SEAL no. 1536
col. i
1 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . ]
2 [x x x x li]-mu-ra ⌈pa-ni-k[a]
3 [libbu(ŠÀ)? mu-du]-⌈ú⌉ i-še-i ib-ra
4 [d40 la-a]m ta-al-li-ka ša-di-iš-ka
5 [x x ]x d30 i+na libbi(ŠÀ)-⌈bi⌉ ÚRIMki i-da-ga-la šu-n/a-ti
6 [it-t]i-la-am-ma d30 i-ta-mar šu-ut-ta
7 [it]-bi i-ta-ma a+na um-mi-šu-ú
8 [ib?]-bi-šu-ma ka-ak-ka-bu ša-ma-a-a-i
9 ki-iṣ-ru ša dA-ni im-qú-ta a+na ṣe-ri-ia
10 aš-ši-šu-ma ka-bi-it e-li-ia
11 as-ki-ip-šu-ma nu-uš-ši-šu ú-ul el-e
12 ⌈ÚRIM⌉ki mātu(KUR) pa-ḫi-ir e-li-ia
13 ⌈pa-aḫ⌉˺-ru eṭ-lu!(KU)-tu ú-ul i-li-ú šu-uq-qá-šu
14 ú-um-mi-id bu-di i-mi-du ia-ti
15 aš-ša-aš-šu-ma at-ba-šu a+na ma-aḫ-ri-ki
16 um-mi d30 mu-da-at i-pa-aš-ša-ar
17 is-sa-aq-qá-ra a+na d30
18 ⌈ma⌉ mi-in-di d30 ša ki!(copy: DI) ka-ta-ma
19 i-na ṣe-ri iʾ-a-li-id-ma ú-ra-ab-ba ṣe-/ru
20 ki-ma ki-iṣ-ri ša dA-ni du-un-nu-na e-mu-q/á-šu
21 aš-šum uš-ta-pa-aḫ-ḫa-ru it-ti-ka
22 ú-la-i-ṭù-šu-ma i-pa-aḫ-ḫu-ru eš-šu
23 ù eṭ-lu-tu ú-na-aš-ša-qú ša-tu
24 ta-am-ma-ar-šu-ma libba(ŠÀ)-ka i-ṣa-ak
25 te-ed-di-ra-aš-šu-ma ta-ta-ar-ra-aš a+na / maḫ-ri-ia
26 [d30] ⌈i⌉-ip-pa-al-ši is-sa-aq-qá-ra a+na u/m-mi-šu
27 [x x x ]x li-ṣa-am-ma li-ib-ši lillika(DUka)
28 [li-im-qú-ta]m? ki-ma ki-iṣ-ri ša dA-ni
29 [lu du-un-nu-na] e-mu-qá-šu
30 [x x x x x x k]i-ik-ma li-na-pi-iš / libbi(ŠÀbi!)
31 [it-ti-la-am-ma d30] i-ta-mar šu-ut-ta
32 [it-bé i-ta-ma-a a-na] um-mi-šu
33 [x (x) x i-na sú-qí ša Ú]RIMki ri-bi-ti
34 [ḫa-aṣ-ṣi-nu na-di-m]a e-li-šu pa-aḫ-ru
35 [el-qé-šu-ma aš-ta-ka-an-šu] a+na a-ḫi-ia
36 [ḫa-aṣ-ṣi-nu ša-ni bi]-nu-ta
37 [a-ra-am-šu-ma ki-ma aš-š]a-ti a-ḫa-bu-ub eš-šu
38 [um-mi d30 mu-da-at i]-pa-aš-ša-ar
39 [is-sa-aq-qá-ra a-na d30]
[ḫ]a-aṣ-ṣi-nu d30 <ša> tāmuru(IGI)-šu LÚ
40 [il-la-ka-ku-um-ma mu-še-zi-i]b ib-ri
41 [ta-am-ma-ar-šu-ma libba(ŠÀ)-ka] ⌈i⌉-ṣa-ak
42 [te-ed-di-ra-aš-šu-ma ta-ta-ar-ra-aš]-⌈šu a+na maḫ-/ri⌉-ia
43–54 lost
col. ii
55 x [...]
56 b[a/ma? ...]
57 iš-tu ⌈ši⌉ [...]
58 dam-qá-ta ⌈d⌉[40 kīma ili tabašši]
59 am-mi-ni ki-m[a nammaššê tarappud ṣēra]
60 li-it-ba-aš l[u?-ub-ša ...]
61 ni-ti-zi-iḫ né-[bé-ḫa ...]
62 le-qé kakka(gišTUKUL) ki-ma m[u-ti...]
63 mi-iš-šu lu ra-ma-t[a ...]
64 am-mi-ni at-ta ki-ma n[am- …]
65 lu ta-mu-ur-ma ÚNUGk[i ...]
66 šu-ub-ta ša ni-ši {ras.} m[u-ša-ab dA-ni?]
67 a-šar eṭ-lu-tu uz4-zu-⌈ḫ⌉[u nēbēḫi?]
