SEAL no. 1814
(b) 1 be-lum še-zu-zu li-nu-uḫ lib-bu-u[k]
(b) 2 i tap-šaḫ kab-ta-tuk a-na Ì[R-ka]
(b) 3 dAMAR.UTU še-zu-zu li-nu-uḫ lib-bu-uk
(b) 4 i tap-šaḫ kab-ta-tuk a-na ÌR-ka
(b) 5 šá a-ma-ru-uk šib-bu ga-pa-áš a-bu-šin
(b) 6 šá-áš-mu šá dGIŠ.BAR a-li ma-ḫir-ka
(b) 7 dAMAR.UTU šá a-ma-ru-uk šib-bu ga-pa-áš a-bu-šin
(a) i 1' [. . .] x
(b) 8 šá-áš-mu šá dGIŠ.BAR a-li ma-ḫir-ka
(a) i 2' [. . .] k[i-a]-ša-am
(b) 9 [ki?-i sak-t]u ug-gu-uk-ka te-le-ʼ-i ka-a-šú
(a) i 3' [. . . ki]-ma a-bi re-mi
(b) 10 [ṭ]a-bi na-as-ḫur-ka ki-i a-bi re-e-muk
(a) i 4' [. . . ug-gu-uk-k]a te-le-i ki-a-š[a(-am)]
(b) 11 [dAMAR.UTU ki?]-i sak-tu ug-gu-uk-ka te-le-ʼ-i ka-a-šú
(a) i 5' [. . .] ki-ma a-bi re-m[i]
(b) 12 ṭa-bi na-as-ḫur-ka ki-i a-bi re-e-muk
(a) i 6' [. . . pa]-ni ba-ba-lam
(b) 13 ti-di ina pi-i šèr-ti pa-na ba-ba-la
(a) i 7' [. . . i-n]a ša-ap-ša-qí
(b) 14 pa-ṭa-ra en-net-ta ina šap-šá-qí
(a) i 8' [. . .] pa-ni ba-ba-lam
(b) 15 dAMAR.UTU ti-di ina pi-i šèr-ti pa-na ba-ba-la
(a) i 9' [. . . i-n]a ša-ap-ša-qí
(b) 16 pa-ṭa-ra en-net-ta ina šap-šá-qí
(a) i 10' [. . . ṭi-]i-ib? ka-ra-aš-ka
(b) 17 re-mé-nu lib-bu-uk ra-bi ka-raš-ka
(a) i 11' [. . . e-t]e-[q]um ba-ab-la-ta
(b) 18 ina ar-ni gíl-la-ti e-te-qa ba-ab-lat
(a) i 12' [. . . -i]b ka-ra-aš-ka
(b) 19 dAMAR.UTU re-mé-nu lib-[bu-uk r]a-bi ka-raš-ka
(a) i 13' [. . . du(-um)-mu-q]á ba-a[b-l]a-ta
(b) 20 ina ar-ni gíl-la-ti [e-te-q]a ba-ab-lat
(a) i 14' [. . . ta-ši-i]m-tim
(b) 21 be-lum at-ta-ma [mu-du]-ú ta-šim-ti
(a) i 15' [. . .] ir-šu
(b) 22 šá mil-ka ru-up-[pu-šá ši-t]u-lu ir-šu
(a) i 16' [. . . ta-ši-i]m-tim
(b) 23 ⸢dAMAR.UTU⸣ at-ta-⸢ma⸣ [mu-du]-⸢ú⸣ ta-šim-ti
(a) i 17' [. . .] x ir-šu
(b) 24 šá mil-ka ru-up-pu-⸢šá⸣ [ši-t]u-lu ir-šu
(a) i 18' [. . . u]n-nin-nim
(b) 25 le-qu-u tés-li-ti ma-ḫi-r[a u]n-ni-in-ni
(a) i 19' [. . . m]u-uš-ta-lum
(b) 26 na-ṣir nap-šá-a-ti DINGIR muš-ta-lum
(b) 27 dAMAR.UTU le-qu-u tés-li-ti ma-ḫi-[ra u]n-ni-in-ni
(b) 28 na-ṣir nap-šá-a-ti DINGIR muš-ta-lum
(a) i 20' [. . .] ba-la-ṭi
(b) 29 še-mu-ú taq-ri-bi qa-i-[šu] ba-la-ṭi
(a) i 21' [. . . ba-šu-]ú [i]t-ti-šu
(b) 30 šá ar-ḫiš nap-šu-ru ba-šu-ú it-ti-šu
(b) 31 dAMAR.UTU še-mu-ú taq-ri-bi qa-[i-šu ba-la]-ṭi
(b) 32 šá ar-ḫiš nap-šu-ru ba-šu-⸢ú!⸣[it-ti-šu]
(b) 33 [m]ìn-su ki-ma ka-a-ta DINGIR [...]
(b) 34 [pa-Á]Š-ra en-net-ta e-nin-[na ...]
(b) 35 [dAMA]R.UTU mìn-su ki-ma ka-a-t[a DINGIR ...]
(b) 36[pa-Á]Š-ra en-net-ta ⸢e⸣-[nin-na ...]
(b) 37 [ia]-mìn se-zu-z[u …]
(b) 38 [man-n]u-um-ma ina DINGIR.ME[Š i-né-’i i-rat-ka]
(b) 39 ⸢d⸣AMAR.UTU ia-mìn še-zu-zu x [...]
(b) 40 man-nu-um-ma ina DINGIR.MEŠ i-né-’[i i-rat-ka]
(b) 41 be-lum ug-gu-uk-ka ta-as-s[a-bu-us]
(b) 42 qab-lu-uš ta-⸢ma-tú⸣ né-su-[ú na-ba-lu(?)]
(b) 43 dAMAR.UTU u[g-gu-uk-ka ta-as-sa-bu-us]
(b) 44 qab-lu-u[š] t[a-ma-tú né-su-ú na-ba-lu(?)]
(b) 45 u4-mì-šam-ma e-du-⸢ú⸣ [...]
(b) 46 uš-te-li a-gu-ú x [...]
(b) 47 ku-us-su ina lu-’-tum U[ZU?.MEŠ?-šú]
(b) 48 i-tur-šú ra-ma-nu-uš [...]
