SEAL no. 7590
TMH 12 Pl. 11 (HS 1893) copy.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 12 (HS 1893)a.jpg
TMH 12 Pl. 12 (HS 1893)b.jpg
Describes a variety of games
1 a-li KÁ.DINGIR.RAki ša-du-ú ša ṣur-ri
2 it-tab-ši i+na ŠÀ-šú
e-le-lum mu-um-mé-el-lum 3 ù an-za-li-lum
3 ke-ep-pu-ʾ-ú an-ḫu-us-su!?(ZUM) 4 ù bi-it-ta-at
4 bu-kùr ra-pa-du ù IN.⌈NU ḫar!?⌉-rum
5 ša-ak-ki šebu-kàt ù ar-si-ik-⌈ki⌉
6 il-li-lum šu-ši-šin ù ni-ši-lu-ú
7 iš-ḫu-up-pu ga-pa-aḫ-šu ù ḫu-up-pu
8 šar-ra-ḫu-tu gu-taš-šu-ru ù šar-⌈ra⌉-pu-tum
9 šu-ta-pu-ḫu šu-tar-ru-ḫu ù ri-ik-⌈sa-tu⌉
10 ši-in-ṣu pi-iq-ru ù na-mu-tu
11 se-e-gu te-el-⌈tum⌉ ù šer9(ŠAR)-gi-tu
12 ša-lu-ú na-pa-gu ù bu-ru-bu-ru
13 kit-pu-lum la-⌈sa⌉-mu ù ta-ba-ak ḫaṭ-ṭi
14 a-na pi-i ša-bi-iṭ a-ba-ri ú-šal-lam ri-iq-di
15 a-na zi-im-ri ša-ḫu-un-ni i-sa-pi-⌈id⌉ ir-ta
16 e-le-i mé-lu-la ša ba-tu-la-a-ti
17 a-se-gu-ta a-li-lu-ú-a ù ki-ṣe-el-le-⌈tum⌉
18 [ḫ]a-aṣ-ba-ti ḫa-am-bi(-)is-qí ù kur-si-in-na-bu-ú
19 ⌈se?⌉-ri qá-ti ḫu-ub-ti li-pi-i ù bu-ul-li e-pe-ri
20 [ma?]-gi-il-la a-du-ur ši-ḫi-iṭ ù am-bi-is-su
21 [x] ⌈x⌉ an ḫu-su-ḫu-su ù tu-pu-tu-pu
1 [x x x (x)] ⌈x pi iš? tu/li iš x⌉ ri
2 [x x x (x)]-bé-e ⌈a-na? nu?-ru⌉-ub
3 [x x x] ⌈x⌉ ka mi
4 [x] ⌈tar? mu?⌉ nu-ga-ti e-li-ni-ti ša man-ni
5 [x x] nu bi-it ma-an-ni ma-la-aḫ-ma-la-aḫ
6 [x x r]u? ù šu-us-sa-as-se-e-a
7 [x]-⌈x⌉-ru-ú man-nu ⌈i+na⌉ mu-ši
8 ⌈e⌉-niš ù ḫu-ur-ru mu-ša-ṭi-ka bi-la
1 My city Babylon, the mountain of obsidian:
2 In its midst emerged,
playing, the player, 3and the anzalīlu-entertainer;
3 the skipping rope, its fatigue, 4and “daughters”;
4 “son”, running around and straw-(and)-ditch;
5 “(my-)harrowed(-field)!”, “(a)bukkatu-rush!” and “(my-)millet!”;
6 jubilation, sixty-(and)-two, and the oath-taker;
7 the rogue one, the proud one, and the acrobat;
8 (showing) arrogance, showing-oneself-superior-in-strength, and making-fires;
9 blowing-at-each-other, boasting, and (games with) knots/strings;
10 taunting, (making-a-)claim, and mockery;
11 (crying-a-)lamentation, (telling-a-)saying, and (reciting-a-)šergida;
12 submerging, hiding, and buru-buru;
13 wrestling, running, and stick-heaping;
14 At the command of the one who strikes the lead, he (i.e. the winner) completes (his) dances!
15 At the song of lament, he (i.e. the loser) beats (his) breast!
16 I am (also) competent to do the play of girls!
17 a-se-gu-ta, “alleluʾa!”, and (games with) astragals;
18 potsherds, …, lots, and naming-kursinnu(-bones);
19 “smear?-my-hand!”, “dig-out-my-fat!”, and “stir-up-my-dust!”;
20 “fear-the-[mons]ter!”, “attack!”, and “escape-him!”
21 …, husu-husu and tupu-tupu;
1. …
2....... [....... ]-toward-the-soft-
3....... [....... ] …
4....... [....... ]–(of)-wrath, enchantress-of-someone;
5....... [....... ] house-of-someone, “sailor!-sailor!”;
6....... [....... ] and “šu-us-sa-as-se-e-a”;
7....... [....... ], someone-in-the-night;
8 “(O)-weak-and-stupid-bring-me-your-haircombings!”