SEAL no. 7511
139964 obv. (British Museum)
139964 rev. (British Museum)
AO 6161 (CDLI P492408)
i 1 1 pa-ru-um a-na dPap-ul-e-gar-ra
ii 9 x [x x x x x x x] ma-li-ku-tam
iii 2 A-nim ù dI[š°-tar...]
iii 8 dEn-ki dAR[A(Usmû) ...]
iv 5' i-la-am šu-pa-a-am l[u-ul-li sà-i-id]
iv 10' re-e da-an-ṣú-tim mu°-[ x x x]
iv 15' i-ba-šu-ú-ma a-la-ak-[šu ...]
iv 16' ik-ke-le-em-me-e-šu ez?!°-zi?!°-i[š?!...](Signs: AL L[I ...])
iv 17' ú-ša-at-ba-ak-šu im-ta-[am/šu x x]
v 2' x [...
v 7' ṣe-e-sú ú-um-⌈ma⌉°-t[u°-šú ...]
v 8' a-ša-am-šu-tum ṣú-ú-ut-tum [x x x x x x]
v 9' PU°-ZA°-at x [...]
v 25' i-ku-lu gi-iṣ-ṣí-iš i-wu-ú ri-ti ša-a-ri
vi 7' [...]ta-am id-na-šum
vi 8' [...]-tim ú-ra-ša-am
vi 9' [...]-im bi-ni-a-am
vi 13' [...] x-su ša-du-ú-ma bé-li ra-ag-gi
vi 14' [...] ù i ni-im-li-ik i-di-a ku-us-si20-a
vi 16' [li]-ši-ib šar-ru-um ša ul-lu-lu mu-ú-šu
vi 18' li-iš-du-ud mi-iṣ-ri gi-ri-de-e li-pu-uš
vi 19' li-iš-te-ši-ir bi-it i-li sí-ka-ti-im
vi 21' a-na dIštaran(KA.DI) ga-gi-a-am li-še20-e-pi-iš
vi 25' bi-tum lu na-ši re-e-šu ša-ap-la-nu-um šu-ur-šu-šu
vi 27' Ke-e-eš bi-tum lu na-ši re-e-šu ša-ap-la-nu
vi 30' ša-ap-la-nu-um šu-ur-šu-šu er-ṣe-tam lu ta-am-ḫu
vi 34' 1 pa-ru-um
i 2 Two praising songs (to) Papulegara;
i 3 (In total:) three songs to Papulegara.
i 4 Leader, first-born of Enlil!
i 5 Let us sing your might!
i 6 Papulegara, the noble, who makes tremble
i 7 the mighty!
i 8 Valiant, the beloved brother of the Anunnaki, the divine brothers.
i 9 Who binds the storms, the swol[len] clouds
i 10 of the storm-flood.
i 11 Who constantly foments armor bearing, who wa[ges]
i 13 Who trium[phs] again and again [over]
i 14 those ho[stile (to you)].
i 15 Who ever sla[ys ...]
i 16 the en[emies of ...]
ii 1 When you favored a king – all of them (the gods)
ii 2 favored (him as well).
ii 3 When you uttered his destiny – all of them (the gods)
ii 4 uttered (it as well).
ii 5 As your counsel is respected,
ii 6 the (gods) tremble at your cry,
ii 7 Your terror lies heavy;
ii 8 it stretches between earth [(and) s]ky.
ii 9 [...] government,
ii 10 [...?] the yoke of Enlil.
ii 11–13 [... you have brou]ght to an end; the greatness [of....]....
iii 1 In the completion of [...]
iii 2 Anum and I[štar ...]
iii 3 He revered you, [to your] c[ry ...],
iii 5 Exalted among the ...[...]
iii 8 Enki and Usmû [...]
iii 9–11 [Only[ yo[u...]
iv 3' “Completed”. [“Let me praise/extol, etc.] the god” –
iv 4' a praising song [to Papulegara].
iv 5' [Let me extol] the resplendent god, [the slaughterer]
of the enemy, the sla[yer of adversaries].
iv 7' Papulegara, the resple[ndent, let me extol],
iv 8' the slaughterer of the enemy, [the slayer of adversaries].
iv 9' The mighty lion [...]
iv 10' the shepherd of the humble, the [...]
iv 12' lord of the pr[oud?, who weakens]
iv 13' the muscle of the enemies, the one who [...].
iv 15' exists and [whose] way [is crooked],
iv 16' he (Papulegara) looks at him angri[ly...]