(b) 49 it-bé-⸢e⸣ [ x x L]I!-IM! [...] x ṢU
(b) 50 e-mid-ma x [...] x-ri
(b) 51 ul i-le-’-em [i?-ra?-am?-m]u?la-ban-nu
(b) 52 iḫ-ḫa-zu še-pa-šu má[n?-gu? ù?l]u?-u’-tú
(b) 53 be-lum at-ta-ma t[u-ki-il na-p]iš-tuš
(b) 54 ṭi-di-iš-ma i-te-me i-tu-r[u u]p-pu-šu
(b) 55 dAMAR.UTU at-ta-ma tu-ki-il n[a]-piš-tuš
(b) 56 ṭi-di-iš-ma i-te-me i-tu-ru up-pu-šu
(b) 57 nap-li-is-ma be-lum šu-nu-ḫu ÌR-ka
(b) 58 li-zi-qa IM-ka-ma za-mar nap-šir-šu
(b) 59 liš-tap-ši-iḫ šèr-ta-ka ka-bit-ta
(b) 60 ru-um-me ma-ak-si-šú lip-pu-uš sur-riš
(b) 61 ru-um-me il-lu-ur-ta-šú pu-ṭur ma-ak-si-šú
(b) 62 e-la mu-tim-ma qu-la ši-ta-al-šú
(b) 63 ug-gu-uk-ka a-a iš-šá-gi-iš gi-mil nap-šat-su
(a) ii 1' dAMAR.UTU x [. . .]
(b) 64 dAMAR.UTU a-na ÌR-ka-ma qu-la ši-ta-al-šu
(a) ii 2' ug-gu-uk[-ka . . .]
(b) 65 ug-gu-uk-ka a-a iš-šá-gi-iš gi-mil nap-šat-su
(a) ii 3' e ta-a’-bu-u[t . . .]
(b) 66 e ta-’a-bu-ut ÌR bi-nu-ut ŠU.MIN-ka
(a) ii 4' i-na ša a DI x [. . .]
(b) 67 i-na šá ṭi-di-iš i-mu-ú me-nu-ú né-me-el-šú
(a) ii 5' ba-al-ṭú-um-m[a . . .]
(b) 68 bal-ṭum-ma ar-du be-la-šú i-pal-làḫ
(a) ii 6' e-ep/eb-ru mi-tu-[um . . .]
(b) 69 ep-ru mi-i-tuma-na DINGIR mi-na-a uṣ-ṣap
(a) ii 7' i-ba-aš-ši iš-t[u-ka . . .]
(a) ii 8' ki-a-šum bu-ul-l[u-ṭú-um . . .]
(a) ii 9' ši-tu-lum ne-me-[qum . . .]
(a) ii 10' na-ṣa-rum ù x [. . .]
(a) ii 11' a-šar [a]p-p[í? . . .]
(a) ii 12' la m[u . . .]
(a) ii 13' ša x [. . .]
(a) ii 14' wa-ša-[x x . . .]
(a) ii 15' ÌR x [. . .]
(a) ii 16' x pa [. . .]
(a) ii 17' x ta a [. . .]
(a) ii 18' i [. . .]
(b) 70 i-ba-áš-ši iš-tu ul-la mit-lu-ku ši-tu-lu
(b) 71 ka-a-šú bul-lu-ṭu pa-ṭa-ra ar-na
(b) 72 ši-tu-lu né-me-lu mit-lu-ku ku-ši-[ru]
(b) 73 a-za-ri (ù?) up-pu-ú da-mi-iq a-na ṭè-e-me
(b) 74 áš-ru um-mu-la mit-lu-ku [rēmāšu(?)]
(b) 75 la muš-ta-lu mut-tag-gi-šú ṭu-pul-šú [iqqabbi]
(b) 76 šak-na-at šèr-tum um-mu-qu i-n[a-áš-šar]
(b) 77 a-za-ri šak-nu-u[š] ú-šá-as-ḫir [arna]
(b) 78 ÌR ár-nu-uš-šú be-l[u]-⸢šú⸣ [uštamḫir(?)]
(b) 79 i-pa-áš-šaḫ Š[À ...]
(b) 80 i-tar a-na x [...]
(b) 81 ú-za-am-m[ur …]
(b) 82 ma-ri šá [...]
(b) 83 ug-ga-⸢tuš⸣ x [...]
(b) 84 ul i-di x [...]
(b) 85 ar-du be-la-š[ú i-pal-láḫ(?)]
(b) 86 ul il-lik GI x […]
(b) 87 dIM šá-gi-m[u ...]
(b) 88 a-šar ap-pi [...]
(b) 89 a-šar en-n[it-ti …]
(b) 90 a-šar Ú [...]
(b) 91 be-lum a-na šá ⸢i⸣-[zir? ...]
(b) 92 kaba-tu-uš ma-ṭu-[ú ...]
(b) 93 dAMAR.UTU a-na šá i-z[ir? ...]-šu
(b) 94 kaba-tu-uš ma-ṭu-[ú ...]-šu
(b) 95 [...] x RU
(b) 96 [...] ⸢I?⸣ [x x (x)] ŠÚ
(b) 97 [...] x UR TU? x
(b) 98 [... u-ul(?)] i-di gìl-lat-⸢su⸣
(b) 99 [... Š]U a-me-lu-tu
(b) 100 [... šá-k]in ⸢ki⸣-i dum-qí
(b) 101 iš-t[u ... i/a-n]a aḫ-ra-a-ti
(b) 102 ia-mu-ú MA? G[U ...] x x [...] x KUR
(b) 103 ina bi-na-at šà-sur-[r]i? u ku[l]-lat n[a-ap-šá-ti(?)]
(b) 104 man-nu la i-ḫi-ṭu a-tar la i[ḫ-ta-ṭu]
(b) 105 man-nu ša it-ta-aṣ-ṣa-ru la ir-šu-u ḫi-ṭi-tu
(b) 106 a-a-ú šá it-ta-ḫi-[ṭ]ù gíl-la-tú la ub-lam
(b) 107 la i-da-nim-m[a šèr-t]uš-ši-na la na-aṭ-la
(b) 108 šá dam-qat ù [mas]-kàt DINGIR muš-kal-lim
(b) 109 šá i-šú-u DINGIR-šú [ku]š-šu-da ḫi-ṭa-tu-šú
(b) 110 šá DINGIR-šú la i-šú-u ma-’-du ar-nu-šú
(b) 111 e-nu-ma at-ta i-lu-uš i-du-uš-šú
(b) 112 at-mu-šu nu-us-su-uq-ma sì-kàr-šú šu-⸢šur⸣
(b) 113 K[A]-šú ár-nu la ba-bil [...]
(b) 114 dEN x [x] x x-ka-ti i-ri-x [...]
(b) 115 x x x [x x] x AK x x [...]
(b) 116 [x x x x x x] x [...]
(b) 117 (missing)
(b) 118 (missing)
(b) 119 (missing)
(b) 120 [...] x x ⸢SI/AT?⸣ [...]
(b) 121 [...] x SI it-ti-šú šu[p]-š[u-qu ...]
