SEAL no. 7501
CDLI No. P266176
5' [...] i-qá-ab-b[u-ú ...]
6' [...] i-qá-ab-bu-ú x [...]
7' [...] a-la!?-ki-šu ta-ki-i[l ...]
8' [x x] x x [x] x ú-ul i-ša x x [...]
9' a-na ša-r[i]-im ú-u[l] il-la-ak x [...]
10' ú-u[l x x] ki it-ti x ša nu x [...]
11' [e]-le-pu [x x]-tum ša i-ša-ad-dè-ḫu m[i-in-ki la dummuq]
12' [x] x x [x ul]-ṣa na-ši-at dLAMMA m[i-in-ki la damiq]
13' [dLAMMA da-mi-iq-t]um ša dBa-ba6 [te-ek-ni-tum]
14' [...] ši a-l[a-ki-ša]
two lines traces
17' [...] x i-na i-di-šu ša-ki-[in]
18' [... ta-ad]-di-ni-šum-ma
19' [...] ta-na-ad-di
1 i[n? …] pa-at-sú x x ba?-nu ú-ul i-ik-lu5-šu
2 i[k? x x (x)] ⌈ša?⌉-ak-nu-šum-ma a-na ša-a-ši-im i-ik-mi-i-is-sí-im?
3 ma-ak-kur-šu šar-ru UD-mi-ša a-na še-pi-ša ša-pi-ik
4 i-na i-mi-it-ti-šu? x x ki ṭa-ba-am be-el-ti i-za-[az]
5 bi-it ni-gu-tim ša ta-ši-il-tam ma-lu-ú NIN mi-in-ki l[a dummuq]
6 UD-um ri-ša-tim ṣí-rum ša ma-ti dLAMMA mi-in-ki la [damiq]
7 dLAMMA da-mi-iq-tum ša dBa-ba6 te-ek-n[i-tum]
8 MUNUS ZI ru-ba-tum ka-mi-is-tum ša ba-la-as-sà i[q-bu-ú]
9 i-na ma-ti-ma i-na a-tál-lu-ki i-na at-w[i-i-ša]
10 i-na ki-ma še-er-tim i-na ku-te-en-ni-i ZU x x a n[a …]
11 šum-ki ki-ma ku-uk-ki šam-ni ù líl-di pi-a-am ma-[li]
12 mi-im-ma ša iš-tu sú-qí-im i-na ba-ba-li-ša SIPA-eš-ti […]
13 ša re-e-eš gišKIRI6-ša lu-ḫir-ši-im i-qá-ab-b[i]
14 UD-mi-ša i-na bi-tim Gir-ši-im i-na-aṭ-ṭa-[al]
15 UD-mi-ša n[am]-ri-iš i-na maḫ-ri-ki i-[ta-na-(al-)la-ak]
16 dLAMMA a-na a-wi-il-tim ša-a-ti mu-tam ki-ma [a-bi ta-ad-di-ni-šim-ma]
17 mu-tam ki-ma a-bi ta-ad-di-ni-šim-ma […]
18 bi-x-sà ú x ma mi-im-ma ⌈x x⌉ […]
5' [...] they sa[y...]
6' [...] they say x [...]
7' [... when(?)] he is going(?) he is trustworthy.
9' She(?) does not go to the rich .[..]
11' The [..]. [b]oat which crosses [the sky], w[hat of yours is not as beautiful?]
12' ... bears [j]oy. Oh Lamma, w[hat of yours is not as beautiful?]
13' [Benefic]ient [Lamma] of Baba, [the honored one].
14' [... her] go[ing].
17' [..]. is set at his side.
18' [... you ga]ve him and
19' [...] throw
1 … they did not hold him back.
2 [..] are put(?) for him and he/she has gathered for her(?).
3 … daily the king lies powerless(?) at her feet.
