CUSAS 10, 7 (Ningišizida)

SEAL no. 7508

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
MS 2000
Schøyen Collection, Oslo
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Ningišzida

CDLI P250735.



  1. lu-uz-mu-ur dnin-zi-da
  2. ma-sa-a-am i-la-a-am qar-da-am
  3. ra-ki-ib ma-ku-ur uq-ni-i-im
  4. qé-re-eb ap-pa-ri-i-im
  5. ra-ak-ba-sú!-ú-um a-na ku-pí-i / pa-aš-tum
  6. a-na nu-ni-im ma-ḫi-ri-im qú!-du ra-ak-bu-šu
  7. na-du-šu-ú-um ka-ru i-na e-mi-gi
  8. i-na né-eš-pa-an-da a-la-lu-ú ša-ak-nu-šu-um
  9. ù-ša-ka-al a-na-am i-na ša-mée
  10. den-líl i-na ni-pu-ru d⸢UTU i-zi-pí-ri
  11. i-na e-iu-ga-gal d!⸣IŠKUR ú-ša-ka-al
  12. i-na a-ia-ki-im ú-ša-ka-al iš8-tár
  13. na-du-ú ma-aš-ka-nu-ú-šu DUG! ḫe-gál-li
  14. aš-šum ni-pu-ru i-ra-a-am sa-ba-a-am
  15. aš-šum a-ia-ki-im ú-še-pí-iš / pí-na-ra-ti-im
  16. aš-šum e-ba-pa-ri-im É dUTU / ⸢ra-aš-bi-i


  1. i-na a-du-ur-an-k[i x x x]
  2. x am? x x i-la-a-a[m x] x (x) x
  3. in?-né?-pu?-[]-šum e-gu-ta URU-a-a[m?]
  4. [ú-ri]-im mu-ša-ab dEN.ZU
  5. ni-ir-da i-bi i-bi ni-ir-da
  6. i-ta-di! šu-ba-a-su-ú
  7. e-ne-EG bi-ta-{am}-a-am
  8. ša la-le-e-šu i-pu-úš


  1. I want to sing about Nin(giš)zida,
  2. the leader, the valiant god,
  3. who drives (on) a river boat (made) of lapis lazuli
  4. in the reeds.
  5. For him, for the eel, the pāštum-symbol goes,
  6. for the fish swimming upstream, axes go.
  7. The quays are prepared for him in Enegi.
  8. In Gišbanda, working songs are provided for him.
  9. He gives food to Anu in heaven,
  10. to Enlil in Nippur, and to Šamaš in Sippar.
  11. In the Eudgalgal, he gives food to Adad,
  12. in the Eanna, he gives food to Ištar.
  13. Prepared are your threshing floors (and) the vessel of abundance.
  14. Because of Nippur, he loves Sabum.
  15. Because of Eanna, he let build Pî-nārātim,
  16. because of Ebabbar, the house of awe-inspiring Šamaš.


  1. From Edurank[i …]
  2. … the god …
  3. for him, Egidda was built. The city of
  4. Ur, Sîn's dwelling,
  5. Girda has named, Girda has named.
  6. He took residence,
  7. he made Enegi a house of
  8. his abundance.
Word Translation Semantic Line
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN 11
akālum (v.) G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G 9, 11, 12
alālum I song, work song 8
ālum (URU.KI) village, town, city 19
ana I to, for 6
Anum DN 9
appārum reed-bed, marsh 4
aššum because (of) 14, 15, 16
bītum (É) house 16, 23
Eanna TN 12, 15
Ebabbar TN 16
Eduranki TN 17
Egidda TN 19
Enegi TN 7, 23
Enlil DN 10
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G 15, 19, 24
Eudgalgal TN 11
Girda DN 21
Gišbanda GN 8
ḫegallum (ḪÉ.GÁL) abundance, productivity, prosperity, plenty 13
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 2, 18
ina in, on, by, from 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17
Ištar DN 12
karpatum (DUG) clay pot 13
kārum I (KAR) quay, port 6
kuppûm eel? 5
lalûm plenty, exuberance, wish, desire, emotion 24
maḫārum (v.) G to face, confront, oppose, receive; N to be accepted, received 6
makūrum (gišMÁ.GUR ) processional boat 3
maškanum threshing floor 13
massûm leader, expert 2
mūšabum dwelling, domicile, seat, throne, dwelling place 20
nabûm (v.) G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail 21
nadûm III (v.) G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G 7, 13, 22
Ningišzida DN 1
Nippur GN 10, 14
nūnum (KU6) fish 6
pāštum a divine emblem 5
Pî-nārātim TN 15
qardum valiant, heroic 2
qerbum centre, interior 4
quddum hatchet, axe 6
rakābum (v.) G to mount, ride 3, 5, 6
râmum love, love-making 14
rašbum terrifying 16
ša who(m), which, of 24
Sabum GN 14
šakānum (v.) (GAR) G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established 8
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun 10, 16
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven 9
Sîn DN 20
Sippar (UD.KIB.NUNki) GN 10
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place 22
uqnûm (na4ZA.GÌN) lapis lazuli, turquoise 3
Urum GN 20
zamārum (v.) to sing, to play 1
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Revision History
Streck, Michael P.
Pohl, Antonia
Pohl, Antonia
Transliteration, translation, vocabulary