Gilg. OB RA 101

SEAL no. 1536

Copy / Photo
Tablet Siglum
"MB Priv1"
Private collection (anonymous)
Genre / Classification
Epics, Gilgameš

col. i

1       [ . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

2       [x x x x li]-mu-ra pa-ni-k[a]

3       [libbu(ŠÀ)? mu-du]-ú i-še-i ib-ra

4       [d40 la-a]m ta-al-li-ka ša-di-iš-ka

5       [x x ]x d30 i+na libbi(ŠÀ)-⌈bi⌉ ÚRIMki i-da-ga-la šu-n/a-ti

6       [it-t]i-la-am-ma d30 i-ta-mar šu-ut-ta

7       [it]-bi i-ta-ma a+na um-mi-šu-ú

8       [ib?]-bi-šu-ma ka-ak-ka-bu ša-ma-a-a-i

9       ki-iṣ-ru ša dA-ni im-qú-ta a+na ṣe-ri-ia

10     aš-ši-šu-ma ka-bi-it e-li-ia

11     as-ki-ip-šu-ma nu-uš-ši-šu ú-ul el-e

12     ⌈ÚRIM⌉ki mātu(KUR) pa-ḫi-ir e-li-ia

13     ⌈pa-aḫ⌉˺-ru eṭ-lu!(KU)-tu ú-ul i-li-ú šu-uq-qá-šu

14     ú-um-mi-id bu-di i-mi-du ia-ti

15     aš-ša-aš-šu-ma at-ba-šu a+na ma-aḫ-ri-ki

16     um-mi d30 mu-da-at i-pa-aš-ša-ar

17     is-sa-aq-qá-ra a+na d30

18     ⌈ma mi-in-di d30 ša ki!(copy: DI) ka-ta-ma

19     i-na ṣe-ri iʾ-a-li-id-ma ú-ra-ab-ba ṣe-/ru

20     ki-ma ki-iṣ-ri ša dA-ni du-un-nu-na e-mu-q/á-šu

21     aš-šum uš-ta-pa-aḫ-ḫa-ru it-ti-ka

22     ú-la-i-ṭù-šu-ma i-pa-aḫ-ḫu-ru eš-šu

23     ù eṭ-lu-tu ú-na-aš-ša-qú ša-tu

24     ta-am-ma-ar-šu-ma libba(ŠÀ)-ka i-ṣa-ak

25     te-ed-di-ra-aš-šu-ma ta-ta-ar-ra-aš a+na / maḫ-ri-ia

26     [d30] ⌈i⌉-ip-pa-al-ši is-sa-aq-qá-ra a+na u/m-mi-šu

27     [x x x ]x li-ṣa-am-ma li-ib-ši lillika(DUka)

28     [li-im-qú-ta]mki-ma ki-iṣ-ri ša dA-ni

29     [lu du-un-nu-na] e-mu-qá-šu

30     [x x x x x x k]i-ik-ma li-na-pi-iš / libbi(ŠÀbi!)

31     [it-ti-la-am-ma d30] i-ta-mar šu-ut-ta

32     [it-bé i-ta-ma-a a-na] um-mi-šu

33     [x (x) x i-na sú-qí ša Ú]RIMki ri-bi-ti

34     [ḫa-aṣ-ṣi-nu na-di-m]a e-li-šu pa-aḫ-ru

35     [el-qé-šu-ma aš-ta-ka-an-šua+na a-ḫi-ia

36     [ḫa-aṣ-ṣi-nu ša-ni bi]-nu-ta

37     [a-ra-am-šu-ma ki-ma aš-š]a-ti a-ḫa-bu-ub eš-šu

38     [um-mi d30 mu-da-at i]-pa-aš-ša-ar

39     [is-sa-aq-qá-ra a-na d30]

[]a-aṣ-ṣi-nu d30 <šatāmuru(IGI)-šu LÚ

40     [il-la-ka-ku-um-ma mu-še-zi-i]b ib-ri

41     [ta-am-ma-ar-šu-ma libba(ŠÀ)-ka] ⌈i-ṣa-ak

42     [te-ed-di-ra-aš-šu-ma ta-ta-ar-ra-aš]-⌈šu a+na maḫ-/ri-ia

43–54 lost


col. ii


55     x [...]

56     b[a/ma? ...]

57     iš-tu ši⌉ [...]

58     dam-qá-ta ⌈d⌉[40 kīma ili tabašši]

59     am-mi-ni ki-m[a nammaššê tarappud ṣēra]

60     li-it-ba-aš l[u?-ub-ša ...]

61     ni-ti-zi-iḫ né-[bé-ḫa ...]

62     le-qé kakka(gišTUKUL) ki-ma m[u-ti...]

63     mi-iš-šu lu ra-ma-t[a ...]

64     am-mi-ni at-ta ki-ma n[am- …]

65     lu ta-mu-ur-ma ÚNUGk[i ...]

66     šu-ub-ta ša ni-ši {ras.} m[u-ša-ab dA-ni?]

67     a-šar eṭ-lu-tu uz4-zu-⌉[u nēbēḫi?]

