SEAL no. 1813
The text and the translation are copied from the electronic resource "Akkadian Prayer Miscellany" (see "External links").
1 [lu-uk-ru-ub] ⸢ša⸣-ra-at ⸢ni⸣-ši [ru]-⸢ḪU-um-tam⸣
2 [lu-zi-iz] ši-a-aš i-⸢na⸣ [qá]-⸢ab⸣-li-tim
3 [a-na d]⸢INANNA⸣ na-bi-a-at te-né-še20-ti-⸢im⸣
4 ⸢lu-zi-iz⸣ i-na mu-ši-im ⸢ša⸣-at lu-uk-ta-ar-ba-am
5 ba-bi-⸢uš i-na⸣ ke-ed-⸢ri⸣-im lu-ši-i-⸢il⸣
6 ta-a-a-⸢ra⸣-at DUMU.⸢MUNUS⸣ [d]NANNA te-še-mi zi-ik-ri
7 ta-⸢al⸣-ḫi-ši as-⸢ku⸣-pa-ša lu-yi-sé-er
8 ši-ga-ru-⸢um dINANNA⸣ še-mu-ú te-<es>-li-ti
9 ra-ap-⸢ša⸣-at ú-uz-ni-im SUKKAL dnin-šubur
10 i-qá-ab-⸢bi du-mu-uq⸣ ni-ši e-né-na-am i-de
11 ⸢x x d⸣na-na-a-⸢a⸣ [e]-⸢ki⸣-in-ta du-ta tu-ra-am
12 i-de-ma ⸢x-x⸣ [x]-⸢x⸣-ba-DU i-qá-bi du-um-qí
13 ⸢li-zi⸣-iz i-⸢na mu⸣-ut-ti-ki i-lu ⸢a⸣-bi-ia
14 li-ša-⸢ni⸣-[a]-⸢ki⸣-[im] iš-ta-⸢ri-ia-la⸣-ak-ti li-im-di
15 i-na mu-⸢ut⸣-<ti>-⸢ki⸣ dINANNA ⸢SUKKAL⸣ i-lu a-bi-ia
16 li-zi-⸢iz⸣-ma e-né-ti pa-ṭa-ra-am li-iq-⸢bi⸣
17 a-bu aš-ta-nap-pu ma-⸢aḫ-ra⸣-ki <ki> ša-di-im pa-ar-ḫi-im
18 <i-na> ⸢bu⸣-ur-mi-⸢ni⸣-ia di-⸢ma⸣-tum i-za-nu-un pa-ar-sà-at
19 ak-ta-ra-ab iš-⸢ta⸣-ri-iš a-qá-ab-bi
20 qú-li-im a-na di-ni-⸢im⸣ i-na-an!-na be-el-ti at-ti
21 la ap-ri-⸢ik⸣ d⸢INANNA⸣ a-na ši-⸢ba⸣-tu pa-ni-ki
22 ma-nu-um [ub?]-⸢la?⸣-ba-an-ni a-na nu-ga-tu li-ib-bi-ki
23 ap-ri-ik dINANNA a-na ši-ba-tu pa-ni-ki
24 ta-aḫ-ta-àṣ-ṣí ṣi-li tu-da-pi-ri še-di-ia
25 ek-mé-e-ku ⸢ši-ta⸣-am i-na mu-ši-im ṣa-la-la-am
26 ur-⸢ri⸣-iš!?(TE) e-⸢re!?⸣-[e]-⸢ku?⸣ i-di a-ḫi-<ta>-am du-pu-ur-ma
27 ⸢a⸣-li-ik i-[na] ma-aḫ-ra u4-ḫu-ru-um i-bu-a-an-ni
28 ar-ḫa-tum ⸢bi-ir⸣-ka-a-a ú-ma-ṭi-a-ni-im li-ús-ma-am
29 ki-ma aš-lim im-me-ḫi-im ta-zi-qí-im