68 ú-mi-ša ma-a-a-al mu-[ši …]
69 at-ta a+na zi-bi ta-⌈a⌉[š- ...]
70 ab-ka-ta i+na qá-a[q-qá-ri ...]
71 iš-me-ma a-ma-as-sa im-t[a-ga-ar qabâša]
72 mi-il-ku si-in-ni-iš-t[i imtaqut ana libbišu]
73 iḫ-mu-uṣ4 lu-ub-ša iš-te-n[am ultabbissu]
74 ù ša-na-<a> ši-i {ras.} i[š-ta-ba-aš]
75 iš-ta-ba-aš lu-ub-ša [...]
76 ša-am-na ip-pa-ši-i[š ...]
77 ṣa-ab-ta-at qá-as-sú ki-ma <i>-l[i ireddēšu]
78 a-na ku-up-ri ša re-e-i a-š[ar tarbāṣi]
79 i-mu-ru-šu-ma re-e-ú ù k[a-pa-ar-ru]
80 a+na d40 ki-ma i-li uš-[ki-in-nu]
81 ka-am-sú re-e-ú ma-ḫ[a-ar-šu]
82 ka-pa-ar-ru ud-da-am-m[a-ṣu? …]
83 eṭ-lu-um-mi a-na d30 m[a-ši-il padatta]
84 la-na né-ʾ e-ṣe-em-t[a pungul]
85 mi-in-de iʾ-a-al-la-<ad> ⌈i+na⌉ [šadî]
86 is-sa-ak-pu SIPA.MEŠ[mušiʾāti]
87 ši-it-tu iṣ-ṣa-⌈ba-a⌉[s-sú-nu-ti ...]
88 d40 na-ṣir-[šu-nu amēlu ēru]
89 it-ta-na-[…]
90 it-ti ša-am-[ḫa-at ippuš ulṣa?]
91 ú-ul i-[…]
92 ut-ta-a[p-pi-iṣ…]
93 ([x] ⌈x) mi⌉-im-⌈ma⌉ […]
94 [x x] ⌈x⌉ […]
rev. col. v
1' [...] x x [...]
2' [...] x x x kul-l[a?-...]
3' [...] ⌈d⌉40 ÚRIMki [...]
4' [...] ga-ab a-ši-im-⌈ma/šu?⌉ [...]
5' [a-ša-ar?] ⌈ar⌉-da-⌈t⌉u šu-um-l[a-a...]
6' [ku-uz4-ba] ⌈zu⌉-u’-ú-na ma-l[a ri-ša-a-ti]
7' [...] ⌈x⌉ ša d40 ⌈bi?⌉ [...]
8' [d30 l]⌈u⌉-[k]a-lim-ka eṭ-la x [...]
9' [...] x x eṭ-lu-ta x [...]
10' [...] x x x x [...]
1 [The harlot said to him, to Ea (Enkidu):]
2 “[Let the people(?) ( . . . )] see your face,
3 [your heart(?), now wise,] is seeking a friend.
4 [O Ea (Enkidu), before] you came from your uplands,
5 [ . . . ] Sîn (Gilgameš) was having dreams in Ur.
6 Sîn (Gilgameš) [lay] down and had a dream,
7 [he] arose (and) talked to his mother:
8 “The stars of the sky grew distinct(?),
9 a lump of sky-rock fell down before me.
10 I picked it up but it was too heavy for me,
11 I gave it a shove but could not move it.
12 The land of Ur was gathered about me,
13 the young men all together could not raise it.
14 I braced my shoulder, they supported me,
15 I picked it up and took it away into your presence.”
16 Being wise the mother of Sîn (Gilgameš) explained,
17 said to Sîn (Gilgameš),
18 so: “For sure, O Sîn (Gilgameš), there is one like yourself,
19 he was born in the wild and the wild reared (him).
20 His strength is as mighty as a lump of sky-rock,
21 because I shall gather in force (sic! for make him equal) with you.
22 They shackled (sic! for admired) it, gathering around it,
23 and the young men kissing it:
24 You will see him and your heart will laugh,
25 you will hug him and bring him into my presence.”
26 [Sîn (Gilgameš)] answered her, saying to his mother:
27 “Let [a friend] come forth, so be it, let him come!
28 [Let him befall] me(?) like a lump of sky-rock,
29 [let] his strength [be mighty!]
30 [ . . . ] . . . and let him ease my heart!”
31 [Sîn (Gilgameš) lay down and] had a dream.
32 [He arose (and) talked to] his mother:
33 “[ . . . in the street of] Ur-the-Capital,
34 [an axe was lying] and (people) were gathered around it.
35 [I took it up and put it] at my side.
36 [The axe was strange] in shape,
37 [I loved it,] moaning over her like over a wife.”
38 [Being wise, the mother of Sîn (Gilgameš)] explained,
39 [(and) said to Sîn (Gilgameš):]
“The axe, O Sîn (Gilgameš), that you saw is a man,
40 [there will come to you one who will save] (his) friend.
41 [You will see him and your heart] will laugh,
42 [you will hug him and bring] him into my presence.”
