫar dUTU qú-ra-⸢di⸣-im
b ----
b iii 51' i-na bi-ri-ni ša ar-ni-[i]m
b iii 52' ub-ba-la-aš-šu a-ra-an-šu li-i[š-š]i
b ----
§ 21
b iii 53' a-bu-šu i-pa-al-š[u]
b ----
b iii 54' IMa-an-nu-ú-tar
b iii 55' a-di-ni at-ta la tab-ba-aš
b iii 56' a-na a-wi-lu-tim ši-gu DINGIR iš-[ku-u]n
b ----
b iii 57' ù ša ar-ni-mi iq-b[u-ú]
b iii 58' DINGIR ip-ṭù-ur-⸢šum⸣
b ----
§ 22
b iii 59' ma-ru-šu i-pa-al-šu
b ----
b iii 60' a-na-ku ⸢ša⸣ ṣú-uḫ-ri-ia-ma
b iii 61' ú-ul ú-wa-ša-ra-ak-kum
b ----
b iii 62' aš-šum-ma iš-tu ṣú-u[ḫ]-ri-ia-ma
b iii 63' ⸢ma⸣-ru-ti la ta-a[ḫ]-še-ḫu
b iii 64' [k]a-mi-il-ka ⸢li!⸣-bi
b iv (beginning broken)
§ 23
b iv 1' x [. . .]
b ----
b iv 2' ù i-na x [. . .]
b iv 3' id-mi-q[ú . . .]
b iv 4' ša i-qú-ul-l[u . . .]
b iv 5' é-a-ma ú-u[l . . .]
b ----
§ 24
b iv 6' a-bu-š[u i-pa-al-šu]
b ----
b iv 7' IMa-an-nu-ú-tar [0]
b iv 8' šu-me-lum iṣ-ba-a[t . . .]
b iv 9' ù ša zi-mi-[. . .]
b iv 10' ḫa-mu-ut-[. . .]
b ----
b iv 11' la tu-n[a- . . .]
b iv 12' it-ti LUGAL [. . .]
b iv 13' dNin-líl ib-x[. . .]
b iv 14' i-ḫa-ṣa-ab x [. . .]
b ----
§ 25
b iv 15' ma-ru-š[u i-pa-al-šu]
b iv 16' IPu-ut-ti te-eš-me x [. . .]
b iv 17' i-na pa-ni-k[a . . .]
b iv 18' tap-li-ḫi-i an-nu-tim [. . .]
b iv 19' id-bu-bu i-na x [. . .]
b iv 20' ú-ul i-za-kar šar-rum x [. . .]
b ----
b iv 21' ù ša šar-ru-um uk-t[a*/t[ab*-bi-tu-(šu)]
b iv 22' li-qá-li-il m[a?-rum]
b iv 23' IPu-ut-ti at-t[a ti-de?]
b iv 24' ša a-bu ⸢i⸣-za-k[a-ru]
b iv 25' ma-rum ú-qá-a[l-la-al]
b ----
b iv 26' i-na-an-na ši-is-sú x[. . .]
b iv 27' i-ba-a x[. . .]
b ----
§ 26
b iv 28' a-bu-šu i-p[a-al-šu]
b ----
b iv 29' IMa-an-nu-ú-tar [0]
b iv 30' ma ši-is-sú li-[ka-bi-it]
b iv 31' šar-ra-šu li-sà-l[i . . .]
b ----
b iv 32' ša a-na-ku ul-[du-ka]
b iv 33' un-ni-nu-ú-a la i[m-qú-tu?]
b iv 34' a-na li-ib-[bi-ka]
b ----
§ 27
b iv 35' ma-ru-šu i-[pa-al-šu]
b ----
b iv 36' IPu-ut-ti i-na la x[. . .]
b iv 37' li-ib-ba-ka <i>-ḫa-a[s-sà-as]
b ----
b iv 38' ki-ša-ma-a la iš-te-[. . .]
b iv 39' ⸢ma-ḫar⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ qú-ra-d[i*-(i) . . .]
b ----
b iv 40' a[m-mi]-ni qá-x[. . .]
b iv 41' x [x (x)] ir? [. . .]
b iv 42' ta?-[. . .]
b iv 43' te/nim?-ḫa [. . .]
b ----
(bottom edge)
b v–vi (destroyed)
a ii 1 [ (x) x x x x] ⌈x⌉ mMa-an-nu-ú-ta!-ar-is-⌈sú⌉
a ii 2 [(x) x x x i]b-nu-ú a-wi-lu-tam
a ii 3 [(x) x x x]-nu i-na ma-ta-a-tim
a ii 4 [sa?-ar?-r]a-at-ma ša-ni7(NIM) ši-pí-ir-ša
a ii 5 [i-p]a?-ra-aṣ-ma qá-bu-ša it-ku-ur
a ii 6 ⌈ù?⌉ x-KU-ú ru-ub-bu-ú ša {ŠA} a-wi-lu-ú-tim
a ii 7 ⌈x-e?⌉-⌈šu/ša⌉ ma-li-ma ši-im-ta-ša mu!-ru-ur
a ii 8 ⌈x⌉ MA? it-ma x ZU a-pí-i ra-bu-ti
a ii 9 ⌈x⌉ it-ma DUG4 ⌈ši-it⌉-nu-⌈na ù⌉ at-ma-⌈a⌉ ⌈la⌉ ki-nam
a ii 10 [x] ⌈x x⌉ GI?-na? x iš-ku-un
a ii 11 [x x x] ⌈x⌉ bi-⌈x⌉ li-mu-ru e-li-ia
a ii 12 [x x x x] x iṣ?-ṣé-ri ṭe4-em-ki-na ṣa-ab-ta
a ii 13 [x x x x x] ú-ul šu-šu-ra ma-ṣi-a-kum
a ii 14 [x x x x x] ⌈x⌉ ú-ul šu-ú? ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ ⌈ti⌉
a iii 1–2 (broken)
a iii 3 a [. . .]
a iii 4 GA? [. . .]
a iii 5 i-l[i . . .]
a iii 6 em-qum [. . .]
a iii 7 sa-ar-ra-t[i?-im . . .]
a iii 8 em-qum mḪU.NUMUN ⌈x⌉[. . .]
a iii 9 qá-du ki-im-ti[m?]
a iii 10 ù šu-ú i-de i-na[. . .]
a iii 11 ḫa-bi-il eṭ-lum [. . .]
a iii 12 ⌈ša⌉-ag-ša-at w[a?-ar?-da?-tum? . . .]
a iii 13 a-na ma-an-ni-im [. . .]
a iii 14 ⌈li⌉-bi-il ra-ag-[ga-am . . .]
a iii 15 [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [. . .]
