HS 1887

SEAL no. 29952

Copy / Photo
Pls. 14–17
Tablet Siglum
HS 1887
8.9 × 4.3 × 1.2 cm
Hilprecht Sammlung, Jena
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Prayer


0 [abūb kakki qabal lā maḫār ša tībūšu (?) ezzu]

beginning broken


1 [bin-dūku gitmālum pa-ri]-⸢isp[u-ru-us-se]-⸢e

2 [mušimmu ]i-ma-a-ti[m]

3 [binīt lugaldukuga] ⸢a⸣-bu a-⸢li-idilī(⸢DINGIRmeš⸣) rabûtim(GALm[eš])

4 [marūtuk bēl ṭuḫdim ḫé-gá]l-limu⸣-ša-⸢az⸣-ni-in nu-uḫ-[ša]

5 [bēl nagbī šadî u ta-ma]-⸢a-ti ḫa-i-⸢ṭùḫur-sa-ni

6 [pātû kuppī u miṭ-ra]-⸢a⸣-ti <mu>-ta-i-⸢ru⸣ ⸢na⸣-[r]a-ti

7 [ḫayyāṭu ašnan u laḫar ba-n]u-ú ê(ŠE-e) uqé-e

8 [āširu igīgī ušum]gal da-⸢nun-na⸣-ki

9 [o o o o o er]-šu bu-⸢ku-urd+en-⸢ki

10 [bānû te-n]é-ešgim-ri

11 [bēl attā-ma kīma a-b]i uum-miina pī(KA) ni-ši ta-ba-ši

12 [attā-ma ek-le-si-n]a ki-ma šamšim(⸢dUTU⸣) ⸢tu⸣-uš-na-mar

13 [ḫablam u šagšam mi-ša]r-ši-⸢na⸣ ⸢ta-da⸣-an ú-da!(KÁ)-kamv

14 [tušteššer al-ma]-⸢ta⸣ ⸢e-ku-ta⸣ [n]a-as-sa u dal-pa

15 [bišīt uz-ni-ši-n]a re-⸢?-um⸣ ⸢mut?-tar?⸣-[r]u?-ši-na at-ta

16 [mātātum u nišū ra]p-ša-tumiš⸣-tam-⸢ma⸣-ra

17 [sì-kà]r-kakab-ta

18 [rēmēnâta bēl] ⸢i⸣+napu-uš-qíudan⸣-na-ti

19 [tu-še]-ze-⸢eb⸣ ⸢en⸣-ša

20 [tappallas an-ḫ]a šu-um-ru-ṣaša⸣ [i-n]i-<nu>-⸢šuil(DINGIR)-šú

21 [ša ūmum (u) šīmtum ta]-ru-šu tu-áš-šarṣa⸣-ab-tam

22 [taṣabbat qāssu ša] i+na erši(gišNÁ) namtari(N[A]M.⸢TAR-ri⸣)

23 [na-du]-ú te-de-e[k-ki-(šu)]

24 [ša ina kīlim] ⸢?⸣ bīt(⸢É⸣) [ṣibittim]

25 [ussuru t]u?-[kal-lam-(šu) nūra]



beginning broken

26 [o o o o o o o o]-⸢nu⸣ ⸢lip⸣-pa-šìria?⸣-[ši

27 [ina pîka dannatī li-b]a-aʾ-ma qí-bi ba-la-⸢ṭi

28 [kīma šamê lūlil] ⸢i⸣+na ru-ḫe-e šá ep-še-ku

29 [kīma erṣetim lu-bi-i]b i+na ru-se-e lā(NU) ṭābūtim(DÙG-tim)

30 [kīma qereb šamê lu]-na-mi-ra lip-ta-ṭi-ru ki-ṣir lumnī(ḪUL)-ia

31 [(o o o) bīnum li-il-l]a-an-ni maštakal(IN.NU.UŠ) lip-šu-ra-an-ni

32 [libbi gišimmarim l]ip-ṭù-ru ri-kis lum-ni-ia

33 [egubbûm ša dasal-lú-ḫ]i li-šat-li-ma du-um-qá

34 [o o o o o o o o-q]ir lib-bi-bu-ni-in-nim nignakkum(NÍG.NA) u gizillûm(GI.IZI.LÁ)