4 At his(?) right side … good, my lady is sta[nding.]
5 The house of celebration, full of pleasure, what of yours is n[ot as beautiful?]
6 The lofty day of rejoicing of the land, Lamma, what of yours is not as [beautiful?]
7 Beneficient Lamma of Baba, the honored [one],
8 true woman, kneeling mistress, whose life sh[e (Baba) has ordained]!
9 Whenever she goes about (and) sp[eaks],
10 in the morning when (she) honors (Baba) …:
11 “Your name has fi[lled] the mouth like cakes, oil and cream.”
12 Everything, which is from the market street, when she brings (it) is of high quality […].
13 “May I choose for her (Baba) the best of her garden”, she says.
15 Daily she brightly g[oes about] in front of you (Baba).
16 Lamma, [you have given] to this lady (Baba?) a husband instead of [a father],
17 You have given her a husband instead of a father.
18 … everything …
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abum | father | r. 16, r. 17 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | o. 7, o. 9, o. 14, r. 9, r. 15 | |
awīltum | woman | r. 16 | |
awûm, amû (v.) | G to speak; Gt speak, discuss, negotiate | r. 9 | |
balāṭum (v.) | G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for | r. 8 | |
bēltum (NIN) | lady, mistress, proprietress | r. 4 | |
bītum (É) | house | r. 5, r. 14 | |
damāqum (v.) | G to improve (intrans.) D to improve (trans.) | o. 11, o. 12 | |
damqum | good | o. 13, r. 5, r. 6, r. 7 | |
eleppum (//ma) | ship, boat | o. 11 | |
ḫiārum, ḫârum (v.) | to choose, seek out, (Gt) woo one another, (D) set apart | r. 13 | |
idum (Á) | arm; side; strength; wage | o. 17 | |
imittum | right hand, right side | r. 4 | |
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) | G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint | r. 4 | |
kalûm V (v.) | G to hold (back), detain | r. 1 | |
kamāsum I (v.) | to gather in | r. 2 | |
kamāsum II (v.) | G to kneel, squat down | r. 8 | |
kanûm (v.) | D treat kindly, to care, praise, honor | r. 10 | |
kukkum | cake | r. 11 | |
lišdum | cream | r. 11 | |
maḫrum II | front, presence | r. 15 | |
makkūrum | property, possession(s) | r. 3 | |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | r. 5, r. 11 | |
matīma | whenever, sometime | r. 9 | |
mātum (//kalam) | land, country | r. 5 | |
mimma | anything, something; everything, all | r. 12, r. 18 | |
mīnum | what, what? | o. 11, o. 12, r. 5, r. 6 | |
mutum | husband; man, warrior | r. 16, r. 17 | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | o. 18, r. 16, r. 17 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | o. 19 | |
namrum (//gír) | bright, splendid | r. 15 | |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | o. 12 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | r. 14 | |
nigûtum | joyful song, musical celebration | r. 5 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | r. 11 | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | o. 5, o. 6, r. 8, r. 13 | |
rēštûm | first, pre-eminent, prime, firstborn | r. 12 | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | r. 13 | |
rīštum | rejoicing, celebration | r. 6 | |
rubātum | princess | r. 8 | |
šadāḫum (v.) | to move in procession | o. 11 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | o. 17, r. 2 | |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | r. 11 | |
šapākum (v.) | to heap up, pour on | r. 3 | |
šarrum (//lugal) | king, lord | r. 3 | |
šarûm | rich | o. 9 | |
šēpum | foot, leg | r. 3 | |
šērtum II | morning | r. 10 | |
ṣīrum | exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding | r. 6 | |
šumum (MU) | name, son, line of text | r. 11 | |
sūqum (SILA) | street | r. 12 | |
ṭābum (DU10) | good, sweet | r. 4 | |
takālum (v.) | to trust, to encourage | o. 7 | |
tašīltum | celebration | r. 5 | |
teknītum (taknī'ātišu) (//mí) | loving care | r. 7 | |
ulṣum | pleasure, rejoicing | o. 12 | |
ūmišam | daily | r. 3, r. 14, r. 15 | |
ūmum I (//u4) | day | r. 6 | |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | r. 12 |