SEAL no. 1520
Ark Tablet obv. (British Museum)
Ark Tablet rev. (British Museum)
Wasserman 2020a 63
Wasserman 2020a 64
Wasserman 2020a 65
Wasserman 2020a 65
Ms. Ark
Ark 1 i-ga-ar i-ga-a[r k]i-ki-iš ki-ki-iš
Ark 2 mAt-ra-am-ḫa-si-i[s] a-na mi-il-ki-ia qú-ul-[ma]
Ark 3 ta-ba-al-lu-uṭ [d]a-ri-iš
Ark 4 ú-pu-ud bītam(É) bi-ni eleppam(MÁ) m[a-a]k-ku-ra-am ze-e[r-ma]
Ark 5 na-pí-iš-tam šu-ul-lim
Ark 6 eleppam(MÁ) te-ep-pu-šu e-[ṣ]e-er-ši-ma
Ark 7 e-ṣe-er-ti ki-[i]p-pa-tim
Ark 8 lu mi-it-ḫa-ar ši-id-da-[š]a ù pu-u[s-sa]
Ark 9 lu-ú 1 ikû(IKU) ka-aq-qá-ar-š[a lu]-⌈ú⌉ 1 nindanum(NINDA) i-ga-r[a-tu-ša]
Ark 10 ka-an-nu aš-la-a <lu> ṭá-mu-⌈ú⌉ [a-na libbi(ŠÀ)]-ša
Ark 11 li-ip-ti-il-kum bītī(Ébi-ti) pí-[t]i-il-tam
Ark 12 ŠÁR (x) 4 (+) 30 ta-qab-bi-am li-[ku]-ul
Ark 13 30 ṣe-ri i-na libbi(ŠÀ)-ša a[d]-di
Ark 14 ša 1 parsiktum(PI) ik-bi-ru 10 nindanum(NINDA) mu-⌈ra⌉-ak-šu
Ark 15 ŠÁR im-di i-na libbi(ŠÀ)-ša ú-ki-in
Ark 16 ša ½ <parsiktum(PI)> ik-bi-ru-ma ½ nindanum(NINDA) mu-⌈ra⌉-ak-šu
Ark 17 ar-ku-ús ḫi-in-ni-ša◦ e-le-nu-um ⌈ù⌉ ša-ap-lu◦-um
Ark 18 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) ki◦-da-ti-ša ap-[r]u-ús
Ark 19 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) qí-ri-ib-ša ⌈ap⌉-[r]u-ús
Ark 20 1 šu-ši iṭṭâm(ESIR) a-na ḫi-in-ni-ša aš-[t]a-pa-ak
Ark 21 uš-ta-ar-ki-ib ŠÁR (x) 8? kupram(⌈ESIR.UD.DU.A⌉) [i-n]a ⌈ki⌉-<ra>-ti-ia
Ark 22 ù ŠÁR iṭṭâm(ESIR) a-na li-ib-bi aš-pu-uk
Ark 23 iṭṭûm(ESIR) ú!-ul iq-r[i]-ba-am-ma
Ark 24 5 šu-ši na-⌈ḫa⌉-[a]m ú-⌈re⌉-[e]d-di
Ark 25 uš-⌈ta-ar⌉-[k]i-ib ⌈ki⌉-ra-ti-⌈ia⌉ mi-it-ḫa-ri-iš
Ark 26 bīnam(gi[š]⌈ŠINIG⌉) ⌈giš⌉x-i
Ark 27 x x x e? na? as tum i? bi? ma? ba-⌈ar⌉-tam
Lo. Ed.