35 [o o o o o o o] x-ši ina qí-bit dé-a šar(LUGAL) apsîm(ABZU) a-bi ilī(DINGIRmeš)


36 [ana nīš qātīya libbaka l]i-nu-uḫ dasal⸣-lú-ḫi

37 [mār d+en-k]i apkal(ABGAL) ilī(DINGIRmeš) marūtuk(dAMAR.UTU)

38 [amāt ea lušteppi] ⸢d⸣dam-ki-na šar-ra-tum liš-te-šer
39 [o o o (o o) lu]-⸢uš⸣-te-a ba-la-ṭam
40 [o o o (o) kīma ilī(DI]NGIR)-ia lu-ut-ta-id-ka ki-ma ištarī(U.DAR)-ia

41 [luštammar ilūtka ludlul d]a-li!-li-ka
42 [u anāku dalīl ilūtī(DINGIR-ti)]-⸢karabītim(GAL-tim)

43 [lud-lu]l a-na nišī(UNmeš) rapšātim(DAGAL-⸢tim⸣)
44 [(ÉN) anḫullûm maṣṣar šulmim ša ea u] ⸢dasal-lú-ḫi at-ta
45 [ē tamḫur ru-ḫe]-⸢ee tam-ḫur ru-se-e
46 [ē tamḫur zikurudâm(ZI.KU5.RU.D]A) e tam-ḫur zīram(ḪUL.⸢GIG⸣)

47 [... ē tamḫur] ⸢?⸣-piš k[iš?-pi]



0 [Flood of a weapon, irresistible battle whose attack is ferocious,]

1 [August Bindūku, render]er of v[erdicts],

2 [Fixer of d]estini[es];
3 [Scion of Lugaldukuga], father who sired the great gods,

4 [Marduk, lord of wealth (and) prosperi]ty, who makes abun[dance] rain down,

5 [Lord of the mountain springs and the se]as, maintainer of the hills,

6 [Opener of wells and cana]ls, commander of the rivers,

7 [Controller of cereals and cattle, crea]tor of barley and flax,

8 [Foreman of the Igigi, great dr]agon of the Anunnaki,

9 [..., wi]se, offspring of Ea,

10 [Creator of] all [the pe]ople,

11 [O Lord, you alone] are present in the mouth of the people [as (their own) fat]her and mother,

12 [You alone] can, like the sun, light up [the]ir [darkness],
13 [To the wronged and oppressed] you provide their [justi]ce daily,

14 [You guide the wid]ow, the orphan girl, the wretched and the sleepless,

15 You are [the]ir [cynosure], the shepherd who leads them,

16 [The lands and wide]spread [peoples] extol

17 your noble [na]me.
18 [You are merciful, O Lord: fr]om trouble and sorrow,

19 [you resc]ue the weak.
20 [You gaze (benevolently) on the troub]led and sick one, with whom his god was upset,

21 [Him whom day and fate had l]ed away, the prisoner, you release,

22-23 [You take the hand of] him who [li]es on (his) deathb[ed], you rai[se (him) up].
24-25 [He who is captive in jail] or in the h[ouse of imprisonment], you s[how (him) light].


beginning broken

26 Let [...] ... be undone for m[e]!
27 [Let my distress go a]way [at your order], decree my life!

28 [May I become as pure as heaven] from the witchcraft with which I have been inflicted!

29 [May I become as cle]ar [as the earth] from the evil sorcery!

30 [May I be]come as bright [as the center of heaven], may the knots of evil around me be released!

31 [May the tamarisk puri]fy me, may the soapwort release me!

32 [May the palm heart und]o the bonds of evil around me!

33 [May the holy water vessel of Asalluḫ]i bestow upon me favor!

34 [...] ... Let the censer and torch purify me!

35 [...] ... At the command of Ea, king of the Apsû, father of the great gods,

36 [Le]t [your heart be soothed by my prayer], O Asalluḫi,

37 [Son of Enk]i, sage of the gods, Marduk!

38 [Let me proclaim the word of Ea], let queen [D]amkina make it succeed!