(two or more columns in Text a lost)
a iv' 1' m[. . .]
a iv' 2' m[. . .]
a iv' 3' ⌈i⌉-[. . .]
a iv' 4' x [. . .]
a iv' 5' mḪU.NUMUN ⌈x⌉ [. . .]
a iv' 6' i-nam la ba-ki-t[am . . .]
a iv' 7' i-na-šu AH?-nu-⌈ni?⌉ ⌈x⌉ [. . .]
a iv' 8' lu ud-du-ú x [. . .]
a iv' 9' šum-ma te-te-[pu?-uš? . . .]
a iv' 10' ṭa-ba-ḫu [. . .]
a ----
a iv' 11' iš-me-ma mPu-ut-ti an-ni-⌈a⌉-a[m . . .]
a iv' 12' i-na-aḫ eb-ri ša ⌈x⌉-[. . .]
a iv' 13' [i]l-la-ak ki-i-⌈ma⌉ ⌈x⌉ [. . .]
b vii (beginning broken)
b vii 1' [. . .] x [x x]
b vii 2' [. . . -a]m iḫ-x [x]
b ----
b vii 3' [. . .] x NUN.ME [(x)]
b vii 4' [. . .] i-ta-ar [(x)]
b ----
b vii 5' [. . .] x-pi-a-am NUN.ME x [(x)]
b ----
b vii 6' [. . . qú]-⸢ra⸣-dum [0]
b vii 7' [. . . -a]m pa-gar-šu
b ----
b vii 8' [. . .] x še-mu-um-m[a]
b vii 9' [. . .] uš-ša-ab
b ----
b vii 10' [x x-š]u i-pa-al-šu
b vii 11' [. . .] x x-ti?-ma bi-tim
b vii 12' [. . .] x
(lacuna of 4 lines)
b vii 17' [. . .] ma-ru-t[im]
b ----
b vii 18' [. . .] x-ti-ka
b vii 19' [. . .] x-a-tim
b vii 20' [. . .]-li-il
b vii 21' [. . .] x-a-tim
b vii 22' [. . .]-ka ma-an-n[u?]
b ----
b vii 23' [. . .] x-bi-šu
b viii (beginning broken)
b viii 1' [. . .]-⸢tim⸣
b viii 2' [. . .]-te-šu
b ----
b viii 3' [. . .] a-na-ku
b viii 4' [di*-i]m*-⸢tám*⸣
b viii 5' [i-im-d]a-la i-na-a-a
b ----
b viii 6' [x x]-šu li-il-qí-a-am ia-ti
b ----
b viii 7' [lu-uk]-šu-sú mu-ta-am-ma
b viii 8' [lu-t]u-úr a-na ṭi-iṭ-ṭi
b ----
b viii 9' [i-na]-an-na egir na-ra-am-sin be-lí-ia
b viii 10' [ma]-a-a-li a-sà-ḫu-ur
b ----
b viii 11' a-šar DUMU u DAM la i-ba-ku-ú
b viii 12' i-na ṣe-ri-ia
b ----
b viii 13' a-šar ni-šu la i-ma-ra pa-ni-ia
b ----
b viii 14' ù i-bi-ir ta-li-mi-ia
b viii 15' la i-qá-bu-ú wu-a-a a-ḫi tu-uk-la-at-/-ni
b ----
b viii 16' a-ma-at-ma i-na li-ib-bu
b viii 17' a-lim A-ga-dèki é ša e-ru-bu-šu
b viii 18' ú-ul ú-šar-ša ba-ba-am
b ----
b viii 19' e-li-ma ki-ma e-ta-na
b viii 20' ša-mu AN-nim
b ----
b viii 21' ur-ra-ad-ma ap-sí-{a}-šu
b viii 22' ú-ul i-lam-ma-ad ma-ma-an
b ----
b viii 23' ú-ul qar-ra-da-ku NUMUN me-a-am-li!?
b ----
b viii 24' e-ru-um-<ma> a-na kur-nu-gi4 dEreš-ki-gal
b viii 25' a-ša-ka-an qú-ur-di
b ----
b viii 26' a-ša-ka-an-ma qú-ur-di i-na KUR
b viii 27' i-na pi-i ni-ši di-ši-a-tim
b ----
b viii 28' [n]i-šu di-ši-a-tum i-da-bu-ba
b viii 29' [da]-li-il qú-ur-di-ia
b ----
b viii 30' ⸢I⸣Pu-ut-dINANNA-mi i-na pa-ni ma-ri-⸢šu⸣
b viii 31' i-te-li ša-me-ša-am
b ----
b viii 32' ú-ri-id-ma ap-si-šu-um
b viii 33' ú-ul i-ba-aš-ši a-me-er-šu
b ----
b viii 34' ú-ša-aq-ba wa-ar-ki-a-tim
b viii 35' ni-ši te-ni-ši-tim
b ----
b viii 36' ⸢I⸣Pu-ut-dINANNA-mi NUN.ME wa-tar-ḫa-si-<sà>-a[m]
b viii 37' ŠE.NUMUN ú-ma-nim i-na SAḪAR KUR bu-lu-ul
b viii ----
b viii 38' ša-ti iš-tu wa-ar-ki-ia-ma
b viii 39' ni-šu a-a im-ḫu-ra zi-ʾì-im-šu
b ----
b viii 40' ša ia-ti i-pu-ša-an-ni
b viii 41' ma-rum ki-a-am li-pu-uš-šu
b viii 42' a i-pu-uš É i-na la-le-šu
b ----
b viii 43' ⸢a⸣ ir-ši ma-ra-am-ma ze-ru-šu
b viii 44' li!(Text: LA)-iḫ-li-iq
b ----
b viii 45' li-zu-ur-šu-ma a-lum ⸢A-ga⸣-dèki
b viii 46' [p]i-ri-ik ma-⸢a⸣-[tim]
b ----
b viii 47' [š]u-ma er-re-et a-b[i-šu li-iṭ-ḫe-šu]
b viii 48' [ni]-šu li-iz-[zu-ra]
b viii 49' [wa-a]q-ra-[tam na-pi-iš-ta-šu?]
b viii 50' [x (x) x] x [. . .]
