SEAL no. 29763
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1 [oooooooo]x-⸢aḫ⸣ [o (o)]-⸢ru⸣ x ⸢lum⸣-x
2 [ooooooo] x du-ra-ni qa-at be-lí
3 [o o o o o (o)] a-šib a-na kam-ma-al
4 [i]z-mu-ru m[a-a kalû(lúGALA)] ⸢ú⸣-ram-me-ku ma-a lúpa-ši-šu
5 it-ta(-)šá(-)⸢a⸣ [o o o (o)] ka-li-ši-na ma-a iš-pa-ra
6 us-su ma-a asû(lú⸢A⸣.[ZU]) uš-ši-pu ma-a āšip(KA.PIRIG.GA)
7 ⸢ša⸣ di-iš-šá i[l-tu-k]u? ka-li-šú-nu ma-a ṭupšar(DUB.SAR)
8 ⸢ib⸣-ru ma-a bārû(lúḪAL⸢meš⸣) [i-b]ar-ru ma-a ba-a-a-ar
9 ša ú-ṣu ú-šap-[r]i-šú ka-li-šú-nu ma-a mun-daḫ-ṣu
10 ⸢ip⸣-nu ma-a la-as-s[i-m]u iṣ-ru-ḫu ma-a qar-ra-⸢du⸣
11 ša ga-mi-ru-tu i-[p]u-šú ka-li-šú-nu ma-a it-ba-ra
12 ša pár-sa-ta id-bu-bu ka-li-šú-nu ma-a mun-dal-ku
13a ki-ma e-gi-ta a-bu-uk ter-⸢tú⸣ ṭè-e-mu →
13b šur-ru-ku ilum(DINGIR)-ma qa-a-a-áš
14 muš-tam-gi-ra i-[b]e-el eṭlūti(lúGURUŠmeš)
15a u4-mu la šap-ra nišū(UNmeš) l[i-q]í-pu →
15b ri-gim-šú kīma(GIM) ṣil-le-e ú-saḫ-ḫa-al!(AḪ) ida(Á)
16 šá qātī(ŠUmin) i-⸢ti⸣-qu šá is-ra-mu ú-ṭi
17a bur-ma!(LU)-am šaḫapi(ŠAḪ-GIŠ.GI) qātī(ŠUmin) lu-⸢ú⸣ ḫum-mu-uṭ →
17b–18 ú-la-a-bi | ú-pa-a-di ana a-pi-šu-ma
19a armi(AMAR.MAŠ.DÀ) ṣabīti(MAŠ.DÀ) lu-še-ni-qa-šu [enzātu(Ù]Zmeš) →
19b a-na tulê(UBUR) ummī(AMA)-šú e-ṭa-a īnā(IGImin)-šú
20 būr(AMAR) ayyali(SI.MUL) li-te-ʾ-⸢a⸣ [ḫe-me]-ti (?) ṭa-ab-tú
21 a-na ri-gim [um-mi-š]u (?) ba-šá-a uznā(GEŠTUmin)-šu
22 mi-ra-an nēši(UR.M[AḪ) (o o) li]-kul šīrī(UZU)-ma
23 da-mu li-na-a[ṣ-ṣi-ib o o o eli(UG]U) ṣērī(EDIN)-šú-ma
24 mi-ra-an šēlebi(KA5.⸢A⸣) [līrub (?)] ina ēkalli(É.GAL)
25 ⸢šu⸣-kut-tu lu ⸢zu-ʾu⸣-[nu lu sa]-aḫ-ru bal-[tú]
26 mi-⸢ra-an⸣ [barbari liššuk (?) d]u-muq šīri(UZ[U) ø]
27 ana na-pa-⸢li⸣ [o o o o (o o o)] x-uz [o]
28 a-tam iṣṣūrī(MUŠEN⸢meš⸣) x [o o o o o o (o o o o)]
29 šá x[oooooooo(oooo)]
beginning broken
30 [o o o o o o o o o (o o o o o)]
31 ⸢e?-ra-a⸣ [o o o o o o o o (o o o)]
32 ḫaṭṭi(gišGIDRU) bīni(⸢ŠINIG⸣) [o o o o o o o (o o o)]
33 bu-ṣa-a ma-a!(MIN)-t[u o o o o o o o (o o o)]
34 la-ab-ba-a ina ma-x [...]