30 ur-ra-am uk-⸢lum⸣ ṣíl-lí ú-tu-ur ⸢pu⸣-lu!(PA-)uḫ-ta-am
31 i-na ṣe-ri-⸢ia⸣ i-li-ku u4-pu-ki
32 ka-li-a-ku i-na ra-di-im la ⸢e-ir⸣ a-na pu-<uz>-ri-im
33 [a?/aṭ?]-ṭ]a-ba-aḫ ki-ma i-me-er-ti-im ⸢i⸣-na ku-pa-i-im
34 [ip?]-⸢pa?⸣ it-⸢ti ka⸣-ka-bi-im a-⸢di⸣ te-ma-ri-im
35 [la il]-⸢li-ik⸣ ú la iq-ri-ba-am ia-a-ši-im
36 [qi?-na?]-⸢za? ez?⸣-[zi]-⸢iš⸣ ta-ri-ka-at ⸢pa⸣-al-ḫa-at-ma
37 [i-ši-id ki-im]-⸢ti⸣-ia tu-ša-bi-li ša-ra-am
38 [x x x x] ⸢qí⸣-in-ni ta-as-pu-⸢ḫi-iš⸣ ú-zu-ki
39 [x x x x x]-⸢i-ta?⸣-am na-me-er-tum
40 [x x x] ⸢x x x⸣ i-di-la-am ú-ma-tim ú-ṭi
41 [...] ⸢bi⸣-ti ep-še20-⸢ti⸣-ia ú-ka-bi-is ṣe-te-tu-um
42 [... d]INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ [(x)]-x-⸢ka⸣-ni
43 [...] ⸢d⸣INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ [ta?]-ka-li ṣíl-lí ma-aš-ḫa-am
44 [...] ⸢ZI⸣ ú-ḫi-ru ú-⸢ul⸣ [(x)]-⸢x⸣-ti-⸢im⸣
45 [...] ⸢x⸣ ú-ul ú-ši-⸢ib x⸣-a-ku a-ḫa-⸢x-x⸣
46 [...] ⸢x⸣ bi-ki-ta-am ú-mi-⸢ša⸣-[am] ia-a-ti
47 [x x x]-⸢ma⸣-ma-an la i-iz-⸢x⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣ ta-aq-bi-ri
48 [x x x]-⸢x⸣-ri-pa-ti-ia ⸢x⸣ [x x]-mi-im ú-na-pa-aḫ
49 [a-ta-na]-ka-la-am ša-am-⸢nam⸣ u4-⸢ma⸣-[am] ⸢bé?-ri⸣-iš at-na-la-ak
50 [a-ta-na]-ši-iq ša-ap-tu še-ri-⸢im i-na⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣-ti-im
51 [re-qé]-⸢et ma⸣-di-iš a-ni-ši a-la-⸢ak⸣-ti [ì]-⸢lí⸣
52 [x x (x)]-IM A ⸢x di⸣-ma-tum ú-a-ba-at ⸢ki-ma⸣ [x x x]
53 [i-na] ma-⸢li⸣-ti-im na-ri-⸢x⸣ [x x]-⸢x⸣-ia
54 [lu]-⸢mu-un li-ib⸣-bi-im ni-sà-tum ⸢mu-ur⸣-[ṣú-um]
55 ⸢ša⸣-ak-nu-ni-⸢im⸣-ma ú-ša-am-qá-⸢tu ŠI?-x⸣-[x x x]
56 e-li-iš ⸢uš-na⸣-wi-ir šu-⸢tam⸣ nu-ru pa?-nu-⸢ia?⸣ [na?-aw?-ru?]
