SEAL no. 1613
George (2009, 71) suggests that ll. 1–14 are incipits.
CDLI No. P252332.
1 ⌈i⌉-na nu-úr a-pa-⌈ti-im⌉ i-zi-iz-z[i]
2 šum-ma aṣ-ṣa-la-al ⌈di⌉-ke-en-ni ⌈at-ti⌉
3 ak-ku-uš di-pi-ir la te-sé-ḫe-e-ma
4 mu-ta-⌈al⌉-li-⌈ik-ti⌉ ta-ta-la-ak a-la-la-ni
5 ra-bu-um ra-bu-⌈um⌉ la te-te-bé-e-ma
6 lu-up-pa-al-sà-⌈ak⌉-ka in-nu-⌈úr⌉ a-pa-ti-im
7 i nu-⌈uš-ta⌉-aq-ti ⌈ne!-pi-iš!⌉-tu ra-mi-im-ma
8 a-bu-un-ti lu-uš-tu-uḫ-m[a]
9 ar-ra-ak ša? pi-ri-im iṣ-ṣé-eḫ!-ra-{AM?}-k[a]
10 i ni-iq-ri ki-sà/ṣa-al-l[a] ⌈ú⌉-ra-ša ⌈ma⌉-aš-ḫa-at
11 gu-ga-al-la i-la-am ša-⌈al-ma? ⌉ i-lam ⌈x-ša?⌉-a-⌈ni⌉
12 ri-mu-um ul (ras.) iz-za-az-ma ar-mu-ú ⌈sa⌉-mu-tu
13 li-ṣú?!(Text: MA)-ni-im? (ras.) i-im-ta-šu-uḫ? x x x (ras.)
14 iš-⌈ku⌉-un-ma i-qá-al
15 iš-ša-a a-bu-ba-am i-ša-⌈ka⌉-an mi-na-am
16 lu-pí-iš ši-ip-[r]a-am ṭù-li-ma-am pī(KA) na-ap-ša-ri
17 ka-bu-ut al-pi-im še-er-a-ni qá-at-nu-ti
18 pa-at-ra-am ù me-ši-il-ta-am a-na-iš-ša-a {A}
19 lu-⌈ub?-la?⌉ x ti ri ri a-ḫa-at a-bi-ki! lu-ni-ik
20 [wa-a]- ⌈ṣi⌉-at pe-te-at ši-na e-re-ša-ši-na
21 [x x] x x a-na ša(ras.)-ni-im e-re-ši-ša ul rēʾûm(SIPA)
22 [x x x] x li-ṣú-ni a-na! bi-ti e-mi-ka / x x-ra-šu-nu x x
23 [x x x] ni x [...] x-kum ⌈ub?/ma?⌉-lu
24 a-n[a wa?]-ar-du-⌈ú-tim? ú⌉-ul a-ba-a[š]-⌈ka⌉
25 ⌈ú-ul⌉ az-za-az ma-ḫa-ar ib-ri-⌈ia⌉
26 ⌈i⌉-ir-ti ra-qá-⌈at⌉ i-na-a pu-ṣa-⌈tim!(Text: T[UM]) ma⌉-li-a(Text: IḪ)
27 [na?]-di-at ú-ba-ni ṣe-ḫe-er-tum pe-er-di!(Text: IS)
28 sí?-sí-im te-el-li ú tu-ra-ad
29 a-⌈na⌉ [d]a-ar ša-na-tim da-ar ⌈er-bé⌉-et ⌈ša?⌉-ar
30 ⌈ù⌉ḫa-am-še-⌈et!⌉ lu?-ṣí-ku-⌈um ka⌉-lu-ú
31 né-⌈me⌉-lum ša ⌈āli(URU)ki?⌉-ka iš-qí?-ka ša-ḫi-tu
32 x-di-x-ka i-ša-tu li-ku-ul
33 šar(LUGAL) mātim(KALAM) ⌈a⌉-nu-um ki? ṭa-ab e-re-nu
34 ⌈i⌉-na mu-uḫ-ḫi ⌈e-re⌉-ni-im na-ba?-sú wa-ṣa-at
35 i-na mu-uḫ-ḫi na-ba-ki lu-qú-⌈sú wa-ṣi⌉-at
36 iš-ta-al la-ma-da e-er-ša at-ta-di-iš ik!-⌈ki⌉-da
37 wa-ṣe-e mu-ṣi-i iš-ta-al la-ma-da
1 “Stand(f.) in the light of the windows!”
