SEAL no. 27667
CBS 346 (Langdon 1919)
CBS 346 (CDLI P257792)
ETCSL erroneously refers to a cuneiform source Ash 1922-163 (OECT 5 26), which represents another letter.
1 [lugal-gu10-ra] ù-ne-⌈dug4⌉
2 ⌈árad-gu10 árad-zu na-ab-bé⌉-[a]
3 lugal-gu10 inim-zu inim an-na níg nu-kúr-[ru-dam]
a-wa-at-ka a-wa-at a-nim ša ⌈la⌉ [ut-ta-ka-ru]
4 nam tar-ra-zu dingir-gin7 šu-zu ĝar-⌈ra⌉-[(àm)]
ši-ma-tu-ka ki-ma DINGIR šu-ut-lu-ma-[ni-kim]
5 bàd lugal-ĝu10 šu mu-un-gi4 kíg-bi ⌈ki⌉-b[i?-šè im-ma]-gar
<> ⌈ša⌉ be-lí ú-ša-lim x NI? ši-pí-ir-šu ⌈a?⌉-[na aš-ri-šu aš]-ku-un
6 gìri lú kúr-e kakalam-šè ba-⌈kud!⌉-[(re6)]
še-ep na-ak-ri a-⌈na⌉ ma-tim pa-ar-⌈sa-at⌉
7 ⌈mu⌉ maḫ lugal-gu10 ⌈sig⌉ igi-⌈nim⌉-ma
šu-ma-am ṣi-rum ša be-lí-ia ⌈iš-tu⌉ ma-tim e-li-⌈tim⌉ a-na <>
8 dutu-è-ta u4-šú-uš zag-šè kalam til-la a mi-ni-in-túm-⌈túm⌉-mu
⌈iš⌉-tu <> a-na <> a-na pa-ṭe4 ⌈gi⌉-mi-ir-ti ma-tim i-tam-mi-⌈ra⌉
9 amurrum gú-érim bí-in-gar ní-bi ⌈im-ma⌉-x-x [. . .]
ki-ša-tum šu? ú-x-al na-ak?-[ri . . .]
10 Ikur-gam-ma-bi ⌈dšul⌉-gi-ra túm-⌈mu?⌉ x [...] x (eras.) ḫar-ra-an-kalag igi ḫur-⌈sag⌉-[gá-ka . . .]
ku-un-ši-ma-tum a-⌈na⌉ <> [. . .] a-na ḫal-ṣí ša pa-⌈ni⌉ [ša-di-i . . .]
11 ⌈ù⌉ a-ba-àm-da-⌈sá⌉ [...]
12 ⌈im-sar-re lugal-gu10⌉ [. . .]
⌈ṭup⌉-pí x (eras.) be-lí-⌈ia⌉ [. . .]
13 níg lugal-gu10 ab-[bé-na-(gu10 ga-ab-ak)]
⌈ša⌉ be-lí [i-qa-bu-ú (lu-pu-uš)]
14 [lugal]-⌈gu10⌉ [hé-en-zu]
1 Speak to my king,
2 saying (the words) of Aradmu, your servant.
3 My king, your pronouncements are as the pronouncements of An that cannot be changed.
4 Your destiny has been bestowed to you as to a god!
5 And as for the fortifications that my king commissioned me to finish, I have restored the work to its previous condition.
6 (As a result) the enemy’s access to the frontier territory has been blocked.
7-8 My king’s supreme name illuminates (everything) from North to South, from East to West, to the borders of the entire homeland.
9 The enemy Amorites were put down (?), they themselves (?)...
10 Kurgamabi is bringing (?) to Šulgi . . . the fortress Igiḫursaga
11 And Abaindasa . . .
12 The tablet that my king . . .
13 Whatever you, my king or[der me to do, (I will do)].
14 Now my king [is informed] (about all of this)!
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
ana I | to, for | [5], 6, 7, 8, 10 | |
Anum (//an) | DN | 3 | |
ašrum (//ki) | place, site | [5] | |
awātum (//inim) | word, matter, legal case, lawsuit | 3 | |
bēlum (//lugal) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | 5, 7, 12, 13 | |
elûm II | upper | 7 | |
epēšum (v.) (//ak) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 13 | |
gimirtum (//til) | totality | 8 | |
ḫalṣum (//ha-ra-an-kalag) | fortress, district | 10 | |
ilum (DINGIR) (//dingir) | god, deity | 4 | |
ištum (//-ta) | from | 8 | |
ištum, ultu | from, out of, since, after | 7 | |
kīma (//gin7) | like, as; when; that | 4 | |
kiššatum (KIŠ) | totality, world | 9 | |
kunšimātum (//kur-gam-ma-bi) | PN | 10 | |
lā | not | 3 | |
mātum (//kalam) | land, country | 6, 7, 8 | |
mātum elītum (//igi-nim) | upper land | 7 | |
nakārum (v.) (//kúr) | to be(come) different, strange, hostile; G change; D change, alter | 3 | |
nakrum (//lú-kúr) | strange, foreign, enemy | 6, [9] | |
nawārum (v.) (//a ~túm) | G to be(come) bright, shine; ŠD lighten, gladen | 8 | |
pānum I (//igi) | front, face | 10 | |
parāsum (v.) (//kud) | G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block | 6 | |
pāṭum (//zag) | edge, border | 8 | |
qabûm (v.) (//dug4) | G to say, speak, command | 13 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 | |
šadûm I (//ḫur-sag) | mountain | [10] | |
šakānum (v.) (//gar) | to put, place, lay down | [5] | |
šalāmum (v.) (//šu ~gi4) | D pay off in full | 5 | |
šēpum (//gìr) | foot, leg | 6 | |
šīmtum (//nam-tar) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | 4 | |
šiprum (//kin) | sending, mission, work | 5 | |
ṣīrum (//maḫ) | exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding | 7 | |
šumum (MU) (//mu) | name; son; line of text | 7 | |
šutlumum (v.) (//šu ~gar) | Š to grant, bestow generously | 4 | |
ṭuppum (//im-sar-ra) | clay tablet, document, letter | 12 |