57 ša-ap-la-⸢nu⸣-[um] ek-le-et ka-ab-⸢ta⸣-ti [x (x)]-⸢ni ma-li⸣-at
58 ú ša du-um-⸢qá⸣-[am] ⸢e⸣-pu-šu-ú-šu ma-ti-⸢ma⸣ gi-⸢mi⸣-[il lu-um]-⸢ni⸣-im i-ri-ba-am
59 ki-⸢ma⸣ du-di!-[tim] ⸢ú⸣-ul e-di-il-⸢ma⸣ ba-[ba]-⸢am⸣
60 i-na ṣe-⸢er né⸣-eḫ-ti-im ú-ul a-ḫi-iš-⸢ma⸣ [ú]-⸢ul⸣ ma-ši šu-um-ki
61 a-wa-at ta-[aq]-⸢bi⸣-im ú-ka-bi-it wa-ar-ki pi-i-ki
62 ú qá-bé-ki ⸢al⸣-li-ik dINANNA
63 a-gu-ú ša ⸢tám⸣-ti-im ⸢uk⸣-ta-na-ta-mu-ni-in-ni
64 dINANNA ša-⸢ru-ú⸣ i-la-a-ku eṭ-ri-in-ni
65 ta-at-⸢ta-ad⸣-ni še20-ṭù-ti a-na ka-la-ma
66 ki-ma ḫa-⸢ar⸣-[bi]-im e-bi-im a-wi-ra-am la i-šu
67 ip-pa-al-[sà-ni] mu-de-e ú-da-ap-pi-ir
68 i-ḫu-iz pu-[uz-ra]-am i-na pa-ni-ia ú-ul ip-pa-al-sà-am
69 ú-ta-mi ⸢u? iq⸣-bi-a-am i-ta-am it-ba-al
70 a-lí-ma d⸢INANNA⸣ ša tu-ta-ki!(DI-)li-in-ni
71 ú-ba-al-la-[aṭ]-ka-ma ta-da-la-la-an-ni a-na ma-ti-im
72 ik-ta-ab-⸢ta⸣-[am] mu-ur-ṣú e-li ša pa-na-nu-um
73 ki-⸢ma⸣ e-ri-⸢ti⸣-[im] ša ar-ḫi-iš qú-ru-bu u4-mu-ša
74 ú šu-du-lu ⸢x x⸣ [x] ⸢x⸣ [x x] ⸢x⸣ ši-ip-tu-um ki-ma li-'-im ú-ka-sà-ni ša-am-ra-tum ik-ki-ra i-da-tu-ú-a
75 šu-na-tu-[ia] ⸢na?⸣-ap-pa-ṣa-am iš-ti-ma-ni-⸢im⸣
76 ⸢um-mi⸣ a-⸢am⸣-[ri] ⸢a⸣-di-⸢ir⸣-[ti a]-⸢na⸣ ka-ri-im ša la i-du a-na-ku e-mi-id
77 mi-iṣ-⸢ṣa-am d⸣INANNA ú-⸢ul⸣ a-ri-ik ba-la-ṭù-um
78 a-ta-an-ḫa-⸢am⸣ dINANNA a-⸢di⸣ ma-ti né-ke-em-ti pu-uṭ-⸢ri⸣-im
79 ta-ar-ṣa ka-pa-a-⸢a⸣ da-ma am-ma-a-ma
80 i-na ša-⸢ri⸣-im ki-ma ⸢iṣ⸣-ṣú-ri-im na-pí-iš-ti <té>-bi-a-at
81 ṭa-bu-⸢um⸣ dINANNA ša nu-⸢úr⸣-ki li-sí-qá-am ki-ma nu-ur a-pa-ti-im
82 ⸢li⸣-sí-⸢qá⸣ dINANNA ar-⸢ku-um⸣ dINANNA ik-ta-ri ki-ša-di
83 ⸢ú⸣-na-ab-ba ⸢la⸣-la-ra-tum nu-bé eṭ-lu-ti-ia
84 ú-ul a-li-ik it-ti ḫa-⸢wi⸣-ri a-na bi-it e-mu-ti-im
85 ú-ul e-⸢ru-ub⸣-ma ši-pi-[ir] mu-ši-im ú-ul e-pu-uš
86 a-gi-iš ta-⸢x-ta?-x⸣ ki-ma ⸢dIŠKUR⸣ e-li-ia ta-sà-ap-ḫi ì-lí-ia
87 [a]-⸢na?⸣ mu-de-ia šum-⸢ma⸣-an ki-⸢ma ú⸣-zi-ki la ḫa-mu-tam ta-ar-di
88 [x]-⸢x-x⸣-um ma-an-<nu>-⸢um!?⸣ ip-ri-ik a-⸢na pa-ni?⸣-i-ki ša!?(KA) ki-ib-ra-a-ti-im
89 [ku?]-⸢um?⸣-ma dINANNA bu-⸢lu⸣-ṭù-um ⸢dINANNA? x x x x⸣-um
90 [x x x]-⸢ni?⸣-ri-im ⸢li⸣-ki-⸢ir⸣ a-ḫa-ma
91 [x x x] ⸢x⸣ an-ni-ti-im BU-⸢x-x⸣-in-ni ⸢di⸣-ma-⸢tam⸣
92 [x x da]-⸢li⸣-i-⸢li⸣ i-na a-lim ⸢lu-ud-lu-ul⸣
1 [Let me pray] to the beloved queen of the people,
2 [Let me stand] for in the [mid]dle of the night.
3 [For Išta]r, illuminator of mankind,
4 Let me stand at night (and) fervently pray to her.