57 From [ . . . . . . . . . ]
58 “You are handsome, [O Ea (Enkidu), you are just like a god,]
59 why like [the animals do you roam the wild?]
60 Clothe yourself [with a garment . . . ,]
61 be girt with a waistband [ . . . . . . !]
62 Take up a weapon, [become(?)] like a warrior!
63 Why do you inhabit [ . . . . . . ?]
64 Why do you, like the [animals, roam the wild?]
65 You should see Uruk, [ . . . . . . ,]
66 the people's home, seat [of Anu(?),]
67 where the young men are girt [with waistbands(?),]
68 daily the beds of night-[time . . . ]
69 To the festive food you will [ . . . . . . ,]
70 you are (now) displaced from the territory [ . . . ]”
71 He heard her words, consented [to what she said,]
72 a woman's counsel [struck home in his heart.]
73 She took off (her) garment, [clothed him in] one part,
74 and the other part she put [on herself.]
75 He put on the garment [ . . . . . . ,]
76 he anointed himself with oil [ . . . . . . ]
77 She grasped his hand, [leading him,] like a [god,]
78 to the shepherds’ camp, the site [of the sheep-pen.]
79 The shepherds saw him and [ . . . . . . ,]
80 they threw [themselves prostrate] before Ea (Enkidu) as (before) a god.
81 The shepherds were bowed down in [his] presence,
82 the herdsboys humbling themselves [before him.]
83 “The fellow is [equal in build] to Sîn (Gilgameš),
84 (though) squatter of stature, [he is sturdier of] bone.
85 For sure he is born in [the uplands.]”
86 The shepherds lay themselves down [at night,]
87 sleep overtook [them, . . . . . . ]
88 Ea (Enkidu) was [their] watchman, [a man wide awake.]
89 He kept [ . . . . . . . . . ,]
90 with Šamḫat [pleasuring himself.]
91 He did not [ . . . . . . . . . ,]
92 he kept chasing(?) [ . . . . . . . . . ]
93 Anything [ . . .
long lacuna
3' “[ . . . ] O Ea (Enkidu), Ur [ . . .
4' [ . . . ] . . . [ . . .
5' [where] the young women are filled [with beauty(?),]
6' graced [with charm,] full [of delight.]
7' [ . . . ] . . . Ea (Enkidu), Ur [ . . . ,]
8' [I will] show you [Sîn (Gilgameš),] a man [ . . . ]
9' [ . . . ] . . . he is fair in manhood [ . . .]”
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
Anum | DN | 9, 20, 28 | |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | 71 | |
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) | man, free man, human being | 39 | |
būdum, pūdum | shoulder | 14 | |
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) | strength, force | 20, 29 | |
Enkidu | PN | 58, 80, 88, 3’, 7’ | |
eṣemtum (uzuGÌR.PAD.DU) | bone | 84 | |
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) | manly; young man | 13, 23, 67, 83, 8’, 9’ | |
Gilgameš | PN | 5, 6, 16, 17, 18, 83 | |
ḫaṣṣinnum | axe | 39 | |
ibrum, ebrum | friend, colleague | 3, 40 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | 77, 80 | |
kakkabum (MUL) | star, meteor | 8 | |
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) | stick, weapon, battle | 62 | |
kaparrum | shepherd of low rank, shepherd boy | 79?, 82 | |
kiṣrum | knot, concentration, group, lump | 9, 20, 28 | |
kuprum | bitumen, pitch; shepherd’s hut | 78 | |
lānum | body, figure; stature, form | 84 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | 3?, 24, 30, 72 | |
lubšum | cloth | 60?, 73, 75 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | 12 | |
mayyālum | bed, resting place | 68 | |
milkum | advice, counsel, resolution, intelligence | 72 | |
mūšabum | dwelling, domicile, seat, throne, dwelling place | 66? | |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | [68] | |
mutum | husband; man, warrior | 62 | |
nammaštûm, nammaššûm | moving things, animals | 64 | |
nāṣirum | guard | 88 | |
nēbeḫum, nībaḫum | band, belt, sash | 61 | |
nišū (UN.MEŠ) | people, humanity, population | Social status/Groups/Professions | 66 |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | 2 | |
qaqqarum (KI) | earth, ground | 70 | |
qātum (ŠU) | hand | 77 | |
rebītum | square, open place; abdomen | 33 | |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | 78, 79, 81, 86 | |
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) | mountain, open country | 4 | |
Šamḫat, Šamkatum | PN | 90 | |
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) | oil, fat, cream | 76 | |
šamû I (AN) | sky, heaven | 8 | |
ṣērum (EDIN) | back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards | 19 | |
sinništum (MUNUS) | woman | 72 | |
šittum | sleep | Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions | 87 |
šubtum, šuptum | seat, dwelling, abode, place | 66 | |
šuttum | dream | 5, 6, 31 | |
ummum | mother | 7, 16, 26, 32 | |
Urum | GN | 5, 12, 33, 3’ | |
Uruk | GN | 65 | |
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) | girl, young woman | 5' | |
zībum | offering, sacrifice | 69 |