(lacuna of 2–3 lines)
b base 1 [. . .] x
b base 2 [. . .]-a-šu? i-na É.GAL-š[u . . . li-š]a-ri-šu
b base 3 [a-al-š]u A-ga-dèkiÉ-ul-maš li-zu-u[r-šu-ma qá-at] ⸢ma⸣-za-az i-pa-ri-ku a-a iš-ši
b base 4 [be-el-tu]m mu-dam-mi-qá-at a-wa-tim ⸢ki⸣-ma w[a-ar-d]i li-qal-li-lam a-wa-as-sú
b base 5 [ma-ḫar LUGA]L-ri ti-ra ù ma-za-za e-li-šu [li]-iš-ba-al-ki-it
b base 6 [dININ].NA qá-ri-ti i-la-tim i-na é-šu i-ši-[tam] ù sà-aḫ-maš-tam li-iš-ku-un-šum
b base 7 [a* i*-ku*-u]l* ak-lam a il-li-kam e-li-šu li-ru-ub-ma
b base 8 [i-na bi]-ti-šu la ṭa-ab-tum li-im-ḫu-ur-šu
b base 9 [dKi-li-li be]-el-tum mu-ši-ra-at a-pa-at ni-ši di-<ši>-a-tim
b base 10 [di-li-ip-tam e-r]u-tam ù la ṣa-la-lam li-iš-ku-un-šu
b base 11 [li-ze-e]r-⸢šu⸣ l[i-ik-ru]-ú la-an-šu
b base 12 [li-it-ba-l]am-ma ṣi-la-⸢šu⸣ du-ú-sú li-ṭe4-er
b base 13 [dM]a-ma wa-li-ta-šu ba-ni-a-at (erasure)šu-mi-šu
b base 14 [l]i-is-ki-ip-šu-ma a-na ŠÀ LUGAL-šu i-na le-mu-tim / li-di-šu
b base 15 [l]i-ṭe4-er-ma du-ú-sú ba-aš-ta-šu li-ḫal-<li>-iq
b base 16 [i-na] bi-ri-it aḫ-ḫi-šu lu-[ú] du-na-mu!(Text: NU)-um šum-šu
b base 17 [d]A-ru-ru be-el-tum ba-ni-a-at a-wi-lu-tim š[i-ma-t]i-šu a-na le-me-nim li-iš-ku-un
b base 18 [l]i-pu-uš bi-tam a i[š-k]u-nam ú-ru-ba-tim
b base 19 [li-ḫ]u-⸢uz aš-ša⸣-tam [a ú-ra]-ab-bi ši-ir-ra-am
b base 20 [. . e]ṭ-lu-tim [ša ṣa]-⸢al-ma⸣-[at qá]-qá-di-im <lu-ú> e-ri-bu ur-ši-im
b base 21 [. . .] ⸢x x⸣ [šu]-ú a i-pu-uš
b base 22 [aš-šum . . . la] id-mi-qú-ma iš-bu-su a-ba-šu
b base 23 [i-na qí-bi-it dUT]U da-a-a-nim ša ša-me-e u er-ṣe-tim
b base 24 [di-in-šu pu-ru-sà]-⸢a⸣ a i-ir-ši
b ====
b base 25 ZAG.TIL
b i 1–6
[Put-Ishtar gave instructions to his son:]
"[My son, I will instruct you!] Pay attention to [my instructions!]
[Do not say] in the midst of a lesson, 'It is I who am best!'"
b i 7–20
His son answered him:
Being a sage is captivity and plunder, it is not so precious to Nudimmud as a guardian spirit.
[Though mighty] be the singer's art, wisdom, intelligence, the man who has a protective spirit, what (more need) he do?
Is the matter too much for you, [(that) you grew] alarmed at my wealth and good fortune?
The sage kneels at the door of the one with a protective spirit.
[At] Enlil's command, in the New Year festival(?), the . . .s pass by.
[(If) a man keeps] sacrificing kids, his god is [appeased].
b i 21–42
His father answered him:
As to what you and your king accomplished in the past for your youth,
As to you who proceeded in my master's shadow, a fine protection,
Now the stringed instrument is put aside, the song of triumph has died away,
There is no excitement, celebration is long over,
The days are past, the years have come to an end.
Protect yourself against sickness! Be ready (for it)!
"The generous hand has gone back into the sleeve,
and evil made (it) disappear, happiness was driven out."
Your lord will use up the property his father bequeathed him,
And what I accumulated you yourself will squander.
b i 43 His son answered him:
a i 1 [M]annu-utār-issu arose(?) and . . .
a i 2–5
Oh Putti, in order to provide for the temple
the regular offerings, those in the morni[ng], exist forever.
He is deprived of wisdom, he who is without protective spir[it].
He is deprived of knowledge, at whom he (the protective spirit) does not look.
b i 44–58 // a i 6–13
Have you not seen the high water coming from the river?
Six times it rose, seven times it receded.
Famine, starvation, malnutrition, and want,
Are mixed in with people and there from of old.
Like a long-lived reed in the canebrake will fall,
Like a ṭubû reed the child will reach its day.
How was it that in times before us, people were shown divine plans?
You are versed in the god's rites, you heard what was secret.
b i 59 – ii 4
It was commanded, they say, from Enlil’s own mouth: "Father should love son."
Why was "Son should love father" not commanded among things destined to be?
And a father did not protect [his] son in good t[imes],
When possibly would a son shelter his father during suffering?
b ii 5–11
His father answered him:
I, for my part, what do I ask of you now,
Food, oil to groom myself, clothing?
One would think that since you were a child,
You were sent away, you were ignored,
You were forgotten, out of [my] heart!
b ii 12–16
His son answered him:
The one who is dead for the people is alive forever under (the auspices of) god,
But the king will provide for the son who was a cripple in his father’s house.
b ii 17–29
His father answered him:
I know (the matter) of sons earlier than you,
And I am well aware of the duty, which is pleasant, and what it requires.
God granted in the natural order a son lest the family name die out.
You yourself know full well: a son regards his father, as much as (his) children and (his) wife.
Out of five, six, seven, eight sons,
who would grant (even one) child who is virtuous towards a man?
b ii 30–35
His son answered him:
What is the course of a 70-gur barge, in distress without a rudder?
See here, a man who has no son is regarded with disrespect by his brothers.
b ii 36–41
His father answered him:
Etana was less than, nor did he measure up to, the king his brother.
Your k[ing] is a potsherd. He who took a single (child) from the street, did [no]t obtain luck.
b ii 42–51
His son answered him:
You know full well that Etana
Wandered the uplands seeking a child,
Like a bird to the assembly of the gods,
He went up to [heaven].
They (the gods) appointed [him] for [shepherd]dship,
To him the gods did not approach,
Nor bestow upon him a child,
From among things destined to be.
b ii 52–57
His father answered him:
You take good care of yourself in ways not available to me,
But that which, in my old age, you have no regard for,
you yourself will complain about.
b ii 58–62
His son answered him:
Why, Putti, did you yourself say to me,
Ever since I was a child with you, I am no son?
. . .
b iii 0'–9'
[His father answered him:]
Why . . . to . . .?
And is it seemly that you covet . . .?
Did . . . not fawn on . . . king of the raging . . .?
[Set] the matter before my lord, by setting things straight he [will . . .]
b iii 10'–14'
His son [answered him]:
In truth, the insufficient they made numerous and . . .
The one [who was important] diminished,
The insignificant one becomes important.
b iii 15'–20'
His father answered him:
The king gave a command concerning you, but god made (you) important.
Who like you, insulting the father who begot him, [has humiliated him] so much?
b iii 21'–25'
His son answered him:
Deaf is the one with [a protective spirit], blind is the guardian [angel],
And the one the king has esteemed, does not [know] the father.
b iii 26'–31'
His father answered him:
Why does the one who gets food go around in moaning,
And the one whose god has cursed him, has seen the day(light)?.
b iii 32'–40'
His son answered him:
Who is the one that throws a brick into a cake?!
Or returned evil to one who did good?