5 At the gate, with a gift, may I rejoice:
6 "You are merciful, daughter of Sîn! You will hear my word!”
7 My whispered prayer smears(?) her threshold:
8 The (temple) bolt, Oh Ištar, is hearing my prayer.
9 The wide of understanding, Ninšubur, the vizier,
10 he speaks well of the people; he knows to grant favor.
11–12 The . . . Nanaya knows (how) to return the snatched potency,
12 The . . . will speak good of me.
13 May the god of my father stand before you,
14 May he repeat to you: "Oh my goddess, observe my attitude!"
15–16 May the god of my father stand before you, Oh Ištar (and) the vizier (= Ninšubur),
16 and may her speak of releasing my guilt.
17 Ah! I constantly wailed before you, <as> (before) a split(?) mountain.
18 <From> the iris of my eye a tear is rolling down; it stopped.
19 I entreat Ištar intently, saying:
20 "Be attentive to me (when) in trial! Now you (are) my lady!"
21 Had I not obstructed, O Ištar, the glowing (i.e., anger) of your face,
22 (Then) who (could) [con]duct me to the anger of your heart?
23 (Yet) I have obstructed, O Ištar, the glowing (i.e., anger) of your face.
24 You have snapped off my protection (lit. shade); you have driven away my protective spirits.
25 I am deprived of sleep, of slumber by night,
26 By day, (when) I am awake, my arm is twisted (lit. removed) sideways.
27 (Although) I walked in front, a straggler (lit. a person behind) passed me,
28 My (formerly) swift knees curtailed running for me.
29 You blew me about like a rush in a storm,
30 In day time – darkness; my protection is brimming with fear.
31 Behind me came your clouds,
32 I was detained in a cloudburst; I could not get to shelter.
33 [I am slaugh]tered like a sheep in the reed thicket,
34 [She/you app]ear in the form of (lit. with) a star, until concealing.
35 [She did not] come, and she did not draw near to me,
36 She was wielding [a wh]ip fur[ious]ly; she was frightful.
37 You caused a wind to carry off [the foundation of] my [fam]ily,
38 [. . .] you dispersed my nest in your wrath.
39 [. . .] . . . in bright light,
40 [. . .] . . . she shut me out; she darkened the days.
41 [. . .] my house; She tread over my deeds in the heat of day,
42 [. . .] Ištar, . . . cannot . . . me.
43 [. . .] Ištar, [do you] not withhold my plundered protection?
44 [. . .] . . . not . . .
