CT 21, 40ff. (Hammurāpi)

SEAL no. 7521

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
BM 90842 (77–11–16, 1)
British Museum, London
Genre / Classification
Hymns and Prayers, Hammurāpi

IM 124468 is a Neo-Babylonian copy from Sippar.


col. i A

1 [dEn-líl-le]

2 [nam-nir-ra]

3 [mu-ra-an-šúm]

4 [za-e a-ba-a]

5 [bí-gub-bé-en]

6 [dEN].ZU

7 [nam-sa]g-kala

8 [mu-r]a-an-šúm

9 [za-e] a-ba-a

10 [bí-g]ub-bé-en

11 [d]Nin-urta

12 [giš]tukul.maḫ

13 [mu-]ra-an-šúm

14 [za-e] a-ba-a

15 [bí-g]ub-bé-en

16 [dIn]anna-ke4

17 [mè-š]en-šen-na

18 [mu-r]a-an-šúm

19 [za-e] a-ba-a

20 [bí-gu]b-bé-en

21 [dUtu ù] dIškur

22 [maškim]-zu-me-eš

23 [za-e a]-ba-a

24 [bí-gub]-bé-en


col. i B

1 [d]En-[líl]

2 [e]-te-lu-t[am]

3 [id-d]i-ik-kum

4 [at]-ta ma-an-nam

5 [t]u-qá-a

6 dSîn(EN.ZU)

7 a-ša-re-du-tam

8 id-di-ik-kum

9 at-ta ma-an-nam

10 tu-qá-a

11 dNinurta(NIN.URTA)

12 kakkam(gišTUKUL) ṣi-ra-am

13 id-di-ik-kum

14 at-ta ma-an-nam

15 tu-qá-a

16 dIštar(INNIN)

17 qablam(ŠEN.ŠEN) ù tāḫāzam(MÈ)

18 id-di-ik-kum

19 at-ta ma-an-nam

20 tu-qá-a

21 dŠamaš(UTU) ù dAdad(IŠKUR)

22 ra-bi-ṣú-ka

23 at-ta ma-an-nam

24 tu-qá-a


col. ii A

1 [ ]

2 ér[in] / érin-[daḫ]

3 ù érin-m[á-da]-/ lá-a-ni

4 gar-ra-a

5 nam-á-g[ál]-zu

6 gub-bí-íb

7 ub-da-límmu-ba

8 s[ag?] an-š[è?] / [ n]í!-íl-bi

9 mu-zu ḫé-pà-dè

10 un-dagal-la

11 inim ḫa-ra-ab -/ sa6-sa6-ge-ne

12 kìri šu ḫa-ra-ab -/ tag-ge-ne

13 a-a-ar / gal-gal-zu

14 me-téš ḫé-i-i-ne

15 ka-tar-maḫ-zu

16 ḫé-si-il-le-ne


col. ii B

1 [elīajjābim naʾrānimù ṣāb tillātīšu]

2 [x x x x x]

3 [ša ina DN?]

4 [šaknū]

5 li-i[t-ka]

6 šu-zi-iz

7 i-na ki-ib-ra-at

8 [e]r-bé-tim / ut-le-le-ma

9 šum-ka li-iz-za-ki-ir

10 ni-šu ra-ap-ša-tum

11 li-iš-te-mi- / qá-kum

12 ap-pa-ši-na / li-il-bi-na-kum

13 ta-na-da-ti-ka / ra-bi-a-tim

14 li-iš-ta-ni-da

15 da-li-li-ka ṣe-ru-tim

16 li-id-lu-la


col. iii B

1 [x x x]-x-im

2 [x x x]-ta?-šu

3 [x x x x]-mi

4 [x x x    ]i?-?! / [x x x]-ti

5 [x x x -ni/i]r-šu

6 [x x x x]-ti

7 [x x x x]-šu

8 [x x x x-t]i?