You know full well that my having no regard for you is the command of a god,
By the order of Shamash I saved myself from your powerful existence.
b iii 41'–46'
His father answered him:
You did not fear the king, did not honor god,
My supplications did not fall into your heart.
b iii 47'–52'
His son answered him:
So! Putti, bring it on! Let's set our opinions before valiant Shamash,
He will bring forth from among us the culprit, so that he may bear his sin.
b iii 53'–58'
His father answered him:
(Although) so far you have felt no shame, God has ordained penitential prayer for men,
And he who said "I am guilty," God has absolved him.
b iii 59'–64'
His son answered him:
I cannot forgive you (the experience) of my childhood,
For the very reason that from my childhood you did not want me as a son,
My heart is angry with you now.
b iv 1'–5'
[His son answered him:]
. . . and in . . . they grew fine . . .
He who pays heed . . . did Ea himself not . . .?
b iv 6'–14'
His father [answered him:]
The left hand seized . . . and the one . . . suddenly . . .
Do not . . . with the king . . . Ninlil . . . snaps off . . .
b iv 15'–27'
His son [answered him:]
You heard . . . before you . . . these fears . . .
They complained in . . . will not the king mention . . .?
And he whom the king h[onors], would the s[on(?)]belittle him?
Putti, you yourself [know:] the one whom a father mentions,
a son belittles.
Now his protective spirit . . . passes by . . .
b iv 28'–34'
His father answered [him:]
So! Let him [honor] his protective spirit, let him extol his king . . .!
As for me who begot [you,] never did my supplications [fall] on [your] heart.
b iv 35'–43'
His son [answered him:]
By not . . . will your mind remember? One would suppose they do not . . . before the valian[t] gods . . .
Why . . .? . . . you . . .
b v–vi (destroyed)
a ii 1–6
[. . .] Mannu-utār-issu:
"[The gods . . .] have [crea]ted mankind.
[They . . .] in the lands.
[(Mankind) is treach]erous and its behavior is strange.
[It keeps lyi]ng(?) and its speech is not understood.
[An]d(?) risen(?) are the waves of mankind."
a ii 7–14
He was full of his/its . . . and was made bitter by its (mankind's) fate:
". . . vast canebrakes.
It (mankind) has sworn a contentious speech and an unreliable word.
. . . he established,
. . . so that they look upon me.
. . . take your (pl. f.) decision!
. . . they (people?) are not on the right way. Enough for you (sg. m.)!"
. . .
a iii 1–5 (broken)
a iii 6–15
The wise [. . .]
Fals[e . . .]
The wise ḪU.NUMUN [. . .]
With the fami[ly(?) . . .]
And he knows in [. . .]
The young man is treated unjustly [. . .]
[The young woman(?)] is murdered [. . .]
To whom [. . .]
May he bring the e[vil . . .]
[. . .]
a iv' 1'–4' (broken)
a iv' 5'–10'
"ḪU.NUMUN [. . .]
An eye not weepin[g . . .]
His eyes . . . [. . .]
May they know [. . .]
If you [do(?) . . .]
To slaughter [. . .]"
a iv' 11'–13'
Putti heard this [. . .]:
"My friend has become tired, he who [. . .]
He walks like a [. . .]"
b vii 1' – viii 2' (too broken for translation)
b viii' 3'–23'
. . . I myself . . . My eyes [fill]ed with tear(s).
Let his [. . .] take me along. [I will] approach death and turn back to clay.
Now, after the death of Naram-Sin my lord, I look about for my place of rest,
Where neither son nor wife will weep for me,
Where people will not see my face,
Nor will my boon companion say,
"Alas for my brother we trusted in!"
I shall certainly die in the midst of the city of Agade. The house (grave), into which I sha;; enter, will have no door.
Shall I go up, like Etana, into Anu's heaven?
Shall I go down towards the Apsu?
No one will know!
Am I not a valiant warrior, seed of the Hero?
b viii 24'–50'
I will enter Ereshkigal's Land of No Return, I will establish my valor (there),
I will establish my valor in the netherworld, in the speech of the teeming peoples,
The teeming peoples will speak praise of my valor:
"Put-Ishtar went up to heaven in the presence of his son,
He went down to the Apsu, there is no one who has seen him."
I will make future folk and people say,
"Put-Ishtar, the sage Watar-hasis, descendant of Umanu, is mixed with the dust of the netherworld!"
As for that one, after my death, may people shun him,
The one who treated me so, may a son so treat him.
May he build no home in happiness for him,
May he have no son but may his lineage die out.
May the city Agade curse him, the urban center of the land
May [his] father's curses [pursue him.]
May [the] people revile [his precious life(?).]
. . .
b base 1–24
. . .
[May the king,] his [. . ., have them] escort him from his palace.
May [his city] Agade (and) Eulmash curse [him, that] he not get past the courtiers who block his way (back).
May [the queen] who makes words favorable, make his words contemptible as a [slave's],
May she make eunuch and courtier turn against him before the king.
May [Ishtar], warrior among goddesses, ordain for him disorder and rebellion in his household,
[May he not ea]t bread . . . may he tremble (of hunger).
May he experience nothing good [in] his [ho]me.
May [Kilili], the lady who leans through the windows of the teeming people, ordain for him [anxiety], insomnia, and sleeplessness,
[May she scorn] him, may his frame shrink, may she [carry] off his protection and take away his virility,
May Mama who bore him, creator of his name, make him known(?) to the heart of the king with evil intent,
May she take away his virility and deprive him of his vitality,
Among his brothers may he be a byword for a fool.
May Aruru, mistress who created mankind, ordain his destiny for evil.
May he build a house (but) hold no housewarming ceremony,
May he take a wife (but) raise no child.
[May . . . all the] young men [of the black]-headed [race be] visitors to (his) bedroom.
May he himself make no [. . .]
[Because . . . he was not] well-disposed but angry (with) his father,
[By command of] Shamash, judge of heaven and earth,
May [his case] never be resolved.