(b) 122 [...] x x a-na ka-me-šú ⸢TE⸣ x [...]
(b) 123 [...] ḫi-is-sa-ta né-m[e?-qi?]
(b) 124 [...] x x ni-is-sa-ta ù k[u-ri]
(b) 125 mur-ṣu de-ḫu [ḫa-m]e-tum di-lip-tum
(b) 126 UGU-šu ir-te-eḫ-ḫu-⸢ú⸣ [i]m-ṭu-ú ta-né-ḫu
(b) 127 a-pu-uḫ-hu a-nu-nu ḫat-tum pi-rit-tum
(b) 128 ṭar-du-šum-ma ú-na-as-su-ú ⸢ni⸣-iz-mat-su
(b) 129 iḫ-ti-ṭam-ma mar-ṣa-tuš i-[ba]k-ki-ka
(b) 130 kab-ta-as-su na-an-gul-lat-ma iḫ-[ta]m-maṭ-ka
(b) 131 na-an-ḫu-uz di-im-ta ki-ma im-ba-ri ú-šá-a[z-ni]n
(b) 132 ut-taḫ-ḫaz-ma ú-šab-ka-a la a-lit-t[iš]
(b) 133 ki-i lal-la-ri qu-bé-e ú-šá-aṣ-rap
(b) 134 du-lup-šú i-qab-bi ina te-ni-ni
(b) 135 mi-na-a e-mu-ma ik-pu-da be-li ar-ṭiš
(b) 136 lu-ub-la pi-i-šú šá la i-di
(b) 137 ma-ʼ-du-ma an-nu-ú-a aḫ-ta-ṭi ka-la-ma
(b) 138 be-li an-ni-ta lu e-ti-iq lu-u-ṣi ina šap-šá-qí
(b) 139 ma-ʼ-du-ma an-nu-u-a aḫ-ta-ṭi ka-la-ma
(b) 140 dAMAR.UTU an-ni-ta lu e-ti-iq lu-u-ṣi ina ša[p]-⸢šá⸣-qí
(b) 141 ḫu-um-mu-um na-ás-qúr ni-[z]i[r-t]a na-ši šèr-ta e-pe-ri ka-ši-[šú][1]
(b) 142 il-qu-šú e-kil pa-ni ur-ru-šú áš-riš di-i-⸢ni⸣
(b) 143 ina ba-ab šèr-ti-ka ka-sa-a i-da-a-š[u]
(b) 144 i-pa-áš-šar-kúm-ma i-di la i-⸢di⸣
(b) 145 i-ta-mu-ka ina un-nin-ni
(b) 146 ši-iṭ-ru šá dé-a li-šap-šiḫ lib-bu-uk-ka
(b) 147 te-mi-qu-šú e-li-iš li-kil-ka
(b) 148 in-ḫu ù re-e-ma a-ḫu-lap liq-bu-ka
(b) 149 a-mu-ur-ma ep-še-ta-šú ma-ru-uš-ta
(b) 150 li-nu-uḫ lib-ba-ka-ma ri-ši-šú re-e-mu
(b) 151 a-ḫu-uz ŠU.MIN-su pu-ṭur a-ra-an-šú
(b) 152 šu-us-si di-ʼ-a di-lip-ta e-li-šú
(b) 153 ina pi-i ka-ra-še-e na-di ÌR-ka
(b) 154 šu-ut-bi-ma šèr-tuk-ka ina na-ri-ṭi eṭ-ra-áš-šú
(b) 155 ḫi-pi qu-un-nab-ra-šu il-lu-ur-ta-šú pu-ṭur ma-ak-si-šú
(b) 156 nu-um-mir-šu-ma šal-meš pi-qid-su i-liš ba-ni-šú
(b) 157 bul-liṭ ÌR-ka li-na-’-id qur-di-ka
(b) 158 nar-bi-ka li-šá-pi a-na kal da-ád-me
(b) 159 mu-ḫir kàd-ra-šú le-qí pi-de-e-šu
(b) 160 ina qaq-qar šul-mì maḫ-ra-⸢ka⸣ lit-tal-lak
(b) 161 ḪÉ.NUN ḫi-iṣ-ba pa-rak-k[a-k]a li-šá-⸢az⸣-nin
(b) 162 bi-tuš-ka za-na-na-[š]u lu ka-a-a-⸢an⸣
(b) 163 šam-na ši-ga-ri-ka GIM A.MEŠ li-šar-mì-ik
(b) 164 ì-ḫé-nun-na-ku li-ṭaḫ-ḫi-da sip-pi-ka
(b) 165 li-šá-aṣ-li-ka za-’-i e-re-ni
(b) 166 ar-man-ni ri-šá-a-ti ṭu-pu-uš áš-na-an
(b) 167 [...] ⸢GÌL?⸣ AN ⸢SI? ZU?⸣ [...]
(b) 168 [... ina] bi-ti-ka liq-bu-[...]
(b) 169 [...] a-rad-ka-ma ú-suḫ x [...]
(b) 170 [... R]I? TI.LA a-na kiš-[šat-ti ...]
(b) 171 [dam-q]a-a-ti IGI.MIN-ka lib-šá-a e-l[i-šú]
(b) 172 [ina Š]À-bi-ka šu-ú a-na SIG5-tim liq-[bi?]
(b) 173 ⸢e⸣ taš-kun gíl-la-tu qa-tu[š-šu]
(b) 174 ⸢a⸣-aub-la a-ra-an-šu-ma ḫi-ṭí-ta a-a u[š-ta-bil]
(b) 175 ul-li re-ši-šú šu-lum i-bi-šum [...]
(b) 176 lu at-rat dLÁMA-šú UGU šá qa-a[d-mi]
(b) 177 ep-šu pi-i-šú šar-ra-šú li-šá-qir [...]
(b) 178 qí-ba-tuk-ka lu-ú še-mu-ú zik-ú-[tu?-šú?]
