Enlil and Namzitara

SEAL no. 1563

Copy / Photo
pl. 22 no. 47
440–441; 378; 559
Tablet Siglum
Msk 74174a (+) Msk 74148r (+) Msk 74238l (+) Msk 74182 (+) Msk 74112b; RS22.341 + RS 28.053A
Msk 74174a
150 x 198 x 29
National Museum of Aleppo
Genre / Classification
Wisdom Literature, Enlil and Namzitara, Sumerian/Akkadian

OB after Kämmerer 1998, 218–221.


Section A

E = Emar 773 (Sum.) (+) Emar 592 (Akk.)



2          E         Nam-zi-tar-ra dEn-líl x

            OB      Nam-zi-tar-ra dEn-líl

3          E         [...] mu-tál-[...]

            OB      mu-zal-le inim in-na-an-du11

4          E         [... ] dEn-líl-ta

                        a-i[a-nu ...]

            OB      me-ta-àm Nam-zi-tar-ra é dEn-líl-ta

5          E         [bala gub-b]a-ĝu10 silim-ma-[àm]

                        ma-za-[al-ti ...]

            OB      bala gub-ba-ĝu11 bí-silim-ma-àm

6          E         [... ki gu-]-du ⸢x x na⸣ [...]

                        a-šar [pašīšu ...]

            OB      ki gudu4-e-ne-ka udu-bi-da ì-gub-bu-nam

7          E         i-na [bītija allak]       

            OB      é-ĝu10-šè al-du-un nam-mu-un-gub-bé-en

8          E         šu-[u-mu-a-ku]

            OB      gìr-ĝu10 u4 UL4-UL4

9          E         d[En-líl ...]

            OB      a-ba-àm za-e-me-en lú èn mu-e-ši-tar-re-en

            OB      ĝá-e dEn-líl-me-en


(gap of ca. 1–2 lines)


Section B

E1 = Emar 771 obv. (Sum.) (+) E2 = Emar 774 (Akk.).

U = AuOr. Suppl. 21, 47.

Division lines following E1.


0          E1       x [...]

1          E1       x [...]

2          E1       x [...]

3          E1       ni-[...]


4          E1       an-x [...]

5          E1       a-ni [...]


6          E1       dEn-[líl ...]

                        [...] x [...]


7          E1       dEn-líl-⸢me-en⸣ nam-tar-[ra]

                        [...] ⸢dEn⸣-líl at-t[a ...]

            OB      dEn-líl-me-en nam mu-tar-ra


8          E1       Nam-zi-tar-ra dEn-lí[l...]

            E2       [...] Nam-zi-tar-ra [...]


9          E1       [a-b]a-àm [mu-zu]

            E2       [...]šu-um-ka [...]

            U         [...] ⸢šu-um-ka!

            OB      a-ba-àm mu-zu


10        E1       [Nam-z]i-tar-ra mu-ĝu10-[um mu-zu-gin7]

            E2       [... Na]m-zi-tar-r[a ...]

            U         N[am!-]

            OB      Nam-zi-tar-ra mu-ĝu10-um mu-zu-gin7


11        E1       [nam-]zu ḫi-ib-[tar-re]

            U         [...] ka li-x-ku

            OB      nam-zu ḫé-tar-re


12        E1       [x] ḫé-eb[-...]

13        E1       en!-na kù-babbar ḫé-tuku

            U         [... lu-]-ú ti-šu

            OB      kù ḫé-tuku


14        E1       na4za-gìn ḫé-tuku

            U         [... lu-ú] ti-šu

            OB      za ḫé-tuku


15        E1       gu4 ḫé-tuku

            U         [... lu-ú ti-]šu

            OB      gu4 ḫé-tuku


16        E1       [u]du ḫé-tuku

            U         UDU lu-ú ti-šu

            OB      udu ḫé-tuku

17        E1       kù-babbar-zu na4za-gìn-zu gud-zu udu-zu

                        ⸢kù-babbar-ka na4za-gìn⸣-k[a]

            U         [...]-ka GUD-ka UDU-ka

18        E1       me-šè al-tùm


            U         [...-k]a-a al?-?⸣ a-na-ku


19        E1       u4 nam-lú-u18-lu al-gam -ma

                        UDmeš a-mi-lu-ut-t[i ...]

            U         [...] ⸢a⸣-mi-lu-ut-ti lu? ?-er?⸣bu

            OB      u4 nam-lú-u18-lu al-ku-nu níĝ-tuku-zu me-šè e-tùm-ma


20        E1       u4 an-na ḫa-ba-lá

                        UD-mi a-na UD-mi li-im-[ì]

            U         [... a-n]a UD-mi li-im-ì


21        E1       iti an-na ḫa!-ba-lá

                        ITI a-na ITI li-im-ì

            U         [...] ITI li-im-ì


22        E1       mu mu an-na ḫa-ba-lá

                        MU a-na MU li-im-ì

            U         [...] MU li-im-ì


22a      U         [...] li-im-ì

23        E1       mu 2 šu-ši mu-meš nam-lú-u18-lu

                        2 šu-ši MUmeš lu-ú ik-ki-ib a-mi-lu-ut-ti BA.LA! š[a

            U         [...] x x [...]