9 [x x x x]-x / [x x x  ]x

10 [x x x x] x


col. iv A

1 bí-in-gub

2 nam-maḫ nam-kala-ga-ni

3 a-ga ud-da-šè

4 pa bí-in-è

5 Ḫa-am-mu-ra-pí

6 lugal ur-sag / kala-ga

7 érin gišḫas-ak-ak

8 mar-urugiš-giš-lá

9 gú-dù-a sì-sì-ki

10 giš-giš-lá te-en-te-en

11 sùḫ-saḫ4 si-si-a

12 [gil?]-ak

13 [alan-i]m-gin7

14 [x x gul]-gul-la

15 [gál-tag4-g]a

16 [x x x x x]

17 [x x x x x]


col. iv B

1 uš-zi-iz

2 na-ar-bí du-ni-šu

3 a-na aḫ-ri-a-at

4 UD-mi ú-še-pí

5 Ḫa-am-mu-ra-pí

6 šar-ru-um qar-ra-du-um da-an-nu-um

7 ša-ki-iš a-a-bi

8 a-bu-ub tu-qum-ma-tim

9 sà-pí-in māt(KALAM) za-i-ri

10 mu-bi-il-li tu-uq-ma-tim

11 mu-še-ep-pí sà-aḫ-ma-ša-tim

12 mua4-ab-bi-it

13 mu-uq-tab-li

14 ki-ma ṣa-lam ṭi-ṭi-im

15 mu-pé-et-ti

16 pu-uš-qí

17 ⌈ù!⌉ [w]a-aš-ṭú-tim



col. i           

1–3 En[lil] has [giv]en you [l]ordship.

4 You, whom

5 do you trust?

5–8 Sîn has given you supremacy.

9 You, whom

10 do you trust?

11–13 Ninurta has given you a noble weapon.

14 You, whom

15 do you trust?

16–18 Ištar has given you fight and warfare.

19 You, whom

20 do you trust?

21 Šamaš and Adad

22 are your sheriffs.

23 You, whom

24 do you trust?


col. ii          

1–4 [...]

5–6 Establish [your] victory!

7–8 Elevate yourself in the four quarters of the world and

9 your name may be mentioned!

10–11 May the numerous people pray to you!

12 May they greet you!

13–14 Let them praise altogether your great praises.

15–16 May they glorify your noble glories!


col. iii         



col. iv         

1 he established.

2 The greatness of his power

3–4 he caused to appear till the end of days.

5 Ḫammurāpi,

6 the king, the strong warrior,

7 the exterminator of foes,

8 the flood in battles,

9 the demolisher of the enemy’s land,

10 the extinguisher of fights,

11 who brings disputes to an end,

12 who destroys

13 the fighters

14 like a figurine of clay,

15 who loosens

16–17 difficulties and(?) distress,

Word Translation Semantic Line
abūbum flood, deluge Nature/Cosmological phenomena iv 8
Adad (dIŠKUR) DN Deities/Divine sphere i 21
appum nose, tip, crown (of tree) Body/Body parts ii 12
ašarēdūtum supremacy i 7
dalīlum praise Rituals/Religious practices ii 5
dunnum strength, force iv 2
Enlil DN iA 1, iB 1
etellūtum, etallūtum supremacy Social status/Groups/Professions i 2
Ḫammurāpi PN; RN PN iv 5
Ištar DN i 16
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle Fabricated objects i 12
kibrum (UB) bank (of a river), shore, rim, brink; quarter of the world Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena ii 7
lītum I power, victory ii 5
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena iv 9
narbûm greatness, pl. deeds Abstract concepts iv 2
Ninurta DN i 11
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions ii 10
pušqum narrowness, straits iv 16
qablum II (ŠEN.ŠEN) battle, fight i 17
qarrādum (UR.SAG) warlike; hero, warrior Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions iv 6
rābiṣum bailiff i 22
ṣalmum II (ALAN) figure, image, statue iv 14
Šamaš, šamšum (dUtu) DN, sun Deities/Divine sphere i 21
šarrum (//lugal) king, lord Social status/Groups/Professions iv 6
Sîn DN Deities/Divine sphere i 6
šumum (MU) name, son, line of text Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions ii 9
tāḫāzum (ME; ME6) battle, combat i 17
tanattum, pl. tanadātum fame, pl. praise ii 13
ṭīdum, ṭiṭṭu clay, mud Materials iv 14
tuqumtum, tuqmatum battle, fight iv 8, iv 10
ūmum I (UD) day, daily Abstract concepts,Time concepts iv 4
wašṭūtum distress iv 17
zā'erum, zā'irum hostile, enemy iv 9
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Revision History
Fabricius, Lydia
Transliteration, index
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (studies)
Wasserman, Nathan
Photography, web-imaging
Streck, Michael P.
Catalogue, transliteration, translation, commentary, index
Wasserman, Nathan