(b) 179 li-šal-lim at-ma-šu ma-gi-ir li-ša[b x x x]
(b) 180 ur-ḫu pa-da-nu u su-lu-ú <li>-in-[né-ši-ru]
(b) 181 a-mir-šú ina SILA lit-ta-’-id DINGIR-ut-ka
(b) 182 EN-ma LÚ.ÚŠ bul-luṭ i-le-’i li-iz-zak-ru
(b) 183 ⸢a⸣-mir-šú ina SILA lit-ta-a’-id DINGIR-ut-ka
(b) 184 dAMAR.UTU-ma LÚ.ÚŠ bul-[luṭ i-l]e-’i li-iz-zak-ru
(b) 185 ⸢ù⸣ ar-du šá [...] x tag-me-⸢lu⸣-šu
(b) 186 ⸢a⸣-na kul-lat UN.ME[Š li-šá]-pi nar-bi-ka
(b) 187 [li]d-lul šá mi-tu-u[s-su] ⸢ú⸣-kal-li-mu-šú ZÁLAG
(b) 188 [l]ik-tar-ra-ba-ka [...] x LA it-ti-šú
(b) 189 [k]i-i ša ina šat [mu-ši ...] x [Ì]R-ka
(b) 190 ⸢a⸣-na kul-lat U[N.MEŠ ...] Ì[R]-⸢ka⸣ liš-te-pi
(b) 191 [in]az[i]-k[ir ib-bu]-ú i-te-ep-šú dEN
(b) 192 [b]e-lum šal-b[a-bu l]i-nu-uḫ riš-tuk
(b) 193 ina zi-kir ib-[bu-ú] dé-a i-te-ep-šú
(b) 194 dAMAR.UTU šal-ba-[bu l]i-nu-uḫ riš-tuk
(b) 195 ag-ga ŠÀ-ba-šú ú-ni-iḫ in-ḫu
(b) 196 uš-pa-áš-šaḫ ka-b[at-t]a-šú i-na te-ni-ni
(b) 197 šá dAMAR.UTU ag-ga ŠÀ-ba-šú ú-ni-iḫ in-ḫu
(b) 198 uš-pa-áš-šaḫ ka-bat-ta-šú i-na te-ni-ni
(b) 199 [e-n]u-ma ša mi-ti ÌR-su ú-bal-liṭ
(b) 200 [ṭu-u]b ŠÀ-bi ⸢ù⸣ bu-ʼ-a-ri ana da-riš iš-ruk-šú
(b) 201 [napḫar(?) m]a-a-ti šu-pa-a a-za-ru-uš
(b) 202 [šâšu(?) uš-ta-nam]-da-na-ma UN.MEŠ aḫ-ra-taš
(b) 203 [šádAMAR.UTU nap-ḫa-a]r ma-a-ti šu-pa-a a-za-ru-uš
(b) 204 [šâšu(?) uš-ta-nam-d]a-na-ma UN.MEŠ aḫ-ra-taš
(b) 205 IṢ? [...] i-lu4 dAMAR.UTU
(b) 206 ri-ši-šú ⸢re⸣-e-ma naq-ra-ta a-na ÌR-ka
(b) 207 un-nin-ni ša dAMAR.UTU
(b) 208 muš-na-mir gi-mir šá-ma-me
[1] Each MS preserves a different version.
Translation follows Oshima 2011, 159-171.
(1-4) O Lord, the fierce one, may [your] heart relent,
May your mind become calm for [your] ser[vant].
O Marduk, the fierce one, may your heart relent,
May your mind become calm for your servant.
(5-8) He who is the deluge, a šibbu-dragon, a massive flood,
The battle of Fire (god), where is your rival?
Marduk, he who is the deluge, a šibbu-dragon, a massive flood (v. [Ma]rduk, [your] rag[e is šibb]u)
The battle of Fire (god), where is your rival?
(9-12) [The will of pun]ishment is your anger, (but) you can help, .
Your benevolent attention is gratifying; your mercy is like that of a father. (v. like the merciful father.)
[Mard]uk, the will of pun[ishment is your ang]er, (but) you can help,
Your benevolent attention is gratifying; your mercy is like that of a father.
(13-16) You know (how) to forgive in the face of punishment (and)
To clear away the penalty in adversity.
Marduk, you know (how) to forgive in the face of punishment (and)
To clear away the penalty in adversity.
(17-20) Your heart is merciful, your mind is good,
You allow passing over from punishment, (and from) guilt.
Marduk, [yo]ur hea[rt] is merciful, your mind [is good],
You allow passing over from punishment, (and from) guilt.
(21-24) Lord, you are [the one who know]s(?) intelligence,
The one who gained profou[nd] advice and [con]sultation.
Marduk, your are [the one who know]s(?) intelligence,
The one who gained profound advice and [con]sultation.
(25-28) The recipient of supplications, the one who accep[ts p]rayers,
The one who watches over life, the judicious god.
Marduk, the recipient of supplications, the one who ace[ epts p ]rayers,
The one who watches over life, the judicious god.
(29-32) The one who listens to (verbal) offerings, the one who grants health,
The one with whom forgiveness quickly comes into being
Marduk, the one who listens to (verbal) offerings, the one who gra[nts hea]lth,
The one [with whom] forgiveness quickly comes into being
(33-36) [W]hy, like to you, [no] god [is able]
[To rele]ase the penalty, to grant fa[vour, ...]
Marduk, why, like to y[ou, no god is able]
[To rele]ase the penalty, to grant fa[vour, ...]
(37-40) [W]ho is fierc[ e ...
[W]ho among the gods can [turn you back]?
Marduk, who is fierce . [...]
Who among the gods can turn [you] back?
(41-44) Lord, in your anger, you have bec[ome enraged],
In the midst of the seas, far away are [the dry lands.]
Marduk, in your [anger, you have become enraged],
In the midst of the [seas, far away are the dry lands.]
(45-48) Daily, flood water [...]
The high-wave was raised . [...]
[His] b[ody(?)] was paralyzed in weakness.
He turned to him, to himself, [...]
(49-52) He rose [ ... ] ... [ ... ] ...
He is leaning and [ ... ] .. ,
He cannot eat and drink, the tendon of (his) neck [becomes slac]k.
P[aralysis(?) and de]bility(?) seize his feet (paralyzing his walking ability?)
(53-56) You are the lord; tu[rn back to (him for) his l]ife (v. the life)!
He has become mud and ret[urned to] his pit.
You are Marduk; turn back to (him for) his [l]ife (v. the life)!
He has become mud and returned to his pit.
(57-59) Behold, Lord, your weary servant (v. your servant is so weary)!
Let your wind blow. Be reconciled with him quickly.
May it (your wind) repeatedly alleviate your severe punishment.
(60-61) Loosen his bonds (so that) he may breathe immediately.
Loosen his manacle, release his bonds.
(62-65) Apart from death, pay heed, consider him (v. be always there for him).
He shall not be slaughtered in your anger, spare his life.
Marduk, to your servant, pay heed consider him (v. be always there for him).
He shall not be slaughtered in your anger, spare his life.
(66-69) You shall not destroy the servant, the creation of your own hands (v. adds: spare [...])
Regarding the one who turns into mud, what is his merit?
(Only) a living servant reveres his master.
What can the dead dust (i.e., the dead man) add to the god(s)?
(70-73) There is, from ancient times, thoughtful consultation,
Aiding, giving life, (and) absolving crime.
