SEAL no. 1619
CDLI No. P254179.
1 ⌈a-na-ku?⌉ [...]
2 a-ša-ka-an?-ma x x [x x]
3 a-ta-i-da a-ta-⌈ṣa⌉-[a]r [x] x / x x [x]
4 ú-ul i-de [m]a-rum ⌈na⌉-ṭí-<la>-⌈sú⌉
5 a-ka-⌈ši-im⌉ ma-di-iš ⌈le?⌉-qá-⌈ku!⌉
6 ú-ul uš-t[a?-me]-eq a-na m[a-ma-a]n
7 ⌈ri⌉-š[a-ni? ḫu-u]m?-ṭám-ma ⌈na⌉-ra-mu-um
8 [li?]-bi ⌈i⌉-te-⌈eg⌉-ra-am du-⌈šu-up-ta⌉-ka
9 ú-um-ta-aš-ši a-wa-ti-ia
10 ṭe4-mi <ú>-ul ṣa-ab-ta-⌈ak⌉ ki-ma [šu?]-ti
11 pa-ni-ti-ia aḫ-sú-us4-ma
12 ša šu-mu-ḫa-ak i-li it-ti-ka
13 a-sá-ḫu-ur ki-ma aš-ti-im a-⌈na⌉ [la?]-a / ma-ka-⌈ki?⌉
14 a-da-bu-ub-ka-ma ka-ma-a-a-⌈an⌉
15 ak-la-ak du-wa-ku e-wa-⌈ku?⌉
16 ša-ni-iš ú-za-mi-ka
17 a-ta-šu-uš [p]a-ni-ka(-)mu-ur
18 i-la-at ⌈ú-sé⌉-le-ka li-i[b]-/ba-ka li-ri-⌈ša!-ni⌉
19 at-ta-a-ma mu-di-ti-i-ma
20 ù ra-i-ma-tu lu tu-qá-ku
21 na-as-qá-ku wa-aš-ra-tu ù a-ma-[tu] / e-li-k[a]
22 ki-tu-um ši(-)ia-ti it-ta-ka ⌈da⌉-[mi]-iq-ta!
23 in-bu-ú-a ú-ul ša mi-ši
24 da-du-ú-a ú-ul ša ka-ša-di
25 e-re-du-ku wa-aš-ra-ak
26 ù ši-ri-ik-ta-ka ra-mi-i-ma
27 ra-i-im-tu a-na al?-[x-(x)]-mu / i-la-am [t]u-⌈ši?⌉-[r]e?-⌈ma⌉
28 ia-ti im-ma ir-ti-qá-ni
29 i-na pi-ši-na ú-ul WA-ri-is ḫa?!-bi-bi
30 a-ki-la-at ka-ar-<ṣi>-i-a
31 ú-ul i-a-da-ra m[u-ši] ⌈ù ur⌉-ri
32 li-<iḫ>-bu-ub a-a il-qé li-ba-⌈ka⌉ / sá-r[a-t]i
33 a-na li-bi-[x (x)] x x x-⌈tim?⌉
34 ma-da mi-⌈ma⌉ [x] x-i ma-l[i?]
35 ša [x] x ⌈ia-ti⌉ d[i?-(x) x]
Up. Ed.
36 [x (x)] x-ar ú-u[l x x x] / x x [x x x]
1 I am […]
2 I shall place […]
3 I shall be attentive, I shall watch out [...]
4 The boy is not aware of the (girl) watching him.
5 To you I am very much attracted(?),
6 I have not devoted myself to anyone:
7 Rejo[ice in me, co]me quickly, Oh beloved!
8 Your sweetness coiled around my [he]art(?).
9 I kept forgetting my words,
10 I cannot make my mind which is like a dream.
11 I think of the (girl) before me.
12 I who am blooming, my fate (lit.: god) is with you!
13 I encircle (you) like a wife, so that (you?) will not become “stiff”.
14 I talk about you constantly,
15 I am consumed, I am troubled, I am distorted(?),
16–17 I craved you again – (and) became distressed.
17–18 I saw your face: you are a god!
18 I implore you: let your heart rejoice in me!
19 It is you who makes me flourish,
20 Verily! a lover awaits for you!
21 I am chosen – submissive, indeed a slave for you!
22 Truthful she is: me – your favorite sign!
23 My fruits are unforgettable,
24 My attractiveness is unattainable.
25 I will be suitable for you, I will be submissive to you,
26 Verily! My love is your gift!
27 A loving (girl) brings luck to ....
28 At daytime (when) he went away from me –
29 Gossiping concerning me was not cut off from their (the other women’s) mouth.
30–31 Those who slander me are not gloomy, day and night.
32 Let your heart be (amicably) thrumming, may it not accept the lies!
33 To the heart ...
34 Many things my ... is full.
35 ... me ...
36 ... not ...