35 abārâ(A.GAR5-a) tu-pa-aṣ-ṣ[a? o o (o o o)]-⸢zu-uš⸣ [o o (o o)]
36 a-na na-pa-aṣ ka-x [o o (o o o)-r]a?-na-⸢tu⸣ [o o o (o o)]
37 [ḫ]u-še-e parzillî(AN.BAR-i) [o o o o o (o)-t]a ḫu-x [o o]
38 ⸢iš-še⸣-gu ri-i-[mu o o o (o o)] ta-ri-x [(o)]
39 ri-⸢tuk⸣ ⸢la⸣-a la ⸢lú⸣ [o o o (o)] x-a a-za-mil-lu4 x [(o)]
40a ardu(ÌR) ek-ṣi be-la-⸢šu⸣ x [oo] →
40b [man-nu ina (?)] ki-na-at-te-e-šu šá-ni-in ina ni-i-ri
41 a-na ardi(ÌR) meš-ru-ú [(o o) o] x-⸢su⸣ ú-pe-ṣi
42 la še-mu-ú li-i[r-re-d]i (?) i-na ap-pa-ti e-ra
43a šá ardi(ÌR) ek-ṣi a-a ⸢id⸣-[gu-l]u (?) pa-ni-šu →
43b áš-liš liš-pil-ma la-[a]n-⸢šu⸣ lid-gul
44 ug-gu-uk pu-ut alpi(GU4) a-[rik] ⸢nar-ba⸣-ṣi ku-ra-tu4 ár-kát-su
45 ḫi-ṣe-en ki-šad mu-u[r a-g]a-⸢li⸣ a-na pa-te-e pak-kar-ta
46 ta-ta-ra-an-⸢ni⸣ [ø] kab-ta-ti tu-lam-mìn
47 ar-ki-tuk lu-⸢ú⸣ [lal-l]a-⸢ra⸣ ú-na-aṣ-ṣab man-⸢nu⸣
48 pa-na-ma šap-t[i-i]a te-te-qí ⸢mar⸣-t[i] (?)
49 ⸢ár⸣-ka-ti b[u-un]-na-ka ú-dáš-šap [lal-la-riš (?)]
50 i-na pa-ni-i[a lìb-b]a? ta-aṣ-ṣa-ra-aḫ x [o o]
51 tu-ut-tir-ra-[(ma) t]e-bir-an-ni-ma ṣi-bu-tú u[l tak-šu-ud (?)]
52 ⸢ta-at⸣-x [o (o)]-⸢ma⸣ túb-te-el-li ⸢i⸣-[šá-tíš (?)]
53 [o o o (o o)] ⸢i⸣-šá-tam-ma ⸢at-ta⸣-kip [o o o]
54 [o o o o o]-⸢ra⸣-a-t[u4 oo] x [o o (o o)]
55 [o o o o o o] x ⸢šá⸣ [o o o o o o o]
beginning broken
1 [...] ... [...] ...
2 [...] ... walls, the hand of the lord,
3 [...] sitting against the adversary:
4 [(He who) s]ings, [“lamentation priest”; (he who)] bathes, “purification priest.”
5 (Who) moves [the shuttle here and there], everyone (calls him) “weaver”;
6 (He who) heals, “h[ealer”; (he who)] exorcises, “exorcist.”
7 (He) who ch[ec]ks the wedge, everyone (calls him) “scribe”;
8 (He who) divines, “diviner”; [(he who) h]unts, “huntsman”;
9 (He) who shoots an arrow, everyone (calls him) “archer.”
10 (He who) outstrips, “run[ne]r”; (he who) [ru]shes, “warrior.”
11 (He) who has power, everyone (calls him) “friend”;
12 (He) who says things clearly, everyone (calls him) “wise.”