Consultation (and) benefit, thoughtfulness (and) succ[ess],
Helping and gain: It is favourable for the rational mind.
(74-77) Lowering the head (lit.: nose; v. omits) (but) not well advised ..[(.)] ..[(.)]
Not thoughtful, bustling, insulting him [ ...]
The punishment is established, he is weary i[n distress/illness]
Help is established for him (v. releas[e; helps are strong), I made [him] to take [an oath].
(78-81) The servant, in his crime, the lor[d ...]
[His] heart is calming down [...]
He turns toward [...]
He is praisin[g ...]
(82-85) The son who [...]
His anger, [...]
He does not know. [what is his crime(?).]
The servant [reveres(?} his master.
(86) He did not go .. [ ...
(87-90) Raging Addu [...]
Lowering the head (lit.: nose) [...]
Where the punis[hment ...]
Where [...]
(91-94) Lord, for the one who [cursed(?) ...]
His emotion is diminished [...]
Marduk, for the one who curs[ed(?) ...]
His emotion is diminished [ ... ] .
(95-97) (Too many lacunae to translate)
(98-100) [...] he [does not(?)] kno[w(?)] (what is) his transgression .
[...] mankind,
[... place]d/placi]ng as a good (thing).
(101-104) Since [... i]n/f]or the future,
Who would [...] ... [...] mountain?
Among the creations of the womb (i.e., mother-goddess) and all the l[iving beings,]
Who did not watch enough (lit.: more) and has not bo[me any sins]?
(105-108) Who was so on his guard so as not to bear sin?
Where is the one, who was so careful (and) carries no guilt?
Did not they lay their [faul]t on me? Are they invisible?
A god is the one who reveals what is good and what is [b ]ad.
(109-112) The one who has his god, his sins are [chaJsed away,
The one who does not have his god, his crimes are many.
When you, his god, are at his side,
His speech is well chosen (v. You are chosen), his word is honest.
(113) His mouth(?) does not bear crime [...]
(114-116) (Too fragmentary to read)
(117-119) (Missing)
(120) (Too fragmentary to read)
(121-124) [...] ... with him, diffic[ult ...]
[...] ... to bind him ... [...]
[...] understanding wis[dom],
[...] ... wailing and depres[sion].
(125-128) Sickness, the deḫu-disease, [goo]se flesh and sleeplessness
Have continuously poured depletion and moaning upon him.
Fright, panic, fear and horror
Have been sent to him and have removed his desire.
(129-132) He has seen his difficulties and is wail[in]g about it to you,
His mind is ablaze and he pines for you.
Tears are flowing (lit.: flowing of tears), as if he makes drizzle [fa]ll down,
He is wailing and bringing forth a cry like a barren woman.
(133-136) Like a mourner, he cries out laments,
He speaks of his sleeplessness (v. oppressing him) in the appeal.
(As for) what my lord imposed (as sin) and planed right now (v. What his helper ...?)
Let me bring (v. Did not they bring?) his words (lit.: mouth) that he does not know:
(137-140) "My crimes are many, I have committed every sin,"
"My lord, I indeed transgressed, let me be out of adversity."
"My crimes are many, I have committed every sin,"
"Marduk, I indeed transgressed, let me be out of ad[v]ersity."
(141-144) Collected and named, he bears the curse, he was crowned and ve[iled] with the crime.
They took him (with) a darkened face leading him to the place for jud[gment].
At the Gate-of-your-Punishment, [his] hands are bound,
He explains to you what is known and not known.
(145-148) He is speaking to you in the prayer,
May the šiṭru-song of Ea calm your heart.
May his deep prayer hold you high,
The inḫu-song and mercy, may they say to you: "aḫulap."
(149-152) Behold his painful behaviour,
So that your heart shall relent. Have mercy on him.
Hold his hands, absolve him from his crime,
Remove the diʾu-disease and sleeplessness from him.
(153-156) Your servant is cast into the mouth of annihilation,
Remove your punishment, and from the morass, save him.
Break his fetters (and) his manacle, untie his bonds,
Enlighten him and as a whole entrust him to the (personal) god who created him.
(157-160) Let your servant live (v. give birth to your servant) so that he can praise your heroism,
May he proclaim your greatness to the entire world.
Accept his offering, receive his gift,
On the soil of well-being, in front of you, may he walk.
(161-164) May he rain down abundant agricultural products on your dais,
Let his provision of foods be performed in your temple.
May he drench your bolt bar with oil like water,
May he drip precious oil onto your doorjambs plentifully.
(165-168) May he burn for you cedar resin,
Apricots of celebrations, abundance of grain.
[...] ... [...]
[... in] your temple(?), may they say(?) [...]
(169-172) [...] your servant, remove! [...]
[...] life for a[ll ...]
May your [favour]able eyes be up[ on him],
[For] your [hea]rt, let him spe[a]k out for favour.
(173-176) You shall not put any transgression i[n his] hand,
May he not bear any crime, may he not be lo[aded with] any sin.
Raise up his head (v. the head), proclaim well-being for him. (v. he called [his] name.)
May his Lamassu-spirit be more than be[fore.]
(177-180) At his words, let him honour his king [...]
By your command, [his] exoneration be heard.
May he accomplish his word, "that is favourable," may [...].
[May] the road, the way and the street, b[e in order].
(181-184) May everyone who sees him in the street praise your divinity,
May they say: "(Only) the lord can revive the dead."
May everyone who sees him in the street praise your divinity,
May they say: "(Only) Marduk [c]an revi[ve] the dead."
(185-188) And the servant whose life you spared [in(?) the difficulty(?)],
To the whole people, let him [pro ]claim your greatness.
[L]et him praise the one who showed him the light in hi[s] grave (lit.: death),
Let him bless you continuously [...] ... with him.
(189-190) As your [s]ervant [has prayed to you] during the [night],
Let [you]r s[er]vane proclaim [your praise] to all people again and again.
(191-194) By the [comm]and [which] the lord [has given and has made,]
[Ma]y the furio[us] lord rest in your celebration.
In the command [which] Ea has g[iven] and has made,
[Ma]y the furio[us] Marduk rest in your celebration.
(195-198) The inḫu-song appeased his furious heart,
He calmed his (lit.: your) mind by the petition.
The inḫu-song appeased the furious he[art of] Marduk,
He calmed his mi[ n ]d in the petition.
(199-200) [W]hen, like/to the heavens(?) [...] he gave life to his servant.
[For his sat]isfa[ction ...] forever, he gave him,
(201-204) [Lord, ... ] show (him) his help,
[... p]eople, in the future.
[Marduk, ...] show his help,
[... p]eople, in the future.
(205-206) . [...] the god (v. gods), Marduk,
Have mercy on him, (have) pity on your servant.
