CUSAS 32, 56

SEAL no. 26867

Copy / Photo
Pl. CXXVI (photo); CXXVII (copy)
Tablet Siglum
MS 3380
Schøyen Collection, Oslo


1 er-me-eš e-ri-me-eš er-me-eš ù [er-me-eš]

2 e-ri-me-eš lú-ùlu er-me-ešù⸣ [er-me-eš

3 i-na li-⸢ib⸣-bu e[r-ṣ]é-tim ù⸣ [ša-me-e ra-bí]

4 šu-mi na-ṭi-lum [n]a-ṣi-ru x[xx a-na-ku-ma]

5 ap-pa i-na la-al-la ù la-ap-pa-la⸣ [xxxx]

6 a-nu-ma ša-di-i e-né-⸢ruša-⸢di⸣-[i x x x x x] / na-ši-a-ku ta-⸢x⸣ -ik-x[ x x x]

7 se-er-mi-iš se-ri-⸢mi-iš šu⸣ - [x x x x x x]

8 lú la-al ak-ka-⸢x x x⸣ [x x x x x x]

i-na e-ze-zi-ia i-ru-ru ⸢x⸣ [x x x x x x]

10 it-ta-ak-ṣa-ra i-šu-⸢x x x x x⸣ [x x x x]



11 ud il-li li-la-a-al-lali-la / il-li-lu-la

12 i-nu-ma mi-e ep-te-a-am i-lu it-ti-ia ú-la il-[qu-u] / zi-ta-am ki-ma ka-li-su-nu

13 ḫa-al-la ḫa-al ḫi-la ù pa-al-la pa-li-li pa-li / pa-al-la ù-ši-in-dab₅

14 a-na se-be-šu zi-ta-am él-qé i-na qá-ra-du-ti-ia

15 ti-il-la ù nam-ti-il é na-mi-nu-ka za-za-ag-mé-e[n]

16 nam-ti-il dnanna-ma-an-šúm ú nam-ti-il ù aš-š[a-ti-šu?] 

17 ge-er-re-et ma-ti-im a-na aš-ri-im aš-ku-un ra-bu-u[m] / šu-mi

18 ma-li-ku-um ba-nu-um na-ṣí-ru-um a-na-ku-ma





1 Ermeš erimeš ermeš u [ermeš]

2 erimeš human being ermeš u [ermeš]

3 In the heart of the earth and [heaven, great is]

4 my name. Watcher, guardian, [... am I.]

5 Appa ina lalla u lappala [...]
6 When I slew the mountains, the mountains [...] I carry ... [...]
7 Sermiš serimiš [...]

8 human being lal akka ...[...]

9 In my fury they quaked [...]

10 was constructed ... [...]

11 When illi human being lilalla human being lila illilula.

12 When I opened the waters, the gods did not take a share with me all alike (lit. like all of them).

13 Halla hal hila u palla palili pali palla after he seized thither.

14 I took a sevenfold share through my warriorhood.

15 Living and life, in the house of lordship (i.e. é nam-en-na-ka) I am the zazag.

16 Life of Sîn-iddinam and life of [his] wife(?).

17 I set in place the paths of the land. Great is my name.

18 Adviser, fine one, guardian am I.

Word Translation Semantic Line
ana I to, for 14, 17
anāku I, me [4], 18
anumma now 6
arārum III (v.) to be convulsed 9
ašrum (KI) place, site 17
aššatum, aštum wife 16
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being 2, 8, 11
banûm good, beautiful 18
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld 3
ezēzum (v.) G to be(come) angry, rage 9
gerrum way, caravan, (military) campaign; marching song? 17
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 12
ina in, on, by, from 3, 9, 14
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of 11, 12
itti with 12
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) all, totality, everything 12
kaṣārum (v.) to tie, knot; gather 10
kīma like, as; when; that 12
leqûm (v.) G to take, take over; Š caus. of G 12, 14
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 3
mālikum advicer, counsellor 18
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 17
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) water 12
nāṣirum guard 18
nāṣirum guard 4
našûm (v.) G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. 6
nāṭilum watcher 4
nêrum (v.) G to strike, kill; D strike, smite, slay 6
petûm II (v.) G to open, expose; Š to cause to open 12
qarrādūtum heroism, valor 14
rabûm (GAL) I big [3], 17
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold 13
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country 6
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established 17
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven [3]
sebîšu seven times 14
Sîn-Iddinam PN 16
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text 4, 17
u and, but, also 3, 15, 16
ula not 12
zittum (ḪA.LA) share 12, 14
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Revision History
Zomer, Elyze
Tulaikova, Yulia
Text formatting, indexing