b base 25
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum | father | (b) i 21, 40, 60, 61, ii 2, 4, 5, 15, 17, 26, 36, 52, iii [0'], 14', 20', 25', 26', 41', 53', iv 6', 24', 28', viii 47', base 22' | |
adi | until, as far as | (a) i 3, 11, (b) i 54 | |
adīni | hitherto, till now | (b) iii 55' | |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | (b) i 33, base [19] | |
aḫum I | brother | (b) ii 35, 38, viii 15', base 16 | |
ai, ē, â | not | (b) i [4], viii 39', 42', 43', base 3, [7], 7, 18, [19], 21, 24 | |
akalum | bread | (b) iii 28' | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | (b) viii [7] | |
akāšum (v.) | G to walk, go; D drive away, put aside | (b) i 27, ii 10, 49 | |
akītum | cultic festival | (b) i 17 | |
Akkade | GN | (b) viii 17', 45', base 3 | |
aklum | eaten, consumed | (b) base 7 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | (a) i 6, [11], iv' 13', (b) i 26, 45, 54, ii 33, base 7 | |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | (b) viii 17', 45', base [3] | |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | (a) i 6, ii 11, (b) i 44, iii 31', viii 1' | |
āmirum, āmerum, āwirum | that sees, reads | (b) viii 33' | |
ammīnim | why | (b) i 61, ii 59, iii 2', 28', iv [40'] | |
amrum | seen, chosen, versed | (a) i 13, (b) i 57 | |
ana I | to, for | (a) iii 13, (b) i [15], 22, 33, ii 23, 28, 38, 44, 46, [48], 54, 55, iii 3', 33', 35', 46', 56', iv 34', viii 8', 24', base 14, 17 | |
anāḫum (v.) | G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed | iv' 12' | |
anāku | I, me | (b) i [5], 41, ii 7, 21, 62, iii 37', 60', iv 32', viii 3' | |
annûm | this, those | (a) iv' 11', (b) iv 18' | |
Anum | DN | (b) viii 20' | |
anumma | now | (b) ii 34 | |
apālum (v.) | G to answer; to pay | (b) i 7, 21, 43, ii 5, 12, 17, 30, 36, 42, 52, 58, iii [0'], [10'], 15', 21', 26', 32', 41', 47', 53', 59', iv [6'], [15'], [28'], [35'], vii 10' | |
apkallum (ABGAL; NUN.ME) | wise man, expert | (b) i 16, vii 3', 5', viii 36' | |
apkallūtum (NUN.ME-lu-tum) | wisdom, expertise, being a sage | (b) i 8 | |
aplum (TUR.UŠ) | heir, son | (b) ii 23 | |
appārum | reed-bed, marsh | (a) i 11, (b) i 53 | |
Apsûm (ZU.AB) | underground water (cosmic) | (b) viii 21', 32' | |
aptum | window, window opening | (b) base 9 | |
apum (gišGI) | reed-bed, reed | (a) i 10, ii 8, (b) i 51 | |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | (b) iii 51', 52', 57' | |
Aruru | DN | (b) base 17 | |
ašārum (v.) | to take care of, check upon, organize, muster, review | (b) i [1], [2], ii 16 | |
aširtum | check, inspection, advice | (b) i [3], 4 | |
ašrum (KI) | place, site | (b) viii 11', 13' | |
aššatum, aštum | wife | (b) ii 25, viii 11', base 19 | |
aššum | because (of) | (b) iii 62, base [22] | |
Atra-ḫasīs | PN | (b) viii 36' | |
attā | you (m. sg.) | (b) i 23, 42, ii 24, 43, 57, 60, iii 43', 55', iv 23' | |
atwûm, atmûm | speech, word | (a) ii 9 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | (b) i 13, iii 8', base 4 (x2) | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | (b) i 12, [19], ii 28, 34 | |
awīlūtum, amēlūtu | humanity, mankind | (a) ii 2, 6, (b) ii 13, iii 56', base 17 | |
bâ'um (v.) | G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along | (b) iv 27' | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | (b) i 15, viii 18' | |
bakûm (v.) | G to weep, cry | (a) iv' [6'], (b) viii 11' | |
balālum (v.) | G to mix up; D coat, smear | (a) i 9, (b) i 49, viii 37' | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | (b) ii 14 | |
banûm (v.) | G to build, create; N be created, made | (a) ii 2 | |
bānûm, f. bānîtum | creator, begetter | (b) iii 20', base 13, 17 | |
bāštum | dignity, pride | (b) base 15 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | (a) i 9, (b) i 29, 50, viii 33' | |
bâšum (v.) | to be ashamed, come to shame | (b) iii 55' | |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | (b) viii [4'], base [9], 17 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | (b) i 25, 39, (b) iii 8', viii 9' | |
biri-, beri- | between, among | (b) iii 51' | |
birīt | between, among | (b) base 16 | |
bītum (É) | house | (b) ii 15, vii 11', viii 17', 42', base 6, [8], 18 | |
dabābum II (v.) | G to speak, talk; Gt speak to each other | (b) ii 57, iv 19', viii 28' | |
dalīlum | praise | (b) viii [29'] | |
damāqum (v.) | G to improve (intrans.) D to improve (trans.) | (b) ii 54, iv 3', base 4, 22 | |
damqum | good | (b) i 5, 26, ii 1 | |
dannum (KAL.GA) | powerful, mighty, great, strong | (b) i 11 | |
dārišam | for ever | (b) ii 14 | |
dayyānum | judge | (b) base 23 | |
dešûm (v.) | G to sprout; D to let flourish | (b) viii 27', 28', base 9 | |
diliptum | sleeplessness, anxiety | (b) base [10] | |
dimtum II | tear | (b) iii 29', viii [4'] | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | (b) base [24] | |
dumqum | goodness, good (thing), welfare | (b) iii 35' | |
dunnamûm | person of lowly status, fool | (b) base 16 | |
duppurum (v.) | D to move away, stay away | (b) i 28, 38 | |
dūtum | virility, manliness | (b) base 12, 15 | |
Ea | DN | (b) iv 5' | |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | (a) iii 10, iv' 8', (b) ii 19, 24, 43, iii [25'], 37', iv [23'], base 14 | |
ēkallum (É.GAL) | palace | (b) base 2 | |
eleppum ((giš)MÁ) | ship, boat | (b) ii 31 | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | (a) ii 11, (b) i 13, base 5, 7 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | (b) ii 47, viii 19', 31' | |
emqum | wise, clever | (a) iii 6, 8 | |
Enlil | DN | (b) i 17, 59 | |
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) | earth, soil, dust | (b) viii 37' | |
epērum (v.) | G to feed, provide for | (a) i 2 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | (a) iv' [9'], (b) i 12, viii 40', 41', 42', base 18, 21 | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | (b) i 36, viii 17', 24', base 7, 20 | |
Ereškigal | DN | (b) viii 24' | |
erēšum (v.) | G to request, with for | (b) ii 7 | |
erretum I | curse | (b) viii 47' | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | (b) base 23 | |
ērūtum | wakefulness | (b) base [10] | |
ešērum (v.) | G be straight, direct towards; be or become all right, be fair; Š put in good condition, make straight; Št1 pass. of Š; Št2 put, keep in order | (b) iii 9' | |