45 [. . .] I did not sit . . .
46 [. . .] . me weeping dai[ly].
47 [. . .] no one . . [.] . you bury,
48 [. . .] . . . [. . .] . . . I am blowing.
49 [I keep] eating fatty food, (but) wander about eve[ryday] in hunger,
50 [I kee] kissing the lips of a baby (yet) . . .
51 The way of the [go]ds is very [dista]nt to the people,
52 [. . .] . . . tear(s); she/he destroyed like [. . .]
53 [In] the full river . . . my [. .] @ or: in the lamentation
54 [Sor]row (lit. misery of the heart), lamentation, (and) ill[ness]
55 Have beset me, and they have caused . . . to fall
56 Above – a light illuminated (my) dream; my face [was joyful (lit. bright)],
57 Down belo[w] – my mood is (still) gloomy, filled with [. .] . . .
58 Verily, the one whom I treat with fav[or] repays me wit[h ev]il.
59 I did not close the g[a]te like a toggle p[in],
60 I did not hasten toward peace; your name was [n]ot forgotten.
61 I respected the word you [to]ld me, (I followed) your command,
62 Indeed, I was walking according to you command, O Ištar!
63 Waves of the sea keep engulfing me,
64 O Ištar, the winds are blowing! Save me!
65 You passed contempt for me all around,
66 Like (in) a dense(?) ru[in], no one is taking care of me.
67 My acquaintance look[ed at me] (and) retracted,
68 He took sh[elt]er; he would not look upon my face.
69 He took an oath, he said to me, e carried away the sign(?).
70 Where (are you), O Ištar, who used to be my trust (by saying):
71 "I will he[a]l you so that you will praise me to the land."
72 My illness was more severe than before,
73 Like a pregnant wo[man] whose days are quickly drawing near.
74 And . . . wide are . . [.] . [. An incantation is set against me (lit. is binding me) like a bull. My fierce signs are hostile.
75 [My] dreams have fated for me a club.
76 O my mother, look [at my] gloominess! I leaned against an unfamiliar quay.
77 O Ištar, life is short for me; it is not long.
78 I am exhausted, O Ištar! How long? Release me from my ominous signs!
79 My hands are stretched out; my arms are shaking!
80 My life soars in the wind like a bird.
81 The goodness, O Ištar, which is your light – may it narrow on me like light of windows,
82 May it narrow on me, O Ištar! My long breath (lit. neck) has become short,
83 The mourners wail a lament of my juvenescence.
84 I did not go with the other married men to the father-in-law's house,
85 I did not enter, and I did not consummate my marriage(?).
86 Furiously, you . . . ; like Adad, above me, you dispersed my (personal) deities,
87 If only your anger would not have pursued my acquaintances so hastily!
88 [O . .] . . , who in the world has opposed you?
89 It is yours, O Ištar, is preserving life, is . . .O Ištar!
90 [. . .] . . . may (it) be hostile to the stranger(?).
91 [. . .] this . . . tears
92 [. .] so I may sing (your) [pr]aises in the city!