(207) The prayer ofMarduk.
(208) Provider of light of the entire heavens
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abātum (v.) | G to destroy; D destroy completely | (a) ii 3', (b) 66 | |
abūbum | flood, deluge | (b) [5], [7] | |
abum | father | (a) i 3', 5', (b) 10, 12 | |
Adad (dIŠKUR) | DN | (b) 77 | |
aggum | angry | (b) 195, 197 | |
agûm II | wave, flood | (b) 46 | |
aḫāzum (v.) | G to take, marry, grasp, seize, learn; Š to make s.o. take, marry, learn | (b) 52, 151 | |
aḫrâtaš, aḫriātiš | for ever after | (b) [202], 204 | |
aḫrītu, aḫrâtu | later time | (b) 101 | |
aḫulap | (it is) enough! | (b) 148 | |
ai, ē, â | not | (a) ii 3', (b) 63, 65, 66, 173, 174 (x2) | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | (b) 76, 160 | |
ali | where? | (b) 6, 8 | |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | (b) 5, 7, 149 | |
āmirum, āmerum, āwirum | that sees, reads | (b) 181, 183 | |
ana I | to, for | (b) [2], 4, 69, 81, 83, 122, [158], 170, 172, 186, 190, 206 | |
annûm | this, those | (b) 137, 138, 139, 140 | |
anūnu | fear, dread | (b) 127 | |
apārum, epēru (v.) | G to cover the head, Gt stat. is decked with | (b) 141 | |
apuḫḫu | fear | (b) 127 | |
arḫiš | quickly, hastily | (b) 30, 32 | |
armannum | apricot(?) tree | (b) 166 | |
arnum | sin, guilt, misdeed, punishment, fault, penalty | (b) 18, 20, [71], 110, 151, 174 | |
ašnan (ŠE.TIR) | grain, cereal | (b) 166 | |
ašrum (KI) | place, site | (a) ii 11', (b) 78, 79, 80, 142 | |
attā | you (m. sg.) | (b) 21, 23, 53, 55 | |
atwûm, atmûm | speech, word | (b) 112, 179 | |
awīlūtum, amēlūtu | humanity, mankind | (b) 99 | |
awûm, amû (v.) | G to speak; Gt speak, discuss, negotiate | (b) 145 | |
ayyum, ayyûm | which? | (b) 106 | |
azāru (v.) | to help | (b) [201], 203 | |
babālum (v.) cf. wabālum | to carry, bring | (a) i 6', 8', 11', (b) 13, 15, 18 | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | (b) 143 | |
bakûm (v.) | G to weep, cry | (b) 129, 132 | |
balāṭum (TI) | life, vigour, good health | (a) i 20', (b) 29, [31], 170 | |
balāṭum (v.) | G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for | (a) ii 8', (b) 157, 182, 184 | |
balṭum | living, alive | (a) ii 5', (b) [68] | |
bānûm, f. bānîtum | creator, begetter | (b) [21], 156 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | (a) i [21'], ii 7', (b) 30, 32, 171 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | (b) 1, 21, 41, 53, 57, 68, 75, 81, 135, 138, 182, 192, 200 | |
binûtum | creation | (b) 66 | |
bītum (É) | house | (b) 162 | |
dadmū | the inhabited world; villages, settlements | (b) 158 | |
dalālum (v.) | G to praise | (b) 187 | |
damqum | good | (b) 108, [171], 172 | |
diliptum | sleeplessness, anxiety | (b) 125, 152 | |
dimtum II | tear | (b) 131 | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | (b) 142 | |
di'um I, ṭi'um, ṭīḫum | a disease affecting the head, malaria(?) | (b) 125, 152 | |
duḫḫusu (v.) | D to oppress, Dt be oppressed | (b) 132 | |
dullum | toil, trouble; work, service | (b) 70 | |
dullupum | very restless | (b) 134 | |
dummuqum | good quality, very good | (a) i [11'], [13'], (b) [18], 20 | |
dumqum | goodness, good (thing), welfare | (b) 100 | |
Ea | DN | (b) 146 | |
edûm | flood, wave | (b) 45 | |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | (b) 13, 15, 74, 98, 107, 136, 144 (x2) | |
eklum | dark | (b) 142 | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | (b) 126, 152, 171, 176 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | (b) 46, 175 | |
emēdum (v.) | to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) | (b) 50 | |
enēnum (v.) I | G to grant a privilege, do a favor, to grant favour, be favourable | (b) 34, 36 | |
ennettum | sin | (b) 14, 16, 34, 36 | |
enûm (v.) | to change, overturn | (b) [38], 40 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | (b) 54, 56 | |
epištum, epšetum | deed, action, work | (b) 149 | |
epšum | made, built, inflicted | (b) 177 | |
erēnum (gišEREN) | cedar | (b) 165 | |
eršum I | wise | (a) i 15', 17', (b) 22, 24 | |
esû (v.) | G to effectuate, bring to pass, Š make pass, banish | (b) 152 | |
etēqum I (v.) | G to go past, cross over; Gtn iter.; Š caus. of G | (b) 138, 140 | |
eṭērum (v.) | G to take away, save | (b) 154 | |
ewûm I (v.) | G to become, turn into; Š make s.o./ like | (b) 54, 56 | |
ewûm II (v.) | G to impose on | (b) 135 | |
gamālum (v.) | to be obliging, to spare, to save | (b) 63, 65, 185 | |
gapāšum (v.) | to rise up, swell | (b) 5, 7 | |
gillatum | misdeed | (b) 18, 20, 98, 106, 173 | |
gimrum | totality, all | (b) 208 | |
Girra | DN | (b) 6, 8 | |
ḫamāṭum (v.) II | G to hasten, be quick; D hurry | (b) 130 | |
ḫātum | terror, panic | (b) 127 | |
ḫaṭûm (v.) | to do wrong, commit crime; be neglectful | (b) [104], 137, 139 | |
ḫiādu (v.) | to say, pronounce | (b) 129 | |
ḫiṣbum | (abundant) yield, produce | (b) 161 | |
ḫissatum (//sí-sí?) | understanding, mention | (b) 123 | |
ḫiṭītum | sin, flaw, defect | (b) 105, 109, 174 | |
ibrum, ebrum | friend, colleague | (a) ii 6', (b) 69 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | (b) 111, 143 | |
iḫenunnakku | oil of plenty, precious oil | (b) 164 | |
iliš, eliš | to, on, like a god | (b) 147, 156 | |
illurtu | handcuffs | (b) 61, 155 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | (b) 26, 28, 33, [35], 38, 40, 69, 108, 109, 110, 205 | |
ilūtum | divinity, godhead | (b) 181, 183 | |
imbarum, ibbarum | fog, mist | (b) 131 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | (a) i [7'], [9'], ii 4', (b) 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 38, 40, 134, 138, 140, 143, 145, 153, 154, 160, [172], 181, 183, 189, 191, 193 | |
