Atraḫasis MB Flood (The Ark Tablet)

SEAL no. 1520

  • Ark Tablet obv. (British Museum)Ark Tablet obv. (British Museum)
  • Ark Tablet rev. (British Museum)Ark Tablet rev. (British Museum)
  • Wasserman 2020a 63Wasserman 2020a 63
  • Wasserman 2020a 64Wasserman 2020a 64
  • Wasserman 2020a 65Wasserman 2020a 65
  • Wasserman 2020a 65Wasserman 2020a 65
Copy / Photo
11.2 x 6.2 x 2.5
Douglas Simmonds Collection
Genre / Classification
Epics, Atraḫasis

Ms. Ark



Ark 1 i-ga-ar i-ga-a[r k]i-ki-iš ki-ki-iš

Ark 2 mAt-ra-am-ḫa-si-i[s] a-na mi-il-ki-ia qú-ul-[ma]

Ark 3 ta-ba-al-lu-uṭ [d]a-ri-iš

Ark 4 ú-pu-ud bītam(É) bi-ni eleppam(MÁ) m[a-a]k-ku-ra-am ze-e[r-ma]

Ark 5 na-pí-iš-tam šu-ul-lim            

Ark 6 eleppam(MÁ) te-ep-pu-šu e-[]e-er-ši-ma

Ark 7 e-ṣe-er-ti ki-[i]p-pa-tim

Ark 8 lu mi-it-ḫa-ar ši-id-da-[š]a ù pu-u[s-sa]

Ark 9 lu-ú 1 ikû(IKU) ka-aq-qá-ar-š[a lu]-ú⌉ 1 nindanum(NINDA) i-ga-r[a-tu-ša]

Ark 10 ka-an-nu aš-la-a <lu> ṭá-mu-ú⌉ [a-na libbi(ŠÀ)]-ša

Ark 11 li-ip-ti-il-kum bītībi-ti) pí-[t]i-il-tam

Ark 12 ŠÁR (x) 4 (+) 30 ta-qab-bi-am li-[ku]-ul

Ark 13 30 ṣe-ri i-na libbi(ŠÀ)-ša a[d]-di

Ark 14 ša 1 parsiktum(PI) ik-bi-ru 10 nindanum(NINDA) mu-ra-ak-šu

Ark 15 ŠÁR im-di i-na libbi(ŠÀ)-ša ú-ki-in

Ark 16 ša ½ <parsiktum(PI)> ik-bi-ru-ma ½ nindanum(NINDA) mu-ra-ak-šu

Ark 17 ar-ku-ús ḫi-in-ni-ša◦ e-le-nu-umùša-ap-lu-um

Ark 18 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) ki-da-ti-ša ap-[r]u-ús

Ark 19 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) qí-ri-ib-šaap-[r]u-ús

Ark 20 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) a-na ḫi-in-ni-ša aš-[t]a-pa-ak

Ark 21 uš-ta-ar-ki-ib ŠÁR (x) 8? kupram(⌈ESIR.UD.DU.A⌉) [i-n]a ki-<ra>-ti-ia

Ark 22 ù ŠÁR iṭṭâm(ESIR) a-na li-ib-bi aš-pu-uk

Ark 23 iṭṭûm(ESIR) ú!-ul iq-r[i]-ba-am-ma

Ark 24 5 šu-ši na-ḫa-[a]m ú-re-[e]d-di

Ark 25 -⌈ta-ar-[k]i-ibki-ra-ti-iami-it-ḫa-ri-iš

Ark 26 bīnam(gi[š]⌈ŠINIG⌉) ⌈giš⌉x-i

Ark 27 x x x e? na? as tum i? bi? ma? ba-ar-tam


Lo. Ed.