Ark 28 x x x (x)meš? x [x x x]
Ark 29 i-⌈il⌉-la-ku bi-⌈rit?⌉ ṣe-⌈x⌉-[x-x]
Ark 30 [x x] x nam-mi [x] x x [x x]
Ark 31 [. . . ki?-ra?-ti?]-ia i-x [x x] ki ESIR.⌈UD?.DU?⌉
Ark 32 kupru(⌈ESIR UD.DU⌉) ki-du-⌈ú⌉ [ša k]i-ra-ti x x x
Ark 33 e-zu-ub 2 (× 60) kur(G[UR]) ⌈ú-pa-az-zi⌉-<ru°> um-mi-⌈a⌉-⌈nu⌉
Ark 34 ⌈uš⌉-ta-na-⌈al⌉-[la?-ak?-šu?-nu?-ti? i?-n]a? ri-a-ši
Ark 35 a-na eleppi(MÁ) ⌈i⌉-[ru-bu-ma] x x k[i-i]m? ⌈sa⌉-al-la-at
Ark 36 ḫa-du-ú ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈ki?⌉ [x x] x e-mu-tim
Ark 37 ù za-bi-il ⌈x?⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ ⌈e⌉-ri-ia°-⌈tum⌉
Ark 38 a-ki-lum i-⌈ik⌉-k[a-a]l [ša-tu-um] i-ša-at-ti
Ark 39 a-na-ku a-wa-⌈tum⌉ ⌈i⌉-[na] [lib]bi([Š]À)-i[a] i-ba-aš-ši-ma
Ark 40 ta°-na-ti ⌈a°?⌉-[x x x l]i-ib-bi
Ark 41 ša°-ap- [tu?] -ú -a
Ark 42 bi-ni-it? x x [. . .] . . . i?- ⌈na°⌉-ia°
Ark 43 ⌈ù°⌉ áš°-⌈gi°⌉-⌈iš°⌉ . . . [. . .] e? ša-ap-ti-ia
Ark 44 [x x]-ne? ⌈ra⌉-bi-⌈iš⌉ ⌈x⌉ [x x x]-ma° ši°-ib!?(Text:BI)-qum aṣ-la-al
Ark 45 [e-li] a-na ú-ri ⌈ú⌉-[sa-ap-pi(?) a]-⌈na⌉ dEN.ZU be-li
Ark 46 ⌈x x x⌉ li-ib-bi? [ta?-ta?-a]b-ba-al
Ark 47 x x ri x ak? [x x x x] x ti?-bi ik-la
Ark 48 ⌈i⌉-na ⌈li?°⌉-[ib?-bi?]-ia
Ark 49 dEN.LĹL° i-na kussî(⌈giš⌉⌈GU⌉.⌈ZA⌉)-⌈šu⌉ [it-ta-m]e ga-ma-ar-tam
Ark 50 ⌈ù⌉ ar-m[u-tam i-na u4-mi-im] ⌈e-ṭi⌉-i[m (x x x)]
Ark 51 ù na-ma-aš-t[um i-na ṣe]-ri-i[m (. . .)]
Ark 52 ⌈ša⌉-na eleppa(MÁ) ⌈lu?⌉-[ú x x x x] x x x [x x x x]
Ark 53 5 šikara(KAŠ) ar-m]a?[ x x uš-t[a-x x x x]
Ark 54 11 ù!°12 ⌈ú⌉-za-ab-ba-⌈lu⌉ x (x) [x x x]
Ark 55 3 úši-iq-bi u[k?-ta-x x] x x x x
Ark 56 1/3 ú-ku-lu-ú [x-x]-⌈mu?/gu?⌉ [kur?]-din?-⌈nu⌉
Ark 57 1 šu-ši na-ḫa-am a-na ⌈gi-ri⌉-ma-de-e ⌈aq?-ta?⌉-[na?-bi?]
Ark 58 e-zu-ub 30 kur(GUR) ú-pa!?-az-zi-ru° lú!(BI°).mešum-mi-⌈a⌉-[nu]
Up. Ed.
Ark 59 ⌈i⌉-nu-ma a-na-ku e-ru-bu-ma
Ark 60 pi-ḫi pít ba-bi-⌈ša⌉
Ark 1 “Wall, wall! Reed fence, reed fence!
Ark 2–3 Atra-ḫasīs, pay attention to my advice, so that you live forever!
Ark 4–5 Depart from (your) house, build a boat! Spurn property [and] keep (your) life intact!
Ark 6–7 The boat which you will build, I will draw it out (for you) – a circular plan:
Ark 8–9 Her length and breadth should be equal, her base should be one ikû; her hull (lit. walls) should be one nindanu (high).
Ark 10 [Let] the cords – each ašlu long – be woven [inside(?)] it.
Ark 11–12 Should you say: ‘(But) this will consume 14,430 (qû of fiber)!’ – Let my temple (personnel) twist the fibers into a rope for you”.
Ark 13–14 I put up thirty ribs which are one parsiktu-vessel thick, ten nindanu long.
Ark 15–16 I have installed 3,600 stanchions in it which are half (a parsiktu-vessel) thick, half a nindanu long.
Ark 17 I arranged her cabins above and below.
Ark 18–19 I allocated sixty (kors) of crude bitumen for her outsides, I allocated sixty (kors) of crude bitumen for her interior.
Ark 20 I have poured sixty (kors) of crude bitumen onto her cabins.
Ark 21–22 I loaded my kilns with 28,800 (qû) of dry bitumen, I poured (additional) 3,600 (qû) of crude bitumen within –
Ark 23–24 (yet) the bitumen did not reach (the required amount), (so) I set out 300 (qû) of lard.
Ark 25–26 I loaded [my] kilns evenly with tamarisk wood(?) and . . . a wood of (?).
Ark 27 … …
Lo. Ed.