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abātum (v.) | G to destroy; D destroy completely | 52 | |
abum | father | 13, 15, 17 | |
Adad (dIŠKUR) | DN | 86 | |
adi | until, as far as | 34, 78 | |
adirtu I | gloominess | 76 | |
aggiš | furiously | 86 | |
agûm II | wave, flood | 63 | |
aḫārum (v.) | to be behind, (D) hold back, delay, stay behind | 44 | |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | 68 | |
aḫītum | side | 26 | |
aḫûm | outside(r), strange | 90 | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | 49 | |
alaktum | way, course | 14, 51 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | 27, 31, 35, 49, 62, 64, 84 | |
ali | where? | 70 | |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | 92 | |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | 76 | |
āmirum, āmerum, āwirum | that sees, reads | 66 | |
ammatum I | forearm, cubit | 79 | |
ana I | to, for | [3], 20, 21, 22, 23, 32, 51, 65, 71, 76, 84, 87, 88 | |
anāḫum (v.) | G to become tired; Š trouble, exert, strain; Št be depressed | 78 | |
anāku | I, me | 76 | |
annûm | this, those | 91 | |
aptum | window, window opening | 81 | |
arḫiš | quickly, hastily | 73 | |
arḫum I | fast, quick | 28 | |
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) | pregnant woman | 73 | |
arkum | long | 77, 82 | |
askuppum, askuppatum (I.LU.KUN4) | (threshold) slab | 7 | |
ašlum | rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres | 29 | |
attī | you (f. sg.) | 20 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | 61 | |
bâ'um (v.) | G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along | 27 | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | 5, 59 | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | 77 | |
balāṭum (v.) | G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for | 71, 89 | |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | 20 | |
berîš | in hunger, hungrily | 49 | |
bikītum | crying, weeping | 46 | |
birkum | knee | 28 | |
bītum (É) | house | 41, 84 | |
burmu | color(ed part), iris | 18 | |
dalālum (v.) | G to praise | 71, 92 | |
dalīlum | praise | 92 | |
dawûm, damûm (v.) | to jerk; convulse | 79 | |
dimtum II | tear | 18, 52, 91 | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | 20 | |
dumqum | goodness, good (thing), welfare | 10, 12, 58 | |
duppurum (v.) | D to move away, stay away | 24, 26, 67 | |
dūtum | virility, manliness | 11 | |
ebbum | bright, pure | 66 | |
edēlum (v.) | to shut, bolt | 40, 59 | |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | 10, 12, 76 | |
ekēmum (v.) | to take away, deprive | 25 | |
eklum | dark | 57 | |
ekmu | taken away, stolen | 11 | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | 72, 86 | |
eliš | above | 56 | |
emēdum (v.) | to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) | 76 | |
emūtum | family of the husband, relationship by marriage | 84 | |
enēnum (v.) I | G to grant a privilege, do a favor, to grant favour, be favourable | 10 | |
ennettum | sin | 16 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 58, 85 | |
epištum, epšetum | deed, action, work | 41 | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | 85 | |
êrum (v.) | to be(come) awake | 26 | |
eṭērum (v.) | G to take away, save | 64 | |
eṭlūtum | manliness | 83 | |
eṭû (v.) | to be(come) dark, dim | 40 | |
ezziš | furiously, fiercely | 36 | |
gimillum | requital, favor | 58 | |
ḫamuttum | haste | 87 | |
ḫarbum I | deserted, desert, abandoned land | 66 | |
ḫaṣāṣum (v.) I | to snap off | 24 | |
ḫāwirum | husband | 84 | |
ḫiāšum (v.) | to hurry, hasten | 60 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | 26 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 13, 15, 51, 86 | |
immertum | ewe | 33 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | 2, 4, 5, 13, 15, <18>, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 50, [53], 60, 68, 80, 92 | |
inanna | now | 20 | |
īnum (IGI) | eye | 18 | |
išdum (SUḪUŠ) | foundation, base; root | [37] | |
iṣṣūrum | bird | 80 | |
Ištar | DN | 3, 8, 15, 21, 23, 42, 43, 62, 64, 70, 77, 78, 81, 82 (x2), 89 (x2) | |
