SEAL no. 7072
MS 3097 (CDLI P252106)
George 2016, 7 obv.
Edition and Notes: A. George (private communication).
ii 7'–23', incipit ag-ma ša-ap-ta-šu ka-lu-um pa-nu-šu “its lips are angry, its face is a skull- cup”: beginning of an Akkadian incantation addressed to a demonic force injurious to health. The description of the demon in ii 14'–15', ma-ḫi-iṣ ⌈mu⌉-uḫ-ḫi-i[m] mu-bi-il li-[iq pi-i]m “who smites the crown, who parches the palate”, survives in the first-millennium incantation compendium KAR 88 frag. 4 i(?) 4 (“Gattung IV”, ed. Ebeling 1953: 417), and in the incantation-incipit cited in a Lamaštu ritual (Thureau-Dangin 1921: 165 l. 26).
NW: for the incipit agmā šaptāšu kalûm pānûšu, see the OB inc. YOS 11, 10 (descprition of a demon/disease).
CDLI P252106
ii7' ag-ma ša-ap-ta-šu
ii 8' ka-lu-um pa-⌈nu⌉-šu
ii 9' ⌈pîšu(KA?)⌉-šu mi-[iq-tum le-em-n]u!?-um
ii 10' ⌈ki-ma?⌉ pi-it-n[im] ⌈ša-x-šu⌉
ii 11' [x (x) ka-ra-⌈šu?⌉
ii 12' [i?]-ka-al ḫa-šu-⌈ta-am?⌉
ii 13' ni-ra-am [x x] ⌈x x⌉-am
ii 14' ma-ḫi-iṣ ⌈mu⌉-uḫ-ḫi-i[m]
ii 15' mu-bi-il li-[iq pi-i]m
ii 16' ma-ḫi-iṣ bi-ir-ti a-ḫi-im
ii 17' mu-ra-am-mi ši-ir-ḫa-an a-ḫi-im
ii 18' e ta-am-ḫa-aṣ mu-uḫ-ḫa-a[m]
ii 19' e tu-ub-bi-il li-iq pi-i[m]
ii 20' e ⌈ta-am-ḫa⌉-aṣ bi-ir-ti a-ḫi-im
ii 21' e tu-ra-am-⌈mi⌉ ši-ir-ḫa-an a-ḫi-im
ii 22' ⌈a⌉-li-ik ⌈x⌉-li-[(x)]-ma
ii 23' traces
7'–8' His lips are angry, his face - yellow paste.
9'–11' His [mouth(?)] is an [evi]l mi[qtum-disease], his … is like a box, his … is …
12'–13' [He] is eating ḫ.-plant, a yoke(?) …, the ….
14'–15' Who strikes the head, who scorches the palate,
16'–17' Who strikes the middle of the arm, who paralyzes the sinew of the arm –
18'–19' Do not strike the head, do not scorch the palate,
20'–21' Do not strike the middle of the arm, do not paralyze the sinew of the arm.
22' Go away…
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
agāmum (v.) | to be furious | 7' | |
aḫum II | arm, side; bank (of river) | Body/Body parts | 16', 17', 20', 21' |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | 22' |
birti | between | 16', 20' | |
ḫašūtum | a plant | Flora | 12' |
kalûm IV | yellow mineral paste, phps. orpiment | 8' | |
līqum (in: līq pîm) | palate | Body/Body parts | 15', 19' |
maḫāṣum (v.) | G to beat, strike; Gt to fight with each other | 14', 16', 18', 20' | |
māḫiṣum | hitter, smiting | 14', 16' | |
miqtum, meqtum | fall, collapse; kind of desease, epilepsy | 9' | |
mūbilum | carrier, carrying | 15' | |
muḫḫum | skull, top, head | Body/Body parts | 14', 18' |
nīrum | yoke, crossbeam; "yoke-star" | Fabricated objects,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 13' |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | 8' |
pitnum | box; a musical instrument | Fabricated objects | 10' |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 9' |
ramûm III (v.) | G to slacken, become loose; D release, let go | 17', 21' | |
šaptum | lip, rim | Body/Body parts | 7' |
šer'ānum, šir'ānum (SA) | vein, artery, ligament, tendon, nerve, sinew | 17', 21' | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | 15', 19' |