SEAL no. 1562
CBS 13532 (CDLI P268565)
Ms. J
J 1'–3' (broken)
J 4' [. . .] x
J 5' [. . .]
J 6' [. . .] x
J 7' [. . .]-⌈x⌉-bi
J 8' [. . .]
J 9' [. . . ma]-[l]a i-ba-aš-šu-ú
J 10' [. . .]
J 11' [. . . - ti]m?
J 12' [. . . mala i-ba]-aš-šu-ú
J r. 1' [. . .] ⌈x⌉ ⌈a?⌉-⌈wa⌉-ti-⌈ia?⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉-ka
J r. 2' [. . .] a-pa-aš-šar
J r. 3' [. . .] ka-la ni-ši iš-te-niš i-ṣa-bat
J r. 4' [. . .] ti la-am a-bu-bi wa-ṣe-e
J r. 5' [. . q]á?-a-ni ma-la i-ba-aš-šu-ú lu su-ub-bu-ku lu pu-úh-ḫu-ru-šu
J r. 6' [. . .] eleppam(gišMÁ) ra-bí-tam bi-ni-ma
J r. 7' [. . i-na] qá-ne-e ṭa-bi lu bi-nu-us-sà
J r. 8' [. . .] ši-i lu makurkurrum(gišMÁ.GUR.GUR)-ma šum-ša lu na-ṣi-rat na-piš-tim
J r. 9' [. . .] x ṣú-lu-la dan-na ṣú-ul-lil
J r. 10' [. . .] te-ep-pu-šu
J r. 11' [. . . bu-ul ṣe]-⌈ rim?⌉ ú-ma-am ṣe-rim iṣ-ṣur ša-me-e
J r. 12' [. . .] ku-um-mi-ir!(NI)
J r. 13' [šūli ana eleppi sa-lat-k]a u kin-ta-k[a!]
J r. 14' (traces)
J 1'–8' (broken)
J 9' … [as much] as there is
J 10'–11' (broken)
J 12' … [as much as th]ere is
(rest broken)
J r. 1' […] my word … your…
J r. 2'–3' [. . .] I will reveal: “[. . . a Flood] will seize all the people together.
J r. 4'–5' [. . .] . before the coming forth of the Flood, [cut re]eds(?) as many as they are, let them be weaved, let them be gathered for it!
J r. 6'–7' [. . .] build a large boat, [… made of] fine reeds – so be her structure.
J r. 8'–9' [. . .] let her be a maqurqurrum-boat with the name ‘The Life Saver’. [. . .] roof her over with a strong covering.
J r. 10'–11' [Into the boat] which you will make [bring herds of the st]eppe, wild creatures of the steppe, birds of heavens!
J r. 12'–13' [Gather stock and food and] heap (them) up! [Bring up you]r [wife] and your kith!
J r. 13'-14' (broken)