inḫum I | suffering | (b) 148 | |
īnum (IGI) | eye | (b) 171 | |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | (b) 111, 199 | |
irtum I (GABA) | breast, chest | (b) [38], [40] | |
ištum, ultu | from, out of, since, after | (a) ii 7' | |
išûm (v.) | G to have | (b) 109, 110 | |
itti | with | (a) i 21', (b) 30, [32], 121, 188 | |
itūlum, utūlum (v.) | Gt to lie down, sleep, be lying | (b) 111 | |
kabattum, kabtatum | liver, mood, mind, intention | (b) 2, 4, 130 | |
kabtum | heavy, substantial, honoured, distinguished | (b) 59, 82, 84 | |
kadrûm, kedrûm, katrû | present, greeting gift | (b) 159 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | (b) 137, 139, 158 | |
kamûm (v.) | to bind, snare | (b) 122 | |
kapādu (v.) | to plan, scheme | (b) 135 | |
karābum (v.) | G to pray, bless, greet ; Gtn iter. Gt constantly pray to, call blessings on; Š caus. of G | (b) 188 | |
karāšum II | catastrophe | (b) 153 | |
karšum | stomach, interior, womb; mind, understanding | (a) i 10', 12', (b) 17, 19 | |
kasārum (v.) | to block, pave | (b) 47 | |
kasû I | bound | (b) 143 | |
kâti | you | (b) 33, 35 | |
kayyānum | regular, normal, constantly, regularly | (b) 162 | |
kī | like, how?, if, that | (b) 10, [12], 100, 133, 189 | |
kiāšum (v.) | to help | (a) i 2', 4', ii 8', (b) [9], 11 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | (a) i [3'], 5', (b) 33, 35, 131, 163 | |
kullatum | totality, all of ... | (b) 186, 190 | |
kullum III (v.) | to hold, hold back, cover | (b) 147 | |
kullumum (v.) | D to show, display | (b) 108, 187 | |
kūrum I | depression, torpor | (b) [124] | |
kuššudu | chased (off) | (b) 109 | |
lā | not | (b) 104, 105, 106, 107 (x2), 110, 136, 144 | |
lallarum | mourner | (b) 133 | |
le'ûm (v.) | to be able, powerful | (a) i 4', (b) 9, [11], 51, [182], [184] | |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | (b) 25, 27, 142, 159 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | (b) [1], 3, 17, 19, 146, 150, 172, 195, 197, 200 | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | (b) 138, 140, 176, 178 | |
lu’’û | sullied, dirty | (b) 47, 162 | |
mādum | many, very | (b) 110, 137, 139 | |
maḫārum (v.) | G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received | (b) 159 | |
māḫirum | opponent, antagonist, enemy | (b) [6], 8, 25, 27 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | (b) 160 | |
maksûm | bandage (medical), fetter, shackles | (b) 60, 61, 155 | |
mannum | who?, who | (b) [38], 40, 104, 105 | |
Marduk | DN | (a) ii 1', (b) 3, 7, [11], 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 55, [64], 84, 140, 184, 194, 197, 205, 207 | |
marṣum | sick, troublesome | (b) 129 | |
maruṣtum, maruštum | evil, distress | (b) 149 | |
maskum | bad, evil | (b) [108] | |
maṭûm (v.) | to be(come) little | (b) 82, 84, 126 | |
milkum | advice, counsel, resolution, intelligence | (b) 22, 24 | |
mīlum | high water, flood(ing) | (a) i [10'], [12'], (b) [17], [19] | |
minsu | why? | (b) 33, 35 | |
mīnum | what, what? | (b) 69, 135 | |
mitluku | circumspect, prudent | (b) 70 | |
mītum | dead, transf. of the powerless, of city or country | (a) ii 6', (b) [69], [182], 184, 187 | |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | (b) 163 | |
murṣum (TU.RA) | illness, sorrow, distress | (b) 125 | |
muštālum | judicious, thoughtful, circumspect, deliberate | (a) i 19', (b) 26, 28 | |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | (b) [189] | |
nadûm | placed, laid down | (b) 153 | |
nâdum (v.) | G to praise; D=G | (b) [157], [181], [183] | |
nâḫum (v.) | G to rest; D to calm | (b) [1], 3, 150 | |
nakruṭum | pity, mercy | (b) 206 | |
nangulu | glowing | (b) 130 | |
nanḫuzu | inflamed, glowing | (b) 131 | |
napāšum (v.) | to breathe, become wide | (b) 60 | |
napištum (ZI) | throat, life | (b) 26, 28, 53, 55, 63, 65 | |
napšurum | appeasement, forgiveness | (b) 30, 32 | |
narbûm | greatness, pl. deeds | (b) 158, 186 | |
nāriṭum | marsh, swamp | (b) 154 | |
nasāḫum (v.) | G to tear out, pull out, remove; G~D; N pass. be extracted, torn out | (b) 169 | |
naṣārum (v.) | G to guard, protect; Š caus. to G, keep in mind, heed, obey, respect, safeguard; Gt be careful, on o.’s guard | (a) ii 10' | |
nasḫuru | favorable attention | (b) 12 | |
nāṣirum | guard | (b) 26, 28 | |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | (b) 141 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | (b) 107 | |
nawārum, namāru (v.) | G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen | (b) 156, 208 | |
nēmequm | wisdom, sagacity | (a) ii 9' | |
nesûm (v.) | to be distant, withdraw; D take away, remove | (b) 128 | |
nesûm I (//ba-ad-ḫi) | far, distant | (b) 42, [44] | |
nissatum | wailing, lamentation | (b) 124 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | (b) 186, [190], [202], 204 | |
nizirtum | (the act of) cursing, curse | (b) 141 | |
nizmatum | desire, objective | (b) 128 | |
nuḫšum | abundance, plenty, fertility | (b) 161 | |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | (b) 187 | |
nussuqum | select(ed), chosen | (b) 112 | |
padānum | way, path | (b) 180 | |
palāḫum (v.) | G to fear, revere | (b) 68 | |
palāsum (v.) | to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at | (b) 57 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | (a) i [6'], 8', (b) [13], 15, 142 | |
paqādum (v.) | to entrust, care for, appoint | (b) 156 | |
parakkum (BÁRA) | cult dais, sanctuary, chapel | (b) 161 | |
pašāḫum (v.) | G to cool down, rest; Gtn OB "repeatedly gain relief" sexually; Š cause/allow to rest, calm, pacify; Št be assuaged; ŠD calm, pacify | (b) 2, 4, 146, 196, 198 | |
pašārum (v.) | G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive | (b) 34, 36, 58, 144 | |
