SEAL no. 7168
Cavigneaux 1994 , 161
CDLI 472691 marks wrongly that the tablet is in the Musée d’Art et d’Histore, Geneva, registered as MAH 16016.
1 a-la-ap er-ṣé-e-tim e-te-lum
2 bu-ru-um ek-du-um mu-na-ki-pu ša-am7-ru
3 qa-lu?!-um mu-ug-da-ru-⌈um⌉ ⌈mu-na-x⌉-[…]
4 ša-am7-rum i-na ki-sa-a[l] ⌈ir⌉-[….]
5 ka-ri-iṣ-ma i-na Ap-si-im ṭi4-⌈da-šu⌉
6 ul-da-aš-šu a-su-ru-um na-aš-pa-ar mu-ti?!-[im]
7 zi-ba-sú gi-⌈ri⌉(-)i (-) ta-ri im-tam
8 ⌈qa⌉-[ar-ni i]-šu qa-qa-da ⌈ú⌉-ul i-[šu]
9 [x x x x x x x] x x ir […]
1' ki-ma ši?-it? […]
2' ši-ip-tum ú-ul i-ia-[t]um ši-pa-a[t dDa-mu?]
3' be-el ši-pa-tim ù dNin-kar-a[k? …]
4' be-el-et ṣé-[ri-im …]
1 The bull of the earth, noble one,
2 frantic calf, constantly-goring, raging,
3 swift, pulling back, ...[
4 fierce in the courtyard ...[
5 In the Apsû its clay was pinched,
6 the footing of the wall bore it – the envoy of death.
7 Its tail is fire, carrying poison,
8 [It has] h[orns, it] has no head.
9 ... ... ...
1' ...
2' The spell is not min[e], it is the spel[l of Damu(?)],
3' the lord of spells and of Ninkara[k..],
4' the lady of st[eppe(?)].
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
alpum (GU4) | bull, ox | 1 | |
Apsûm (ZU.AB) | underground water (cosmic) | Deities/Divine sphere,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 5 |
asurrûm | lower course, footing (of wall) | Locations/Buildings | 6 |
bēl šipātim | lord of incantations | Social status/Groups/Professions | 3' |
Bēlet-ṣērim (dNIN.EDIN) | DN, mistress of the field | Deities/Divine sphere | [4'] |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | Social status/Groups/Professions | 4' |
būrum II | calf, (bull) calf | Fauna (domestic) | 2 |
Damu | DN | [2'] | |
Ninkarrak | DN | Deities/Divine sphere | Rev. 3' |
ekdum | fierce | 2 | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 1 |
etellum (NIR) | lord, prince, pre-eminent | Social status/Groups/Professions | 1 |
gīrum, Girra (dGÌRA) | fire(-god) | Deities/Divine sphere | 7 |
našparum II | messenger, envoy | Fabricated objects | 6 |
imtum | poison, venom | Body/Body parts | 7 |
išûm (v.) | G to have | [8] | |
karāṣum (v.) | G to break off, pinch off | 5 | |
kīma | like, as; when; that | 1' | |
kisallum | forecourt | Abstract concepts | 4 |
miqtum, meqtum | fall, collapse; kind of desease, epilepsy | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | Rev. 10' |
mugdarrûm | retracting, pulling back | Qualities/Attributes | 3 |
munakkipum | butting, goring | Qualities/Attributes | 2 |
mūtum | death | Abstract concepts,Diseases/Demons,Human activities/actions | 6 |
našparum II | messenger, envoy | 6 | |
qallum | light; small | Human activities/actions | 3 |
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) | head, beginning, capital | Body/Body parts | 8 |
qarnum (SI) | horn | [8] | |
šamrum | fierce, furious | Qualities/Attributes | 2, 4 |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | [4'] | |
šiptum (ḖN; KAxUD) | incantation, spell | 2' | |
šittum | sleep | Human activities/actions | [Rev. 1'] |
tarûm II (v.) | G to lift up | 7 | |
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu | clay, mud | Materials | 5 |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | 6 | |
yā'um | my, mine | 2' | |
zibbatum | tail | Body/Body parts | 7 |