13a By negligence I broke the order and the command,
13b (But) “A god alone can grant prolongation (of life)” (= Theodicy 196),
14 (And) “he who makes amends is a ruler of men” (= Quotation?).
15a Let people [tru]st an unchained lion:
15b His roar shall needle the arm like a thorn,
16 (A thorn) which cut the hands, which sliced the forearm.
17a Let a wild boar piglet be swift-footed -
17b–18 He will take (nothing but) a soiled rag captive to his canebrake.
19a Let [nanny go]ats suckle the fawn of agazelle—
19b His eyes (will look) impatiently for his mother’s breast.
20 Let the calf of a deer lick fine [but]ter —
21 His ears (will) bend towards the voice of h[is mother].
22 [Le]t the lio[n] cub [(...)] eat flesh —
23 Let him suc[k] the blood [... o]ver him.
24 [Let] the fox cub [enter] the palace,
25 Let [(the palace)] be adorned with the ornament, [let it be wra]pped in dign[ity],
26 [Let] the cub of [the wolf bite the cho]icest me[at],
27 To forage for [...] ... [...]
28 [Let] the hatchling of the bird [...]
29 ... [...]
beginning broken
30 [...]
31 Copper [...]
32 A stick of tamarisk [...]
33 (Does) the land [...] to a hyena?
34 (Does) [...] in the ... to a lion?
35 Will you sinter lead [...] ... [...]?
36 In order to crush ... [...] ... [...]
37 Scraps of iron ... [...] ... [...]
38 A bu[ll] becomes infuriated, [...] ... [(...)]
39 The bull in your hand ... [...] ... a sack ...
40a [Let] the insolent slave [disrespect] his master—
40b [Who among] his peers will rival him at the yoke?
41 To a slave, riches crushed his ... [...],
42 Let the disobedient be le[d aw]ay with a ox-goad of hard wood!
43a Of the insolent slave, let his face not be s[ee]n!
43b Let (only) he who goes down sixty meters see his figure!
44 Your rage is an ox’s forehead (i.e., a trapezoid): the base is wide, (but) its length is short;
45 Hug the neck of a [do]nkey foa[l] to open ...
46 You have insulted me, hurting my feelings,
47 After you(r actions), even if (I) were [hon]ey, who would suck (me)?
48 In the past you have daubed my li[ps] with ga[ll].
49 In the future I will sweeten your f[a]ce [like honey].
50 Before m(y actions), you were burning (with rage in your) [hear]t ... [...];
51 You have, again, cross-examined me, [without achieving] the purpose.
52 You have ... [...], you kept extinguishing [like] f[ire].
53 [...] the fire, I have gored [...]
54-55 [...] ... [...]
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
-mā | interrog. ptcl. | 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | |
abākum II (v.) | to overturn, upset | 13a | |
abārum (A.GAR5) | lead (metal) | 35 | |
agālum I | donkey | 45 | |
ai, ē, â | not | 43a | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | 22 | |
alā'um (v.) | to lick | 20 | |
alpum (GU4) | bull, ox | 44 | |
ana I | to, for | 3, 18, 19b, 21, 27, 36, 41, 45 | |
appatum | rein, bridle | 42 | |
apum (gišGI) | reed-bed, reed | 18 | |
arākum (v.) (GÍD.DA) | G to be long; D make long, lengthen; Š to lengthen, prolong | 13b | |
arārum II (v.) | to curse, insult | 46? | |
ariktum | kind of spear, lance; length | 44 | |
armum | mountain goat | 19a | |
ašlum | rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres | 43b | |
asûm | physician | 6 | |
ayyalum | stag, deer | 20 | |
azamillum | sack | 39 | |
bā'erum (ŠU.ḪA) | hunter, fisherman | 8 | |
barbarum (UR.BAR.RA) | wolf | [26] | |
bārûm | diviner | 8 | |
barûm (v.) | to see, to look | 8 | |
bârum (v.) | G to catch, trap | 8 | |