ištarum | goddess | 14, 19 | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | 66 | |
itti | with | 34, 84 | |
ittum | sign, mark | 69, 74 | |
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) | G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint | [2], 4, 13, 16 | |
kabāsum (v.) | G to tread, trample; D tread, walk over | 41 | |
kabattum, kabtatum | liver, mood, mind, intention | 57 | |
kabātum (v.) | G to be(come) heavy, D make heavy, aggravate, treat honorably | 61, 72 | |
kadrûm, kedrûm, katrû | present, greeting gift | 5 | |
kakkabum (MUL) | star, meteor | 34 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | 65 | |
kalûm V (v.) | G to hold (back), detain | 32, 43 | |
kappum | wing, hand | 79 | |
karābum (v.) | G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G | [1], 4, 19 | |
karûm (v.) II | to be(come) short | 82 | |
kārum I (KAR) | quay, port | 76 | |
kasûm III (v.) | G to bind; G~D bind person, animal, limb | 74 | |
katāmum (v.) | G to cover, close | 63 | |
kibrum (UB) | bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world | 88 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | 29, 33, 52, 59, 66, 73, 74, 80, 81, 86, 87 | |
kimtum | family, clan | [37] | |
kišādum (GÚ) | neck, bank | 82 | |
kûm | your, yours, belonging to you | 89 | |
kupû | reed thicket | 33 | |
lā | not | 21, 32, [35], 35, 47, 66, 76, 87 | |
lallartum | female mourner | 83 | |
lamādum (v.) | to learn, to become aware | 14 | |
lī'um | bull | 74 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 22, 54 | |
lismum | footrace | 28 | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | 7 | |
lumnum (ḪUL) | evil, misery | 54, [58] | |
mādiš | greatly | 51 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | 17, 27 | |
malītum | a lament | 53 | |
malûm I | full, complete, sated | 57 | |
mamman | somebody, who(so)ever | 47 | |
mannum | who?, who | 22, 88 | |
maqātum (v.) | G to fall, drop; Š caus. of G | 55 | |
mārtum (DUMU.MUNUS) | daughter, girl | 6 | |
maš'u | destitute, robbed | 43 | |
mašûm I, f. mašītum (//u18-lu) | forgotten (things) | 60 | |
mati | when? | 78 | |
matīma | whenever, sometime | 58 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | 71 | |
maṭûm (v.) | to be(come) little | 28 | |
meḫûm | storm | 29 | |
mūdûm | knowing, wise | 67, 87 | |
murṣum (TU.RA) | illness, sorrow, distress | 54, 72 | |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | 4, 25, 85 | |
muttum | front | 13, 15 | |
nabûm (v.) | G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail | 17, 83 | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | 65 | |
nakārum (v.) | to be(come) different, strange, hostile; G change; D change, alter | 74, 90 | |
Nanāya | DN | 11 | |
napištum (ZI) | throat, life | 80 | |
nappāṣu | wooden beater, club | 75 | |
našāqum (v.) | to kiss | 50 | |
nawārum, namāru (v.) | G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen | 56, [56] | |
nawirtum | brightness, light | 39 | |
nebûm I, nabû | shining, brilliant | 3 | |
nēḫtum | calm, peace | 60 | |
nēkemtum | removal, loss | 78 | |
Ninšubur | DN | 9 | |
nissatum | wailing, lamentation | 54 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | 1, 10, 51 | |
nubû | lament, wailing | 83 | |
nuggatum | anger | 22 | |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | 56, 81 (x2) | |
palāsum (v.) | to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at | 67, 68 | |
palḫum | fearful | 36 | |
pānānum | previously, before | 72 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | 21, 23, 56, 68, 88 | |
parākum (v.) | to lie across, obstruct, block | 21, 23, 88 | |
parsum | clear reports, orders | 18 | |
paṭārum (v.) | G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened | 16, 78 | |
puluḫtum | fear(someness) | 30 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | 61 | |
puzrum | concealment, hiding-place | 32, 68 | |
qablītum | center, central part, middle (watch) of the night | 2 | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | 10, 12, 16, 19, 61, 62, 69 | |
qâlum (v.) | to pay attention, be silent | 20 | |