ešītum | confusion, disorder | (b) base 6 | |
Etana | PN, RN | (b) ii 38, 44, viii 19' | |
eṭērum (v.) | G to take away, save | (b) base 12, 15 | |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | (a) iii, 11, (b) base 20 | |
Eulmaš | TN | (b) base 3 | |
ezēbum (v.) | G to leave, leave behind; Š to save | (b) i 40 | |
ezērum (v.) | to curse | (b) iii 30', viii 45', [48'], base 3 | |
gamārum (v.) (TIL) | to bring to conclusion, complete | (b) i 31, 39 | |
gegunnûm, kikunnûm | raised temple | (a) i 2 | |
gimrum | totality, all | (b) base 25 | |
ḫabālum II (v.) | to do wrong, violence to | (a) iii 11 | |
ḫadûm I | joyful | (b) i 38 | |
ḫalāqum (v.) | G to be lost; D lose, destroy | (b) i 37, ii 23, viii 44', base 15 | |
ḫamûm I (v.) | to paralyze | (b) ii 16 | |
ḫamuttum | haste | (b) iv 10' | |
ḫaṣābum (v.) | to break off | (a) i 4, 5, (b) iv 14' | |
ḫašāḫum (v.) | to need, desire | (b) iii 63' | |
ḫaṣānum, ḫasānum (v.) | to hug, take under one's protection | (b) ii 2, 4 | |
ḫasāsum (v.) | G to remember, to be conscious | (b) ii 21, iv [37'] | |
ḫaṣbum III | pottery, terracotta, potsherd | (b) ii 40 | |
ḫasīsum | ear, wisdom | (b) i 11 | |
Ḫu-numun | PN | (a) iii 8, iv 5 | |
ḫuppudum | blind | (b) iii 23' | |
ḫušaḫḫum | need, shortage, famine | (a) i 8, (b) i 47 | |
i | let's, come on | (b) iii [49'] | |
ibrum, ebrum | friend, colleague | (a) iv' 12', (b) viii 14' | |
iltum (DINGIR) | goddess | (b) base 6 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | (b) i 20, 57, ii 14, 22, 41, 46, 49, iii 18', 30', 38', 44', 56', 58', iv 39' | |
ina | in, on, by, from | (a) i 3, 6, 10, ii 2, iii 10, (b) i 4, [17], 17, 25, 45, 51, 55, 59, 62, ii 1, 3, 11, 15, 19, 22, 27, 33, 40, 51, 56, iii 9', 11', 17', 39' (x2), 50', 51', iv 2', 17', 19', 36', viii 12', 16', 26', 27', 30', 37', 42', base 2, 6, [8], 14, [16], [23] | |
inanna | now | (b) i 27, ii 7, iv 26', viii [9'] | |
īnum (IGI) | eye | (a) iv' 6', 7', (b) iii 5', viii 5' | |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | (b) ii 1 | |
iprum | ration, subsistence allowance | (b) ii 8 | |
iṣṣūriš | like a bird | (b) ii [46] | |
Ištar | DN | (b) base [6] | |
ištum, ultu | from, out of, since, after | (b) ii 9, 61, iii 62', viii 38' | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | (b) i 12, 15, 34 | |
itti | with | (a) i 9, (b) i 49, ii 13, 14, 35, 61, iv 12' | |
kabātum (v.) | G to be(come) heavy, D make heavy, aggravate, treat honorably | (b) iii 14', 18', 44', iv [21'], [30'] | |
kabtum | heavy, substantial, honoured, distinguished | (b) iii [13'] | |
kamālum (v.) | to be(come) angry | (b) iii 64' | |
kamāsum II (v.) | G to kneel, squat down | (b) i 16 | |
karûm (v.) II | to be(come) short | (b) base [11] | |
kašādum (v.) | G to reach, arrive; D drive off, chase away; Š caus. of G | (b) viii 7' | |
kâti | you | (b) iii 19' | |
kazābum (v.) | G to be attractive, alluring; D flatter, fawn | (b) iii 6' | |
kī | like, how?, if, that | (b) i 55 | |
kīam | so, thus | (b) viii 41' | |
kikiṭṭûm (KÌD.KÌD.BI; KI.KI.BI) | ritual procedure | (b) i 57 | |
Kilili | DN | (b) base 9 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | (a) i 2, 11, iv' 13', (b) i 9, 53, iii 19', viii 19', base 4 | |
kimtum | family, clan | (a) iii 9 | |
kīnum | permanent, true, reliable | (a) ii 9 | |
kīšamma | forgive me | (b) ii 9, iv 38' | |
kittum I | steadiness, reliability, truth, justice, loyality | (b) iii 11' | |
kullum III (v.) | to hold, hold back, cover | (b) i 34 | |
kullumum (v.) | D to show, display | (b) i 56 | |
Kurnugi | The Underworld | (b) viii 24' | |
kurrum | measure of dry capacity: gur, kor | (b) ii 31 | |
lā | not | (a) i 4, 5, ii 9, iv' 6', (b) i 62, ii 2, 23, 32, 34, 39, 49, 50, 55, 57, iii 38', 55', 63', iv 11', 33', 36', 38', viii 11', 13', 15', base 8, 10, [22] | |
labārum (v.) | to be(come) old, long-lasting | (a) i 10, (b) i 52 | |
labīriš | of old | (a) i 9, (b) i 50 | |
lalium | kid, young goat | (b) i 19 | |
lalûm | plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion | (b) viii 42' | |
lamādum (v.) | to learn, to become aware | (b) viii 22' | |
Lamassum (dLAMMA) | (female) tutelary deity | (a) i 4, (b) i 9, 14, iii [23'] | |
lānum | body, figure; stature, form | (b) base 11 | |
lē'ûtum | competence, skill, power | (b) iii 39' | |
lemēnum (v.) | G to be(come) bad; D do evil, treat badly | (b) base 17 | |
lemuttum | evil, wickedness | (b) base 14 | |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | (b) ii 41, viii 6' | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | (b) i 4, ii 11, iii 46', 64', iv 34', 37', viii 16', base 14 | |
libittum (SIG4) | brick, mudbrick | (b) iii 34' | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | (a) iv' 8', (b) i [11], base 16, <20> | |
lubūšum | garment | (b) ii 8 | |
lumnum (ḪUL) | evil, misery | (b) i 37, iii 36' | |
mā | what! | (b) iii 43', iv 30' | |
mâdum (v.) | to be(come) many, numerous | (b) iii 12' | |
magal | very (much), greatly | (b) iii 20' | |
magārum (v.) | G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on | (b) i [20] | |
maḫārum (v.) | G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received | (b) viii 39', base 8 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | (b) i 10, iii 8', 50', iv 39', base [5] | |
makkūrum | property, possession(s) | (b) i 39 | |
mala | as much as | (b) ii 25 | |
malûm I | full, complete, sated | (a) ii 7 | |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | (b) viii [5'] | |
Mama | DN | (b) base 13 | |
mamlum, meamlum | impetuous, fierce, hero | (b) viii 23' | |
mamman | somebody, who(so)ever | (b) viii 22 | |
Mannu(m)-utār-issu, Mannu-utār | PN | (a) i 1, ii 1, (b) ii 6, 18, 37, 53, iii [1'], 16', 27', 42', 54', iv 7', 29' | |
mannum | who?, who | (a) iii 13, (b) ii 28, iii 19', 33', vii 22' | |
maqātum (v.) | G to fall, drop; Š caus. of G | (a) i 10, (b) i 52, iii 45', iv [33'] | |
marārum (v.) | G to become bitter; D make bitter | (a) ii 7 | |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | (b) i [1], [2], 7, 43, 60, 61, ii 2, 3, 12, 15, 19, 24, 27, 30, 34, 42, 58, 62, iii 10', 21', 32', 47', 59', iv 15', [22'], 25', 35', viii 11', 30', 41', 43' | |