68     ú-mi-ša ma-a-a-al mu-[ši …]

69     at-ta a+na zi-bi ta-a⌉[š- ...]

70     ab-ka-ta i+na qá-a[q-qá-ri ...]

71     iš-me-ma a-ma-as-sa im-t[a-ga-ar qabâša]

72     mi-il-ku si-in-ni-iš-t[i imtaqut ana libbišu]

73     iḫ-mu-uṣ4 lu-ub-ša iš-te-n[am ultabbissu]

74     ù ša-na-<aši-i {ras.} i[š-ta-ba-aš]

75     iš-ta-ba-aš lu-ub-ša [...]

76     ša-am-na ip-pa-ši-i[š ...]

77     ṣa-ab-ta-at qá-as-sú ki-ma <i>-l[i ireddēšu]

78     a-na ku-up-ri ša re-e-i a-š[ar tarbāṣi]

79     i-mu-ru-šu-ma re-e-ú ù k[a-pa-ar-ru]

80     a+na d40 ki-ma i-li -[ki-in-nu]

81     ka-am-sú re-e-ú ma-ḫ[a-ar-šu]

82     ka-pa-ar-ru ud-da-am-m[a-ṣu? …]

83     eṭ-lu-um-mi a-na d30 m[a-ši-il padatta]

84     la-na né-ʾ e-ṣe-em-t[a pungul]

85     mi-in-de iʾ-a-al-la-<ad> ⌈i+na⌉ [šadî]

86     is-sa-ak-pu SIPA.MEŠ[mušiʾāti]

87     ši-it-tu iṣ-ṣa-ba-a⌉[s-sú-nu-ti ...]

88     d40 na-ṣir-[šu-nu amēlu ēru]

89     it-ta-na-[…]

90     it-ti ša-am-[ḫa-at ippuš ulṣa?]

91     ú-ul i-[…]

92     ut-ta-a[p-pi-iṣ…]

93     ([x] ⌈x) mi-im-⌈ma⌉ […]

94     [x x] ⌈x⌉ […]


rev. col. v


1'       [...] x x [...]

2'       [...] x x x kul-l[a?-...]

3'       [...] ⌈d⌉40 ÚRIMki [...]

4'       [...] ga-ab a-ši-im-⌈ma/šu?⌉ [...]

5'       [a-ša-ar?] ⌈ar-da-tu šu-um-l[a-a...]

6'       [ku-uz4-ba] ⌈zu-u’-ú-na ma-l[a ri-ša-a-ti]

7'       [...] ⌈x⌉ ša d40 ⌈bi?⌉ [...]

8'       [d30 l]⌈u-[k]a-lim-ka eṭ-la x [...]

9'       [...] x x eṭ-lu-ta x [...]

10'     [...] x x x x [...]


1       [The harlot said to him, to Ea (Enkidu):]

2       “[Let the people(?) ( . . . )] see your face,

3       [your heart(?), now wise,] is seeking a friend.

4       [O Ea (Enkidu), before] you came from your uplands,

5       [ . . . ] Sîn (Gilgameš) was having dreams in Ur.

6       Sîn (Gilgameš) [lay] down and had a dream,

7       [he] arose (and) talked to his mother:

8       “The stars of the sky grew distinct(?),

9       a lump of sky-rock fell down before me.

10     I picked it up but it was too heavy for me,

11     I gave it a shove but could not move it.

12     The land of Ur was gathered about me,

13     the young men all together could not raise it.

14     I braced my shoulder, they supported me,

15     I picked it up and took it away into your presence.”

16     Being wise the mother of Sîn (Gilgameš) explained,

17     said to Sîn (Gilgameš),

18     so: “For sure, O Sîn (Gilgameš), there is one like yourself,

19     he was born in the wild and the wild reared (him).

20     His strength is as mighty as a lump of sky-rock,

21     because I shall gather in force (sic! for make him equal) with you.

22     They shackled (sic! for admired) it, gathering around it,

23     and the young men kissing it:

24     You will see him and your heart will laugh,

25     you will hug him and bring him into my presence.”

26     [Sîn (Gilgameš)] answered her, saying to his mother:

27     “Let [a friend] come forth, so be it, let him come!

28     [Let him befall] me(?) like a lump of sky-rock,

29     [let] his strength [be mighty!]

30     [ . . . ] . . . and let him ease my heart!”

31     [Sîn (Gilgameš) lay down and] had a dream.

32     [He arose (and) talked to] his mother:

33     “[ . . . in the street of] Ur-the-Capital,

34     [an axe was lying] and (people) were gathered around it.

35     [I took it up and put it] at my side.

36     [The axe was strange] in shape,

37     [I loved it,] moaning over her like over a wife.”

38     [Being wise, the mother of Sîn (Gilgameš)] explained,

39     [(and) said to Sîn (Gilgameš):]

         “The axe, O Sîn (Gilgameš), that you saw is a man,

40     [there will come to you one who will save] (his) friend.

41     [You will see him and your heart] will laugh,

42     [you will hug him and bring] him into my presence.”