39 [... let me] always seek life!

40 [Let me ... you like] my own [go]d, let me praise you like my own goddess!

41 [Let me worship your divinity, let me sing] your [p]raises!

42-43 [And as for me, let me sin]g the praises of] your great [divinity] to the widespread peoples!

44 [You, anḫullû-plant, are the protector of the welfare of Ea and A]salluḫi!

45 [Do not receive witchcra]ft! Do not receive sorcery!

46 [Do not receive black magi]c! Do not receive hate!

47 [... Do not receive sorcerous mac]hinations!


Word Translation Semantic Line
abūbum flood, deluge 0
abum father 3, 11, 35
agubbûm holy water vessel [33]
ai, ē, â not [45], 45, [46], 46, [47]
almattum (NU.MU.SU) widow 14
ana I to, for [36], 43
anāku I, me [42]
anḫullûm (a plant) [44]
anḫum tired 20
Anunnakkū, Enunnakkū DN 8
apkallum (ABGAL; NUN.ME) wise man, expert 37
Apsûm (ZU.AB) underground water (cosmic) 35
Asarluḫi/Asalluḫi DN [33], 36, 44
āširum inspector, checker [8]
ašnan (ŠE.TIR) grain, cereal [7]
attā you (m. sg.) [11], [12], 15, 44
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech [38]
bâ'um (v.) G to go along, across, pass, overtake, defeat; Š cause to move along 27
balāṭum (TI) life, vigour, good health 27, 39
bānûm, f. bānîtum creator, begetter 7, [10]
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create 11
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner [4], [5], [11], [18]
Bindūku DN [1]
binītum creature, form, shape; limbs [3]
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) tamarisk [31]
bīšum I bad, malodorous [15]
bītum (É) house 24
bukrum son, child, first born 9
dalālum (v.) G to praise [41], [43]
dalīlum praise 41, [42]
dalpum sleepless man 14
Damkina DN 38
dannatum distress, famine, difficulty 18, [27]
dekûm (v.) G to raise, wake up, call up, unleash, move (to), shift 23
dumqum goodness, good (thing), welfare 33
Ea DN 35, [38], [44]
ebēbum (v.) G to be(come) bright, pure; D to purify, cleanse 29, 34
ekletum darkness [12]
ekûm (NU.SÍG) impoverished, orphaned, bereaved 14
elēlum II (v.) G to become pure, free; D purify 28, 31
enēnum (v.) II to punish 20
Enki DN 9, [37]
enšum weak 19
epšum made, built, inflicted 28
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld [29]
eršum I wise 9
eršum IV (GIŠ.NÁ) bed 22
ešērum (v.) G be straight, direct towards; be or become all right, be fair; Š put in good condition, make straight; Št1 pass. of Š; Št2 put, keep in order [14], 38
ezēbum (v.) G to leave, leave behind; Š to save 19
ezzum furious, angry, fierce 0
gimrum totality, all 10
gišimmarum (gišGIŠIMMAR) date palm [32]
gitmālum perfect, ideal, noble [1]
gizillûm (GI.IZI.LÁ) torch 34
ḫā'iṭum watcher, night-watchman 5
ḫablum wronged, wronged person [13]
ḫayyāṭum inspector; epith. of deity; desig. of demon [7]
ḫegallum (ḪÉ.GÁL) abundance, productivity, prosperity, plenty [4]
ḫuršānum (ḪUR.SAG) mountain(s) 5
Igigû DN, the (ten) great gods [8]
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 3, 20, 35, 37, 40
ilūtum divinity, godhead [41], [42]
ina in, on, by, from 11, 18, 22, 24, [27], 28, 29, 35
ištarum goddess 40
kabtum heavy, substantial, honoured, distinguished 17
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle 0
kīlum I enclosure, confinement [24]
kīma like, as; when; that [11], [12], [28], [29], [30], [40], 40
kišpum sorcery, evil spell [47]
kiṣrum knot, concentration, group, lump 30
kullumum (v.) D to show, display 25
kuppum cistern, water-source [6]
not 0, 29
laḫrum (U8) sheep, ewe [7]
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body [32], [36]
Lugaldukuga DN [3]
lumnum (ḪUL) evil, misery 30, 32
maḫārum (v.) G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received 0, [45], 45, [46], 46, [47]