Ark 28 x x x (x)meš? x [x x x]

Ark 29 i-⌈il-la-ku bi-rit?⌉ ṣe-x⌉-[x-x]

Ark 30 [x x] x nam-mi [x] x x [x x]

Ark 31 [. . . ki?-ra?-ti?]-ia i-x [x x] ki ESIR.⌈UD?.DU?⌉



Ark 32 kupru(⌈ESIR UD.DU⌉) ki-du-ú⌉ [ša k]i-ra-ti x x x

Ark 33 e-zu-ub 2 (× 60) kur(G[UR]) ⌈ú-pa-az-zi-<ru°> um-mi-a-nu

Ark 34 ⌈-ta-na-al⌉-[la?-ak?-šu?-nu?-ti? i?-n]a? ri-a-ši

Ark 35 a-na eleppi(MÁ) ⌈i-[ru-bu-ma] x x k[i-i]m? ⌈sa-al-la-at

Ark 36 ḫa-du-ú ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈ki?⌉ [x x] x e-mu-tim

Ark 37 ù za-bi-il ⌈x?⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ ⌈e-ri-ia°-tum

Ark 38 a-ki-lum i-ik-k[a-a]l [ša-tu-um] i-ša-at-ti    

Ark 39 a-na-ku a-wa-tum⌉ ⌈i⌉-[na] [lib]bi([Š]À)-i[a] i-ba-aš-ši-ma

Ark 40 ta°-na-tia°?⌉-[x x x l]i-ib-bi

Ark 41 ša°-ap- [tu?]    -ú         -a

Ark 42 bi-ni-it? x x [. . .] . . . i?- na°⌉-ia°

Ark 43 ⌈ù°⌉ áš°-gi°⌉-°⌉ . . . [. . .] e? ša-ap-ti-ia

Ark 44 [x x]-ne? ra-bi-⌈⌉ ⌈x⌉ [x x x]-ma° ši°-ib!?(Text:BI)-qum aṣ-la-al

Ark 45 [e-li] a-na ú-riú-[sa-ap-pi(?) a]-⌈nadEN.ZU be-li

Ark 46 ⌈x x x⌉ li-ib-bi? [ta?-ta?-a]b-ba-al

Ark 47 x x ri x ak? [x x x x] x ti?-bi ik-la

Ark 48 ⌈i-nali?°⌉-[ib?-bi?]-ia

Ark 49 dEN.LĹL° i-na kussî(⌈giš⌉⌈GU⌉.⌈ZA⌉)-⌈šu⌉ [it-ta-m]e ga-ma-ar-tam

Ark 50 ù ar-m[u-tam i-na u4-mi-im] ⌈e-ṭi-i[m (x x x)]

Ark 51 ù na-ma-aš-t[um i-na ṣe]-ri-i[m (. . .)]

Ark 52 ⌈ša-na eleppa(MÁ) ⌈lu?⌉-[ú x x x x] x x x [x x x x]

Ark 53 5 šikara(KAŠ) ar-m]a?[ x x uš-t[a-x x x x]

Ark 54 11 ù!°12 ⌈ú-za-ab-ba-lu⌉ x (x) [x x x]

Ark 55 3 úši-iq-bi u[k?-ta-x x] x x x x

Ark 56 1/3 ú-ku-lu-ú [x-x]-⌈mu?/gu?⌉ [kur?]-din?-nu

Ark 57 1 šu-ši na-ḫa-am a-nagi-ri-ma-de-eaq?-ta?⌉-[na?-bi?]

Ark 58 e-zu-ub 30 kur(GUR) ú-pa!?-az-zi-ru° lú!(BI°).mešum-mi-a-[nu]


Up. Ed.

Ark 59 ⌈i-nu-ma a-na-ku e-ru-bu-ma

Ark 60 pi-ḫi pít ba-bi-ša



Ark 1              “Wall, wall! Reed fence, reed fence!                         

Ark 2–3          Atra-ḫasīs, pay attention to my advice, so that you live forever!

Ark 4­–5          Depart from (your) house, build a boat! Spurn property [and] keep (your)              life intact!

Ark 6–7          The boat which you will build, I will draw it out (for you) – a circular plan:

Ark 8–9          Her length and breadth should be equal, her base should be one ikû; her                             hull (lit. walls) should be one nindanu (high).

Ark 10 [Let] the cords – each ašlu long – be woven [inside(?)] it.

Ark 11–12      Should you say: ‘(But) this will consume 14,430 ( of fiber)!’ – Let my                           temple (personnel) twist the fibers into a rope for you”.

Ark 13–14      I put up thirty ribs which are one parsiktu-vessel thick, ten nindanu long.

Ark 15–16      I have installed 3,600 stanchions in it which are half (a parsiktu-vessel) thick,                    half a nindanu long.

Ark 17 I arranged her cabins above and below.

Ark 18–19      I allocated sixty (kors) of crude bitumen for her outsides, I allocated sixty              (kors) of crude bitumen for her interior.