bāštum | dignity, pride | 25 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | 21 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | 2, 40a | |
belûm (v.) | G to be extinguished, come to an end; D to extinguish | 52 | |
bêlum (v.) | to reign | 14 | |
bêrum (v.) | to choose, select; examine, check | 51 | |
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) | tamarisk | 32 | |
būnum | features, face, goodness, pl. face | 49 | |
būrum II | calf, (bull) calf | 20 | |
būṣum | hyaena | 33 | |
dabābum II (v.) | G to speak, talk; Gt speak to each other | 12 | |
dagālum (v.) | to see, look | 43a, 43b | |
dāmum | blood | 23 | |
dašāpum (v.) | G be sweet; D make sweet | 49 | |
diššum | name of sign DIŠ, here: "wedge" | 7 | |
dumqum | goodness, good (thing), welfare | 26 | |
dūrum | (city) wall, rampart | 2 | |
egītum | negligence, omission | 13a | |
ēkallum (É.GAL) | palace | 24 | |
ekṣum | brazen, dangerous; insolent | 40a, 43a | |
eli, elu | on, above, over | 23 | |
enēqum (v.) | G to suck; Š to suckle, give suck to | 19a | |
enzum, ezzum, inzum (ÙZ) | goat, she-goat; she-goat (the constellation Lyra) | 19a | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 11 | |
eqûm (v.) | to anoint, smear on | 48 | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | 24 | |
ērum (MA.NU) | tree (a kind of) | 42 | |
ešûm (v.) | to confuse | 5? | |
etēqum II (v.) | to bend, cut, break | 16 | |
eṭlūtum | manliness | 14 | |
eṭûm | dark; anxious, impatient | 19b | |
gāmirūtum | strength, efficacy | 11 | |
ḫaṣānum, ḫasānum (v.) | to hug, take under one's protection | 45 | |
ḫaṭṭum (gišGIDRU) | stick, sceptre | 32 | |
ḫimētum, ḫemētum | butter, ghee | 20 | |
ḫušûm | (metal) scrap | 37 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | 15b | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 13b | |
ina | in, on, by, from | 24, 34, 40b, 42, 50 | |
īnum (IGI) | eye | 19b | |
išātiš | on fire, ablaze | [52] | |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | 53 | |
išparum | weaver | 5 | |
iṣṣūrum | bird | 28 | |
itbārum | friend, colleague | 11 | |
kabattum, kabtatum | liver, mood, mind, intention | 46 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 | |
kalûm III (UŠ.KU) | lamentation-priest | 4? | |
kammālum | adversary | 3 | |
kašādum (v.) | G to reach, arrive; D drive off, chase away; Š caus. of G | [51] | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | 13a, 15b | |
kinattum | employee, menial; peer | 40b | |
kišādum (GÚ) | neck, bank | 45 | |
kurûm | short | 44 | |
lā | not | 42 | |
lābum | lion | 34 | |
lallāriš | like honey | 49? | |
lallārum | white honey | 47 | |
lānum | body, figure; stature, form | 43b | |
lāsimum | runner | 10 | |
latākum (v.) | to check | 7 | |
latākum (v.) | to check | 39? | |
lemēnum (v.) | G to be(come) bad; D do evil, treat badly | 46 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 50 | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | 25, 47 | |
mannum | who?, who | [40b], 47 | |
martum | bile | 48 | |
mašrûm | riches, wealth | 41 | |
massûtum | reading out, lecture | 12? | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | 33? | |
mīrānum, mērānum | puppy, young dog | 22, 24, 26 | |
mumtalkum, mundalkum | counsellor, sage | 12 | |
mundaḫṣum | fighter | 9 | |
mūrum | young bull, foal of donkey or horse | 45 | |
muštamgirum | who brings into harmony | 14 | |
nakāpum (v.) | G to butt, gore; pierce, stab | 53 | |
napālum (v.) I | to dig out, hack down, demolish | 27 | |