57     From [ . . . . . . . . . ]

58     “You are handsome, [O Ea (Enkidu), you are just like a god,]

59     why like [the animals do you roam the wild?]

60     Clothe yourself [with a garment . . . ,]

61     be girt with a waistband [ . . . . . . !]

62     Take up a weapon, [become(?)] like a warrior!

63     Why do you inhabit [ . . . . . . ?]

64     Why do you, like the [animals, roam the wild?]

65     You should see Uruk, [ . . . . . . ,]

66     the people's home, seat [of Anu(?),]

67     where the young men are girt [with waistbands(?),]

68     daily the beds of night-[time . . . ]

69     To the festive food you will [ . . . . . . ,]

70     you are (now) displaced from the territory [ . . . ]”

71     He heard her words, consented [to what she said,]

72     a woman's counsel [struck home in his heart.]

73     She took off (her) garment, [clothed him in] one part,

74     and the other part she put [on herself.]

75     He put on the garment [ . . . . . . ,]

76     he anointed himself with oil [ . . . . . . ]

77     She grasped his hand, [leading him,] like a [god,]

78     to the shepherds’ camp, the site [of the sheep-pen.]

79     The shepherds saw him and [ . . . . . . ,]

80     they threw [themselves prostrate] before Ea (Enkidu) as (before) a god.

81     The shepherds were bowed down in [his] presence,

82     the herdsboys humbling themselves [before him.]

83     “The fellow is [equal in build] to Sîn (Gilgameš),

84     (though) squatter of stature, [he is sturdier of] bone.

85     For sure he is born in [the uplands.]”

86     The shepherds lay themselves down [at night,]

87     sleep overtook [them, . . . . . . ]

88     Ea (Enkidu) was [their] watchman, [a man wide awake.]

89     He kept [ . . . . . . . . . ,]

90     with Šamḫat [pleasuring himself.]

91     He did not [ . . . . . . . . . ,]

92     he kept chasing(?) [ . . . . . . . . . ]

93     Anything [ . . .


long lacuna


3'       “[ . . . ] O Ea (Enkidu), Ur [ . . .

4'       [ . . . ] . . . [ . . .

5'       [where] the young women are filled [with beauty(?),]

6'       graced [with charm,] full [of delight.]

7'       [ . . . ] . . . Ea (Enkidu), Ur [ . . . ,]

8'       [I will] show you [Sîn (Gilgameš),] a man [ . . . ]

9'       [ . . . ] . . . he is fair in manhood [ . . .]”

Word Translation Semantic Line
Anum DN 9, 20, 28
awātum, amātu (INIM) word, matter, speech 71
awīlum, aʾīlu, amēlu (LÚ; LÚ.ÙLU) man, free man, human being 39
būdum, pūdum shoulder 14
emūqum ((LÚ.)USU) strength, force 20, 29
Enkidu PN 58, 80, 88, 3’, 7’
eṣemtum (uzuGÌR.PAD.DU) bone 84
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man 13, 23, 67, 83, 8’, 9’
Gilgameš PN 5, 6, 16, 17, 18, 83
ḫaṣṣinnum axe 39
ibrum, ebrum friend, colleague 3, 40
ilum (DINGIR) god, deity 77, 80
kakkabum (MUL) star, meteor 8
kakkum (GIŠ.TUKUL) stick, weapon, battle 62
kaparrum shepherd of low rank, shepherd boy 79?, 82
kiṣrum knot, concentration, group, lump 9, 20, 28
kuprum bitumen, pitch; shepherd’s hut 78
lānum body, figure; stature, form 84
libbum (ŠÀ) heart, mind; inner body 3?, 24, 30, 72
lubšum cloth 60?, 73, 75
mātum (KUR; KALAM) land, country 12
mayyālum bed, resting place 68
milkum advice, counsel, resolution, intelligence 72
mūšabum dwelling, domicile, seat, throne, dwelling place 66?
mūšum (GI6) night(-time) [68]
mutum husband; man, warrior 62
nammaštûm, nammaššûm moving things, animals 64
nāṣirum guard 88
nēbeḫum, nībaḫum band, belt, sash 61
nišū (UN.MEŠ) people, humanity, population Social status/Groups/Professions 66
pānum I (IGI) front, face, earlier times 2
qaqqarum (KI) earth, ground 70
qātum (ŠU) hand 77
rebītum square, open place; abdomen 33
rē'ûm (SIPA) shepherd, herdsman 78, 79, 81, 86
šadûm I (KUR; ḪUR.SAG) mountain, open country 4
Šamḫat, Šamkatum PN 90
šamnum (Ì; Ì.GIŠ) oil, fat, cream 76
šamû I (AN) sky, heaven 8
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards 19
sinništum (MUNUS) woman 72
šittum sleep Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions 87
šubtum, šuptum seat, dwelling, abode, place 66
šuttum dream 5, 6, 31
ummum mother 7, 16, 26, 32
Urum GN 5, 12, 33, 3’
Uruk GN 65
wardatum (KI.SIKIL) girl, young woman 5'
zībum offering, sacrifice 69
Signs in text
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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Khait, Ilya
Transliteration, translation, commentary, index
Streck, Michael P.