Ark 28 … … …
Ark 29 They are going between …
Ark 30 … … …
Ark 31 […] my [kilns(?)] … dry(?) bitumen …
Ark 32–33 [I applied(?)] on the outside the dry bitumen [from the k]ilns, apart from the 120 kors which the workmen had cached.
Ark 34–35 Ordering [them] to go joyfully, (my) kith and kin [entered into] the boat . . .;
Ark 36–37 Happy . . . [. . .] . . . of my in-laws and the bearer(s) of [. . .] and the pregnant (women).
Ark 38 The one (who wanted) to eat was eating; [the one (who wanted) to drink] was drinking,
Ark 39–40 I, however, there was a (heavy) thought in my heart, and I have … the praises(?). . . [. . .] (my?) heart.
Ark 41–42 My li[p]s(?), the creation(?) . . . [. . .] of my eyes,
Ark 43 and I slaughter[ed (animals)] . . . of my lips.
Ark 44–45 [I was] greatly [worried as] the plan(?) was […]; I lied down. I went up on the roof and [prayed(?)] to Sîn, my lord:
Ark 46 “Remove(?) the… of my heart!”
Ark 47–48 . . . . . . . . . darkness(?) into my he[art].
Ark 49–40 Enlil, from [his thr]one, [took an oath (?)] regarding the annihilation and de[solation(?) on the] dimming [day].
Ark 51–52 And so, wild anima[ls from the s]teppe [(. . .)], two by two, [I] did [make enter] into the boat . . . [. . .].
Ark 53–54 I had . . . five (measures) of beer . . . [. . .]. They were transporting eleven or twelve [. . .].
Ark 55–56 Three (measures) of šiqbum-plant . . [. . .], one-third (measure) of fodder, . . . and kurdinnu-plant(?),
Ark 57–58 sixty (qû) of lard for the germadû-poles for the slipway – I meticulously commanded (to bring), apart from the thirty kors which the workmen had put aside.
Ark 59–60 When I have entered the boat, (I ordered:) “Caulk the frame of her door!”
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | Ark 12, 38 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Ark 29, [34] | |
ana I | to, for | Ark 2, [10], 20, 22, 35, 45(x2), 57 | |
anāku | I, me | Ark 39, 59 | |
arītum, erītum (PEŠ4) | pregnant woman | Ark 37 | |
armūtum | desolation | [Ark 50] | |
ašlum | rush, rope; a linear measure of ~ 60 metres | Ark 10 | |
Atra-ḫasīs | PN | Ark 2 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | Ark 39 | |
bābum (KÁ) | doorway, door, gate, entrance | Ark 60 | |
balāṭum (v.) | G to live, stat. be alive; D bring back to life, revive, let live, support, provide for | Ark 3 | |
banûm (v.) | G to build, create; N be created, made | Ark 4 | |
bašûm (v.) | G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create | Ark 39 | |
bēlum (EN) | lord, master, proprietor, owner | Ark 45 | |
binītum | creature, form, shape; limbs | Ark 42 | |
bīnum II (gišŠINIG) | tamarisk | Ark 26 | |
birīt | between, among | Ark 29 | |
bītum (É) | house | Ark 4, 11 | |
dāriš | forever | Ark 3 | |
elēnum | above, over | Ark 17 | |
eleppum ((giš)MÁ) | ship, boat | Ark 4, 6, 35, 52 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | [Ark 45] | |
emūtum | family of the husband, relationship by marriage | Ark 36 | |
Enlil | DN | Ark 49 | |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | Ark 6 | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | Ark [35], 59 | |
eṣērum (v.) (ḪUR) | to draw, design | Ark 6 | |
eṭûm | dark; anxious, impatient | Ark 50 | |
ezib, ezub | except, apart from, in addition to | Ark 33, 58 | |
gamertum | total annihilation | Ark 49 | |
germadû | floor timbers (of ship), poles for the slipway | Ark 57 | |
ḫadûm I | joyful | Ark 36 | |
ḫinnu | ship's cabin | Ark 17, 20 | |
igārum | wall | Ark 1 (x2), 9 | |
iklum | darkness | Ark 47 | |
ikûm | field (a measure of area) | Ark 9 | |
imdum | support | Ark 15 | |
ina | in, on, by, from | Ark 13, 15, [22], [34], [39], 48, 49, [50], [51] | |
īnum (IGI) | eye | Ark 42 | |
inūma, enūma (UD) | when, at the time of | Ark 59 | |