2 “If I fall asleep – you(f.), wake me up!”
3 “I am going – move(m.) on! Do not rebel!”
4 “My restless girl was walking to and fro like a hoopoe.”
5 “Big one(m.), big one, do not arise!”
6 “Let me look at you(m.) by the light of the windows!”
7 “Let us complete the deed of lovemaking!”
8 “Let me grow long for the girl!”
9 “It is so enlarged! That of an elephant was smaller than yours!”
10 “Let us invite the ...! She is taken by force regarding her vulva”
11 “Ask the canal-inspector, the god and ... me the god”
12–13 “The wild bull is not standing – let the red gazelles come out!”
13–14 “He has taken by force ... He placed (it) and (now) he is silent”
15 “He brought the Flood – achieving what?”
16 “Let me perform the work (of lovemaking?), the spleen, the “mouth” of the uvula”
17 “Bull’s shit, thin sinews!”
18 “I carry a knife and a whetstone”
19 “Let me carry... let me have sex with your aunt!”
20 “(One) is going out(f.), (another) is open(f.) – two are their( plowmen”
21 “[...] to the second of her plowmen: ‘(You are) not the Shepherd!’”
22 “[...] may they come out to your(m.) father-in-law’s house, their(m.) [...]”
23 “[...] ... [...] to you, they brought(?)”
24 “To slavery I shall not degrade myself before you(m.)”
25 “I shall not serve before my friend”
26 “My breast is thin, my eyes are speckled with white spots!”
27 “My little finger is [tw]isted”
27–28 “A mare(?) of a horse – she goes up and down”
29–30 “For eternity of years, an eternity, (for) four eons (of years), indeed five (eons of years), I will come out to you(m.), the kalû!”
31 “The profit of your city: a sow gave you a drink”
32 “May fire consume your [...]!”
33 “It is the king of the land! How sweet is the cedar!”
34–35 “On top of the cedar his … comes out. On top of your(f.) ... his merchandise(?) comes out!”
36–37 “He asked (to?) know (sexually), (and) I set down a bed for him outside. While getting out, the one going out, asked (to?) know (sexually)”.
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
abūbum | flood, deluge | Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 15 |
abum | father | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 19 |
aḫāt abim | sister of the father, aunt | Kinship terms | 19 |
akāšum (v.) | G to walk, go; D drive away, put aside | 3 | |
alākum (v.) (DU) | G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G | Written texts/Literary terms | 4 |
allallum | bird (kind of) | Fauna (wild) | 4 |
alpum (GU4) | bull, ox | Fauna (domestic) | 17 |
ālum (URU.KI) | village, town, city | Locations/Buildings | 31 |
annûm | this, those | Personal prons. | 33 |
aptum | window, window opening | Fabricated objects | 1,6 |
arākum (v.) (GÍD.DA) | G to be long; D make long, lengthen; Š to lengthen, prolong | 8 | |
arrakum | very long | Abstract concepts | 9 |
arwûm, armûm | gazelle (male) | Fauna (wild) | 12 |
attī | you (f. sg.) | Personal prons. | 2 |
bītum (É) | house | Fabricated objects,Locations/Buildings | 22 |
buntum | daughter | Kinship terms | 8 |
dārum | era, eternity | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 29 |
dekûm (v.) | G to raise, wake up, call up, unleash, move (to), shift | 2 | |
elûm (v.) | G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high | 28 | |
emum | father in law | Kinship terms | 22 |
epēšum (v.) | G to do, make, build; Gt to do throroughly; Št be active, work on; N pass. of G | 16 | |
erbe | four | Abstract concepts | 29 |
erēnum (gišEREN) | cedar | Flora | 33, 34 |
errēšum | cultivator | Social status/Groups/Professions | 20, 21 |
eršum IV (GIŠ.NÁ) | bed | Fabricated objects | 36 |
gugallum (GÚ.GAL) | canal-inspector, irrigation controller | 11 | |
ḫamšiš | fifthly | Abstract concepts | 30 |
ibrum, ebrum | friend, colleague | Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions | 25 |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 11 |
īnum (IGI) | eye | Body/Body parts | 26 |
irtum I (GABA) | breast, chest | Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms | 26 |