Ark 20 I have poured sixty (kors) of crude bitumen onto her cabins.

Ark 21–22      I loaded my kilns with 28,800 () of dry bitumen, I poured (additional) 3,600                  () of crude bitumen within –

Ark 23–24      (yet) the bitumen did not reach (the required amount), (so) I set out 300 () of                 lard.

Ark 25–26      I loaded [my] kilns evenly with tamarisk wood(?) and . . . a wood of (?).

Ark 27 … …


Lo. Ed.

Ark 28 … … …

Ark 29 They are going between …

Ark 30 … …

Ark 31 […] my [kilns(?)] … dry(?) bitumen …



Ark 32–33      [I applied(?)] on the outside the dry bitumen [from the k]ilns, apart from the                      120 kors which the workmen had cached.

Ark 34–35      Ordering [them] to go joyfully, (my) kith and kin [entered into] the boat . . .;

Ark 36–37      Happy . . . [. . .] . . . of my in-laws and the bearer(s) of [. . .] and the pregnant                     (women).

Ark 38 The one (who wanted) to eat was eating; [the one (who wanted) to drink]                           was drinking,

Ark 39–40      I, however, there was a (heavy) thought in my heart, and I have … the                                praises(?). . . [. . .] (my?) heart.

Ark 41–42      My li[p]s(?), the creation(?) . . . [. . .] of my eyes,

Ark 43 and I slaughter[ed (animals)] . . . of my lips.

Ark 44–45      [I was] greatly [worried as] the plan(?) was […]; I lied down. I went up on the                  roof and [prayed(?)] to Sîn, my lord:

Ark 46 “Remove(?) the… of my heart!”

Ark 47–48      . . . . . . . . . darkness(?) into my he[art].

Ark 49–40      Enlil, from [his thr]one, [took an oath (?)] regarding the annihilation and                            de[solation(?) on the] dimming [day].

Ark 51–52      And so, wild anima[ls from the s]teppe [(. . .)], two by two, [I] did [make enter]                 into the boat . . . [. . .].

Ark 53–54      I had . . . five (measures) of beer . . . [. . .]. They were transporting eleven or                      twelve [. . .].

Ark 55–56      Three (measures) of šiqbum-plant . . [. . .], one-third (measure) of fodder, . . .                     and kurdinnu-plant(?),

Ark 57–58      sixty () of lard for the germadû-poles for the slipway – I meticulously                            commanded (to bring), apart from the thirty kors which the workmen had put                      aside.

Ark 59–60      When I have entered the boat, (I ordered:) “Caulk the frame of her door!”