napāṣum (v.) | Dt (?); G to kick, strike, crush | 36 | |
naprušum (v.) | G to fly; Š let fly | 9 | |
narbāṣum | lair (of an animal) | 44 | |
nārum II (NAR) | musician, singer | 4? | |
naṣābum (v.) I | to suck | 23 | |
naṣābum (v.) I | to suck | 47 | |
našākum (v.) | G to bite, gnaw | [26] | |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | 5? | |
nēšum, nīšum (UR.MAH) | lion | 22 | |
nīrum | yoke, crossbeam; "yoke-star" | 40b | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | 15a | |
pa'āṣum (v.) | to break up, crush | 41? | |
pâdum (v.) | to confine, imprison | 18 | |
pāna | before | 48 | |
panûm (v.) | to face, be ahead | 10 | |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | 43a, 50 | |
parsum | clear reports, orders | 12? | |
parzillum (AN.BAR) | iron | 37 | |
pašīšum | anointed (a priest) | 4 | |
peṣûm (v.) II | G to be white; D make white | 35, 41? | |
petûm II (v.) | G to open, expose; Š to cause to open | 45 | |
pūtum | forehead, brow | 44 | |
qarrādum (UR.SAG) | warlike; hero, warrior | 10 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | 2, 16 | |
qayyāšum | generous | 13b | |
qiāpum (v.) | to (en)trust; believe | 15a | |
ramākum (v.) | G to bath, wash; D to bath, wash (trans.); Š cause to be drenched | 4 | |
redûm I (v.) | G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead | 42 | |
rigmum | voice, cry, noise | 15b, 21 | |
rīmum (AM) | wild bull | 38 | |
rittum | hand | 39? | |
ša | who(m), which, of | 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 43a | |
ṣabītum | gazelle | 19a | |
saḫālum (v.) | G~D to prick, pierce | 15b | |
saḫrum | wrapped, surrounded | 25 | |
šannum | rivaling | 40b | |
šapālum (v.) | G to be, become low; D to lower, dig deep | 43b | |
šapārum (v.) | G to send, write, govern, administer | 15a | |
šaptum | lip, rim | 48 | |
ṣarāḫum II (v.) | to light up, flare up | 50 | |
ṣarāḫum IV (v.) | G to send; D to dispatch quickly, to hurry | 10 | |
sarāmum (v.) | to cut open | 16 | |
šegûm (v.) II | to be wild, rave | 38 | |
šēlebum | fox | 24 | |
šēmûm | hearer, that hears | 42 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | 23 | |
ṣibȗtum | desire, need | 51 | |
ṣillûm (DÁLA) | thorn, needle, pin | 15b | |
šīrum (UZU) | flesh, body; entrails; kinsman, blood relative, meat; ominous sign | 22, 26 | |
šukuttum | adornment, jewellery | 25 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | 20 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | 51 | |
ṭēmum | thought, plan, instruction, information | 13a | |
têrtum | instruction | 13a | |
tulûm | breast | 19b | |
ṭupšarrum, tupšarrum (DUB.SAR) | scribe | 7 | |
uggum | wrath | 44 | |
ul | not | 51 | |
ulāpum | rag | 17b | |
ummum | mother | 19b, 21 | |
ūmum II | stormwind, weather-beast, mythical lion | 15a | |
ussûm (v.) | to heal | 6 | |
ūṣum | arrow(head) | 9 | |
ūṭum | span, half-cubit; forearm | 16 | |
uznum | ear, wisdom, understanding | 21 | |
waqrum | rare, valuable, precious | 45 | |
wardum (SAG.ÌR; ÌR) | slave, servant | 40a, 41, 43a | |
warkatum | rear, estate, legacy, background, affair, backside; after | 49 | |
warkītum | posterity, descendants; future; haunches | 47 | |
warûm (v.) | G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer | 46? | |
wašāpum (v.) | G to exorcise; D "cure" by exorcism | 6 | |
wāšibum | sitting, dwelling, present; inhabitant | 3? | |
wāšipum | exorcist, sorcerer, magician | 3?, 6 | |
watmum | hatchling | 28 | |
werûm | copper | 31? | |
zamārum (v.) | to sing, to play | 4 | |
decorated | 25 |