išātum | fire, fire (of heart), inflammation, fever | Diseases/Demons,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 32 |
izuzzum (v.) (GUB) | G to stand; Gtn iter. of G; Š cause to be present, appoint | 1, 12, 25 | |
kabūtum | dung (of animal) | Materials | 17 |
kalûm III (UŠ.KU) | lamentation-priest | Social status/Groups/Professions | 30 |
kīdum | outside | Abstract concepts,Locations/Buildings | 36 |
kiṣallum | ankle | Body/Body parts | 10 |
luqūtum | goods | Abstract concepts | 35 |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | 26 | |
mašā'um (v.) | to take away by force, rob | 13 | |
mātum (KUR; KALAM) | land, country | Locations/Buildings | 33 |
mešēltum | whetstone | Fabricated objects,Materials | 18 |
mūṣûm | exit, way out, outlet | Abstract concepts | 37 |
muttalliktum | regularly moving, expeditionary force | Abstract concepts | 4 |
na-ba-ki | ? | 35 | |
na-ba-sú | ? | 34 | |
nadûm III (v.) | G to throw (down), lay down, cast, put, implement, N to be thrown away, laid down, rejected; Š caus. of G | [27], 36 | |
napšārum | uvula | Body/Body parts | 16 |
našûm (v.) | G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. | 15, 18 | |
nēmelum | profit | Abstract concepts | 31 |
nēpeštum | work, performance | Human activities/actions | 7 |
niākum (v.) | G to have sexual intercourse | 19 | |
nūrum I (ZÁLAG) | light | Abstract concepts,Nature/Cosmological phenomena | 1,6 |
palāsum (v.) | to look, glance, G to look at, towards; N look, gaze, consider; Ntn iter. constantly gaze at | 6 | |
patrum | sword, dagger | Fabricated objects | 18 |
petûm II (v.) | G to open, expose; Š to cause to open | 20 | |
pīrum | elephant | Fauna (wild) | 9 |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 16 |
pūṣum | whiteness, white spot | Qualities/Attributes | 26 |
qâlum (v.) | to pay attention, be silent | 14 | |
qatnum | thin | Qualities/Attributes | 17 |
qatûm (v.) | G to come to an end, finish; Š complete; Št be completed; complete ? | 7 | |
qerûm (v.) | to call, invite | 10 | |
rabûm (GAL) I | big | Qualities/Attributes | 5 |
râmum | love, love-making | Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions | 7 |
rē'ûm (SIPA) | shepherd, herdsman | Social status/Groups/Professions | 21 |
riāqum (v.) | to be empty | 26 | |
rīmum (AM) | wild bull | Fauna (wild) | 12 |
šaḫītum | sow, female pig | 31 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 14, 15 | |
ṣalālum (v.) | G to lie down, sleep | Human activities/actions | 2 |
sāmum | red, brown | Qualities/Attributes | 12 |
šanûm I | second, next | Abstract concepts | 21 |
šaqûm III (v.) (NAG) | G to give to drink, irrigate | 31 | |
šār | 3600, indefinitely large number of years | Abstract concepts | 29 |
šarrum (LUGAL; EN) | king, lord | Social status/Groups/Professions | 33 |
šatāḫum (v.) | to stretch out; D make grow long | 8 | |
šattum (MU) | year | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 29 |
ša'ālum (v.) | to ask | 11 | |
ṣeḫērum (TUR) (v.) | to be(come) small, young, little | 9, 27 | |
seḫûm, šeḫûm (v.) | to rise up, revolt; D confuse | 3 | |
šer'ānum, šir'ānum (SA) | vein, artery, ligament, tendon, nerve, sinew | Body/Body parts | 17 |
šina II | two | Abstract concepts | 20 |
šiprum | sending, mission, work, messenger | Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions,Verbal expressions | 16 |
sisûm | horse | Fauna (wild) | 28 |
ṭapārum (v.) | to press towards | 3 | |
tebûm (v.) | G to get up, arise, set out; Š set in motion, remove | 5 | |
ṭulīmum | spleen | Body/Body parts | 16 |
ubānum | finger, toe | Body/Body parts | 27 |
urrum | daytime, morning, daybreak | Time concepts | 16 |
ūrum II | pudenda, nakedness | Body/Body parts | 10 |
wabālum (v.) | G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š | 23 | |
warādum (v.) | G to go down, descend; Gt to go down, descend; Š to send, take, bring down | 28 | |
wardūtum | slavery | Social status/Groups/Professions | 24 |
waṣûm (v.) | G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G | 13, 20, 22, 30, 34, 35, 37 |