SEAL no. 7068
MS 2822 (CDLI P251869)
George 2016, Pl. LXXXIX
An incantation addressed to a fermentation vat which, with its typical effervescence, stands metaphorically for the blown, flatus-full, intestines. The namzītum, fermenting vat, is the grammatical antecedent of the feminine prefixes in the text. The magic strategy employed here is that of 'problem-remedy analogy': it is the wind which causes the (internal) trouble, hence (external) winds, the four winds of the compass, are called to serve as the solution.
1 [x x x (x)]ḫi-a ku-un [x]-⌈ú⌉-a
2 [ki-ir-ba-a]n eqlim(A.ŠÀ)lim za-ap-pi ⌈ša⌉-ḫi-im
3 [mu-ṣa]-a-am ú-ul ⌈i-šu⌉
4 [dEn-l]íl ⌈ib-ni⌉-ki dEn-ki ú-⌈ra⌉-bi-ki
5 [iš-k]u-⌈un⌉-ki dNuska a-na ku-⌈ši⌉-ri
6 [a]-⌈na mu-uḫ⌉-ḫi {ḪI} ta-li[m] ša É-a É-a ir-ka!-ab
7 il-qé-e-ki sà-bi-tum ku-ru-⌈pu-ú-ki⌉ ma-aš-ḫu
8 ⌈ša-ak⌉-na-a-at i-na ka-an-nim
9 ša-ak-nu ki-it-tu!? a-pa-ri-ku ù ⌈pu⌉-ru-us-su
10 i-na li-ib-bi-[k]i
11 ú-še-et-bi-ki it-ti ⌈Iš8?-tár?⌉ a-⌈pa⌉-ri-ki ⌈uš!⌉-te-ṣi-a-am / ⌈qé⌉-ri-i-tam
12 pu-ru-us-sà-am aš-lu-um-ma ša-ra-am aš-ku-un
13 ut-te-e-er tu-uḫ-ḫi-ki a-na mi-nu-tim
14 me-e ša ra-as-na-at a-⌈na⌉ ši-ip-tim-ma aš-ku-un
15 i-na qí-bi-tim ša É-a ù dAsal-lú-ḫe
16 i-na pi-i ez-zi-im i-na ru-uḫ-tim le-mu-ut-tim / ša a-wi-lu-tim
17 šu-ú-tum il-ta-nu ša-ad-du-ú-um a-mu-ur-ru
18 it-bu-ú iṣ-ba-tu pi-i na-am-zi-tim
19 tu-en-ni-nu-ri
1 [In the ...], my [...] is placed.
2–3 Field's lump! pig's bristle! I/He have/has no [out]let!
4–6 [Enl]il created you(f.), Enki raised you, Nuska [ma]de you successful. Ea was riding over Ea’s litter:
7–8 The ale-wife took you; your cases for (soaked) grain are well-measured; you are placed on a stand.
9–10 You are furnished with kittu, a stopper (and) a plug.
11–12 I removed from you – with Ištar's (help) – the stoppers, (thus) made the feast go out; I pulled out the plug, (thus) created wind.
13–14 I turned your draff into a recitation; the water (with) which you have rinsed I made into a spell.
15–16 By the order of Ea and Asaluhi, by the furious mouth and evil sorcery of humankind:
17–18 The South-wind, the North-wind, the East-wind, the West-wind have risen (and) seized the mouth of the brewing-vat.
19 Incantation formula.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
amurrum | GN, west wind | 17 | |
aparikkum | part of a bowl | 9, 11 | |
Asarluḫi/Asalluḫi | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 15 |
awīlūtum, amēlūtu | humanity, mankind | Abstract concepts | 16 |
banûm (v.) | G to build, create; N be created, made | 4 | |
Ea | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 6, 15 |
Enki | DN | 4 | |
Enlil | DN | 4 | |
eperum (SAḪAR.ḪI.A) | earth, soil, dust | Materials | 1 |
eqlum (A.ŠÀ) | field, terrain | Locations/Buildings | 2 |
ezzum | furious, angry, fierce | 16 | |
ištānum, iltānum | north wind | 17 | |
Ištar | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | 11 |
išûm (v.) | G to have | 3 | |
kannum I | vessel-stand, large vessel (kind of), pot stand; jar | 8 | |
kânum (v.) | to be firm, to maintain and preserve the rule; D establish firmly | 1 | |
kirbānum | lump | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 2 |
kittum II | part of a bowl | 9 | |
kuruppum | basket | 7 | |
kušīrum | profit, success | 5 | |
lemuttum | evil, wickedness | Abstract concepts | 16 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | 7 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 10 |
mašāḫum (v.) | G to measure | 7 | |
minûtum (ŠID) | form, physique, recitation; counting number | Body/Body parts | 13 |
mû I (A(.MEŠ)) | water | Food/Drink | 14 |
muḫḫum | skull, top, head | Body/Body parts | 6 |
mūṣûm | exit, way out, outlet | 3 | |
namzītum | mash tub | Food/Drink | 18 |
Nuska | DN | 5 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 16, 18 |
purussum | plug | 9, 12 | |
qerītum | banquet, feast | 11 | |
qibītum | speech, command, utterance, word | Verbal expressions | 15 |
rabûm (GAL) II (v.) | G to become large, great, grow; Gtn to grow constantly; Š make great | 4 | |
rakābum (v.) | G to mount, ride | 6 | |
rasānum (v.) | G to soak, steep | 14 | |
ruḫûm | sorcery, philtre | Rituals/Religious practices | 16 |
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) | G to seize, take, hold | 18 | |
sābītum | ale-wife, female brewer | Social status/Groups/Professions | 7 |
šadûm II | east wind | 17 | |
šaḫûm (ŠAḪ) | pig | Fauna (domestic) | 2 |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 5, 8, 9, 12, 14 | |
šalāpum (v.) | G to pull out, unsheathe | 12 | |
šārum (IM) | wind, breath | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 12 |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | Rituals/Religious practices,Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms | 14 |
šūtum II | south wind | 17 | |
tallum II | vessel for oil | 6 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | 13 | |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | 11, 18 | |
tuḫḫū | bran | 13 | |
tûm, tuʾum | incantation(-formula) | Rituals/Religious practices | 19 |
waṣûm (v.) | G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G | 11 | |
zappum | comb; tuft of hair; the star cluster Pleiades | Body/Body parts,Fauna (domestic) | 2 |