iv 17' He (the evil-doer) makes him (Papulegara) pour venom.
v 3' To gather/to twine t[o... ... his...]
v 5' the [evil] storms.
v 6' King of the land .[..]
v 7' his glow, his(?) heat…
v 8' Whirling dust storm, [...]
v 9' ... [...]
v 10' The bow of the universe p[ierces] the heavens.
v 11' A dragon (armed) with teeth, dripping spittle [of death],
v 12' an arrow tipped with a bronze head that perforates the ch[est].
v 13' The rain of the pasture, that multiplies
v 14' (the number of ) the young, the breath of the year, that pours
v 15' the frost away.
v 16' The saw of battles, the dagger of combat,
v 17' the reaper in battle, the scythe
v 18' of war.
v 19' The axe, that denudes the forest, fierce combustion
v 20' whose assault is deadly.
v 21' The iron meteorite that smashed the ground,
v 22' the chisel of the dais;
v 23' let me recount his praise!
v 24' The fire in the canebrake, which cracked the hard soil,
v 25' (and) consumed (it) like a thornbush, (so that) it became a pasture of the wind.
v 26' Who tramples over the crooked ones, whose advice is dishonest,
v 27' Papulegara who pours them into
v 28' his (divine) net.
v 29' Raging lion, who besieges the road.
vi 6' [...] of pure Kēš.
vi 7' [...] the... give to him!
vi 8' [...] plot.
vi 9' [... ] build!
vi 11' [...] the crooked of speech.
vi 13' [...] The... they have ... the lords of evil in the mountain.
vi 14' ... so let us take counsel: establish a throne!
vi 15' May the one (fitting for) sitting on it take his seat!
vi 16' [M]ay the king take his seat, whose rites are so pure,
vi 17' who knows how to rejoice in the temple on the day of the eššēšu-feast.
vi 18' May he draw the borders! May he lay out the paths!
vi 19' May he maintain the temples of the gods in order! May he
vi 20' set the property pegs (in the wall)!
vi 21' May he make build a gagûm for Ištaran!
vi 22' May he make build a womb for Diĝir-maḫ!
vi 23' May he build the Ezuzal, the temple of Sugallītum!
vi 24' The lying bull, the sanctuary may he build!
vi 25' The temple, may its head raise high; below, may its roots
vi 26' grasp the underworld!
vi 27' Keš, the temple, may its head raise high; below,
vi 28' may its roots grasp the underworld!
vi 29' Above, may its tops compete with the heavens;
vi 30' below, may its roots grasp the underworld!
vi 31' Papulegara, the hunter! Be glad and rejoice!
vi 32' Completed. “Let me extol the resplendent god”
vi 33' – a praising song to Papulegara.
vi 35' Two praising songs;
vi 36' to Papulegara;
vi 37' (In total:) three songs (to) Papulegara.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abūbum | flood, deluge | i 10 | |
aḫum I | brother | i 8 | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | v 25 | |
alaktum | way, course | v 29 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | iv 15 | |
alālum (v.) II | G to hang up, suspend; N to be hung up; Ntn | vi 31 | |
amandēnum | scythe | v 17 | |
apluḫtum | armour | i 11 | |
apum (gišGI) | reed-bed, reed | v 24 | |
ašamšūtum | dust storm | v 8 | |
ašarēdum (SAG.KAL) | first and foremost, pre-eminent, leader | i 4 | |
ayyak(k)um | sanctuary, shrine | vi 24 | |
bā'erum (ŠU.ḪA) | hunter, fisherman | vi 31 | |
banûm (v.) | G to build, create; N be created, made | vi 9, vi 23, vi 24 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | iv 15 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | iv 12, vi 13 | |
bītum (É) | house | vi 12, vi 17, vi 19, vi 23, vi 25, vi 27 | |
bukrum | son, child, first born | i 4 | |
damṣum | humble | iv 10 | |
danānum | power, strength | i 4 | |
dannatum | distress, famine, difficulty | v 24 | |
dannum (KAL.GA) | powerful, mighty, great, strong | iv 9 | |
dašnum | mighty | i 7 | |
dīnum (DI.KU5) | verdict, case, judgement, legal decision | vi 10 | |