Marduk DN [4], 37
mārum (DUMU) boy, son, descendant [37]
maṣṣarum guard, watchman [44]
maštakal an alkaline plant 31
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 16
mīšarum justice 13
miṭirtum watercourse, canal, irrigated field, orchard 6
mušazninum who causes rain 4
mušimmum who fixes, decrees [2]
mūta''irum who governs, takes control 6
muttarrûm who leads 15
nadānum (v.) (SUM) G to give, bestow 13
nadûm placed, laid down [23]
nâdum (v.) G to praise; D=G 40
nagbum underground water [5]
nâḫum (v.) G to rest; D to calm 36
namtarum fate 22
nārum I (ÍD) river, watercourse, canal 6
nassum groaning, wretched 14
nawārum, namāru (v.) G to be(come) bright, shine; D make bright; Š cause to shine; ŠD lighten, gladen 12, 30
nignakkum (NÍG.NA) censer, incense burning 34
nīš qātim hand-lifting (a type of prayer) [36]
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population 11, [16], 43
nuḫšum abundance, plenty, fertility 4
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) light 25
palāsum (v.) to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at 20
pārisum who decides 1
pašārum (v.) G to loosen, dissolve, release, free, solve, dissipate; D dispel, disperse; N become reconciled to, forgive 26, 31
paṭārum (v.) G to loosen, release; G~D; N to be loosened 30, 32
pētûm who opens [6]
pûm I (KA) mouth, statement, command, opening 11, [27]
purussûm decision [1]
pušqum narrowness, straits 18
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) battle, fight 0
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command 27
qātum (ŠU) hand 22
qerbum centre, interior [30]
qibītum speech, command, utterance, word 35
qûm I (GU) flax; thread, string 7
rabûm (GAL) I big 3, 35, 42
rapšum wide, extended 16, 43
rē'ûm (SIPA) shepherd, herdsman 15
rēmēnûm merciful [18]
riksum knot, bond, contract 32
ruḫûm sorcery, philtre 28, [45]
rusûm, rušûm sorcery, witchcraft 29, 45
ša who(m), which, of 0, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, [33], [44]
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold 22
ṣabtum captured, taken 21
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country [5]
šagšum slain, afflicted, oppressed [13]
šamārum II (v.) Gt to praise 16, [41]
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 12
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven [28], [30]
šarratum queen 38
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) king, lord 35
še'um (ŠE) barley, grain (also a measure) 7
še'ûm (v.) G to seek, call on 39
ṣibittum imprisonment, captivity 24
šīmtum (NAM) fate, what is fixed, destiny 21
šulmum well-being, completeness, health; peace [44]
šumruṣum very painful, suffering 20
šutlumum (v.) Š to grant, bestow generously 33
ṭābum (DU10) good, sweet 29
tenēštum, tanišētum people, humankind 10
tiāmtum, tâmtum (A.AB.BA) sea, lake 5
tībum arousal, attack 0
ṭuḫdum plenty, abundance, overwhelming abundance [4]
u and, but, also [7], 11, 14, 21, 24, 34, [42], [44]
ūmišam daily 13
ummum mother 11
ūmum I (UD) day, daily 21
upīšum (magical) procedure 47
ussurum captured 25
ušumgallum (GAL.BÚR/UŠUM; ú.šúm.gal) dragon 8
uznum ear, wisdom, understanding [15]
wālīdum begetter, procreator, father 3
wapûm (v.) G to be(come) visible, appear; D to make visible; Š to make manifest, appear [38]
warûm (v.) G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer 21
wašārum (v.) G to sink down; D to release, set free 21
yâšim, ayyâšim to, for me 26
zikrum, siqrum utterance, name; mention of the name; reputation 17
zikur(r)rudûm (ZI.KU5.RU.DA/DÈ) "cutting of life", a type of evil spell [46]
zīrum III (ḪUL.GIG) hate 46
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Revision History
Tulaikova, Yulia
Cataloguing, indexing