qebērum (v.) (//túm) | G to bury | 47 | |
qerēbum (v.) | G to be(come) close, approach, D bring, present | 22, 35, 73 | |
qinnāzum | whip | [36] | |
qinnum | nest; family | 38 | |
ra'ūmtum, ru'ūmtum | beloved | 1 | |
rādum | rainstorm, cloudburst | 32 | |
rapšum | wide, extended | 9 | |
redûm I (v.) | G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead | 87 | |
rēqum | far, distant | [51] | |
riābum (v.) | G to replace, restore | 58 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | 58, 63, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81, 88 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | 17 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 55 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | 25 | |
šâlum (v.) II | to rejoice | 5 | |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | 49 | |
šamrum | fierce, furious | 74 | |
šanûm III (v.) | G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat, report | 14 | |
sapāḫum (v.) | G to scatter, disperse; D squander, spend freely, scatter; N pass. of G | 38, 86 | |
šaplānum | down | 57 | |
šaptum | lip, rim | 50 | |
šarratum | queen | 1 | |
šārum (IM) | wind, breath | 37, 64, 80 | |
šēdum | protective deity, luck; spirit (representing vital force) | 24 | |
šēmûm | hearer, that hears | 8 | |
šemûm (v.) | G to listen, to hear; Gtn to hear, to listen again and again | 6 | |
šerrum | young child, baby | 50 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | 31, 60 | |
sêrum (v.) | G to plaster, smear | 7 | |
ṣētum, ṣītum | bright light, heat | 41 | |
šēṭūtum | scorn, neglect | 65 | |
šiāmum (v.) | to fix, decree | 75 | |
siāqum (v.) | to be(come) narrow | 81, 82 | |
šiāšim | to her | 2 | |
šiāti, šât | (of) her, that, this same | 4 | |
šibbatum | burning | 21, 23 | |
šigarum | (wooden) clamp, (neck-)stock, door lock, bolt | 8 | |
ṣillum (GISSU) | protection; shade, shadow | 24, 30, 43 | |
Sîn | DN | 6 | |
šiprum | sending, mission, work, messenger | 85 | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | 74 | |
šittum | sleep | 25 | |
šuddulum | very wide, spacious | 74 | |
šukkallum, sukkallum | minister, a court official | 9, 15 | |
šummaman, šumman | if (introducing unreal conditions) | 87 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | 60 | |
šuttum | dream | 56, 75 | |
tabālum (v.) | to take away, carry off | 69 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | 81 | |
takālum (v.) | to trust, to encourage | 70 | |
talḫīšum | whispered prayer | 7 | |
tamûm II (v.) | G to swear; D swear, bind by oath | 69 | |
tarākum (v.) | G to beat, thump, be dark; D~G | 36 | |
tarāṣum (v.) | G to stretch out, extend, point, tether, spread | 79 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | 11 | |
tayyārum | returning, merciful | 6 | |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | 80 | |
tenēštum, tanišētum | people, humankind | 3 | |
teslītum | appeal, prayer | 8 | |
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) | sea, lake | 63 | |
tudittum, dudittum | a dress-pin on woman's breast | 59 | |
u | and, but, also | 35, 58, 62, 69, 74 | |
uḫḫurum | late, remaining | 27 | |
uklum I | darkness | 30 | |
ul | not | 42, 43, 44, 45, 59, 60 (x2), 68, 77, 84, 85 (x2) | |
ūmišam | daily | 46 | |
ummum | mother | 76 | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | 40, 49, 73 | |
upûm | cloud | 31 | |
urrum | daytime, morning, daybreak | 26, 30 | |
uznum | ear, wisdom, understanding | 9 | |
uzzum | anger, rage | 38, 87 | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | 37 | |
warki | behind, after | 61 | |
wârum (v.) | G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send | 32 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | 45 | |
watārum (v.) | G to become outsize, surplus; D to enlarge, make great, maximize; Š to make increase, to make excessive | 30 | |
wīṣum, mīṣum | few, small | 77 | |
yâšim, ayyâšim | to, for me | 35 | |
yâti | me | 46 | |
zanānum (v.) I | G to rain | 18 | |
zīaqum (v.) | G to blow, waft, gust | 29 | |
zikrum, siqrum | utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation | 6 |