24        E 1      níg-gig-bi ḫi-a


25        E1       ki u4-ta-ta nam-lú-u18-lu

                        iš-tu UD.⸢DA a-di! i⸣-na-an-na

26                    e!-na ì-in-šè! ti-la-e-ni

                        a-mi-lu-ut-tù bal-ù


27        E1       é-šè ĝá-e-me-en

                        i-na É-ti-ia a-lak


28        E1       nu na-an-gub na-an-gub

                        u4 gìr-ĝu10 ub-bi (Sumerian runs over both columns).


Akkadian advices, left column of E1:


29        E1       lu-na-i-id a-ba-ku-nu ši-ba

30        E1       ša mil-ka id-dì-na DUMUmeš-šu

31        E1       id-dì-<na> mil-ka DUMUmeš-šu


32        E1       e4-ma ú-te-ra a-na É-ti-šu

33        E1       DUMU!?meš-ia-ma ši-ma-ni-ni a-na mil-ki-ia-ma

34        E1       [u]z!-na-ku-nu li-ib-ši


35        E1       [e-n]u-ma a-li-ka mi-tù-ti

36        E1       [u]r-a al-li-ka a-na-ku ma-ru


37        E1       ⸢x⸣-ru-ma ni-ši mi-tù-ti

38        E1       [t]a-am-ur nu-pu-ul-ta ù tám-a-ra

39        E1       [u]l-te-ši-ir ur-a pa-da-na né-su-ti

40        E1       al-li-ik it-t[i e]l-le-ti pa-*ta-at-ti

41        E1       [a-n]a pu-u-ri [nu?-u]s?-su-uq-ti


Right column of E1:


29        E1       DUB/UM UL? ma-am-ma ù li-qà-li-la ši-i-a-ti-ša

30        E1       e-lu-tù i-na kušÙSAN er-KU-ma a-na qu-ú-ul-te


31        E1       ul-tu DUMUmeš bi-i-í ši-ba iz-za-qa-ra

32        E1       a-na ma-ru-ti-šu ma-ru-ti-šu ši-ma-ni ⸢x⸣


33        E1       DUMUmeš-ki [š]a ta-na⸣-da-ti DUMU.MÍmeš-[ki ša ...]


34        E1       a-di ar-dá-ku [i-p]a-la-u-k[a]

35        E1       e-nu-m[a] ⸢ x x⸣ [x x] ⸢ku?-ma?⸣ [...]

36        E1       DUMU.MÍmeš x […]

37        E1       ša-ap-p[u?…]


38        E1       i-na x […]

39        E1       i-ša […]

40        E1       iš-me-ma […]

41        E1       iz-za-ka4-[ra]

42        E1       x […]

43        E1       x […]


left column of E1, end


44        E1       pa-ša-a […] x x

45        E1       né-e[-ta …]


Section C:


Emar 773: 1


46        E         li-ma-ad ra x x x […]


Section A


2–3      When Namzitara was passing Enlil he (Enlil) adressed him:

4          “From where (do you come), Namzitara?” “From the house of Enlil.

5          It is that I finished my service.

6          I was standing with the sheep of it (the service) at the place of the pašīšu priests.

7          I am going to my house, do not stop me!

8          My feet (are) a burning(?) day.

9          Who are you? A man? Do you ask me?” “I am Enlil.



Section B



7          “You are Enlil who decides the fate!”


8          Enlil [asked] Namzitara:


9          “What is your name?”


10        “Namzitara is my name.” “Like your name,


11        may your fate be decided.


12        Let me [...]:

13        Now(?), may you have silver.


14        May you have lapis lazuli.


15        May you have cattle.


16        May you have sheep.”

17        “Your silver, your lapis lazuli, your cattle, your sheep,

18        to where it is brought? (U: I ...).


19        The days of mankind are near. (OB continues: Whereto is your wealth brought?)


20        Day after day (Sum.: the days of heaven) it (life) it really diminishes.


21        Month after month (Sum.: the months of heaven) it really diminishes.


22        Year after year (Sum.: the years, the years of heaven) it really diminishes.


22a      (Only U:) [...] it really diminishes.

23–24  120 years are truly the limit (lit.: taboo) of mankind, the period wh[ich),]


25–26  from past until now, mankind is alive.


27        I am going home.


28        No! Do(?) not stop me, do(?) not stop me. I am in a hurry(?).



Akkadian advices, left column


29        Let me praise your (pl.) old father,

30        who gave advice to his sons.

31        He gave advice to his sons.


32        He brought back reasoning to his house:

33        “My sons, listen! To my advices

34        pay attention!


35        [Wh]en I died,

36        I went the[ro]ad. I was ahead(?).


37        [I(?) .].. the dead people.”

38        “Did you meet annihiliation(?) and fighting?”

39        “I followed the road, the distant path.

40        I went wi[th] a pure figure

41        to the assembly of [noble]ness(?).”



right column  


29        ... may she belittle her neighbors.

30        The young men hided from the whip in silence.


31        After the sons of tears ...

32        to his predecessors << his predecessors>>: “Hear me ...!”


33        Your (fem.) sons of praise, [your (fem.)] daughters [...]


34        As long as I am driven away [they] will fear yo[u.]

35        When [...]

36        Daughters […]

37        …


38        In […]

39        …

40        He heard ]…]

41        He sai[d …]

42        …

43        …


left column, end


44        To pacify […]

45        Quiten[ess ...]


Section C


46        Learn […!]

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Revision History
Hess, Christian W.
Streck, Michael P.
Streck, Michael P.
Streck, Michael P.
Transliteration, translation