paṭārum (v.) | G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened | (b) 14, 16, 61, 71, 151, 155 | |
pīdum | pardon, indulgence, ransom | (b) 159 | |
pirittum | terror | (b) 127 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | (b) [13], 15, 136, 153, 177 | |
qablum I | hips, middle | (b) 42, 44 | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | (b) 134, 148, 168 | |
qâlum (v.) | to pay attention, be silent | (b) 62, 64 | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | (b) 160 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | (b) 66, 151, 173 | |
qiāšum (v.) | to give, present | (b) 29, [31] | |
qibītum | speech, command, utterance, word | (b) 178 | |
qubûm | lamentation | (b) 133 | |
qurdum | warriorhood, heroism | (b) 157 | |
ramākum (v.) | G to bath, wash; D to bath, wash (trans.); Š cause to be drenched | (b) 163 | |
ramānum | self | (b) 48 | |
ramûm III (v.) | G to slacken, become loose; D release, let go | (b) 60 | |
rapāšum (v.) | G to be(come) broad, expand, D widen, extend | (b) 22, 24 | |
rašûm (v.) | G to acquire, get; Š caus. of G | (b) 105, 150, 206 | |
reḫûm (v.) | G to pour out, have sexual intercourse | (b) 126 | |
rēmēnûm | merciful | (b) 17, 19 | |
rēmum | womb, compassion | (a) i 3', 5', (b) 10, 12, 148, 150, [206] | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | (b) 175 | |
rīštum | rejoicing, celebration | (b) 165 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | (a) ii 4', (b) 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 24, 30, 32, 67, 81, 83, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 136, 146, 176, 185, 187, 189, 197, 199, 207 | |
šabāsum, sabāsum (v.) | G to be angry | (b) [41], [43] | |
šagāšum (v.) | to slaughter, to murder | (b) 63, 65 | |
šāgimum | roaring, (he, who) roars | (b) 77 | |
ṣāḫu, zā’u | oven (for oil processing) | (b) 165 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | (b) [100], 173 | |
šalāmum (v.) | G to be(come) healthy, intact; D keep well, intact, pay off in full | (b) 179 | |
šalbābum | wise(?) | (b) 192, 194 | |
šâlum, ša'ālum (v.) I | G to ask; Gt to consult | (b) 62, 64 | |
šamāmū | heaven; heavens | (b) 208 | |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | (b) 163 | |
šapšāqum | constraint, hardship | (a) i 7', 9', (b) 14, 16, 138, 140 | |
ṣarāpum II (v.) | G to be loud, resound; Š make lamentation resound | (b) 133 | |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | (b) 177 | |
šārum (IM) | wind, breath | (b) 58 | |
šašmum, šašnum | (single) combat, battle, war | (b) 6, 8 | |
šāt | who(m), which, of | (b) 189 | |
šēdum | protective deity, luck; spirit (representing vital force) | (b) 176 | |
ṣelû II (v.) | G to ignite, Š make smb. burn incense | (b) 165 | |
šēmûm | hearer, that hears | (b) 29, 31 | |
šēpum | foot, leg | (b) 52 | |
šērtum I, pl. šērētum | penalty, punishment, misdeed, offence | (b) [13], 15, 59, 141, 143, 154 | |
šēzuzu | very fierce | (b) 1, 3, 37, 39 | |
šibbum II | a fierce mythical snake | (b) 5, 7 | |
šigarum | (wooden) clamp, (neck-)stock, door lock, bolt | (b) 163 | |
sippum | (door-)jamb | (b) 164 | |
šiṭrum | (piece of) writing | (b) 146 | |
šitūlum | deliberation, consultation | (a) ii 9', (b) 70 | |
šū | he, that | (b) 172 | |
šulmum | well-being, completeness, health; peace | (b) 160 | |
šūnuḫu | much troubled, wearied | (b) 57 | |
sūqum (SILA) | street | (b) 181, 183 | |
surriš | quickly, soon | (b) 60 | |
šūšurum | in order, correct | (b) 112 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | (b) 12 | |
ṭaḫādum (v.) | G to flourish, be(come) luxuriant, D make smth. rich in | (b) 164 | |
takrību | supplication | (b) 29, 31 | |
tānēḫum | moaning, distress | (b) 126 | |
ṭarādum (v.) | G to send off, despatch, send away | (b) 128 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | (b) 48 | |
tašīmtum | discernment, sagacity, prudence, wisdom, judgement | (a) i [14'], 16', (b) 21, 23 | |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | (b) 49, 154 | |
tēmīqum | (deep) prayer | (b) 147 | |
tēnīnum | weeping, lamentation | (b) 134 | |
teslītum | appeal, prayer | (b) 25, 27 | |
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) | sea, lake | (b) 42, [44] | |
ṭīdiš, ṭiṭṭiš | into clay | (b) 54, 56, [67] | |
ṭuppušu | very plump | (b) 166 | |
u | and, but, also | (b) 108, 124, 148, 152, 185 | |
uggatum | rage, fury | (b) 73 | |
uggum | wrath | (a) i 4', ii 2', (b) 9, [11], 41, [43], [63], 65 | |
ul | not | (b) 51, 73, 76 | |
ūmišam | daily | (b) 45 | |
unnīnum, unnēnum | supplication, petition | (a) i 18', (b) 25, 27, 145, 207 | |
urḫum | way, path | (b) 180 | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | (b) 106, 136, 174, [174] | |
wapûm (v.) | G to be(come) visible, appear; D to make visible; Š to make manifest, appear | (b) [158], [186], 203 | |
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) | slave, servant | (a) ii 15', (b) 57, 66, 68, 75, 135, 153, 157, 169, 185, 189, [201], 206 | |
wârum (v.) | G to go (up to); D instruct, govern, commission, appoint, send | (b) 142 | |
waṣābum (v.) | G to add, increase | (b) 69 | |
waṣûm (v.) | G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G | (b) 138, 140 | |
watrum | huge | (b) 176 | |
yammina | who?, which one? | (b) 37, 39 | |
zakārum, saqārum (v.) | to speak, say, name, mention; talk; swear | (b) 182, 184 | |
zamar | quickly, hurriedly, immediately | (b) 58 | |
zanānum (v.) I | G to rain | (b) 131, 161 | |
zanānum (v.) II | to provision, provide | (b) 162 | |
zīaqum (v.) | G to blow, waft, gust | (b) 58 | |
zikrum, siqrum | utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation | (b) 112, 191, 193 |