AUWE 23, 113 (Sîn)

SEAL no. 7513

Copy / Photo
113 (Falkenstein)
Tablet Siglum
W17259 w.
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Sîn
dNanna dumu-saĝ dEn-líl-lá šùd-dè ⌈ki⌉-áğ-ra
2 ù.na.a.du11
3 en itix (UD-dNANNA) daĝal búr men an-uraš-a
a-na be-limša⌈ ṣí-it wa-ar-ḫi-šu ra-bi-iš šu-pa-ru-ru a-ge-e ša-me-e ù er-ṣe-tim
4 en gal lú ti-ti ki-áĝ-me-en a-a saĝ-MI-ga
be-lum ra-bu-ú ša a-wi-lam bu-lu-ṭú i-ra-mu a-bi ṣa-a[l]-ma GA-DI?-im
5 lugal šà-lá-sux(BU) si-ge4 ù du8 mu-un-zu!-a-aš
a-na šar-ri-im re-me-ni-im ša! ru?-ma?-am ù pa-ṭa?-ru? (ra?) mu-du!
6 dingir arḫuš sù šà gur-ru a-ra-zu-e giš-tuku
a-na i-lim re-me-ni-im ta-a-a-ri-im še-mi te-ès-li-tim
7 ù-ne-dè-daḫ
8 nam-en-na šu-du7 aga-zi ⌈gùr-ru⌉-me-en
be-lu-tam šu-uk-lu-lu a-ga-am ki-nam na-šu-ú
9 mùš-me-ḫuš uktin-ta nir-ra alan kù ḫi-li du8.du8
zi-mu ru-šu-tum bu-na-nu tu-ru-ṣú-tum la-nu-um el-lum š[a x x na]-du-ú
10 nam-maḫ-zu kur-kur-ra dul-la
11 me-lám-zu an kù-ga šú-a
ša-me-e el-lu-tim sà-aḫ⌉-pu
12 [n]í-gal-zu su-zi im-du8-du8
[…] ša-lu-ma-tam ma-lu
13 […U]N-e zag-dib
[…] ina ma-tim šu-tu-uq
14 [dUtu-è-ta dUtu-šú-u]š-e za-⌈e⌉ maḫ-me-en
[i-na ṣí-it ša-am-š]i ù e-re-eb [ša-am]-ši at-ta-ma ṣi-ra-a-ti
15 […i]d-di-kum ša-me-e ina qá-t[i-ik <iš-kun>]
[x x (x) k]i? ⌈x x an?⌉ ⌈ma-ra-an⌉-sum an šu-zu-uš / mu-un-gar
16 [an-ki]-bi-ta lugal-bi za-e-me-en nam-bi ì-tar-⌈re⌉
ša-me-e ù er-ṣe-tam be-el-šu-nu at-ta-ma ši-ma-ti-šu-nu ta-ši-a-am


  1. To Nanna, the firstborn of Enlil, to the lover of prayers,
  2. speak!
  3. To the lord, whose moonlight is spread widely, the crown of heaven and earth,
  4. the great lord, who lets man live (and) loves (him), father of the black-headed people,
  5. to the merciful king, who knows loosing and removing,
  6. to the merciful, charitable god, to the listener of the prayer,
  7. speak further:
  8. To perfect lordship, to wear the just crown,
  9. red countenance, sharp features, pure figure, (on) whom delight is put,
  10. Your grandeur, that wraps the countries,
  11. Your radiance, that subjugates the pure heaven,
  12. filled with your awe-inspiring blaze,
  13. […] is paramount in the country.
  14. [From d]aw[n] and (to) [du]sk you are outstanding.


  1. [… he] gave you […], he put heaven in [your] hand[s].
  2. Heaven and earth – you are their lord, you decrees their destiny.
Word Translation Semantic Line
abum father Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions 4
agûm I (//aga) tiara, crown 8
agûm I (//men) tiara, crown 3
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being Social status/Groups/Professions 4
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner Social status/Groups/Professions 3, 4, 16
bēlūtum leadership, rule, domination 8
bunnan(n)û physiognomy, features, likeness, image 9
ellum (KÙ.GA) pure, clear, sacred Qualities/Attributes 9, 11
erṣetum (KI) earth, land, netherworld Nature/Cosmological phenomena 3, 16
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity Deities/Divine sphere 6
kīnum permanent, true, reliable Qualities/Attributes 8
lānum body, figure; stature, form Body/Body parts 9
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena 13
qaqqadum, kaqqadum (SAG; SAG.KI) head, beginning, capital Body/Body parts 4
qātum (ŠU) hand Body/Body parts 15
rabîš greatly 3
rēmēnûm merciful 5, 6
ruššûm red 9
ṣalmum (GI6) I black, dark 4
šalummatum radiance Nature/Cosmological phenomena 12
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Nature/Cosmological phenomena 14
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven 3, 11, 15, 16
šarrum (//lugal) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions 5
šīmtum (NAM) fate, what is fixed, destiny Abstract concepts,Rituals/Religious practices 16
ṣīrum exalted, supreme, splendid, outstanding 14
ṣītum exit, (new) growth of plant, rise Abstract concepts 3, 14
šuklulum perfect 8
tayyārum returning, merciful 6
teslītum appeal, prayer 6
turruṣum straight 9
warḫum (ITI) the moon, (day of) new moon, first day of month Time concepts 3
zīmum face, appearance, figure 9
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Revision History
Papperitz, Catharina
Transliteration, index
Streck, Michael P.
Index, corrections (catalogue)
Streck, Michael P.
Transliteration, index
Pohl, Antonia