mārūtum | status of son | (b) iii 63', vii 17' | |
mašrûm | riches, wealth | (b) i 14 | |
maṣûm (v.) | to suffice, to correspond | (a) ii 13, (b) ii 39 | |
mašûm II (v.) | to forget | (b) ii 11 | |
mati | when? | (b) iii 3' | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | (a) ii 3, (b) viii 26', 37', [46'] | |
mâtum (v.) | G to die | (b) viii 16' | |
maṭûm (v.) | to be(come) little | (b) ii 39, iii [20'] | |
mayyālum | bed, resting place | (b) viii [10'] | |
mazzāzum, manzāzum | position, abode, location | (b) base 3, 5 | |
mēleṣum | excitement, exhilaration | (b) i 29 | |
mersum | ingredients for cake: dates, sesame, oil etc. | (b) iii 33' | |
mīlum | high water, flood(ing) | (a) i 6, (b) i 45 | |
mīnum | what, what? | (b) i 12, ii 7, 31 | |
mišeʾtum, mišītum | forcible removal, pillage | (b) i 9 | |
miṭītum | decrease, reduction | (a) i 8, (b) i 48 | |
mītum | dead, transf. of the powerless, of city or country | (b) ii 13 | |
mūdûtum | knowledge, awareness | (a) i 5 | |
mušērtum, mušīrtum | overlooking window; she who leans in | (b) base 9 | |
mūtum | death | (b) viii 7' | |
nā'erum | roaring | (b) iii 7' | |
nabalkutum (v.) | N to cross over Š caus. send, bring across | (b) base 5 | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | (b) i 35, iii 35' | |
nagāšum (v.) | G to go to(wards); Gtn wander, travel about | (b) ii 45 | |
nakārum (v.) | to be(come) different, strange, hostile; G change; D change, alter | (a) ii 5 | |
namrāṣum | hardship, difficulty | (b) i 33, ii 3, 33 | |
naqûm (v.) | to pour (a libation), sacrifice | (b) i 19 | |
Narām-Sîn | PN, RN | (b) viii 9' | |
nārum I (ÍD) | river, watercourse, canal | (a) i 6, (b) i 45 | |
nārūtum | profession of musician, musicianship | (b) i 11 | |
nasākum (v.) | G to throw down, disregard | (b) iii 34 | |
nâṣum (v.) | to look down on, despise | (b) ii 35 | |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | (a) i 7, (b) i 46, iii 5', 52', base 3 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | (a) i 5, (b) ii 26 | |
naṭûm I | suitable, suited | (b) iii 5' | |
nawārum, namāru (v.) | G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen | (b) i 30 | |
nebrītum | hunger(-ration) | (a) i 8, (b) i 47 | |
nēmequm | wisdom, sagacity | (b) i 11 | |
nēpešum | activity, procedure, instructions | (b) ii 20 | |
nesûm (v.) | to be distant, withdraw; D take away, remove | (b) i 30 | |
nigûtum | joyful song, musical celebration | (b) i 28 | |
Ninlil | DN | (b) iv 13' | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | (a) i 9, (b) i 49, 56, vii 13', viii 27', 28', 35', 39', [48'], base 9 | |
Nudimmud | literary epithet of Ea, DN | (b) i 10 | |
pagrum | body, corpse | (b) ii 54, iii 40', vii 7' | |
paḫārum (v.) | G to gather, assemble; D bring together, assemble; Š to gather, assemble | (b) i 41 | |
palāḫum (v.) | G to fear, revere | (b) iii 43' | |
palāsum (v.) | to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at | (b) ii 57, iii 38' | |
pānānum | previously, before | (b) i 24 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | (b) i 55, ii 19, iii 17', iv 17', viii 13', 30' | |
parādum (v.) | to be scared, terrified | (b) i 14 | |
parākum (v.) | to lie across, obstruct, block | (b) base 3 | |
parāṣum (v.) | to breach, lie | (a) ii 5 | |
paṭārum (v.) | G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened | (b) iii 58' | |
pirikkum | divine symbol | (b) viii 46' | |
pirištum | secret | (b) i 58 | |
piššatum | ointment | (b) ii 8 | |
pitnum | box; a musical instrument | (b) i 27 | |
puḫrum | assembly | (b) ii 46 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | (b) i 59, viii 27' | |
purussûm | decision | (b) base [24] | |
Pūt-Ištar, Pūtti | PN | (a) i 2, 6, 12, iv' 11', (b) i [1], 8, 44, 55, ii 13, 31, 43, 59, iii 11', 22', 33', 37', 48', iv 16', 23', 36', viii 30', 36' | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | (a) ii 5, (b) i [4], 59, 62, ii 60, iii 57', viii 15', 34' | |
qadum | together with, including | (a) iii 9 | |
qalālum (v.) | G to be(come) light, weak, slight; D to reduce | (b) iii 13', iv 22', [25'], base 4 | |
qallum | light; small | (b) iii 14' | |
qâlum (v.) | to pay attention, be silent | (b) iv 4' | |
qanûm (GI) | reed, cane | (a) i 10, (b) i 51 | |
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) | head, beginning, capital | (b) i 34, base 20 | |
qardum | valiant, heroic | (b) base 6 | |
qarrādum (UR.SAG) | warlike; hero, warrior | (b) viii 23' | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | (b) i 35, base [3] | |
qatûm (v.) | G to come to an end, finish; Š complete; Št be completed; complete ? | (b) i 32 | |
qibītum | speech, command, utterance, word | (a) ii 9, (b) i 17, iii 38', base [23] | |
qurādum | hero, warrior | (b) iii 50', iv 39', vii 6' | |
qurdum | warriorhood, heroism | (b) viii 25', 26', 29' | |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | (a) ii 8 | |
rabûm (GAL) II (v.) | G to become large, great, grow; Gtn to grow constantly; Š make great | (b) base 19 | |
raggum | wicked, villainous | (a) iii 14 | |
râmum (v.) | G to love; Štn to cause to constantly have love | (b) i 60, 61 | |
rašûm (v.) | G to acquire, get; Š caus. of G | (b) ii 41, iii 28', viii 18', 43', base 24 | |
rē'ûtum | pasturing, shepherdship, rule | (b) ii [48] | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | (b) iii [13'] | |
riābum (v.) | G to replace, restore | (b) iii 36' | |
rubbûm | increase; wave | (a) ii 6 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | (a) i 4, 5, ii 6, iv' 12', (b) i 12, 15, 22, 25 (x2), 40, 41, 57, ii 13, 15, 19, 20, 28, 32, 34, 40, 46, 55, 56, iii 13', 22', 24', 30', 33', 35', 37', 40', 51', 57', 60', iv 4', 9', 21', 24', 32', viii 17', 40', base [20], 23 | |
šabāsum, sabāsum (v.) | G to be angry | (b) base 22 | |
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) | G to seize, take, hold | (a) ii 12, (b) i 3, iv 8' | |
šabīḫum | layer of dust or mist, shadow | (b) i 25 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | (b) ii 45 | |
šagāšum (v.) | to slaughter, to murder | (a) iii 12 | |
saḫārum (v.) | G go around, turn, search; N to turn back, come back | (b) iii 29', viii 10' | |