edēqum (v.) | to dress | i 11 | |
egrum | crossed, twisted, crooked | v 24, vi 11 | |
elēlum II (v.) | G to become pure, free; D purify | vi 16 | |
elēnum | above, over | vi 29 | |
ellum (//sikil) | pure, clear, sacred | vi 6 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | iv 5, iv 7, vi 32 | |
emēdum (v.) | to lean on, impose, dock (a ship) | ii 8 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | i 11, vi 18, vi 21, vi 22 | |
erpetum | cloud | i 9 | |
erṣetum (KI) | earth, land, netherworld | vi 26, vi 28, vi 30 | |
eṣēdum (v.) | G to harvest, reap | v 17 | |
eṣēlum (v.) | to lame, to paralyze | iv 11 | |
esēpum (v.) | to collect | v 3 | |
ešērum (v.) | G be straight, direct towards; be or become all right, be fair; Š put in good condition, make straight; Št1 pass. of Š; Št2 put, keep in order | v 26, vi 19 | |
eššēšum | eššēšum-festival | vi 17 | |
ewûm I (v.) | G to become, turn into; Š make s.o./ like | v 25 | |
ezzum | furious, angry, fierce | iv 16, v 20 | |
gagûm | a building of the temple district | vi 21 | |
gērûm | enemy, adversary | i 16 | |
gimrum | totality, all | v 10 | |
giridûm | way, road | vi 18 | |
giṣṣum | thorn(-bush) | v 25 | |
ḫadûm III (v.) | G to be joyful, rejoice | vi 31 | |
ḫannāmum | very luxuriant, blooming | i 10 | |
ḫiššā'um | noble | i 6 | |
ḫurbāšum | frost, terror | v 15 | |
ḫutpum | arrowhead of bronze | v 12 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | i 8, iv 3, iv 5, vi 17, vi 19, vi 32 | |
imḫullum | destructive wind, storm | i 9 | |
imtum | poison, venom | iv 17 | |
irtum I (GABA) | breast, chest | v 12 | |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | v 24 | |
kabāsum (v.) | G to tread, trample; D tread, walk over | v 26 | |
kabtum | heavy, substantial, honoured, distinguished | ii 5, ii 7, v 4 | |
kalûm II (DÙ.A.BI) | all, totality, everything | ii 1, ii 3 | |
kamāmum (v.) | to grind one's teeth | iii 7 | |
kulpašum | a divine weapon | v 19 | |
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) | chair, stool, throne | vi 14 | |
lamādum (v.) | to learn, to become aware | vi 17 | |
lišānum | tongue (of flame), tongue, language | vi 11 | |
lītum I | power, victory | i 13 | |
lûm | bull | vi 24 | |
magārum (v.) | G to consent, agree; Gt to agree with one another, settle on | ii 1, ii 2 | |
malākum (v.) | G to give advice; Gt to discuss, confer, consider, ponder | vi 14 | |
malikūtum | power, principality | ii 9 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | v 6 | |
meḫûm | storm | v 5 | |
miliktum | advice, counsel, resolution, intelligence | v 27 | |
milkum | advice, counsel, resolution, intelligence | ii 5 | |
miqtum, meqtum | fall, collapse; kind of desease, epilepsy | v 21 | |
miṣrum | frontier, region | vi 18 | |
mû II | cult rites, divine orders | vi 16 | |
muštarḫum | proud, arrogant | iv 11 | |
mūtum | death | v 11 | |
nabûm (v.) | G to name, nominate, decree, invoke, D lament, wail, Š cause to name, lament, wail | ii 3, ii 4 | |
nadānum (v.) (SUM) | G to give, bestow | vi 7 | |
nadrum | wild, savage | v 29 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | vi 14 | |
nakrum | strange, foreign, enemy | iv 6, iv 8, iv 13 | |
napraṣum | crowbar | v 22 | |
narbûm | greatness, pl. deeds | ii 11 | |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | vi 25, vi 27 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | vi 10 | |
nekelmûm (v.) | to look angrily, with disfavour | iv 16 | |
nêrum (v.) | G to strike, kill; D strike, smite, slay | iv 6, v 20 | |
nēšum, nīšum (UR.MAH) | lion | iv 9, v 29 | |
nêtum (v.) | to surround | v 29 | |
nipšum | tuft of wool | v 14 | |
nīrum | yoke, crossbeam; "yoke-star" | ii 10 | |
pa'āṣum (v.) | to break up, crush | v 24 | |