iṭṭûm | crude bitumen | Ark 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, [31] | |
kabārum (v.) | to become thick, solid | Ark 14, 16 | |
kannum II | band, binding | Ark 10 | |
kânum (v.) | to be firm, to maintain and preserve the rule; D establish firmly | Ark 15 | |
kīdītum | exterior part | Ark 18 | |
kīdûm | exterior | Ark 32 | |
kikkišum | reed fence, wall | Ark 1 (x2) | |
kimtum | family, clan | Ark 35 | |
kippatum | circle, ring | Ark 7 | |
kīrum I | oven, kiln | Ark 21, 25, [31], 32 | |
kuprum | bitumen, pitch; shepherd’s hut | Ark 21, 31, 32 | |
kurdinnum | (an evil-smelling plant) | Ark 56 | |
kurrum | measure of dry capacity: gur, kor | Ark 33, 58 | |
kussûm (gišGU.ZA) | chair, stool, throne | Ark 49 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Ark [10], 13, 15, 22, [39], 40, 46, [48] | |
lū | let it be; or; though; indeed | Ark 8, 9(x2), [10], [52] | |
makkūrum | property, possession(s) | Ark 4 | |
mitḫāriš | in the same manner, in equal shares, altogether | Ark 25 | |
mitḫārum | symmetrical, proportionate, of the same size | Ark 8 | |
mūrakum | length | Ark 14, 16 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | Ark 13 | |
nāḫum | pig's fat, lard | Ark 24, 57 | |
nammaštûm, nammaššûm | moving things, animals | Ark 51 | |
napādum II (v.) | to separate, cut off | Ark 4 | |
napištum (ZI) | throat, life | Ark 5 | |
nindanum | rod, pole, a measure of length | Ark 9, 14, 16 | |
parāsum (v.) | G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block | Ark 18, 19 | |
parsiktum | bushel measure | Ark 14, 16 | |
patālum (v.) | G to twist | Ark 11 | |
pazārum (v.) | to hide, put aside | Ark 33, 58 | |
peḫûm (v.) | to close up, seal | Ark 60 | |
pitiltum | string, cord | Ark 11 | |
pītum | opening, aperture; (tuning of the harp) | Ark 60 | |
pūtum | forehead, brow | Ark 8 | |
qabûm (v.) (DUG4) | G to say, speak, command | Ark 12, [57] | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | Ark 9 | |
qerbum | centre, interior | Ark 19 | |
qerēbum (v.) | G to be(come) close, approach, D bring, present | Ark 23 | |
rabîš | greatly | Ark 44 | |
rakābum (v.) | G to mount, ride | Ark 21, 25 | |
rakāsum (v.) | G to bind | Ark 17 | |
redûm I (v.) | G to accompany, lead, drive, proceed; Gtn to accompany constantly, lead | Ark 24 | |
riāšum (v.) | to rejoice | Ark 34 | |
ša | who(m), which, of | Ark 14, 16, [32] | |
šagāšum (v.) | to slaughter, to murder | Ark 43 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | Ark 44 | |
šalāmum (v.) | G to be(come) healthy, intact; D keep well, intact, pay off in full | Ark 5 | |
salātum I | family, clan | Ark 35 | |
šanā | two each, two by two | Ark 52 | |
šapākum (v.) | to heap up, pour on | Ark 20, 22 | |
šaplum II | bottom; under | Ark 17 | |
šaptum | lip, rim | Ark 41, 43 | |
šatûm II (v.) | G to drink | Ark 38 | |
ṣēlum | rib | Ark 13 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | [Ark 51] | |
šibqū | scheme, plan, trick, plot | Ark 44 | |
šiddum | side, edge, curtain | Ark 8 | |
šikarum (KAŠ; KEŠ) | beer, ale | Ark 53 | |
Sîn | DN | Ark 45 | |
šiqbum | (a kind of plant) | Ark 55 | |
suppûm (v.) | to pray | Ark 45 | |
šūši | sixty | Ark 18, 19, 20, 24, 57 | |
tabālum (v.) | to take away, carry off | Ark 46 | |
tamûm II (v.) | G to swear; D swear, bind by oath | [Ark 49] | |
tanittum, šanittum | (hymn of) praise | Ark 40 | |
ṭawûm, ṭamûm | to spin, plait | Ark 10 | |
u | and, but, also | Ark 8, 17, 22, 37, 43, 50, 51, 54 | |
ukullûm | provisions, fodder | Ark 56 | |
ul | not | Ark 23 | |
ummiānum | craftsman; creditor | Ark 33, 58 | |
ūmum I (UD) | day, daily | [Ark 50] | |
ūrum I | roof | Ark 45 | |
uṣurtum, eṣertum | draft, drawing, ordinance | Ark 7 | |
zabālum (v.) | to carry, deliver | Ark 54 | |
zabbilum | bearing, bearer | Ark 37 | |
zêrum (v.) | G to dislike, hate, reject | Ark 4 |