SEAL no. 7232
Lambert 1969 pl. VI
Contains the ‘Cow-of-Sîn’ narrative. The following parallels exist: MB/MA AS 16, 287f.: ii 19-36; AuOr Suppl. 23, 20: 1'-10'; KUB 4, 13a: 1'-14'; NA KAR 196/BAM 3, 248: iii 10-35; AMT 67/1: iii 4-29
51 gi-se-en dXXX GEMÉ ša dXXX a-la-da šap-šu-qat še-er-ra
52 ku-na-at še-er-ra ku-na-at ana qa-tu-ú ZI-te ŠU.RA si-ku-rù
54 i-ra-ʾ-ši ana nu-ru-ub Úmeš ir-ta-na-ʾi ina sa-ḫi ⌈x⌉⌈(x)⌉
55 NAGmeš-[ši A]meš ana UGU gu4ÁB il-ti-ki-iṭ bu-ru
56 ek-du U4meš-ša ana mu-le-e ⌈ITI⌉meš-ša ana ⌈x⌉⌈x⌉⌈x⌉
57 ta-aḫ-ti-me-iš ta-ḫa-al bu-ur-tu ina ⌈x⌉ [...]
58 ina GÙmeš ḫi-li-ša dXXX na-na-ar ANmeš-e [...]
59 MIN ši-na DUMU.MUNUS da-nim TA AN-e ú-ri-da-a-ni DIŠ-te na-ša-at Ameš [ḫ]i-i-li ša-ni-tu
60 na-ša-at Ì pu-ú-ri Ameš ḫi-li {li} il-pu-ut SAG.KImeš-sa Ì pu-ú-ri x ú pi
62 ar-da-a-tu munusLA.RA.AḪmešÉN!(IGI+AN).É.NU.RU
51 Gī-Sîn, ‘Servant-of-Sîn’, gives birth with great difficulty;
52 She is attached to the baby, she is attached to the baby, (so much so that) life (risks) coming to end. The bolt is locked,
53 the gate is fastened, so that (one can)not take the child. Sîn saw her,
54 he pastured her. He always pastured her in the soft grasses, in the meadows
55 he always watered her. The wild bull mounted the cow.
56 When her days came to an end, her months [were completed],
57 the cow crouched and went into labor; [at her clamour],
58 at her cry of birth pains, Sîn, the-light-of the-sky, [heard her screaming].
59 Two are the daughters of Anu, they descended from heaven. The first carried water-(against) birth-pains, the second
60 carried oil-from-the-jar (and) water-(against)-birth-pains. She smeared her forehead with oil-from-the-jar [she …]
61 her whole body. Just as Gī-Sîn, ‘Servant-of-Sîn’, gave birth normally,
62 may the young woman with birth pains give birth (normally)! INCANTATION.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
amtum (GÉME) | maid, female slave, maidservant, slave girl | 51 | |
Gī-Sîn | PN | 51 | |
kunnum | fixed | 52 | |
napištum (ZI) | throat, life | 52 | |
pašāqum (v.) | G to become narrow; Š to suffer difficulties | 51 | |
qatûm (v.) | G to come to an end, finish; Š complete; Št be completed; complete ? | 52 | |
re'ûm (v.) | G to pasture | 54 | |
sanāqum (v.) | to check, approach | 53 | |
šaqûm III (v.) (NAG) | G to give to drink, irrigate | 55 | |
šerrum | young child, baby | Social status/Groups/Professions | 51, 52 |
sikkūrum, šikkūrum (GIŠ.SAG.KUL) | bar, bolt (as locking device) | 52 | |
walādum (v.) | G to give birth | 51 |