Word Translation Semantic Line
akālum (v.) G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G Ark 12, 38
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G Ark 29, [34]
ana I to, for Ark 2, [10], 20, 22, 35, 45(x2), 57
anāku I, me Ark 39, 59
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) pregnant woman Ark 37
armūtum desolation [Ark 50]
ašlum rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres Ark 10
Atra-ḫasīs PN Ark 2
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech Ark 39
bābum (KÁ) doorway, door, gate, entrance Ark 60
balāṭum (v.) G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for Ark 3
banûm (v.) G to build, create; N be created, made Ark 4
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create Ark 39
bēlum (EN) lord, master, proprietor, owner Ark 45
binītum creature, form, shape; limbs Ark 42
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) tamarisk Ark 26
birīt between, among Ark 29
bītum (É) house Ark 4, 11
dāriš forever Ark 3
elēnum above, over Ark 17
eleppum ((giš)MÁ) ship, boat Ark 4, 6, 35, 52
elûm (v.) G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high [Ark 45]
emūtum family of the husband, relationship by marriage Ark 36
Enlil DN Ark 49
epēšum (v.) G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G Ark 6
erēbum (v.) (KU4) G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate Ark [35], 59
eṣērum (v.) (ḪUR) to draw, design Ark 6
eṭûm dark; anxious, impatient Ark 50
ezib, ezub except, apart from, in addition to Ark 33, 58
gamertum total annihilation Ark 49
germadû floor timbers (of ship), poles for the slipway Ark 57
ḫadûm I joyful Ark 36
ḫinnu ship's cabin Ark 17, 20
igārum wall Ark 1 (x2), 9
iklum darkness Ark 47
ikûm field (a measure of area) Ark 9
imdum support Ark 15
ina in, on, by, from Ark 13, 15, [22], [34], [39], 48, 49, [50], [51]
īnum (IGI) eye Ark 42
inūma, enūma (UD) when, at the time of Ark 59
iṭṭûm crude bitumen Ark 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, [31]
kabārum (v.) to become thick, solid Ark 14, 16
kannum II band, binding Ark 10
kânum (v.) to be firm, to maintain and preserve the rule; D establish firmly Ark 15
kīdītum exterior part Ark 18
kīdûm exterior Ark 32
kikkišum reed fence, wall Ark 1 (x2)
kimtum family, clan Ark 35
kippatum circle, ring Ark 7
kīrum I oven, kiln Ark 21, 25, [31], 32
kuprum bitumen, pitch; shepherd’s hut Ark 21, 31, 32
kurdinnum (an evil-smelling plant) Ark 56
kurrum measure of dry capacity: gur, kor Ark 33, 58
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) chair, stool, throne Ark 49
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body Ark [10], 13, 15, 22, [39], 40, 46, [48]
let it be; or; though; indeed Ark 8, 9(x2), [10], [52]
makkūrum property, possession(s) Ark 4
mitḫāriš in the same manner, in equal shares, altogether Ark 25
mitḫārum symmetrical, proportionate, of the same size Ark 8
mūrakum length Ark 14, 16
nadûm III (v.) G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G Ark 13
nāḫum pig's fat, lard Ark 24, 57
nammaštûm, nammaššûm moving things, animals Ark 51
napādum II (v.) to separate, cut off Ark 4
napištum (ZI) throat, life Ark 5
nindanum rod, pole, a measure of length Ark 9, 14, 16
parāsum (v.) G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block Ark 18, 19
parsiktum bushel measure Ark 14, 16
patālum (v.) G to twist Ark 11
pazārum (v.) to hide, put aside Ark 33, 58
peḫûm (v.) to close up, seal Ark 60
pitiltum string, cord Ark 11
pītum opening, aperture; (tuning of the harp) Ark 60
pūtum forehead, brow Ark 8
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) G to say, speak, command Ark 12, [57]
qaqqarum (KI) earth, ground Ark 9
qerbum centre, interior Ark 19
qerēbum (v.) G to be(come) close, approach, D bring, present Ark 23
rabîš greatly Ark 44
rakābum (v.) G to mount, ride Ark 21, 25
rakāsum (v.) G to bind Ark 17
redûm I (v.) G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead Ark 24
riāšum (v.) to rejoice Ark 34
ša who(m), which, of Ark 14, 16, [32]
šagāšum (v.) to slaughter, to murder Ark 43
ṣalālum (v.) G to lie down, sleep Ark 44
šalāmum (v.) G to be(come) healthy, intact; D keep well, intact, pay off in full Ark 5
salātum I family, clan Ark 35
šanā two each, two by two Ark 52
šapākum (v.) to heap up, pour on Ark 20, 22
šaplum II bottom; under Ark 17
šaptum lip, rim Ark 41, 43
šatûm II (v.) G to drink Ark 38
ṣēlum rib Ark 13
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards [Ark 51]
šibqū scheme, plan, trick, plot Ark 44
šiddum side, edge, curtain Ark 8
šikarum (KAŠ; KEŠ) beer, ale Ark 53
Sîn DN Ark 45
šiqbum (a kind of plant) Ark 55
suppûm (v.) to pray Ark 45
šūši sixty Ark 18, 19, 20, 24, 57
tabālum (v.) to take away, carry off Ark 46
tamûm II (v.) G to swear; D swear, bind by oath [Ark 49]
tanittum, šanittum (hymn of) praise Ark 40
ṭawûm, ṭamûm to spin, plait Ark 10
u and, but, also Ark 8, 17, 22, 37, 43, 50, 51, 54
ukullûm provisions, fodder Ark 56
ul not Ark 23
ummiānum craftsman; creditor Ark 33, 58
ūmum I (UD) day, daily [Ark 50]
ūrum I roof Ark 45
uṣurtum, eṣertum draft, drawing, ordinance Ark 7
zabālum (v.) to carry, deliver Ark 54
zabbilum bearing, bearer Ark 37
zêrum (v.) G to dislike, hate, reject Ark 4
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Revision History
Wasserman, Nathan
Streck, Michael P.
Tulaikova, Yulia