Fs. Renger 192–193

SEAL no. 1621

Copy / Photo
192–193 (copy)
194-195 (photo)
Tablet Siglum
MAH 16056
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva
165–166, II 19.a/b
Cat. No. 161
Genre / Classification
Love Literature, Ammi-ditana: 4 irtum-compositions

colophon: 4 i-ra-a-tum.

Kiš, as a suggested provenance of the tablet - see Groneberg 1999, 172.

CDLI No. P424004  



col. i

i 1        [e?]-? ra-a-mi-i° šu°-qú-úr

i 2        ù! na-ši i-ni!-ib-šu-ú°

i 3        šu/ku?-[x (ras.)]-ul ú?-ma/du?

i 4        ki-ma a-aš-u-ri si-ma?-ni

i 5        ma-li ri-ša-a-tim m[u]-unm[i?-x?]


i 6        ra-a-mi a-e°-ri

i 7        uš-ta-i-a ù a-bi-à-at

i 8        i-a-ti-ia a-la-am-mi

i 9        ù sú!(Text: BA)-ka-an-ni-nu

i 10      uš-te-(ras.)e-li


i 11      ra-a-mi ša e-e-ri a-bi-i-lu

i 12      li-te-er-ru-ni-im-ma

i 13      i-a-ti-ia ta°-la-am-mi

i 14      ù° nu-ka-ri-ib°-bu

i 15      li-ib-la-am


i 16      qú-pí ad-di e-la-am-ma°

i 17      ù sú-ka-an-ni-na

i 18      lu°-u-ba-at-ma

i 19      ša i-a-ti-ia

i 20      dNa-na!(Text: ŠI)-ia!(Text: IṢ) tu-ú-ma-al-la-a[m]


i 21      lu? ir?-ra-{ṢI}-am-ma

i 22      ù⌉⌈ib?-ra-am ku-ra(over ras.)-am-ma? [x x]

i 23      [su?]-uk-ka-al-lu si-ik-k[a-tam]

i 24      [x x]-x x a-sa-a-si li?-[...]

i 25      [ra?]-mi-i-k[i?

i 26      […] x ra […]


col. ii

            (Only traces of the first 14 lines)



col. iii

            (c. 11 lines missing)

iii 12'   ir [… …]

iii 13'   x [... …]

iii 14'   a-ta-x

iii 15'   ša t[a?... …]

iii 16'   uš-x [… …]

iii 17'   ši-[…]

            (c. 4 lines missing)


iii 22'   x-[... ...]

iii 23'   m[a? ... ...]

iii 24'   a-na x

iii 25'   a?-li-ik-ku x [... ...]


Up. Ed.

iii 26'   li-ib-ba a [... ...]

iii 27'   i-ra-i-ma? [... ...]

iii 28'   ša i-di-a [... ...]

iii 29'   an-na ku-ú[r? ... ...]

iii 30'   šum-ma uš [... ...]


col. iv

iv 1'     […] x im?- ma [x x]

iv 2'     […] ap?-sa-a-ša/ta [x x]

iv 3'     [...] ša ar ra PI° x

iv 4'     […] x? uš-šu-ú?

iv 5'     […] ri-tu!-mu-um-[ma]

iv 6'     [e-gi]-ir-re-e šu-ul-mi-i-ka

iv 7'     ù da-ar ba-la-i-i-ka

iv 8'     [l]i-iš-ru-uk-ku Ištár Am-mi-di-ta-na

iv 9'     e-di-iš-ma° ba°-al-a-a-ša?

iv 10'   ra-im-tum li°<-ib>-ši i-li-ib-bi-ka

iv 11'   i-da-mi-iq-ti šu-qí-ir°-ši

iv 12'   li-im-da li-im-da ši-ta-a-la

iv 13'   ma-a šu-ra-su in-é ú-ia

iv 14'   ù e-é-er ra-a-mi


iv 15'   giš-gi4 -gál-bi


iv 16'   4 i-ra-a-tum

iv 17'   iš-ka-ar e-eš ra-a-mi {ŠU QÚ}

iv 18'   šu-qú-úr


col. i.

i 1                Where is my loved one? He is so dear!

i 2                And does he bear his fruit?

i 3                …

i 4                Like apples of the ripening period (or: the month of Simān(?))

i 5                Filled with joy is the bed of [my lover(?)]


i 6–7            My love had to go out to the steppe,

i 7                (while) I spend (here) the night.

i 8                I embrace my delight,

i 9–10          but the dove rose aloft.


i 11–12        My love of the steppe, may the trappers return (him) back to me!

i 13              You will embrace my delights.

i 14–15        May the gardener bring (him) to me!


i 16              I have thrown my coop on the young man,

i 17–18        so that I may catch the dove;

i 19–20        (The coop) of my delights Nanāya(?) will fill for me.


i 21              Indeed, he is loved,

i 22              and the short friend(?) […]

i 23–24        The minister [...] the peg.

i 24              ... to remember […]

i 25              […] your(f.) [lo]ved one […]

i 26              …

                    (col. ii – traces only)



col. iii

iii 12'–23'    …

iii 24'           To […

iii 25'           I went to you […]


Up. Ed.

iii 26'           The heart I(?)[]

iii 27'           He loved and […]

iii 28'           who knows... […]

iii 29'           Indeed …[…]

iii 30'           If …[…]


col. iv

iv 1'             …

iv 2'             …

iv 3'             …

iv 4'             …

iv 5'             […] lovemaking,

iv 6'–7'        An omen for your well-being and your everlasting life!

iv 8'–9'        May Ištar grant to you, Ammī-ditāna, her life anew!

iv 10'–11'    May the loved one be in your heart, (may) you cherish her favorably!

iv 12'           Learn(pl.), learn(pl.) and ask one another:

iv 13'–14'    “(though) its beginning is sighs of woe, still young is my love!”.


iv 15'           Its antiphon.


iv 16'           4 irtum songs

iv 17'–18'    (Of) the series “Where is my loved one, he is so dear”.