palāḫum (v.) | G to fear, revere | iii 3 | |
parakkum (BÁRA) | cult dais, sanctuary, chapel | v 22 | |
pārum I | hymn | i 1, vi 34 | |
parzillum (AN.BAR) | iron | v 21 | |
patarrum | battle mace (?) | v 16 | |
petûm II (v.) | G to open, expose; Š to cause to open | v 12 | |
puluḫtum | fear(someness) | ii 7 | |
qablum II (//šen-šen) | battle, fight | v 16, v 20 | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | ii 7, vi 21 | |
qardum | valiant, heroic | i 8 | |
qatûm (v.) | G to come to an end, finish; Š complete; Št be completed; complete ? | ii 11 | |
qištum (GIŠ.TIR) | forest, wood | v 19 | |
rabāṣum (v.) | G to sit, be recumbent, lie in wait, lurk; Gtn regularly sit on, settle; Š caus. of G | vi 24 | |
raggum | wicked, villainous | vi 13 | |
rakāsum (v.) | G to bind | i 9 | |
ramûm III (v.) | G to slacken, become loose; D release, let go | iv 12 | |
râsum (v.) | to smash, to break | v 22 | |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | iv 10 | |
rēmum | womb, compassion | vi 22 | |
rēšum (SAG) | head; beginning; slave | vi 25, vi 27 | |
rigmum | voice, cry, noise | ii 6, iii 3 | |
rîtum | pasture | v 13, v 25 | |
ru'tum, rūtum | spittle, saliva, sap | v 11 | |
šadādum (v.) | to drag, pull, draw | vi 18 | |
sâdum (v.) | to smite | iv 5, iv 8 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | vi 13 | |
šagāšum (v.) | to slaughter, to murder | i 15 | |
saḫāḫum (v.) | to be terrified | ii 6 | |
sakālum (v.) | to appropriate fraudulently, to annex | iv 14 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | i 13, vi 20 | |
ṣâlum (v.) | to fight, quarrel | i 14 | |
šamāṭum (v.) | to tear, to pull | v 19 | |
šamû I (AN) (//an) | sky, heaven | ii 8, v 10, vi 29 | |
šamûm II | rain | v 13 | |
šanānum (v.) | to rival, to equal | vi 29 | |
šanûm III (v.) | G to do twice, do for a second time; D repeat, report | v 23 | |
šaplānum | down | vi 25, vi 27, vi 30 | |
šaqārum (v.) | to pierce | v 10 | |
ṣarārum (v.) | to flash, drip | v 11 | |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | ii 1, v 6, vi 3, vi 16 | |
sartum | falsehood | iv 14 | |
šārum (IM) | wind, breath | v 25 | |
šaššārum | saw | v 16 | |
šattum (MU) | year | v 14 | |
šer'ānum, šir'ānum (//sa-UD) | vein, artery, ligament, tendon, nerve, sinew | iv 12 | |
ṣētum, ṣītum | bright light, heat | v 7 | |
ṣiāḫum (v.) | to laugh; cry | vi 17 | |
sikkatum I (šikkatum) | peg, nail (of wood or metal), part of a lock | vi 19 | |
šiltāḫum | arrow | v 12 | |
šīmtum (NAM) | fate, what is fixed, destiny | ii 3 | |
šinnum | tooth | v 11 | |
ṣu''udum | whirling, swirling | v 18 | |
šūpûm | made apparent, resplendent, famous, shining, splendid | iv 5, iv 7, vi 32 | |
šuršum | root | vi 25, vi 28, vi 30 | |
šuškallum, šaškallum | battle-net | v 28 | |
tabākum (v.) | G to pour (out), lay flat; Ntn repeatedly swoop on | iv 17, v 14, v 27 | |
talīmum | favorite brother | i 8 | |
tamāḫum (v.) | to seize, to grasp | vi 26, vi 28, vi 30 | |
tamḫārum | battle, combat | v 18 | |
tamlītum | filling | iii 1 | |
tanittum (//zà-mí) | (hymn of) praise | i 2, iv 4, v 23, vi 33, vi 35 | |
tarārum (v.) | to tremble | i 6 | |
târum (v.) (GUR) | G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back | iii 4 | |
tilpānum (GIŠ.GEŠPU) | bow, throwing stick (?) | v 10 | |
tuqumtum, tuqmatum | battle, fight | i 12, v 16, v 17 | |
ullûm II | exalted | iii 5 | |
ummatum | main body, bulk | v 7 | |
urāšum | a plot of land | vi 8 | |
warûm (v.) | G to lead, conduct; Gtn iter. guide, steer, administer | vi 12 | |
waṣābum (v.) | G to add, increase | v 13 | |
wašābum (v.) | to sit, dwell | vi 15, vi 16 | |
wildum | offspring, young | v 14 | |
zamārum (v.) | to sing, to play | i 5 | |
ziqqum | (a pillar) | vi 29 |