Word | Translation | Semantic | Line |
adārum I (v.) | G to be dark, gloomy; D to darken, look gloomy | 31 | |
âdum (v.) | to take notice of | 3 | |
akālum (v.) | G to eat, consume, devastate; Gtn iter. of G; Š caus. of G | 15 | |
ākil karṣim | slanderer | Social status/Groups/Professions | 30 |
ākilum | devourer, that eats | Social status/Groups/Professions | 30 |
amārum (v.) | G to see; catch sight of; N pass. of G, be found | 17 | |
anāku | I, me | Personal prons. | 1 |
ašāšum (v.) | Gt ~ G, to be distressed; to be aggrieved, angry | 17 | |
aššatum, aštum | wife | Kinship terms | 13 |
awātum, amātu (INIM) | word, matter, speech | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 9 |
dabābum II (v.) | G to speak, talk; Gt speak to each other | 14 | |
dādum I | darling, favorite, sexual attractiveness | Social status/Groups/Professions | 24 |
dawûm, damûm (v.) | to jerk; convulse | 15 | |
duššupum | sweetened | Qualities/Attributes | 8 |
edûm (v.) | G to know; D to cause to know | 4 | |
egērum (v.) | to lie (transversely) across, Gt lie across each other, be crossed over, of heart: be perverse, wrong | 8 | |
emēqum (v.) | to be wise; Št pray devoutly | [6] | |
erēbum (v.) (KU4) | G to enter, come in; Š cause to enter, bring in; penetrate | [27] | |
ewûm II (v.) | G to impose on | 15 | |
ḫabābum (v.) | G to murmur, chirp, twitter | 32 | |
ḫamāṭum (v.) II | G to hasten, be quick; D hurry | 7 | |
ḫasāsum (v.) | G to remember, to be conscious | 11 | |
ilum (DINGIR) | god, deity | Deities/Divine sphere | 12,18,27 |
immum | heat, daytime | Time concepts | 28 |
inbum | fruit, flower, sexual appeal | Flora | 23 |
karṣum (cf. ākil karṣim) | slander | Body/Body parts | 30 |
kašādum (v.) | G to reach, arrive; D drive off, chase away; Š caus. of G | 24 | |
kâšim | to you | Personal prons. | 5 |
kayyānum | regular, normal, constantly, regularly | Abstract concepts,Qualities/Attributes | 14 |
kīnum | permanent, true, reliable | Qualities/Attributes | 22 |
leqûm (v.) | G to take, take over; Š caus. of G | [5], 32 | |
libbum (ŠÀ) | heart, mind; inner body | Body/Body parts | 8,18,32,33 |
mādiš | greatly | Abstract concepts | 5 |
mādum | many, very | Abstract concepts | 34 |
magāgum (v.) | to spread, stick out, protrude | [13] | |
malûm IV (v.) | G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide | [34] | |
mamman | somebody, who(so)ever | Personal prons. | 6 |
mārum (DUMU) | boy, son, descendant | Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions | 4 |
mašûm II (v.) | to forget | 9 | |
mimma | anything, something; everything, all | Abstract concepts | 34 |
mīšum | oblivion | Abstract concepts | 23 |
mūdûm | knowing, wise | Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions | 19 |
mūšum (GI6) | night(-time) | Abstract concepts,Time concepts | 31 |
narāmum | loved one, love | Human activities/actions,Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions | 7 |
nasāqum (v.) | G to choose, select; Št put, keep in order | 21 | |
naṣārum (v.) | G to guard, protect; Š caus. to G, keep in mind, heed, obey, respect, safeguard; Gt be careful, on o.’s guard | 3 | |
naṭālum (v.) | G to look, gaze; Š to show | 4 | |
pānītum | earlier | Time concepts | 11 |
pānum I (IGI) | front, face, earlier times | Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts | 17 |
parāsum (v.) | G to cut (off), decide, divide; Gtn continually block | 29 | |
pûm I (KA) | mouth, statement, command, opening | Body/Body parts | 29 |
qu''ûm (v.) | to await, wait for | 20 | |
ra'īmum | loved, beloved | Social status/Groups/Professions | 20,27 |
redûm II (v.) | to be suitable | 25 | |
riāšum (v.) | to rejoice | [7], 18, 27 | |
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) | G to seize, take, hold | 10 | |
saḫārum (v.) | G go around, turn, search; N to turn back, come back | 13 | |
šakānum (v.) (GAR) | G to put, place, lay down, Š make smb. place, establish, N be put, established | 2 | |
šamāḫum (v.) | to grow, flourish; be magnificent, D make flourish, to grow, flourish | 12 | |
šanîš | secondly, again | Abstract concepts | 16 |
sartum | falsehood | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 32 |
šerkum | gift | Abstract concepts | 26 |
šī | she | Personal prons. | 22 |
sullûm (v.) | to appeal to s.o., pray to | 18 | |
šuttum | dream | 10 | |
ṭēmum | thought, plan, instruction, information | Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions | 10 |
urrum | daytime, morning, daybreak | Time concepts | 31 |
wašārum (v.) | G to sink down; D to release, set free | 21, 25 | |
wašrum | submissive, humble | Qualities/Attributes | 21 |
yâti | me | Personal prons. | 22, 28,35 |
zummûm (v.) | D to be deprived of; deprive; Š deprive | 16 |