saḫmaštum | rebellion, uprising | (b) base 6 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | (a) ii 10, (b) i 24, ii 22, 48, iii 8', 49', 56', viii 25', 26', base 6, 10, 17, [18] | |
sakāpum (v.) I | to push down, off, away | (b) base 14 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | (b) base 11 | |
šallūtum | state of captivity | (b) i 8 | |
ṣalmum (GI6) I | black, dark | (b) base [20] | |
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) | DN, sun | (b) iii 40', 50', base [23] | |
šamêšam | heavenwards | (b) ii [47], viii 31' | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | (b) viii 20', base 23 | |
šanûm II | other, strange, evil | (a) ii 4 | |
sapāḫum (v.) | G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G | (b) i 42 | |
šār | 3600, indefinitely large number of years | (a) i 3 | |
šarākum (v.) | to present, give | (b) ii 29, 50 | |
sarrum | false, criminal, treacherous | (a) ii [4], 7 | |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | (b) i 23, ii 16, 38, 40, iii 7', 17', 24', 43', iv 12', 20', 21', 31', base [5], 14 | |
šâšum | (to/of) him | (b) ii [49] | |
sattukkum, šattukkum | regular offering | (a) i 3 | |
šattum (MU) | year | (b) i 32 | |
šēdum | protective deity, luck; spirit (representing vital force) | (b) i 15, iii [22'], iv 26', 30' | |
ṣeḫrum I ((LÚ).TUR) | little, young, junior-; small, child, servant, baby | (a) i 11, (b) i 53 | |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | (a) iv' 11', (b) i 58, iv 16', vii 8' | |
šerrum | young child, baby | (b) ii 25, 28, 44, base 19 | |
šērtum II | morning | (a) i 3 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | (a) i 3, (b) viii 12' | |
si(k)kānum | paddle (of a boat), rudder | (b) ii 32 | |
šībūtum | old age | (b) ii 56 | |
šigûm | a cry of lamentation, penitential prayer | (b) iii 56' | |
ṣillum (GISSU) | protection; shade, shadow | (b) base 12 | |
šīmtum (NAM) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | (a) ii 7, (b) i 62, ii 51, base [17] | |
šiprum | sending, mission, work, messenger | (a) ii 4, (b) ii 20 | |
šitnunum | combative | (a) ii 9 | |
šū | he, that | (a) iii 10, (b) viii 47', base [21] | |
šuāti, šâti | him, her, it | (b) viii 38' | |
ṣuḫrum | youth, time of youth; children | (b) i 22, ii 9, 61, iii 60', 62' | |
sukkukum | deaf; mentally handicapped | (b) iii 22' | |
sullûm (v.) | to appeal to s.o., pray to | (b) iii 31' | |
šumēlum | left side, left hand | (b) iv 8' | |
šumma | if | (a) iv' 9' | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | (b) base 13, 16 | |
sunqum | famine | (a) i 8, (b) i 47 | |
sūnum | loin, lap | (b) i 36 | |
sūqum (SILA) | street | (b) ii 40 | |
šūqurum | precious, very valuable | (b) i 10 | |
šūšurum | in order, correct | (a) ii 13 | |
šūt | who(m), those who(m) | (a) i 3 | |
ṭabāḫum (v.) | G to slaughter | (a) iv' 10' | |
tabālum (v.) | to take away, carry off | (b) base [12] | |
ṭābtum | goodness, goodwill, good deed(s) | (b) base 8 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | (b) ii 20, 28 | |
talīmum | favorite brother | (b) viii 14' | |
tamûm II (v.) | G to swear; D swear, bind by oath | (a) ii 9 | |
ṭapālum (v.) | G to slander, insult; D to slander, insult | (b) iii 20' | |
tapliḫtum, tapliḫum | intimidation | (b) iv 18' | |
ṭarādum (v.) | G to send off, despatch, send away | (b) ii 10 | |
tarānum | roof, shelter, protection | (b) i 26 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | (a) i 7, (b) i 46, vii 4', viii 8' | |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | (a) i 1 | |
ṭeḫûm (v.) | G to approach, be(come) near to; D bring close to, affect | (b) viii [47'] | |
ṭēmum | thought, plan, instruction, information | (a) ii 2, (b) iii 49' | |
tenēštum, tanišētum | people, humankind | (b) viii 35' | |
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu | clay, mud | (b) viii 8' | |
tīrum | courtier | (b) base 5 | |
ṭuḫḫûm | brought near, presented | (b) ii 55 | |
tukultum (NIR.GÁL) | trust, support | (b) viii 15 | |
u | and, but, also | (a) i 8, ii 6, 9, iii 10, (b) i 9, 14, 23, 35, 37, 40, 48, ii 1, 8, 15, 20 (x2), 25, 56, iii 12', 18', 24', 30', 35', 57', iv 2', 9', 21', viii 11', 14', base 5, 6, 10, 23 | |
ū'a | woe! alas! | (b) viii 15' | |
ul | not | (a) ii 13, 14, (b) i [10], 29, 44, ii [41], 62, iii 6', 25', 43', 44', 45', 61', iv 5', 20', viii 18', 22', 23', 33' | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | (a) i 11, (b) i 31, 54 | |
unnīnum, unnēnum | supplication, petition | (b) iii 45', iv 33' | |
urrum | daytime, morning, daybreak | (b) iii 31' | |
uršum I | bedroom | (b) base 20 | |
urubātum | keystone, keystones | (b) base 18 | |
uṣurtum, eṣertum | draft, drawing, ordinance | (b) i 56, ii 22 | |
uznum | ear, wisdom, understanding | (a) i 4 | |
Uʾānum, Umānum | PN | (b) viii 37' | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | (a) iii 14, (b) iii 48', 52' | |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | (b) iv [32'] | |
wālittum | one who gives/has given/is about to give birth | (b) base 13 | |
waqārum (v.) | G to be(come) rare, precious; Š make rare, scarce; esteem, respect, honor | (b) iii 24' | |
waqrum | rare, valuable, precious | (b) viii [49'] | |
warādum (v.) | G to go down, descend; Gt to go down, descend; Š to send, take, bring down | (b) viii 21', 32' | |
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) | girl, young woman | (a) iii [12] | |
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) | slave, servant | (b) base [4] | |
warki | behind, after | (b) viii 9', 38' | |
warkûm | rear, later | (b) viii 34' | |
warûm (v.) | G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer | (b) base 2 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | (b) vii 9' | |
wašārum (v.) | G to sink down; D to release, set free | (b) iii 61' | |
waṣûm (v.) | G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G | (b) iii 40' | |
wīṣum, mīṣum | few, small | (b) iii 12' | |
yâšim, ayyâšim | to, for me | (b) ii 55 | |
yâti | me | (b) viii 6', 40' | |
zakārum, saqārum (v.) | to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear | (b) iii 17', iv 20', 24' | |
zêrum (v.) | G to dislike, hate, reject | (b) base [11] | |
zērum II (NUMUN) | seed(s) | (b) ii 23, viii 23', 37', 43' | |
zīmum | face, appearance, figure | (b) viii 39' | |
zumrum | body, person | (b) iii 39' |