Word Translation Semantic Line
abum father Kinship terms,Social status/Groups/Professions i7
alākum (v.) (DU) G to go, walk; Gt go off, away; Gtn wander, go repeatedly, roam about, walk; Š caus. of G Written texts/Literary terms iii25'
Ammīditāna RN PN iv8’
annum (word of) consent, approval Verbal expressions i20,iii29’?
balṭum living, alive Qualities/Attributes iv7', iv9'
bašûm (v.) G to be, exist; Š bring into being, create iv10'
biātum (v.) to spend the night, stay overnight i7
damiqtum favour, good fortune Qualities/Attributes iv11'
dārum era, eternity Abstract concepts,Time concepts iv7'
edûm (v.) G to know; D to cause to know iii28'
egerrûm utterance, ominous utterance Verbal expressions [iv6']
elûm (v.) G to go up, arise; D make higher, raise, exalt; Š caus. of G; Št be raised (as) high i10
êš whither? i1, iv17'
eṭlum (GURUŠ; ŠUL) manly; young man Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions i16
ḫābilum I criminal, wrongdoer i11
ḫasāsum (v.) G to remember, to be conscious i24
ḫašḫūrum apple (tree) Flora,Food/Drink i4
ibrum, ebrum friend, colleague Human activities/actions,Social status/Groups/Professions [i22]
inbum fruit, flower, sexual appeal Flora i2
inḫum II song Abstract concepts,Verbal expressions,Written texts/Literary terms iv13'
irtum II kind of song Body/Body parts,Written texts/Literary terms iv 16'
iškārum (ÉŠ.GÀR) text series Written texts/Literary terms iv16'
Ištar DN Deities/Divine sphere iv8'
kurûm short Qualities/Attributes i22
kūrum I depression, torpor Nature/Cosmological phenomena i22
lamādum (v.) to learn, to become aware iv12'
lawûm (v.) G to surround, besiege, encircle, wrap up; Š encircle, walk around i8, i13
malûm IV (v.) G to become full, fill up; D fill (up); Št to provide i5, i20
munûm (a type of bed) Fabricated objects [i5]
nadûm III (v.) G to throw down, lay down; N to be rejected; Š caus. of G i16
Nanāya DN Deities/Divine sphere i20
našûm (v.) G to lift, carry; Gtn iter. i2
nukaribbum gardener, date-grower Social status/Groups/Professions i14
quppum box, chest, (bird) cage Fabricated objects i16
râmum love, love-making Abstract concepts,Emotions/Feelings,Human activities/actions iv14'?
rāmum beloved Emotions/Feelings,Social status/Groups/Professions i1, i6, i11, [i25], iv14'?, iv17'
ra'īmum loved, beloved Social status/Groups/Professions iv10'
rīštum rejoicing, celebration Human activities/actions i5
ritūmum love-making Abstract concepts,Human activities/actions iv5'
ṣabātum (v.) (DAB5) G to seize, take, hold i18
šâlum (v.) I G to ask; Gt to consult iv12'
šarākum (v.) to present, give iv8'
ṣeḫrum I ((LÚ).TUR) little, young, junior-; small, child, servant, baby Qualities/Attributes,Social status/Groups/Professions iv14'
ṣērum (EDIN) back, upperside, steppe, open country, towards Abstract concepts,Body/Body parts,Locations/Buildings,Nature/Cosmological phenomena i6, i11
ṣīḫtum laughter, pl. flirtations, amusements, delights Human activities/actions i8, i13, i19
sikkatum I (šikkatum) peg, nail (of wood or metal), part of a lock Fabricated objects [i23]
simānum I (right) occasion, season Time concepts [i4]
Simānum II Simannu (3rd Bab. Month) i 4
sukannīnum dove, pigeon (type of bird) Fauna (wild) i9, i17
šukkallum, sukkallum minister, a court official Social status/Groups/Professions [i23]
šulmum well-being, completeness, health; peace Abstract concepts iv6'
šurrûm start, beginning Time concepts iv13'
târum (v.) (GUR) G to turn, return, become again; D to bring, send, give, pay back i12
ū'a woe! alas! Verbal expressions iv13'
wabālum (v.) G to carry, bring; Š send, deliver, make bear; Št pass. of Š i15
waqārum (v.) G to be(come) rare, precious; Š make rare, scarce; esteem, respect, honor i1, iv11', iv18'
waṣûm (v.) G to go out, depart; Š caus. of G i7
Signs in text
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Revision History
Wagschal, Avigail
Transliteration, indices
Ron-Gilboa, Guy
Wasserman, Nathan
Translation, commentary
Wasserman, Nathan
Wasserman, Nathan
Wasserman, Nathan
Wagschal, Avigail
Indexing (stage 2)
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections (transliteration, translation, commentary)
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections: transliteration, translation, commentary
Wasserman, Nathan
Corrections: commentary
Bloch, Yigal
Online formatting and revision
Tulaikova, Yulia
Additions to Notes